Exemplo n.º 1
        public virtual void Initialize()
            _wasapiCapture = new WasapiCapture
                Device = _captureDevice

            var soundInSource = new SoundInSource(_wasapiCapture);

            if (_triggerSingleBlockRead)
                var notificationStream =
                    new SingleBlockNotificationStream(soundInSource.ChangeSampleRate(48000).ToMono().ToSampleSource());
                notificationStream.SingleBlockRead += NotificationStreamOnSingleBlockRead;
                _captureSource = notificationStream.ToWaveSource(16);
                _captureSource = soundInSource

            soundInSource.DataAvailable += SoundInSourceOnDataAvailable;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void InitialiseAudioProgram()
            _soundIn = new WasapiLoopbackCapture();

            var           soundInSource = new SoundInSource(_soundIn);
            ISampleSource source        = soundInSource.ToSampleSource();

            var spectrumProvider = new SpectrumProvider(2, 48000, FftSize.Fft4096);

            _spectrum = new LineSpectrum(spectrumProvider, _barCount);
            var notificationSource = new SingleBlockNotificationStream(source);

            notificationSource.SingleBlockRead += (s, a) => spectrumProvider.Add(a.Left, a.Right);

            _source = notificationSource.ToWaveSource(16);

            // Read from the source otherwise SingleBlockRead is never called
            byte[] buffer = new byte[_source.WaveFormat.BytesPerSecond / 2];
            soundInSource.DataAvailable += (src, evt) =>
                int read;
                while ((read = _source.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) > 0)


            for (int i = 0; i < MatrixCount; i++)
                _Programs[i] = i == 0 ? AudioSequence().GetEnumerator() : null;
Exemplo n.º 3
        //most of this code is stolen from the example in the CSCore github so idk what it does 40% of the time
        public void Initialize(FFTSize _size = FFTSize._4096)
            size     = _size;
            _soundIn = new WasapiLoopbackCapture();

            var soundInSource = new SoundInSource(_soundIn);

            var source = soundInSource.ToSampleSource();

            _fft = new FftProvider(source.WaveFormat.Channels, (FftSize)size);

            var n = new SingleBlockNotificationStream(source);

            n.SingleBlockRead += (s, a) => _fft.Add(a.Left, a.Right);

            _source = n.ToWaveSource(16);
            byte[] buffer = new byte[_source.WaveFormat.BytesPerSecond];
            soundInSource.DataAvailable += (s, aEvent) =>
                int read;
                while ((read = _source.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) > 0)
Exemplo n.º 4
        public void Initialize()
            _wasapiOut   = new WasapiOut();
            _opusDecoder = OpusDecoder.Create(48000, 1);

            //var waveForm = new WaveFormatExtensible(48000, 16, 1, Guid.Parse("00000003-0000-0010-8000-00aa00389b71"));
            var waveForm = new WaveFormat(48000, 16, 1);

            _writeableBufferingSource = new WriteableBufferingSource(waveForm)
                FillWithZeros = true

            IWaveSource waveSource;

            if (_triggerSingleBlockRead)
                var singleBlockNotificationStream =
                    new SingleBlockNotificationStream(_writeableBufferingSource.ToSampleSource());
                singleBlockNotificationStream.SingleBlockRead += SingleBlockNotificationStreamOnSingleBlockRead;
                waveSource = singleBlockNotificationStream.ToWaveSource();
                waveSource = _writeableBufferingSource;

Exemplo n.º 5
            public SoundCapture()
                // This uses the wasapi api to get any sound data played by the computer
                capture = new WasapiLoopbackCapture();


                // Get our capture as a source
                IWaveSource source = new SoundInSource(capture);

                // From https://github.com/filoe/cscore/blob/master/Samples/WinformsVisualization/Form1.cs

                // This is the typical size, you can change this for higher detail as needed
                fftSize = FftSize.Fft4096;

                // Actual fft data
                fftBuffer = new float[(int)fftSize];

