Exemplo n.º 1
        } // ColladaModel(setFilename)


        #region FromVertices
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates a static mesh directly from vertices (triangles only)
        /// </summary>
        public static SkeletalMesh FromVertices(Vector3[] vertices)
            SkinnedTangentVertex[] verts = new SkinnedTangentVertex[vertices.Length];
            for (int i = 0; i < verts.Length; i++)
                verts[i] = new SkinnedTangentVertex(
                    vertices[i], Vector2.Zero, new Vector3(0, 1, 0),
                    Vector3.Zero, Vector3.Zero,
                    Vector4.Zero, Vector4.One);

Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Load
        /// </summary>
        public override void Deserialize(BinaryReader reader)

            // Read mesh data
            numOfVertices = reader.ReadInt32();
            vertices      = new SkinnedTangentVertex[numOfVertices];
            for (int i = 0; i < vertices.Length; i++)
                vertices[i] = new SkinnedTangentVertex(
                    new Vector3(reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle(),
                    new Vector2(reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle()),
                    new Vector3(reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle(),
                    new Vector3(reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle(),
                    new Vector3(reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle(),
                    new Vector4(reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle(),
                                reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle()),
                    new Vector4(reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle(),
                                reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle()));
            } // for (int)

            numOfIndices  = reader.ReadInt32();
            objectIndices = new uint[numOfIndices];
            for (int i = 0; i < objectIndices.Length; i++)
                objectIndices[i] = reader.ReadUInt32();
            } // for (int)

            boundingSphere = new BoundingSphere(
                new Vector3(reader.ReadSingle(), reader.ReadSingle(),

            // Read animation data

            int numAnim = reader.ReadInt32();

            for (int i = 0; i < numAnim; i++)
                RuntimeAnimation anim = new RuntimeAnimation();
                anim.Name  = reader.ReadString();
                anim.Start = reader.ReadInt32();
                anim.End   = reader.ReadInt32();
            } // for (int)

            string semantic = reader.ReadString();
            string defaultDiffuseTexture = reader.ReadString();

            semantic = reader.ReadString();
            string defaultNormalTexture = reader.ReadString();

            objectMatrix = ReadMatrixHelper(reader);

            numOfAnimations = reader.ReadInt32();

            int boneCnt = reader.ReadInt32();

            bones = new RuntimeBone[boneCnt];
            // Precreate empty bones
            for (int i = 0; i < boneCnt; i++)
                bones[i] = new RuntimeBone();
            } // for (int)
              // Now read bones
            for (int i = 0; i < boneCnt; i++)
                bones[i].id     = reader.ReadString();
                bones[i].parent = ReadBoneRef(reader);
                int childCnt = reader.ReadInt32();
                bones[i].children = new RuntimeBone[childCnt];
                for (int j = 0; j < childCnt; j++)
                    bones[i].children[j] = ReadBoneRef(reader);
                } // for (int)
                bones[i].initialMatrix     = ReadMatrixHelper(reader);
                bones[i].invBoneSkinMatrix = ReadMatrixHelper(reader);
                int aninMatCnt = reader.ReadInt32();
                bones[i].animationMatrices = new Matrix[aninMatCnt];
                for (int j = 0; j < aninMatCnt; j++)
                    bones[i].animationMatrices[j] =
                } // for (int)
            }     // for (int)

            for (int i = 0; i < bones.Length; i++)
                RuntimeBone bone = bones[i];

                // Just assign the final matrix from the animation matrices.
                bone.finalMatrix = bone.animationMatrices[0];

                // Also use parent matrix if we got one
                // This will always work because all the bones are in order.
                if (bone.parent != null)
                    bone.finalMatrix *=
            } // for (int)

            sockets = new RuntimeSocket[reader.ReadInt32()];
            for (int i = 0; i < sockets.Length; i++)
                sockets[i] = new RuntimeSocket();
                sockets[i].LoadFromStream(reader, bones);
            } // for (int)



