public double InitializeAndGetResidual(IList <ISolverSubdomain> subdomains, double[] r, double[] x)
            double detf = 0;
            double temp = 0;

            if (subdomains.Count != 1)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Cannot initialize and calculate residuals with more than one subdomains");

            foreach (ISolverSubdomain subdomain in subdomains)
                Array.Copy(((Vector <double>)subdomain.RHS).Data, r, subdomain.RHS.Length);
                //subdomain.SubdomainToGlobalVector(((Vector<double>)subdomain.RHS).Data, r);
                var s = (SkylineMatrix2D <double>)subdomain.Matrix;

                if (preconditioner == null)
                    preconditioner = (SkylineMatrix2D <double>)s.Clone();
                    preconditioner.Factorize(1e-8, new List <Vector <double> >(), new List <int>());

            for (int i = 0; i < r.Length; i++)
                temp  = r[i];
                detf += temp * temp;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void BuildMatrices()
            if (childAnalyzer == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Monte Carlo analyzer must contain an embedded analyzer.");
            if (currentSimulation < 0)

            coefficientsProvider.CurrentOrder = -1;

            matrices[0] = new Dictionary <int, IMatrix2D <double> >(subdomains.Count);
            foreach (var subdomain in subdomains.Values)
                SkylineMatrix2D <double> k = (SkylineMatrix2D <double>)subdomain.Matrix;
                matrices[0].Add(subdomain.ID, (SkylineMatrix2D <double>)k.Clone());
            for (int i = 0; i < expansionOrder; i++)
                coefficientsProvider.CurrentOrder = i;

                matrices[i + 1] = new Dictionary <int, IMatrix2D <double> >(subdomains.Count);
                foreach (var subdomain in subdomains.Values)
                    SkylineMatrix2D <double> k = (SkylineMatrix2D <double>)subdomain.Matrix;
                    matrices[i + 1].Add(subdomain.ID, (SkylineMatrix2D <double>)k.Clone());

            //coefficientsProvider.CurrentOrder = -1;

            //foreach (var subdomain in subdomains.Values)
            //    SkylineMatrix2D<double> k = (SkylineMatrix2D<double>)subdomain.Matrix;
            //    matrices.Add(subdomain.ID, (SkylineMatrix2D<double>)k.Clone());
            //for (int i = 0; i < expansionOrder; i++)
            //    provider.Reset();
            //    coefficientsProvider.CurrentOrder = i;
            //    childAnalyzer.BuildMatrices();

            //    foreach (var subdomain in subdomains.Values)
            //    {
            //        SkylineMatrix2D<double> k = (SkylineMatrix2D<double>)subdomain.Matrix;
            //        matrices[subdomain.ID].LinearCombination(new double[] { randomNumbers[currentSimulation][i] }, new IMatrix2D<double>[] { k });
            //    }
            //foreach (var subdomain in subdomains.Values)
            //    subdomain.Matrix = matrices[subdomain.ID];
        //private static int[] CalculateRowIndex(Subdomain subdomain)
        //    return CalculateRowIndex(subdomain, subdomain.NodalDOFsDictionary);

        public static SkylineMatrix2D <double> CalculateGlobalMatrix(Subdomain subdomain, Dictionary <int, Dictionary <DOFType, int> > nodalDOFsDictionary, IElementMatrixProvider elementProvider)
            // TODO: should encapsulate DOF logic into a separate entity that will manage things if embedded or not (should return element matrix and globaldofs correspondence list
            var times                  = new Dictionary <string, TimeSpan>();
            var totalStart             = DateTime.Now;
            SkylineMatrix2D <double> K = new SkylineMatrix2D <double>(GlobalMatrixAssemblerSkyline.CalculateRowIndex(subdomain, nodalDOFsDictionary));

            times.Add("rowIndexCalculation", DateTime.Now - totalStart);
            times.Add("element", TimeSpan.Zero);
            times.Add("addition", TimeSpan.Zero);
            foreach (Element element in subdomain.ElementsDictionary.Values)
                var isEmbeddedElement       = element.ElementType is IEmbeddedElement;
                var elStart                 = DateTime.Now;
                IMatrix2D <double> ElementK = elementProvider.Matrix(element);
                times["element"] += DateTime.Now - elStart;