                // Tells us when data is available to send to our spectrum
                var notificationSource = new SingleBlockNotificationStream(source.ToSampleSource());

                notificationSource.SingleBlockRead += NotificationSource_SingleBlockRead;

                // We use this to request data so it actualy flows through (figuring this out took forever...)
                finalSource = notificationSource.ToWaveSource();

                capture.DataAvailable += Capture_DataAvailable;
Exemplo n.º 6
        private void CreateLoopback()
            try {
            } catch (Exception e) {


            soundIn          = new SoundInSource(loopback);
            spectrumProvider = new BasicSpectrumProvider(soundIn.WaveFormat.Channels, soundIn.WaveFormat.SampleRate, FftSize.Fft4096);
            spectrum         = new LineSpectrum(FftSize.Fft4096)
                SpectrumProvider = spectrumProvider,
                BarCount         = 512,
                UseAverage       = true,
                IsXLogScale      = true,


            blockNotifyStream = new SingleBlockNotificationStream(soundIn.ToSampleSource());
            realtime          = blockNotifyStream.ToWaveSource();

            buffer = new float[realtime.WaveFormat.BytesPerSecond / sizeof(float) / 2];

            soundIn.DataAvailable += AudioDataAvailable;

            blockNotifyStream.SingleBlockRead += SingleBlockRead;
Exemplo n.º 7
        private void SetupSampleSource(ISampleSource aSampleSource)
            const FftSize fftSize = FftSize.Fft4096;
            //create a spectrum provider which provides fft data based on some input
            var spectrumProvider = new BasicSpectrumProvider(aSampleSource.WaveFormat.Channels,
                                                             aSampleSource.WaveFormat.SampleRate, fftSize);

            //linespectrum and voiceprint3dspectrum used for rendering some fft data
            //in oder to get some fft data, set the previously created spectrumprovider
            _lineSpectrum = new LineSpectrum(fftSize)
                SpectrumProvider = spectrumProvider,
                UseAverage       = true,
                BarCount         = 50,
                BarSpacing       = 2,
                IsXLogScale      = true,
                ScalingStrategy  = ScalingStrategy.Sqrt

            //the SingleBlockNotificationStream is used to intercept the played samples
            var notificationSource = new SingleBlockNotificationStream(aSampleSource);

            //pass the intercepted samples as input data to the spectrumprovider (which will calculate a fft based on them)
            notificationSource.SingleBlockRead += (s, a) => spectrumProvider.Add(a.Left, a.Right);

            _waveSource = notificationSource.ToWaveSource(16);
Exemplo n.º 8
        public void Load(Uri uri)
            _uri        = uri;
            _waveSource = CSCore.Codecs.CodecFactory.Instance.GetCodec(_uri)

            spectrumProvider = new BasicSpectrumProvider(_waveSource.WaveFormat.Channels,

            //the SingleBlockNotificationStream is used to intercept the played samples
            var notificationSource = new SingleBlockNotificationStream(_waveSource.ToSampleSource());

            //pass the intercepted samples as input data to the spectrumprovider (which will calculate a fft based on them)
            notificationSource.SingleBlockRead += (s, a) => SpectrumProvider.Add(a.Left, a.Right);
            _waveSource = notificationSource.ToWaveSource(16);
            // Load the sample source
            var ws = CSCore.Codecs.CodecFactory.Instance.GetCodec(_uri);

            _sampleSource = ws.ToSampleSource();
            hasMedia = true;
        private IWaveSource CreateWaveSource(ISampleSource sampleSource, CustomFftProvider fftProvider)
            var sampleStream = new SingleBlockNotificationStream(sampleSource);

            sampleStream.SingleBlockRead += (s, a) => fftProvider.Add(a.Left, a.Right);
Exemplo n.º 10
        public FFTDataProvider(FftSize fftSize)
            this.fftSize = fftSize;
            _soundIn     = new WasapiLoopbackCapture();
            var           soundInSource = new SoundInSource(_soundIn);
            ISampleSource source        = soundInSource.ToSampleSource();

            fftProvider  = new FftProvider(source.WaveFormat.Channels, fftSize);
            fftProvider2 = new FftProvider(source.WaveFormat.Channels, fftSize);
            var notificationSource = new SingleBlockNotificationStream(source);