        } // Load(packageName, assetName, stream)
        private static List <SkeletalMesh> LoadMesh(Package packageToSaveIn, Gltf model, List <byte[]> rawBuffers, Mesh mesh)
            List <SkeletalMesh> meshes = new List <SkeletalMesh>();

            for (int p = 0; p < mesh.Primitives.Length; p++)
                var prim = mesh.Primitives[p];

                if (prim.Mode != MeshPrimitive.ModeEnum.TRIANGLES)
                    throw new NotImplementedException("Modes other than TRIANGLES are not implemented (yet)");

                Accessor positionAccessor = GetAccessorByType("POSITION", model, prim);
                if (positionAccessor.Type != Accessor.TypeEnum.VEC3)
                    throw new InvalidDataException("POSITION accessor must have type VEC3");

                Accessor normalAccessor = GetAccessorByType("NORMAL", model, prim);
                if (normalAccessor != null &&
                    normalAccessor.Type != Accessor.TypeEnum.VEC3)
                    throw new InvalidDataException("NORMAL accessor must have type VEC3");

                Accessor texcoordAccessor = GetAccessorByType("TEXCOORD_0", model, prim);
                if (texcoordAccessor != null &&
                    texcoordAccessor.Type != Accessor.TypeEnum.VEC2)
                    throw new InvalidDataException("TEXCOORD accessor must have type VEC2");

                Accessor tangentAccessor = GetAccessorByType("TANGENT", model, prim);
                if (tangentAccessor != null &&
                    tangentAccessor.Type != Accessor.TypeEnum.VEC4)
                    throw new InvalidDataException("TANGENT accessor must have type VEC4");

                Accessor weightsAccessor = GetAccessorByType("WEIGHTS_0", model, prim);
                if (weightsAccessor != null &&
                    weightsAccessor.Type != Accessor.TypeEnum.VEC4)
                    throw new InvalidDataException("WEIGHTS_0 accessor must have type VEC4");

                Accessor jointsAccessor = GetAccessorByType("JOINTS_0", model, prim);
                if (jointsAccessor != null &&
                    jointsAccessor.Type != Accessor.TypeEnum.VEC4)
                    throw new InvalidDataException("JOINTS_0 accessor must have type VEC4");

                SkinnedTangentVertex[] vertices           = new SkinnedTangentVertex[positionAccessor.Count];
                BufferView             positionBufferView = model.BufferViews[positionAccessor.BufferView.Value];
                BufferView             normalsBufferView  = null;
                if (normalAccessor != null)
                    normalsBufferView = model.BufferViews[normalAccessor.BufferView.Value];
                BufferView texCoordBufferView = null;
                if (texcoordAccessor != null)
                    texCoordBufferView = model.BufferViews[texcoordAccessor.BufferView.Value];
                BufferView tangentBufferView = null;
                if (tangentAccessor != null)
                    tangentBufferView = model.BufferViews[tangentAccessor.BufferView.Value];
                BufferView weightsBufferView = null;
                if (weightsAccessor != null)
                    weightsBufferView = model.BufferViews[weightsAccessor.BufferView.Value];
                BufferView jointsBufferView = null;
                if (jointsAccessor != null)
                    jointsBufferView = model.BufferViews[jointsAccessor.BufferView.Value];

