Exemplo n.º 1
        private static SkillDialog CreateEchoSkillDialog(ConversationState conversationState, SkillConversationIdFactoryBase conversationIdFactory, SkillHttpClient skillClient, IConfiguration configuration)
            var botId = configuration.GetSection(MicrosoftAppCredentials.MicrosoftAppIdKey)?.Value;

            //if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(botId))
            //    throw new ArgumentException($"{MicrosoftAppCredentials.MicrosoftAppIdKey} is not in configuration");

            var skillHostEndpoint = configuration.GetSection("SkillHostEndpoint")?.Value;

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(skillHostEndpoint))
                throw new ArgumentException("SkillHostEndpoint is not in configuration");

            var skillInfo = configuration.GetSection("EchoSkillInfo").Get <BotFrameworkSkill>() ?? throw new ArgumentException("EchoSkillInfo is not set in configuration");

            var skillDialogOptions = new SkillDialogOptions
                BotId = botId,
                ConversationIdFactory = conversationIdFactory,
                SkillClient           = skillClient,
                SkillHostEndpoint     = new Uri(skillHostEndpoint),
                ConversationState     = conversationState,
                Skill = skillInfo
            var echoSkillDialog = new SkillDialog(skillDialogOptions);

        public async Task BeginDialogOptionsValidation()
            var dialogOptions = new SkillDialogOptions();
            var sut           = new SkillDialog(dialogOptions);
            var client        = new DialogTestClient(Channels.Test, sut);
            await Assert.ThrowsExceptionAsync <ArgumentNullException>(async() => await client.SendActivityAsync <IMessageActivity>("irrelevant"), "null options should fail");

            client = new DialogTestClient(Channels.Test, sut, new Dictionary <string, string>());
            await Assert.ThrowsExceptionAsync <ArgumentException>(async() => await client.SendActivityAsync <IMessageActivity>("irrelevant"), "options should be of type DialogArgs");

            client = new DialogTestClient(Channels.Test, sut, new BeginSkillDialogOptions());
            await Assert.ThrowsExceptionAsync <ArgumentNullException>(async() => await client.SendActivityAsync <IMessageActivity>("irrelevant"), "Activity in DialogArgs should be set");
Exemplo n.º 3
        // Dependency injection uses this constructor to instantiate MainDialog
        public MainDialog(ConversationState conversationState, SkillConversationIdFactoryBase conversationIdFactory, SkillHttpClient skillClient, SkillsConfiguration skillsConfig, IConfiguration configuration)
            : base(nameof(MainDialog))
            var botId = configuration.GetSection(MicrosoftAppCredentials.MicrosoftAppIdKey)?.Value;

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(botId))
                throw new ArgumentException($"{MicrosoftAppCredentials.MicrosoftAppIdKey} is not in configuration");

            _skillsConfig = skillsConfig ?? throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(skillsConfig));

            if (skillClient == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(skillClient));

            if (conversationState == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException(nameof(conversationState));

            // ChoicePrompt to render available skills and skill actions
            AddDialog(new ChoicePrompt(nameof(ChoicePrompt)));

            // SkillDialog used to wrap interaction with the selected skill
            var skillDialogOptions = new SkillDialogOptions
                BotId = botId,
                ConversationIdFactory = conversationIdFactory,
                SkillClient           = skillClient,
                SkillHostEndpoint     = skillsConfig.SkillHostEndpoint

            AddDialog(new SkillDialog(skillDialogOptions, conversationState));

            // Main waterfall dialog for this bot
            var waterfallSteps = new WaterfallStep[]

            AddDialog(new WaterfallDialog(nameof(WaterfallDialog), waterfallSteps));

            // The initial child Dialog to run.
            InitialDialogId = nameof(WaterfallDialog);
Exemplo n.º 4
        private async Task RouteToSkillAsync(DialogContext dc, SkillDialogOptions options)
            // If we can't handle this within the local Bot it's a skill (prefix of s will make this clearer)
            if (options.MatchedSkill != null)
                // We have matched to a Skill
                await dc.Context.SendActivityAsync(new Activity(type : ActivityTypes.Trace, text : $"-->Forwarding your utterance to the {options.MatchedSkill.Name} skill."));

                // Begin the SkillDialog and pass the arguments in
                await dc.BeginDialogAsync(nameof(CustomSkillDialog), options);