            SamplesRate = source.WaveFormat.SampleRate;
            //pass the intercepted samples as input data to the spectrumprovider (which will calculate a fft based on them)
            notificationSource.SingleBlockRead += addToFFTs;
            var _source = notificationSource.ToWaveSource(16);

            byte[] buffer = new byte[_source.WaveFormat.BytesPerSecond / 8];// 1/8 seconds
            soundInSource.DataAvailable += (s, aEvent) =>
                int read;
                while ((read = _source.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) > 0)
            _readStarted = false;
Exemplo n.º 11
    void Start()
        fftData = new float[fftSize];

        persistentSamples = new FixedQueue <float> [PersSampleUpperIndex - PersSampleLowerIndex];
        smoothedSamples   = new float[persistentSamples.Length];
        for (int i = 0; i < persistentSamples.Length; i++)
            persistentSamples[i] = new FixedQueue <float>(PersistenSampleLength);

        line        = GetComponent <LineRenderer>();
        leftChannel = new float[TotalSamples];

        capture = new WasapiLoopbackCapture();
        var soundInSource = new SoundInSource(capture);
        var source        = soundInSource.ToSampleSource().AppendSource(x => new PitchShifter(x), out pitchShifter);

        fft1 = new FftTransform(source.WaveFormat.Channels, fftSize);
        fft2 = new FftProvider(source.WaveFormat.Channels, FftSize.Fft2048);

        stream = new SingleBlockNotificationStream(pitchShifter);
        stream.SingleBlockRead += SingleBlockRead;

        waveSource = stream.ToWaveSource(16);
        buffer     = new byte[waveSource.WaveFormat.BytesPerSecond / 2];

        soundInSource.DataAvailable += DataAvailable;

        capture.DataAvailable += (sender, args) => DataAvailable(sender, args);
Exemplo n.º 12
        private void StartCapture()
            if (SelectedDevice == null)

            if (CaptureMode == "Capture")
                _soundIn = new WasapiCapture();

            _soundIn.Device = SelectedDevice;

            var soundInSource = new SoundInSource(_soundIn);
            var singleBlockNotificationStream = new SingleBlockNotificationStream(soundInSource.ToSampleSource());

            _finalSource = singleBlockNotificationStream.ToWaveSource();
            _writer      = new WaveWriter("tmp.wav", _finalSource.WaveFormat);

            byte[] buffer = new byte[_finalSource.WaveFormat.BytesPerSecond / 2];
            soundInSource.DataAvailable += (s, e) =>
                int read;
                while ((read = _finalSource.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) > 0)
                    _writer.Write(buffer, 0, read);

            //singleBlockNotificationStream.SingleBlockRead += SingleBlockNotificationStreamOnSingleBlockRead; // visualization

Exemplo n.º 13
        public Spectrograph()

            _soundIn = new WasapiLoopbackCapture();

            var soundInSource = new SoundInSource(_soundIn);
            var singleBlockNotificationStream = new SingleBlockNotificationStream(soundInSource);

            _source = singleBlockNotificationStream.ToWaveSource();

            if (!Directory.Exists(_loopbackDir))

            _writer = new WaveWriter(_loopbackDir + "/loopback.wav", _source.WaveFormat);

            byte[] buffer = new byte[_source.WaveFormat.BytesPerSecond / 2];
            soundInSource.DataAvailable += (s, e) =>
                int read;
                while ((read = _source.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) > 0)
                    _writer.Write(buffer, 0, read);

            _lineSpectrumProvider = new BasicSpectrumProvider(_source.WaveFormat.Channels, _source.WaveFormat.SampleRate, fftSize);
            _spectrogramProvider  = new BasicSpectrumProvider(_source.WaveFormat.Channels, _source.WaveFormat.SampleRate, fftSize);

            singleBlockNotificationStream.SingleBlockRead += SingleBlockNotificationStream_SingleBlockRead;