                ReadOnlySpan <Vector3> positionSpan = MemoryMarshal.Cast <byte, Vector3>(
                    new ReadOnlySpan <byte>(rawBuffers[positionBufferView.Buffer], positionBufferView.ByteOffset + positionAccessor.ByteOffset, positionAccessor.Count * 12));
                ReadOnlySpan <Vector3> normalsSpan = null;
                if (normalsBufferView != null)
                    normalsSpan = MemoryMarshal.Cast <byte, Vector3>(
                        new ReadOnlySpan <byte>(rawBuffers[normalsBufferView.Buffer], normalsBufferView.ByteOffset + normalAccessor.ByteOffset, normalAccessor.Count * 12));
                ReadOnlySpan <Vector2> texCoordSpan = null;
                if (texCoordBufferView != null)
                    texCoordSpan = MemoryMarshal.Cast <byte, Vector2>(
                        new ReadOnlySpan <byte>(rawBuffers[texCoordBufferView.Buffer], texCoordBufferView.ByteOffset + texcoordAccessor.ByteOffset, texcoordAccessor.Count * 8));
                ReadOnlySpan <Vector4> tangentSpan = null;
                if (tangentBufferView != null)
                    tangentSpan = MemoryMarshal.Cast <byte, Vector4>(
                        new ReadOnlySpan <byte>(rawBuffers[tangentBufferView.Buffer], tangentBufferView.ByteOffset + tangentAccessor.ByteOffset, tangentAccessor.Count * 16));
                ReadOnlySpan <Vector4> weightsSpan = null;
                if (weightsBufferView != null)
                    weightsSpan = MemoryMarshal.Cast <byte, Vector4>(
                        new ReadOnlySpan <byte>(rawBuffers[weightsBufferView.Buffer], weightsBufferView.ByteOffset + weightsAccessor.ByteOffset, weightsAccessor.Count * 16));
                ReadOnlySpan <Vector4> jointsSpan = null;
                if (jointsBufferView != null)
                    jointsSpan = MemoryMarshal.Cast <byte, Vector4>(
                        new ReadOnlySpan <byte>(rawBuffers[jointsBufferView.Buffer], jointsBufferView.ByteOffset + jointsAccessor.ByteOffset, jointsAccessor.Count * 16));

                for (int v = 0; v < vertices.Length; v++)
                    vertices[v].Position = positionSpan[v];

                    if (normalsSpan != null)
                        vertices[v].Normal = normalsSpan[v];

                    if (texCoordSpan != null)
                        vertices[v].TexCoord = texCoordSpan[v];

                    if (tangentSpan != null)
                        vertices[v].Tangent = new Vector3(tangentSpan[v].X, tangentSpan[v].Y, tangentSpan[v].Z);
                        if (normalsSpan != null)
                            vertices[v].BiTangent = Vector3.Cross(normalsSpan[v], vertices[v].Tangent) * tangentSpan[v].W;

                SkeletalMesh skeletalMesh = new SkeletalMesh();

                if (prim.Indices == null)
                    skeletalMesh = SkeletalMesh.FromVertices(vertices);
                    int      primIndex     = prim.Indices.Value;
                    Accessor indexAccessor = GetAccessorByIndex(primIndex, model);
                    if (indexAccessor != null)
                        if (indexAccessor.Type != Accessor.TypeEnum.SCALAR)
                            throw new InvalidDataException("Index accessor must have type SCALAR");

                        uint[] indices = new uint[indexAccessor.Count];

                        BufferView indexBufferView = model.BufferViews[indexAccessor.BufferView.Value];
                        switch (indexAccessor.ComponentType)
                        case Accessor.ComponentTypeEnum.UNSIGNED_BYTE:
                            ReadOnlySpan <byte> indexSpan =
                                new ReadOnlySpan <byte>(rawBuffers[indexBufferView.Buffer], indexBufferView.ByteOffset + indexAccessor.ByteOffset, indexAccessor.Count);

                            for (int idx = 0; idx < indices.Length; idx++)
                                indices[idx] = (uint)indexSpan[idx];

                        case Accessor.ComponentTypeEnum.UNSIGNED_SHORT:
                            ReadOnlySpan <ushort> indexSpan = MemoryMarshal.Cast <byte, ushort>(
                                new ReadOnlySpan <byte>(rawBuffers[indexBufferView.Buffer], indexBufferView.ByteOffset + indexAccessor.ByteOffset, indexAccessor.Count * 2));

                            for (int idx = 0; idx < indices.Length; idx++)
                                indices[idx] = (uint)indexSpan[idx];

