Exemplo n.º 1
    public override void OnInspectorGUI()

        SkinnedMeshCollider myScript = (SkinnedMeshCollider)target;

        if (GUILayout.Button("UPDATE MESH COLLIDER"))
Exemplo n.º 2
        public static void CombatEntityHurt(BaseCombatEntity combatEnt, HitInfo info)
            try {
                Assert.Test(combatEnt.isServer, "This should be called serverside only");
                if (combatEnt.IsDead())

                BaseNPC    npc    = combatEnt.GetComponent <BaseNPC>();
                BaseCorpse corpse = combatEnt.GetComponent <BaseCorpse>();
                BasePlayer player = combatEnt.GetComponent <BasePlayer>();

                if (!SkinnedMeshCollider.ScaleDamage(info))
                    if (combatEnt.baseProtection != null)
                        if (ConsoleGlobal.developer > 1)
                            Debug.Log("BaseProtection Scaling for entity :" + combatEnt.name);
                    if (ConsoleGlobal.developer > 1)
                        Debug.Log("SMC scaling damage for entity :" + combatEnt.name);

                HurtEvent he;
                if (player != null)
                    Player p = Server.GetPlayer(player);
                    if (p.Teleporting)
                        for (int i = 0; i < info.damageTypes.types.Length; i++)
                            info.damageTypes.types[i] = 0f;

                    he = new PlayerHurtEvent(p, info);
                    OnPlayerHurt.OnNext(he as PlayerHurtEvent);
                else if (npc != null)
                    he = new NPCHurtEvent(new NPC(npc), info);
                    OnNPCHurt.OnNext(he as NPCHurtEvent);
                else if (corpse != null)
                    he = new CorpseHurtEvent(corpse, info);
                    OnCorpseHurt.OnNext(he as CorpseHurtEvent);
                    he = new CombatEntityHurtEvent(combatEnt, info);
                    OnCombatEntityHurt.OnNext(he as CombatEntityHurtEvent);

                // the DebugHurt() method
                if (vis.attack)
                    if (info.PointStart != info.PointEnd)
                        ConsoleSystem.Broadcast("ddraw.arrow", new object[] {
                            60, Color.cyan, info.PointStart, info.PointEnd, 0.1
                        ConsoleSystem.Broadcast("ddraw.sphere", new object[] {
                            60, Color.cyan, info.HitPositionWorld, 0.05
                    string text = String.Empty;
                    for (int i = 0; i < info.damageTypes.types.Length; i++)
                        float num = info.damageTypes.types [i];
                        if (num != 0)
                            string text2 = text;
                            text = String.Concat(new string[] {
                                text2, " ", ((Rust.DamageType)i).ToString().PadRight(10), num.ToString("0.00"), "\r\n"
                    string text3 = String.Concat(new object[] {
                        combatEnt.health.ToString("0.00"), " / ",
                        (combatEnt.health - info.damageTypes.Total() > 0) ? "<color=green>" : "<color=red>",
                        (combatEnt.health - info.damageTypes.Total()).ToString("0.00"), "</color>",
                        "\r\n<color=lightblue>Hit Ent:</color>".PadRight(10), combatEnt,
                        "\r\n<color=lightblue>Attacker:</color>".PadRight(10), info.Initiator,
                        "\r\n<color=lightblue>Weapon:</color>".PadRight(10), info.Weapon,
                        "\r\n<color=lightblue>Damages:</color>\r\n", text
                    ConsoleSystem.Broadcast("ddraw.text", new object[] {
                        60, Color.white, info.HitPositionWorld, text3

                combatEnt.health -= info.damageTypes.Total();
                if (ConsoleGlobal.developer > 1)
                    Debug.Log("[Combat]".PadRight(10) +
                              combatEnt.gameObject.name + " hurt " +
                              info.damageTypes.GetMajorityDamageType() + "/" +
                              info.damageTypes.Total() + " - " +
                              combatEnt.health.ToString("0") + " health left"
                combatEnt.lastDamage = info.damageTypes.GetMajorityDamageType();
                if (combatEnt.health <= 0)
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                Logger.LogError("[Hooks] Error in CombatEntityHurt hook.");
Exemplo n.º 3
    void Update()
        Camera camera = gameObject.GetComponent <Camera>();

        if (mode == MouseMode.None && (Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftAlt) || Input.GetKey(KeyCode.RightAlt)))
            if (Input.GetMouseButton(0))
                mode = MouseMode.Tumbling;
            else if (Input.GetMouseButton(1))
                mode = MouseMode.Zooming;
            else if (Input.GetMouseButton(2))
                mode = MouseMode.Panning;

            if (mode != MouseMode.None)
                MousePosition = Input.mousePosition;

                // If we have any SkinnedMeshColliders, update them so we can test if the user
                // clicked on a skinned mesh.
                // This is slow on WebGL, so we just use the initial pose for collision, since the
                // demo model doesn't move enough that updating it again is important.  Unity wants
                // us to do this by creating a bunch of capsule colliders to approximate the model,
                // but that's not worth it for this simple demo.

                // Find the object the mouse is over.  If there isn't one, keep the old origin.
                // Maya actually remembers the distance to the most recent click (centerOfInterest)
                // and uses that as the distance to the origin if you click on a point that doesn't
                // intersect anything, but we don't currently do that.
                RaycastHit hit;
                if (GetMouseIntersection(camera, out hit))
                    Origin = hit.point;

        if (mode == MouseMode.None && HasFocus)
            // Handle mouse wheel zooming.  Don't do this when we don't have focus, to reduce this
            // triggering unintentionally while scrolling other editor windows.  We should really
            // check whether the mouse is over the window, but Unity doesn't know how to let us do
            // this.
            float MouseWheelDelta = Input.GetAxis("Mouse ScrollWheel");
            if (MouseWheelDelta != 0)
                bool  Forward = MouseWheelDelta > 0;
                float zoom    = .1f * (Forward? +1:-1);

        if (mode == MouseMode.Tumbling && !Input.GetMouseButton(0))
            mode = MouseMode.None;
        if (mode == MouseMode.Zooming && !Input.GetMouseButton(1))
            mode = MouseMode.None;
        if (mode == MouseMode.Panning && !Input.GetMouseButton(2))
            mode = MouseMode.None;

        Vector3 distance = camera.ScreenToViewportPoint(Input.mousePosition - MousePosition);
        MousePosition = Input.mousePosition;

        // Rotate camera along X and Y axis
        if (mode == MouseMode.Tumbling)
            Vector3 OriginWorldSpaceRight = transform.localToWorldMatrix.MultiplyVector(Vector3.right);
            transform.RotateAround(Origin, OriginWorldSpaceRight, -distance.y * TumblingSpeed);
            transform.RotateAround(Origin, Vector3.up, distance.x * TumblingSpeed);

        else if (mode == MouseMode.Panning)
            Vector3 move = new Vector3(distance.x * -1 * PanningSpeed, distance.y * -1 * PanningSpeed, 0);
            transform.Translate(move, Space.Self);

        else if (mode == MouseMode.Zooming)
            float zoom = distance.x - distance.y;