            _lineSpectrum = new LineSpectrum(fftSize)
                SpectrumProvider = _lineSpectrumProvider,
                UseAverage       = true,
                BarCount         = 22,
                BarSpacing       = 1,
                IsXLogScale      = true,
                ScalingStrategy  = ScalingStrategy.Sqrt
            _oscilloscope = new Oscilloscope();
            _spectrogram  = new Spectrogram(fftSize)
                SpectrumProvider = _spectrogramProvider,
                UseAverage       = true,
                BarCount         = (int)fftSize,
                BarSpacing       = 0,
                IsXLogScale      = true,
                ScalingStrategy  = ScalingStrategy.Sqrt
            _keyboardVisualizer = new KeyboardVisualizer();

Exemplo n.º 14
        static void Main(string[] args)

            MMDevice dev = MMDeviceEnumerator.DefaultAudioEndpoint(DataFlow.Render, Role.Multimedia);

            capture        = new WasapiLoopbackCapture();
            capture.Device = dev;

            SoundInSource soundInSource = new SoundInSource(capture);

            nStream = new SingleBlockNotificationStream(soundInSource.ToSampleSource());
            final   = nStream.ToWaveSource();
            nStream.SingleBlockRead     += NStream_SingleBlockRead;
            soundInSource.DataAvailable += encode;
            trashBuf = new byte[final.WaveFormat.BytesPerSecond / 2];

            Console.WriteLine($"sample rate:{capture.WaveFormat.SampleRate}");
            Console.WriteLine($"bits per sample:{capture.WaveFormat.BitsPerSample }");
            Console.WriteLine($"channels:{capture.WaveFormat.Channels }");
            Console.WriteLine($"bytes per sample:{capture.WaveFormat.BytesPerSample }");
            Console.WriteLine($"bytes per second:{capture.WaveFormat.BytesPerSecond }");
            Console.WriteLine($"AudioEncoding:{capture.WaveFormat.WaveFormatTag  }");

            EncodingContext context = FrameEncoder.GetDefaultsContext();

            context.Channels        = 6;
            context.SampleRate      = capture.WaveFormat.SampleRate;
            context.AudioCodingMode = AudioCodingMode.Front3Rear2;
            context.HasLfe          = true;
            context.SampleFormat    = A52SampleFormat.Float;
            enc = new FrameEncoderFloat(ref context);

            //_writer = new WaveWriter("test.ac3", final.WaveFormat);


            wBuffSrc = new WriteableBufferingSource(new WaveFormat(capture.WaveFormat.SampleRate, capture.WaveFormat.BitsPerSample, capture.WaveFormat.Channels, AudioEncoding.WAVE_FORMAT_DOLBY_AC3_SPDIF), (int)capture.WaveFormat.MillisecondsToBytes(20));

            w = new WasapiOut2(false, AudioClientShareMode.Shared, 20);

            w.Device = MMDeviceEnumerator.EnumerateDevices(DataFlow.Render, DeviceState.Active).Where(x => x.FriendlyName.Contains("Digital")).Single();
            AudioClient a = AudioClient.FromMMDevice(w.Device);


            Task.Run(async() => await encoderThread());


Exemplo n.º 15
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the recorder class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="captureDevice"></param>
        /// <param name="captureMode"></param>
        public Recorder(MMDevice captureDevice, DataFlow captureMode)
            var wasapiCapture = Convert.ToBoolean(captureMode) ? new WasapiCapture() : new WasapiLoopbackCapture();

            wasapiCapture.Device = captureDevice;