                        case Accessor.ComponentTypeEnum.UNSIGNED_INT:
                            ReadOnlySpan <uint> indexSpan = MemoryMarshal.Cast <byte, uint>(
                                new ReadOnlySpan <byte>(rawBuffers[indexBufferView.Buffer], indexBufferView.ByteOffset + indexAccessor.ByteOffset, indexAccessor.Count * 4));

                            indices = indexSpan.ToArray();

                            throw new NotImplementedException("ComponentType " + indexAccessor.ComponentType + " not implemented.");

                        skeletalMesh = SkeletalMesh.FromVertices(vertices, indices);

                skeletalMesh.Name = mesh.Name + "_" + p + ".skeletalMesh";

                Materials.Material material = CreateMaterialForMesh(prim, model);
                skeletalMesh.Material = material;

Exemplo n.º 4
        private void LoadMesh(SkinnedMesh mesh, ColladaMesh colladaMesh, ColladaMesh.PrimitiveList primitives, Matrix objectMatrix)
            //EDIT: the vertices now include the objectmatrix, so this is always identity
            objectMatrix      = colladaMesh.objectMatrix;
            mesh.Shader.World = Matrix.Identity;

            mesh.Primitives = new Primitives();

            mesh.Primitives.PrimitiveCount = primitives.PrimitiveCount;
            mesh.Primitives.VertexCount    = primitives.PrimitiveCount * 3;

            if (primitives.PrimitiveCount * 3 >= int.MaxValue)
                throw new Exception("Too many vertices");
            int numVertices = primitives.PrimitiveCount * 3;

            // TODO check if all inputs are available

            /*if ( meshPart.ContainsInput( ColladaMesh.Input.InputSemantics.Position ) ) positions = new Vector3[ numVertices ];
             * if ( meshPart.ContainsInput( ColladaMesh.Input.InputSemantics.Normal ) ) normals = new Vector3[ numVertices ];
             * if ( meshPart.ContainsInput( ColladaMesh.Input.InputSemantics.Texcoord, 1 ) ) texCoords = new Vector3[ numVertices ];
             * if ( meshPart.ContainsInput( ColladaMesh.Input.InputSemantics.TexTangent, 1 ) ) tangents = new Vector3[ numVertices ];*/

            SkinnedTangentVertex[] vertices = new SkinnedTangentVertex[numVertices];

            for (int i = 0; i < numVertices; i++)
                SkinnedTangentVertex v = new SkinnedTangentVertex();
                v.pos    = primitives.GetVector3(ColladaMesh.Input.InputSemantics.Position, i); //GetPosition( i );
                v.normal = primitives.GetVector3(ColladaMesh.Input.InputSemantics.Normal, i);

                // Texture Coordinates
                Vector3 texcoord = Vector3.Zero;
                if (primitives.ContainsInput(ColladaMesh.Input.InputSemantics.Texcoord, 1))
                    texcoord   = primitives.GetVector3(ColladaMesh.Input.InputSemantics.Texcoord, 1, i);
                    texcoord.Y = 1.0f - texcoord.Y; // V coordinate is inverted in max
                v.uv = new Vector2(texcoord.X, texcoord.Y);

                // Tangent
                Vector3 tangent = Vector3.Zero;
                if (primitives.ContainsInput(ColladaMesh.Input.InputSemantics.TexTangent, 1))
                    v.tangent = primitives.GetVector3(ColladaMesh.Input.InputSemantics.TexTangent, 1, i);

                // Bone weights and joint indices

                int positionIndex = primitives.GetSourceIndex(
                    primitives.GetInput(ColladaMesh.Input.InputSemantics.Position), i);

                //    Indexes are PREMULTIPLIED BY 3!!!
                v.blendIndices = colladaMesh.vertexSkinJoints[positionIndex];
                //v.blendIndices = Vector3.One;
                v.blendIndices = v.blendIndices * 3;
                v.blendWeights = colladaMesh.vertexSkinWeights[positionIndex];

                v.pos    = Vector3.Transform(v.pos, objectMatrix);
                v.normal = Vector3.Transform(v.normal, objectMatrix);

                vertices[i] = v;