                // Pass the activity we have
                await dc.ContinueDialogAsync();
Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Helper to create a <see cref="SkillDialogOptions"/> for the skillDialog.
        /// </summary>
        private static SkillDialogOptions CreateSkillDialogOptions(ConversationState conversationState, Mock <BotFrameworkClient> mockSkillClient)
            var dialogOptions = new SkillDialogOptions
                BotId                 = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                SkillHostEndpoint     = new Uri("http://test.contoso.com/skill/messages"),
                ConversationIdFactory = new SimpleConversationIdFactory(),
                ConversationState     = conversationState,
                SkillClient           = mockSkillClient.Object,
                Skill                 = new BotFrameworkSkill
                    AppId         = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(),
                    SkillEndpoint = new Uri("http://testskill.contoso.com/api/messages")

Exemplo n.º 6
        // Helper method that creates and adds SkillDialog instances for the configured skills.
        private void AddSkillDialogs(ConversationState conversationState, SkillConversationIdFactoryBase conversationIdFactory, SkillHttpClient skillClient, SkillsConfiguration skillsConfig, string botId)
            foreach (var skillInfo in _skillsConfig.Skills.Values)
                // Create the dialog options.
                var skillDialogOptions = new SkillDialogOptions
                    BotId = botId,
                    ConversationIdFactory = conversationIdFactory,
                    SkillClient           = skillClient,
                    SkillHostEndpoint     = skillsConfig.SkillHostEndpoint,
                    ConversationState     = conversationState,
                    Skill = skillInfo

                // Add a SkillDialog for the selected skill.
                AddDialog(new SkillDialog(skillDialogOptions, skillInfo.Id));
Exemplo n.º 7
        private async Task RouteToSkillAsync(DialogContext dc, SkillDialogOptions options)
            // If we can't handle this within the local Bot it's a skill (prefix of s will make this clearer)
            if (options.SkillDefinition != null)
                // We have matched to a Skill
                await dc.Context.SendActivityAsync(new Activity(type : ActivityTypes.Trace, text : $"-->Forwarding your utterance to the {options.SkillDefinition.Name} skill."));

                // Begin the SkillDialog and pass the arguments in
                await dc.BeginDialogAsync(options.SkillDefinition.Id, options);

                // Pass the activity we have
                var result = await dc.ContinueDialogAsync();

                if (result.Status == DialogTurnStatus.Complete)
                    await CompleteAsync(dc);
Exemplo n.º 8
        public void InitSkills()
            // Add Fake Skill registration
            const string fakeSkillName       = "FakeSkill";
            var          fakeSkillDefinition = new SkillDefinition();
            var          fakeSkillType       = typeof(FakeSkill.FakeSkill);

            fakeSkillDefinition.Assembly = fakeSkillType.AssemblyQualifiedName;
            fakeSkillDefinition.Id       = fakeSkillName;
            fakeSkillDefinition.Name     = fakeSkillName;

            SkillConfigurations.Add(fakeSkillDefinition.Id, Services);

            // Options are passed to the SkillDialog
            SkillDialogOptions = new SkillDialogOptions();
            SkillDialogOptions.SkillDefinition = fakeSkillDefinition;

            // Add the SkillDialog to the available dialogs passing the initialized FakeSkill
            Dialogs.Add(new SkillDialog(fakeSkillDefinition, Services, null, TelemetryClient));
        public void InitSkills()
            // Add Fake Skill registration
            const string fakeSkillName       = "FakeSkill";
            var          fakeSkillDefinition = new SkillDefinition();
            var          fakeSkillType       = typeof(FakeSkill.FakeSkill);

            fakeSkillDefinition.Id   = fakeSkillName;
            fakeSkillDefinition.Name = fakeSkillName;

            // Set Assembly name to invalid value
            fakeSkillDefinition.Assembly = "FakeSkill.FakeSkil, Microsoft.Bot.Solutions.Tests, Version =, Culture = neutral, PublicKeyToken = null";

            SkillConfigurations.Add(fakeSkillDefinition.Id, Services);

            // Options are passed to the SkillDialog
            SkillDialogOptions = new SkillDialogOptions();
            SkillDialogOptions.SkillDefinition = fakeSkillDefinition;

            // Add the SkillDialog to the available dialogs passing the initialized FakeSkill
            Dialogs.Add(new SkillDialog(fakeSkillDefinition, Services, null, null, TelemetryClient, null));
Exemplo n.º 10
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a TestFlow which spins up a CustomSkillDialog ready for the tests to execute against
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="locale"></param>
        /// <param name="overrideSkillDialogOptions"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public TestFlow GetTestFlow(string locale = null, SkillDialogOptions overrideSkillDialogOptions = null)
            var adapter = new TestAdapter(sendTraceActivity: true)
                          .Use(new AutoSaveStateMiddleware(ConversationState));

            var testFlow = new TestFlow(adapter, async(context, cancellationToken) =>
                var dc = await Dialogs.CreateContextAsync(context);

                if (dc.ActiveDialog != null)
                    var result = await dc.ContinueDialogAsync();
                    var options = overrideSkillDialogOptions ?? SkillDialogOptions;
                    await dc.BeginDialogAsync(options.SkillDefinition.Id, options);
                    var result = await dc.ContinueDialogAsync();