            _soundInSource     = new SoundInSource(wasapiCapture);
            NotificationStream = new SingleBlockNotificationStream(_soundInSource.ToSampleSource());
            _waveStream        = NotificationStream.ToWaveSource();
Exemplo n.º 16
    // Start is called before the first frame update
    void Start()
        loopbackCapture = new WasapiLoopbackCapture();

        soundInSource = new SoundInSource(loopbackCapture);

        fftBuffer = new float[(int)CFftSize];

        basicSpectrumProvider = new BasicSpectrumProvider(soundInSource.WaveFormat.Channels,
                                                          soundInSource.WaveFormat.SampleRate, CFftSize);

        lineSpectrum = new LineSpectrum(CFftSize)
            SpectrumProvider = basicSpectrumProvider,
            BarCount         = numBars,
            UseAverage       = true,
            IsXLogScale      = false,
            ScalingStrategy  = ScalingStrategy.Linear

        var notificationSource = new SingleBlockNotificationStream(soundInSource.ToSampleSource());

        notificationSource.SingleBlockRead += NotificationSource_SingleBlockRead;

        finalSource = notificationSource.ToWaveSource();

        loopbackCapture.DataAvailable += Capture_DataAvailable;

        //singleBlockNotificationStream = new SingleBlockNotificationStream(soundInSource.ToSampleSource());
        //realTimeSource = singleBlockNotificationStream.ToWaveSource();

        //byte[] buffer = new byte[realTimeSource.WaveFormat.BytesPerSecond / 2];

        //soundInSource.DataAvailable += (s, ea) =>
        //    while (realTimeSource.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length) > 0)
        //    {
        //        float[] spectrumData = lineSpectrum.GetSpectrumData(10);
        //        receiveAudio(spectrumData);
        //        Debug.Log(receiveAudio);

        //        if (spectrumData != null && receiveAudio != null)
        //        {
        //            receiveAudio(spectrumData);
        //            Debug.Log(receiveAudio);
        //        }
        //    }

        //singleBlockNotificationStream.SingleBlockRead += SingleBlockNotificationStream_SingleBlockRead;
Exemplo n.º 17
    void Awake()
        barData = new float[numBars];
        // This uses the wasapi api to get any sound data played by the computer
        switch (audioType)
        case AudioSourceType.Microphone: capture = new WasapiCapture();

        case AudioSourceType.Speakers: capture = new WasapiLoopbackCapture();


        // Get our capture as a source
        IWaveSource source = new SoundInSource(capture);

        // From https://github.com/filoe/cscore/blob/master/Samples/WinformsVisualization/Form1.cs

        // This is the typical size, you can change this for higher detail as needed
        fftSize = FftSize.Fft4096;

        // Actual fft data
        fftBuffer = new float[(int)fftSize];

        // These are the actual classes that give you spectrum data
        // The specific vars of lineSpectrum are changed below in the editor so most of these aren't that important here
        spectrumProvider = new BasicSpectrumProvider(capture.WaveFormat.Channels,
                                                     capture.WaveFormat.SampleRate, fftSize);

        lineSpectrum = new LineSpectrum(fftSize)
            SpectrumProvider = spectrumProvider,
            UseAverage       = isAverage,
            BarCount         = numBars,
            BarSpacing       = 2,
            IsXLogScale      = false,
            ScalingStrategy  = ScalingStrategy.Linear

        // Tells us when data is available to send to our spectrum
        var notificationSource = new SingleBlockNotificationStream(source.ToSampleSource());

        notificationSource.SingleBlockRead += NotificationSource_SingleBlockRead;

        // We use this to request data so it actualy flows through (figuring this out took forever...)
        finalSource = notificationSource.ToWaveSource();

        capture.DataAvailable += Capture_DataAvailable;
Exemplo n.º 18
        /// <summary>
        /// </summary>
        private void StartAudioVisualization()
            //Open the default device
            iSoundIn = new WasapiLoopbackCapture();
            //Our loopback capture opens the default render device by default so the following is not needed
            //iSoundIn.Device = MMDeviceEnumerator.DefaultAudioEndpoint(DataFlow.Render, Role.Console);

            SoundInSource soundInSource = new SoundInSource(iSoundIn);
            ISampleSource source        = soundInSource.ToSampleSource();

            const FftSize fftSize = FftSize.Fft2048;
            //create a spectrum provider which provides fft data based on some input
            BasicSpectrumProvider spectrumProvider = new BasicSpectrumProvider(source.WaveFormat.Channels, source.WaveFormat.SampleRate, fftSize);