            //vertices[ 0 ].pos = Vector3.Transform( Vector3.Zero, Matrix.Invert( objectMatrix ) );
            //vertices[ 0 ].pos = Vector3.Zero;

            mesh.Primitives.InitializeFromVertices(skinnedModel.Game, vertices, SkinnedTangentVertex.SizeInBytes);


            //TODO: Material, maybe not really a good way of doing this
            //LoadDataFromColladaMaterial( meshPart.Material );
        } // GenerateVertexAndIndexBuffers()

        /// <summary>
        /// Render the animated model (will call UpdateAnimation internally,
        /// but if you do that yourself before calling this method, it gets
        /// optimized out). Rendering always uses the skinnedNormalMapping shader
        /// with the DiffuseSpecular20 technique.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="renderMatrix">Render matrix</param>
        public void Render(Matrix renderMatrix, ShaderEffect effect)
            if (vertexBuffer == null || indexBuffer == null)

            // Make sure we use the correct vertex declaration for our shader.
            //game.GraphicsDevice.VertexDeclaration = TangentVertex.VertexDeclaration;

            // Set the world matrix for this object (often Identity).
            // The renderMatrix is directly applied to the matrices we use
            // as bone matrices for the shader (has to be done this way because
            // the bone matrices are transmitted transposed and we could lose
            // important render matrix translation data if we do not apply it there).
            //BaseGame.WorldMatrix = objectMatrix;
            // And set all bone matrices (Goblin has 40, but we support up to 80).
            //    GetBoneMatrices( renderMatrix ) );

            // Rendering is pretty straight forward (if you know how anyway).
            //    material, "DiffuseSpecular20",
            //    RenderVertices );

            Matrix worldMatrix =

                //Matrix.CreateFromYawPitchRoll( -MathHelper.PiOver2, -MathHelper.PiOver2, 0 ) *
                //Matrix.CreateFromYawPitchRoll( 0, -MathHelper.PiOver2, 0 )

            //* Matrix.CreateFromYawPitchRoll( -MathHelper.PiOver2, -MathHelper.PiOver2, 0 );


            //effect.ViewProjMatrix = model.Game.Camera.ViewProjection;

            //Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Graphics.SamplerState s = new SamplerState();
            //object o = effect.Effect.Parameters[ "DiffuseTextureSampler " ];

            if (verticesSkinned.Count > 0)
                /*worldMatrix = Matrix.Identity;
                 * worldMatrix = model.bones[ 0 ].invBoneSkinMatrix * model.bones[ 0 ].initialMatrix;*/
                /*worldMatrix = objectMatrix;
                 * effect.WorldMatrix = worldMatrix;
                 * effect.WorldViewProjMatrix = worldMatrix * model.Game.Camera.ViewProjection;
                 * worldMatrix = Matrix.Identity;*/
                /*game.GraphicsDevice.VertexDeclaration = SkinnedTangentVertex.VertexDeclaration;
                 * //SetBoneMatrices( effect, model.GetBoneMatrices( worldMatrix ) );
                 * effect.RenderCollada( "SpecularPerPixelColored", RenderVerticesSkinned );*/

                //Matrix mat = Matrix.Identity;
                //mat.Translation = new Vector3( 1, 0, 0 );
                //effect.Effect.Parameters[ "world" ].SetValue( mat  );

                if (vertexDeclaration != null)
                    vertexDeclaration = SkinnedTangentVertex.CreateVertexDeclaration(game);
                game.GraphicsDevice.VertexDeclaration = vertexDeclaration;
                SetBoneMatrices(effect, model.GetBoneMatrices(renderMatrix));