Exemplo n.º 11
        // This method gets called by the runtime. Use this method to add services to the container.
        public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
            // Configure MVC


            // Load settings
            var settings = new BotSettings();


            // Configure channel provider
            services.AddSingleton <IChannelProvider, ConfigurationChannelProvider>();

            // Configure configuration provider
            services.AddSingleton <ICredentialProvider, ConfigurationCredentialProvider>();

            // Register the skills configuration class.
            var skillsConfig = new SkillsConfiguration(Configuration);


            // Register AuthConfiguration to enable custom claim validation.
            services.AddSingleton(sp => new AuthenticationConfiguration {
                ClaimsValidator = new AllowedCallersClaimsValidator(skillsConfig)

            // Configure telemetry
            services.AddSingleton <IBotTelemetryClient, BotTelemetryClient>();
            services.AddSingleton <ITelemetryInitializer, OperationCorrelationTelemetryInitializer>();
            services.AddSingleton <ITelemetryInitializer, TelemetryBotIdInitializer>();
            services.AddSingleton <TelemetryInitializerMiddleware>();
            services.AddSingleton <TelemetryLoggerMiddleware>();

            // Configure bot services
            services.AddSingleton <BotServices>();

            // Configure storage
            // Uncomment the following line for local development without Cosmos Db
            // services.AddSingleton<IStorage, MemoryStorage>();
            services.AddSingleton <IStorage>(new CosmosDbPartitionedStorage(settings.CosmosDb));
            services.AddSingleton <UserState>();
            services.AddSingleton <ConversationState>();

            // Configure localized responses
            var localizedTemplates = new Dictionary <string, string>();
            var templateFile       = "AllResponses";
            var supportedLocales   = new List <string>()
                "en-us", "de-de", "es-es", "fr-fr", "it-it", "zh-cn"

            foreach (var locale in supportedLocales)
                // LG template for en-us does not include locale in file extension.
                var localeTemplateFile = locale.Equals("en-us")
                    ? Path.Combine(".", "Responses", $"{templateFile}.lg")
                    : Path.Combine(".", "Responses", $"{templateFile}.{locale}.lg");

                localizedTemplates.Add(locale, localeTemplateFile);

            services.AddSingleton(new LocaleTemplateManager(localizedTemplates, settings.DefaultLocale ?? "en-us"));

            // Register the Bot Framework Adapter with error handling enabled.
            // Note: some classes use the base BotAdapter so we add an extra registration that pulls the same instance.
            services.AddSingleton <BotFrameworkHttpAdapter, DefaultAdapter>();
            services.AddSingleton <BotAdapter>(sp => sp.GetService <BotFrameworkHttpAdapter>());

            // Register the skills conversation ID factory, the client and the request handler.
            services.AddSingleton <SkillConversationIdFactoryBase, SkillConversationIdFactory>();
            services.AddHttpClient <SkillHttpClient>();
            services.AddSingleton <ChannelServiceHandler, TokenExchangeSkillHandler>();

            // Register dialogs
            services.AddTransient <MainDialog>();
            services.AddTransient <SwitchSkillDialog>();
            services.AddTransient <OnboardingDialog>();

            // Register the SkillDialogs (remote skills).
            var botId = Configuration.GetSection(MicrosoftAppCredentials.MicrosoftAppIdKey)?.Value;

            if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(botId))
                throw new ArgumentException($"{MicrosoftAppCredentials.MicrosoftAppIdKey} is not in configuration");

            foreach (var skill in skillsConfig.Skills.Values)
                services.AddSingleton(sp =>
                    var skillDialogOptions = new SkillDialogOptions
                        BotId = botId,
                        ConversationIdFactory = sp.GetService <SkillConversationIdFactoryBase>(),
                        SkillClient           = sp.GetService <SkillHttpClient>(),
                        SkillHostEndpoint     = skillsConfig.SkillHostEndpoint,
                        Skill             = skill,
                        ConversationState = sp.GetService <ConversationState>()

                    return(new SkillDialog(skillDialogOptions, skill.Id));

            // Configure TokenExchangeConfig for SSO
            if (settings.TokenExchangeConfig != null)
                services.AddSingleton <ITokenExchangeConfig>(settings.TokenExchangeConfig);

            // Configure bot
            services.AddTransient <IBot, DefaultActivityHandler <MainDialog> >();