                elStart = DateTime.Now;
                var elementDOFTypes     = element.ElementType.DOFEnumerator.GetDOFTypes(element);
                var matrixAssemblyNodes = element.ElementType.DOFEnumerator.GetNodesForMatrixAssembly(element);
                int iElementMatrixRow   = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < elementDOFTypes.Count; i++)
                    Node nodeRow = matrixAssemblyNodes[i];
                    foreach (DOFType dofTypeRow in elementDOFTypes[i])
                        int dofRow = nodalDOFsDictionary.ContainsKey(nodeRow.ID) == false && isEmbeddedElement ? -1 : nodalDOFsDictionary[nodeRow.ID][dofTypeRow];
                        if (dofRow != -1)
                            int iElementMatrixColumn = 0;
                            for (int j = 0; j < elementDOFTypes.Count; j++)
                                Node nodeColumn = matrixAssemblyNodes[j];
                                foreach (DOFType dofTypeColumn in elementDOFTypes[j])
                                    int dofColumn = nodalDOFsDictionary.ContainsKey(nodeColumn.ID) == false && isEmbeddedElement ? -1 : nodalDOFsDictionary[nodeColumn.ID][dofTypeColumn];
                                    if (dofColumn != -1)
                                        int height = dofRow - dofColumn;
                                        if (height >= 0)
                                            K.Data[K.RowIndex[dofRow] + height] += ElementK[iElementMatrixRow, iElementMatrixColumn];
                times["addition"] += DateTime.Now - elStart;
            var totalTime = DateTime.Now - totalStart;

Exemplo n.º 4
        public void Initialize()
            if (model.SubdomainsDictionary.Count != 1)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Skyline solver operates on one subdomain only.");
            foreach (ISolverSubdomain subdomain in subdomainsDictionary.Values)
                if (((SkylineMatrix2D <double>)subdomain.Matrix).IsFactorized)

                List <Vector <double> > zems = new List <Vector <double> >();
                List <int> zemColumns        = new List <int>();
                SkylineMatrix2D <double> m   = (SkylineMatrix2D <double>)subdomain.Matrix;

                //StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText(@"d:\KIx1M.txt");
                //for (int i = 0; i < m.RowIndex.Length; i++)
                //    sw.WriteLine(m.RowIndex[i]);
                //sw = File.CreateText(@"d:\KData1M.txt");
                //for (int i = 0; i < m.Data.Length; i++)
                //    sw.WriteLine(m.Data[i]);
                //sw = File.CreateText(@"d:\f1M.txt");
                //for (int i = 0; i < subdomain.RHS.Length; i++)
                //    sw.WriteLine(subdomain.RHS[i]);

                Stopwatch stopWatch = new Stopwatch();
                ((SkylineMatrix2D <double>)subdomain.Matrix).Factorize(1e-15, zems, zemColumns);
                //StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText(@"c:\factorization.txt");
                if (zemColumns.Count > 0)
                    throw new InvalidOperationException("Skyline solver does not operate on singular matrices.");

            //using (var s = File.CreateText("dataFac.txt"))
            //    var m = (SkylineMatrix2D<double>)subdomainsDictionary[1].Matrix;
            //    for (int i = 0; i < m.Data.Length; i++)
            //        s.WriteLine(String.Format("{0:0.#################E+00}", m.Data[i]));
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculates the global stiffness matrix.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model">The model.</param>
        /// <param name="nodalDOFsDictionary">The nodal dofs dictionary.</param>
        /// <param name="elementProvider">The element provider.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static SkylineMatrix2D CalculateGlobalMatrix(Model model, Dictionary <int, Dictionary <DOFType, int> > nodalDOFsDictionary, ElementStructuralStiffnessProvider elementProvider)
            SkylineMatrix2D K = new SkylineMatrix2D(GlobalMatrixAssemblerSkyline.CalculateRowIndex(model, nodalDOFsDictionary));

