static bool Prefix(RecipeSlot __instance)
            return(Patcher.Run(() =>
                // If neither shift is down give back control to the game immediately
                if (!Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftShift) && !Input.GetKey(KeyCode.RightShift))
                    return true;

                var slot = __instance;
                var situation = GameBoard.GetOpenSituation();

                if (situation == null || slot.GetElementStackInSlot() != null || !SituSlotController.GetAllEmptySlots(situation).Contains(slot))
                    return true;

                foreach (var stack in Positions.GetStacksRelativeTo(situation))
                    if (SituSlotController.StackMatchesSlot(stack, slot))
                        SituSlotController.MoveStackIntoSlot(stack as ElementStackToken, slot);

                return false;
        public static bool PopulateSlotWithNearbyStacks(SituationController situation, RecipeSlot slotToFill)
            // Trying to fill all the slots
            var candidateStacks = Positions.GetAdjacentStacks(situation, Mod.AutomationDistance);

            foreach (var stack in candidateStacks)
                if (SituSlotController.StackMatchesSlot(stack, slotToFill))
                    var tokenAndSlot = new TokenAndSlot
                        RecipeSlot = slotToFill,
                        Token      = situation.situationToken as SituationToken
                    SituSlotController.FillSlotEventually(tokenAndSlot, stack as ElementStackToken);
                    return(true); // Successfully found a token for this slot
            return(false); // Failed to find a token for this slot
        static bool Prefix(ElementStackToken __instance)
            return(Patcher.Run(() =>
                // If neither shift is down give back control to the game immediately
                if (!Input.GetKey(KeyCode.LeftShift) && !Input.GetKey(KeyCode.RightShift))
                    return true;

                // Do not move cards in Mansus. Supporting this could be a future addition
                if (TabletopManager.IsInMansus())
                    return false;

                var stack = __instance;
                var situation = GameBoard.GetOpenSituation();
                List <RecipeSlot> slots = null;

                if (situation == null)
                    foreach (var closedSituation in Positions.GetSituationsRelativeTo(stack))
                        if (closedSituation.CanAcceptStackWhenClosed(stack))
                            situation = closedSituation;

                if (situation == null)
                    // Let controller handle the fail state
                    SituSlotController.MoveStackIntoSlot(stack, null);
                    var populatedSlot = false;
                    slots = SituSlotController.GetAllEmptySlots(situation);
                    for (int i = 0; i < slots.Count; i++)
                        if (SituSlotController.StackMatchesSlot(stack, slots[i]))
                            SituSlotController.MoveStackIntoSlot(stack, slots[i]);
                            populatedSlot = true;

                    // There is no slot available for us, allow the controller to handle the fail state
                    if (!populatedSlot)
                        SituSlotController.MoveStackIntoSlot(stack, null);

                return false;