                if (material.DiffuseTexture == null)
                    effect.RenderCollada("DiffuseSpecularColored20", RenderVerticesSkinned);
                    effect.RenderCollada("DiffuseSpecular20", RenderVerticesSkinned);
                worldMatrix                = objectMatrix * worldMatrix;
                effect.WorldMatrix         = worldMatrix;
                effect.WorldViewProjMatrix = worldMatrix * model.Game.Camera.ViewProjection;
                if (vertexDeclaration != null)
                    vertexDeclaration = TangentVertexExtensions.CreateVertexDeclaration(game);
                game.GraphicsDevice.VertexDeclaration = vertexDeclaration;

                if (material.DiffuseTexture == null)
                    effect.RenderCollada("SpecularPerPixelColored", RenderVertices);
                else if (material.NormalTexture == null || game.Keyboard.IsKeyDown(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.Keys.Y))
                    effect.RenderCollada("SpecularPerPixel", RenderVertices);
                    if (game.Keyboard.IsKeyDown(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.Keys.N))
                        effect.RenderCollada("SpecularPerPixel", RenderVertices);
                        //Normal Mapping
                        effect.RenderCollada("SpecularPerPixelNormalMapping", RenderVertices);
        } // Render(renderMatrix)
        } // GenerateVertexAndIndexBuffers()

        /// <summary>
        /// Optimize vertex buffer. Note: The vertices list array will be changed
        /// and shorted quite a lot here. We are also going to create the indices
        /// for the index buffer here (we don't have them yet, they are just
        /// sequential from the loading process above).
        /// Note: This method is highly optimized for speed, it performs
        /// hundred of times faster than OptimizeVertexBufferSlow, see below!
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns>ushort array for the optimized indices</returns>
        private ushort[] OptimizeVertexBufferSkinned()
            List <SkinnedTangentVertex> newVertices =
                new List <SkinnedTangentVertex>();
            List <ushort> newIndices = new List <ushort>();

            // Helper to only search already added newVertices and for checking the
            // old position indices by transforming them into newVertices indices.
            List <int> newVerticesPositions = new List <int>();

            // Go over all vertices (indices are currently 1:1 with the vertices)
            for (int num = 0; num < verticesSkinned.Count; num++)
                // Get current vertex
                SkinnedTangentVertex currentVertex = verticesSkinned[num];
                bool reusedExistingVertex          = false;

                // Find out which position index was used, then we can compare
                // all other vertices that share this position. They will not
                // all be equal, but some of them can be merged.
                int sharedPos = reuseVertexPositions[num];
                foreach (int otherVertexIndex in reverseReuseVertexPositions[sharedPos])
                    // Only check the indices that have already been added!
                    if (otherVertexIndex != num &&
                        // Make sure we already are that far in our new index list
                        otherVertexIndex < newIndices.Count &&
                        // And make sure this index has been added to newVertices yet!
                        newIndices[otherVertexIndex] < newVertices.Count &&
                        // Then finally compare vertices (this call is slow, but thanks to
                        // all the other optimizations we don't have to call it that often)
                            currentVertex, newVertices[newIndices[otherVertexIndex]]))
                        // Reuse the existing vertex, don't add it again, just
                        // add another index for it!
                        reusedExistingVertex = true;
                    } // if (TangentVertex.NearlyEquals)
                }     // foreach (otherVertexIndex)

                if (reusedExistingVertex == false)
                    // Add the currentVertex and set it as the current index
                } // if (reusedExistingVertex)
            }     // for (num)

            // Finally flip order of all triangles to allow us rendering
            // with CullCounterClockwiseFace (default for XNA) because all the data
            // is in CullClockwiseFace format right now!
            for (int num = 0; num < newIndices.Count / 3; num++)
                ushort swap = newIndices[num * 3 + 1];
                newIndices[num * 3 + 1] = newIndices[num * 3 + 2];
                newIndices[num * 3 + 2] = swap;
            } // for

            // Reassign the vertices, we might have deleted some duplicates!
            verticesSkinned = newVertices;

            // And return index list for the caller
        } // OptimizeVertexBuffer()