            //linespectrum and voiceprint3dspectrum used for rendering some fft data
            //in oder to get some fft data, set the previously created spectrumprovider
            iLineSpectrum = new LineSpectrum(fftSize)
                SpectrumProvider = spectrumProvider,
                UseAverage       = false, // Does not matter since we hacked it
                BarCount         = 16,
                BarSpacing       = 1,
                IsXLogScale      = true,                   // Does not matter since we hacked it
                ScalingStrategy  = ScalingStrategy.Decibel // Does not matter since we hacked it

            //the SingleBlockNotificationStream is used to intercept the played samples
            var notificationSource = new SingleBlockNotificationStream(source);

            //pass the intercepted samples as input data to the spectrumprovider (which will calculate a fft based on them)
            notificationSource.SingleBlockRead += (s, a) => spectrumProvider.Add(a.Left, a.Right);

            iWaveSource = notificationSource.ToWaveSource(16);

            // We need to read from our source otherwise SingleBlockRead is never called and our spectrum provider is not populated
            byte[] buffer = new byte[iWaveSource.WaveFormat.BytesPerSecond / 2];
            soundInSource.DataAvailable += (s, aEvent) =>
                int read;
                while ((read = iWaveSource.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) > 0)

            //Start recording
Exemplo n.º 19
        private void openToolStripMenuItem_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            var openFileDialog = new OpenFileDialog()
                Filter = CodecFactory.SupportedFilesFilterEn,
                Title  = "Select a file..."

            if (openFileDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK)

                const FftSize fftSize = FftSize.Fft4096;

                IWaveSource source = CodecFactory.Instance.GetCodec(openFileDialog.FileName);

                var spectrumProvider = new BasicSpectrumProvider(source.WaveFormat.Channels,
                                                                 source.WaveFormat.SampleRate, fftSize);
                _lineSpectrum = new LineSpectrum(fftSize)
                    SpectrumProvider = spectrumProvider,
                    UseAverage       = true,
                    BarCount         = 50,
                    BarSpacing       = 2,
                    IsXLogScale      = true,
                    ScalingStrategy  = ScalingStrategy.Sqrt
                _voicePrint3DSpectrum = new VoicePrint3DSpectrum(fftSize)
                    SpectrumProvider = spectrumProvider,
                    UseAverage       = true,
                    PointCount       = 200,
                    IsXLogScale      = true,
                    ScalingStrategy  = ScalingStrategy.Sqrt

                var notificationSource = new SingleBlockNotificationStream(source.ToSampleSource());
                notificationSource.SingleBlockRead += (s, a) => spectrumProvider.Add(a.Left, a.Right);

                _source = notificationSource.ToWaveSource(16);

                _soundOut = new WasapiOut();


                propertyGridTop.SelectedObject    = _lineSpectrum;
                propertyGridBottom.SelectedObject = _voicePrint3DSpectrum;
Exemplo n.º 20
        public Visualizer()

            _graphics = DrawPanel.CreateGraphics();
            _graphics.SmoothingMode      = SmoothingMode.AntiAlias;
            _graphics.CompositingQuality = CompositingQuality.AssumeLinear;
            _graphics.PixelOffsetMode    = PixelOffsetMode.Default;
            _graphics.TextRenderingHint  = TextRenderingHint.ClearTypeGridFit;

            _oscilloscope = new Oscilloscope();

            for (int i = 0; i < _pens.Length; i++)
                _pens[i] = new Pen(Color.FromArgb(i, i, i));

            _fftProvider = new FftProvider(1, FftSize.Fft4096);

            _soundIn = new WasapiLoopbackCapture();

            var soundInSource = new SoundInSource(_soundIn);
            var singleBlockNotificationStream = new SingleBlockNotificationStream(soundInSource);

            _source = singleBlockNotificationStream.ToWaveSource();

            if (!Directory.Exists("%AppData%/Spectrograph"))