            foreach (Element element in model.ElementsDictionary.Values)
                var      elStart  = DateTime.Now;
                Matrix2D ElementK = elementProvider.Matrix(element);

                var elementDOFTypes     = element.ElementType.DOFEnumerator.GetDOFTypes(element);
                var matrixAssemblyNodes = element.ElementType.DOFEnumerator.GetNodesForMatrixAssembly(element);
                int iElementMatrixRow   = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < elementDOFTypes.Count; i++)
                    Node nodeRow = matrixAssemblyNodes[i];
                    foreach (DOFType dofTypeRow in elementDOFTypes[i])
                        int dofRow = nodalDOFsDictionary[nodeRow.ID][dofTypeRow];
                        if (dofRow != -1)
                            int iElementMatrixColumn = 0;
                            for (int j = 0; j < elementDOFTypes.Count; j++)
                                Node nodeColumn = matrixAssemblyNodes[j];
                                foreach (DOFType dofTypeColumn in elementDOFTypes[j])
                                    int dofColumn = nodalDOFsDictionary[nodeColumn.ID][dofTypeColumn];
                                    if (dofColumn != -1)
                                        int height = dofRow - dofColumn;
                                        if (height >= 0)
                                            K.Data[K.RowIndex[dofRow] + height] += ElementK[iElementMatrixRow, iElementMatrixColumn];

Exemplo n.º 6
        public void LessenAccuracy(double tolerance)
            var valueDictionary        = new SortedDictionary <double, List <int> >();
            SkylineMatrix2D <double> k = ((SkylineMatrix2D <double>)subdomainsDictionary[1].Matrix);

            for (int i = 0; i < k.Data.Length; i++)
                double difference  = Double.MaxValue;
                double targetValue = k.Data[i];
                int    index       = 0;
                int    count       = 0;
                foreach (var v in valueDictionary.Keys)
                    if (Math.Abs(k.Data[i] - v) < difference)
                        difference = Math.Abs(k.Data[i] - v);
                        // Minimize error by taking mean value of these values?
                        targetValue = v;
                        index       = count;
                if (difference > tolerance)
                    valueDictionary.Add(k.Data[i], new List <int>(new[] { i }));

            for (int i = 0; i < k.Data.Length; i++)
                foreach (var v in valueDictionary.Keys)
                    if (Math.Abs(k.Data[i] - v) < tolerance)
                        k.Data[i] = v;
Exemplo n.º 7
        private void MakeKiiDictionary()
            foreach (var subdomain in subdomainsDictionary)
                SubdomainSkyline         s = (SubdomainSkyline)subdomain.Value;
                SkylineMatrix2D <double> k = (SkylineMatrix2D <double>)s.Matrix;
                //var internalDOFs = model.Subdomains[s.ID].NodalDOFsDictionary.SelectMany(x => x.Value.Values).Except(boundaryDOFsDictionary[s.ID]).OrderBy(x => x).ToArray<int>();
                var   internalDOFs = internalDOFsDictionary[s.ID];
                int[] kiiIx        = new int[internalDOFs.Count + 1];
                int   curIx        = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < internalDOFs.Count; i++)
                    kiiIx[i] = curIx;
                    int row     = internalDOFs[i];
                    int fromCol = row - k.RowIndex[row + 1] + k.RowIndex[row] + 1;
                    var newCols = internalDOFs.Count(x => x >= fromCol && x <= row);
                    curIx += newCols;
                kiiIx[internalDOFs.Count] = curIx;

