Exemplo n.º 1
        public void CreateFromZeroLengthArrayShouldReturnNull()
            int[] array = new int[0];
            SingleLinkedNode <int> actual = SingleLinkedNode <int> .CreateFromArray(array);

            Assert.IsNull(actual, "actual should be null since length of array is 0");
        public void CreateFromArrayShouldResultInHeaderLengthEqualToArrayLength()
            int[] array = new int[] { 5, 12, 15, -61, 0 };
            SingleLinkedNode <int> actual = SingleLinkedNode <int> .CreateFromArray(array);

            Assert.AreEqual(array.Length, DoubleLinkedNode <int> .Length(actual), "Length");
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void SearchShouldReturnNullWhenNotFound()
            int[] array = new int[] { 12, 15, -61, 0, 5 };
            SingleLinkedNode <int> actual = SingleLinkedNode <int> .CreateFromArray(array);

            Assert.IsNull(actual.Search(38129), "Should return null");
Exemplo n.º 4
        public void LastShouldReturnFinalNode()
            int[] array = new int[] { 12, 15, -61, 0, 5 };
            SingleLinkedNode <int> actual = SingleLinkedNode <int> .CreateFromArray(array);

            SingleLinkedNode <int> last = actual.Last();

            Assert.IsNotNull(last, "Last should not be null");
            Assert.IsTrue(last.IsLast, "IsLast should be true for last node");
            Assert.AreEqual(5, last.Value, "Value should be equal to final array value");
Exemplo n.º 5
        public void ToStringShouldPrintValuesInOrder()
            int[] array = new int[] { 5, 12, 15, -61, 0 };
            SingleLinkedNode <int> actual = SingleLinkedNode <int> .CreateFromArray(array);

            string toString = actual.ToString();

            Assert.IsNotNull(toString, "Should not be null string");
            Assert.IsNotEmpty(toString, "Should not be empty string");
            Assert.AreEqual("5, 12, 15, -61, 0", toString, "String is incorrect");
Exemplo n.º 6
        public void SearchShouldReturnNodeWhenValueFound()
            int[] array = new int[] { 12, 15, -61, 0, 5 };
            SingleLinkedNode <int> actual = SingleLinkedNode <int> .CreateFromArray(array);

            SingleLinkedNode <int> result = actual.Search(15);

            Assert.IsNotNull(result, "Should not return null");
            Assert.AreEqual(15, result.Value, "Value");
            Assert.AreEqual(-61, result.Next.Value, "Next value");
Exemplo n.º 7
 public void CreateFromNullArrayShouldThrowException()
     int[] array = null;
     _ = Assert.Throws(typeof(ArgumentNullException), () => SingleLinkedNode <int> .CreateFromArray(array),
                       "Expected to throw System.ArgumentNullException");