            _writer = new WaveWriter("%AppData%/Spectrograph/loopback.wav", _source.WaveFormat);

            byte[] buffer = new byte[_source.WaveFormat.BytesPerSecond / 2];
            soundInSource.DataAvailable += (s, e) =>
                int read;
                while ((read = _source.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) > 0)
                    _writer.Write(buffer, 0, read);

            singleBlockNotificationStream.SingleBlockRead += SingleBlockNotificationStreamOnSingleBlockRead;

Exemplo n.º 21
        void SetupSampleSource(ISampleSource sampleSource)
            FftSize fftSize = FftSize.Fft4096;

            SpectrumProvider spectrumProvider = new SpectrumProvider(sampleSource.WaveFormat.Channels,
                sampleSource.WaveFormat.SampleRate, fftSize);

            //spectrum = new BlobSpectrum(this, spectrumProvider, FftSize.Fft4096);
            spectrum = new RLSpectrum(this, spectrumProvider, FftSize.Fft4096);

            SingleBlockNotificationStream notificationSource = new SingleBlockNotificationStream(sampleSource);
            notificationSource.SingleBlockRead += (s, a) => spectrumProvider.Add(a.Left, a.Right);

            source = notificationSource.ToWaveSource(16);
Exemplo n.º 22
    void StartListen()
        loopbackCapture = new WasapiLoopbackCapture();

        soundInSource = new SoundInSource(loopbackCapture);


        singleBlockNotificationStream = new SingleBlockNotificationStream(soundInSource.ToSampleSource());
        realTimeSource = singleBlockNotificationStream.ToWaveSource();

        soundInSource.DataAvailable += DataAvailable;

        singleBlockNotificationStream.SingleBlockRead += SingleBlockNotificationStream_SingleBlockRead;
Exemplo n.º 23
        public IWaveSource Initialize(ISampleSource OrgWave)
            ISampleSource iss = OrgWave;

            provider = new LpsFFTProvider(iss.WaveFormat.Channels, iss.WaveFormat.SampleRate, size);
            if (notify == null)
                notify = new SingleBlockNotificationStream(iss);
                notify.BaseSource = iss;
            notify.SingleBlockRead += (s, e) => provider.Add(e.Left, e.Right);
Exemplo n.º 24
        public bool StartCapture()
            if (mmdevice == null)

            Console.WriteLine("Prepare to capturing!");
            if (mmdevice.DataFlow == DataFlow.Capture)
                capture = new WasapiCapture();
            else if (mmdevice.DataFlow == DataFlow.Render)
                capture = new WasapiLoopbackCapture();

            if (capture == null)
                Console.WriteLine("Not able to open capture mode!");

            Console.WriteLine("Selected Device: " + mmdevice.FriendlyName);

            capture.Device = mmdevice;

            var soundInSource = new SoundInSource(capture);

            var singleBlockNotificationStream = new SingleBlockNotificationStream(soundInSource.ToSampleSource());

            waveSource = singleBlockNotificationStream.ToWaveSource();
            singleBlockNotificationStream.SingleBlockRead += SingleBlockNotificationStreamOnSingleBlockRead;

            byte[] buffer = new byte[waveSource.WaveFormat.BytesPerSecond / 2];
            soundInSource.DataAvailable += delegate {
                int read;
                while ((read = waveSource.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) > 0)

        public void Initialize(MMDevice captureDevice)
            //BLARG 01.14.2020: Don't need the default when we're given an Audio Enpoint
            //MMDevice captureDevice = MMDeviceEnumerator.DefaultAudioEndpoint(DataFlow.Render, Role.Console);
            WaveFormat deviceFormat = captureDevice.DeviceFormat;

            _audioEndpointVolume = AudioEndpointVolume.FromDevice(captureDevice);

            //DarthAffe 07.02.2018: This is a really stupid workaround to (hopefully) finally fix the surround driver issues
            for (int i = 1; i < 13; i++)
                try { _capture = new WasapiLoopbackCapture(100, new WaveFormat(deviceFormat.SampleRate, deviceFormat.BitsPerSample, i)); } catch { /* We're just trying ... */ }

            if (_capture == null)
                throw new NullReferenceException("Failed to initialize WasapiLoopbackCapture");