                SkylineMatrix2D <double> kii = new SkylineMatrix2D <double>(kiiIx);
                curIx = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < internalDOFs.Count; i++)
                    int row     = internalDOFs[i];
                    int fromCol = row - k.RowIndex[row + 1] + k.RowIndex[row] + 1;
                    var newCols = internalDOFs.Where(x => x >= fromCol && x <= row).OrderByDescending(x => x).ToArray <int>();
                    for (int j = 0; j < newCols.Length; j++)
                        kii.Data[curIx] = k.Data[k.RowIndex[row] + row - newCols[j]];

                kii.Factorize(1e-8, new List <Vector <double> >(), new List <int>());
                kiiDictionary.Add(s.ID, kii);
        private void MakePreconditioner(int simulation)
            int    matrixNo = matrixOrder[simulation + blockSize / 2];
            string name     = String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(stiffnessMatrixPath) ? "K" : stiffnessMatrixPath;
            string path     = Path.GetDirectoryName(name);
            string nameOnly = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(name);
            string ext      = Path.GetExtension(name);

            foreach (var sub in subdomains)
                var m = new SkylineMatrix2D <double>(new int[0]);
                m.ReadFromFile(String.Format("{0}\\{1}Sub{3}Sim{4}{2}", path, nameOnly, ext, sub.Key, matrixNo));
                m.Factorize(1e-8, new List <Vector <double> >(), new List <int>());
                if (factorizedMatrices.ContainsKey(sub.Key))
                    factorizedMatrices[sub.Key] = m;
                    factorizedMatrices.Add(sub.Key, m);
Exemplo n.º 9
        public void Solve()
            foreach (ISolverSubdomain subdomain in subdomainsDictionary.Values)
                double[] x = ((Vector <double>)subdomain.Solution).Data;
                SkylineMatrix2D <double> k = ((SkylineMatrix2D <double>)subdomain.Matrix);
                Stopwatch stopWatch        = new Stopwatch();
                k.Solve(subdomain.RHS, x);

                x = new double[k.Rows];
                k.Solve(subdomain.RHS, x);
                var xVec = new Vector <double>(x);
                var y    = xVec.Norm;

                //StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText(@"c:\fbsub.txt");
Exemplo n.º 10
        private void MultiplyKbi(int subID, double[] vIn, double[] vOut)
            SkylineMatrix2D <double> k = (SkylineMatrix2D <double>)subdomainsDictionary[subID].Matrix;
            var outputDOFs             = boundaryDOFsDictionary[subID];

            Array.Clear(vOut, 0, outputDOFs.Count);
            int pos = 0;

            for (int i = 0; i < k.Rows; i++)
                int height = k.RowIndex[i + 1] - k.RowIndex[i];
                if (height <= 0)
                int iiIx = outputDOFs.IndexOf(i);
                if (iiIx < 0)
                    pos += height;

                vOut[iiIx] += k.Data[pos] * vIn[i];
                for (int j = 0; j < height - 1; j++)
                    int row     = i - j - 1;
                    int iiIxRow = outputDOFs.IndexOf(row);
                    if (iiIxRow > -1)
                        vOut[iiIxRow] += k.Data[pos] * vIn[i];
                    vOut[iiIx] += k.Data[pos] * vIn[row];
Exemplo n.º 11
        public void BuildMatrices()
            if (childAnalyzer == null)
                throw new InvalidOperationException("Polynomial chaos analyzer must contain an embedded analyzer.");
            if (currentSimulation < 0)

            for (int i = 0; i < coefficientsProvider.NoOfMatrices; i++)
                coefficientsProvider.CurrentOrder = i;

                matrices[i + 1] = new Dictionary <int, IMatrix2D <double> >(subdomains.Count);
                foreach (var subdomain in subdomains.Values)
                    SkylineMatrix2D <double> k = (SkylineMatrix2D <double>)subdomain.Matrix;
                    matrices[i + 1].Add(subdomain.ID, (SkylineMatrix2D <double>)k.Clone());

            coefficientsProvider.CurrentOrder = -1;

            matrices[0] = new Dictionary <int, IMatrix2D <double> >(subdomains.Count);
            foreach (var subdomain in subdomains.Values)
                SkylineMatrix2D <double> k = (SkylineMatrix2D <double>)subdomain.Matrix;
                matrices[0].Add(subdomain.ID, (SkylineMatrix2D <double>)k.Clone());