            //BLARG: Actually setting the Device
            _capture.Device = captureDevice;

            _soundInSource = new SoundInSource(_capture)
                FillWithZeros = false
            _source = _soundInSource.WaveFormat.SampleRate == 44100
                          ? _soundInSource.ToStereo()
                          : _soundInSource.ChangeSampleRate(44100).ToStereo();

            _stream = new SingleBlockNotificationStream(_source.ToSampleSource());
            _stream.SingleBlockRead += StreamOnSingleBlockRead;

            _source = _stream.ToWaveSource();

            byte[] buffer = new byte[_source.WaveFormat.BytesPerSecond / 2];
            _soundInSource.DataAvailable += (s, aEvent) =>
                while ((_source.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) > 0)

        public void play()
            ISampleSource source = CodecFactory.Instance.GetCodec(this.sfxPath).ToSampleSource();

            var notificationSource = new SingleBlockNotificationStream(source);

            _source = notificationSource.ToWaveSource(16);

            //play the audio
            _soundOut = new WasapiOut();
Exemplo n.º 27
        private void SetupSource(ISampleSource source)
            var spectrumProvider = new BasicSpectrumProvider(source.WaveFormat.Channels, source.WaveFormat.SampleRate, FftSize.Fft4096);

            Spectrum = new LineSpectrum(Frame, FftSize.Fft4096, spectrumProvider)
                UseAverage      = true,
                IsXLogScale     = true,
                ScalingStrategy = ScalingStrategy.Decibel

            var notificationSource = new SingleBlockNotificationStream(source);

            notificationSource.SingleBlockRead += (sender, args) => spectrumProvider.Add(args.Left, args.Right);

            Source = notificationSource.ToWaveSource(16);
Exemplo n.º 28
         * Initializes WASAPI, initializes the sample handler, and sends captured data to it.
        private void StartCapture()
            // Initialize hardware capture
            wasapiCapture = new WasapiLoopbackCapture(25);

            // Initialize sample handler
            SampleHandler = new SampleHandler(wasapiCapture.WaveFormat.Channels);

            // Configure per-block reads rather than per-sample reads
            notificationSource = new SingleBlockNotificationStream(new SoundInSource(wasapiCapture).ToSampleSource());
            notificationSource.SingleBlockRead += (s, e) => SampleHandler.Add(e.Left, e.Right);
            finalSource = notificationSource.ToWaveSource();
            wasapiCapture.DataAvailable += (s, e) => finalSource.Read(e.Data, e.Offset, e.ByteCount);

            // Start capture
Exemplo n.º 29
        void StartCapture()
            capture = new WasapiLoopbackCapture();
            IWaveSource source = new SoundInSource(capture);

            fftSize     = FftSize.Fft2048;
            fftBuffer   = new float[2048];
            fftBuffer   = new float[(int)fftSize];
            fftProvider = new FftProvider(1, fftSize);

            notificationSource = new SingleBlockNotificationStream(source.ToSampleSource());
            notificationSource.SingleBlockRead += SingleBlockRead;
            finalSource = notificationSource.ToWaveSource();

            capture.DataAvailable += CaptureDataAvailable;

            initialized = true;
Exemplo n.º 30
        private void SetupSampleSource(ISampleSource aSampleSource)
            const FftSize fftSize          = FftSize.Fft128;
            var           spectrumProvider = new BasicSpectrumProvider(aSampleSource.WaveFormat.Channels,
                                                                       aSampleSource.WaveFormat.SampleRate, fftSize);

            _lineSpectrum = new LineSpectrum(fftSize)
                SpectrumProvider = spectrumProvider,
                UseAverage       = true,
                BarCount         = 50,
                BarSpacing       = 2,
                IsXLogScale      = true,
                ScalingStrategy  = ScalingStrategy.Linear
            var notificationSource = new SingleBlockNotificationStream(aSampleSource);

            notificationSource.SingleBlockRead += (s, a) => spectrumProvider.Add(a.Left, a.Right);
            _source = notificationSource.ToWaveSource(16);