Exemplo n.º 1
        private static void CreateEarthAndMoonScene(float speed, float orbitDistanceMultiplier, float planetScaleMultiplier, Renderer renderer)
            // Create and setup material
            SimpleMaterial baseMaterial = new SimpleMaterial
                VertexShaderPath       = "Shaders.fx",
                VertexShaderEntryPoint = "VS",
                VertexShaderProfile    = "vs_5_0",
                PixelShaderPath        = "Shaders.fx",
                PixelShaderEntryPoint  = "PS",
                PixelShaderProfile     = "ps_5_0",

            baseMaterial.pixelShaderData.LightPos      = new Vector4(5, 3, 5, 1);
            baseMaterial.pixelShaderData.EmissionColor = new Vector4(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f, 1);

            // Load model
            ModelLoader modelLoader = new ModelLoader(renderer.device);
            Model       sphere      = modelLoader.LoadRelative("Assets\\Planets\\sphere.obj");

            // Create scene objects
            var earth = CreatePlanet(0f * speed, 0f * orbitDistanceMultiplier, 1f * planetScaleMultiplier, baseMaterial, new Vector4(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.8f, 1), sphere);

            CreatePlanet(1 / 0.1f * speed, 1f * orbitDistanceMultiplier, 0.4f, baseMaterial, new Vector4(0.4f, 0.4f, 0.4f, 1), sphere, earth.transform);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void Draw(CommandList cmdList, Camera cam)
            cmdList.SetVertexBuffer(0, m_vertexBuffer);
            cmdList.SetIndexBuffer(m_indexBuffer, IndexFormat.UInt32);

            SN.Matrix4x4 transform = WorldMatrix;

            for (int i = 0; i < m_meshesToDraw.Count; i++)
                MeshDrawCall   drawParams = m_meshesToDraw[i];
                MeshPart       partData   = m_meshesData[drawParams.MeshPartIndex];
                SimpleMaterial material   = m_materials[partData.MaterialIndex];

                SN.Matrix4x4 w   = drawParams.World * transform;
                SN.Matrix4x4 wvp = w * cam.ViewProjection;

                cmdList.UpdateBuffer(m_wvpParam, 0, ref wvp);
                cmdList.UpdateBuffer(m_worldParam, 0, ref w);
                cmdList.UpdateBuffer(m_lightPosParam, 0, LightPosition);
                cmdList.UpdateBuffer(m_camPosParam, 0, cam.Position);

                cmdList.SetGraphicsResourceSet(0, m_worldLightCBSet);
                cmdList.SetGraphicsResourceSet(1, material.ColorAndTexture);

                cmdList.DrawIndexed((uint)partData.IndexCount, 1, (uint)partData.IndexOffset, 0, 0);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public override void Load(BodyHandle bodyHandle, ConnectionState connectionState, Simulator simulator, ObjectState state)
            base.Load(bodyHandle, connectionState, simulator, state);
            PhyInterval worker = new PhyInterval(1, simulator);

            worker.Completed += Tick;

            material = new SimpleMaterial
                FrictionCoefficient     = .97f,
                MaximumRecoveryVelocity = float.MaxValue,
                SpringSettings          = new SpringSettings(1f, 1.5f)
            simulator.collidableMaterials.Allocate(bodyHandle) = material;

            reference = simulator.Simulation.Bodies.GetBodyReference(bodyHandle);
            simulator.OnContactListeners.Add(this.bodyHandle, this);


            jumpState       = new JumpState(this);
            snappedState    = new SnappedState(this);
            notSnappedState = new Not_SnappedState(this);
            shotState       = new ShootState(this);
Exemplo n.º 4
        private static void CreateSolarSystemScene(float speed, float orbitDistanceMultiplier, float planetScaleMultiplier, Renderer renderer)
            // Create and setup material
            SimpleMaterial baseMaterial = new SimpleMaterial
                VertexShaderPath       = "Shaders.fx",
                VertexShaderEntryPoint = "VS",
                VertexShaderProfile    = "vs_5_0",
                PixelShaderPath        = "Shaders.fx",
                PixelShaderEntryPoint  = "PS",
                PixelShaderProfile     = "ps_5_0",

            baseMaterial.pixelShaderData.LightPos      = new Vector4(0, 0, 0, 1);
            baseMaterial.pixelShaderData.EmissionColor = new Vector4(0.1f, 0.1f, 0.1f, 1);

            // Load model
            ModelLoader modelLoader = new ModelLoader(renderer.device);
            Model       sphere      = modelLoader.LoadRelative("Assets\\Planets\\sphere.obj");

            // Create scene objects

            // Sun
            SceneObject sunObject = new SceneObject();

            sunObject.model = sphere;
            SimpleMaterial sunMaterial = baseMaterial.CreateInstanceTyped();

            sunMaterial.pixelShaderData.DiffuseColor  = new Vector4(0.92f, 0.72f, 0.2f, 1);
            sunMaterial.pixelShaderData.EmissionColor = new Vector4(0.92f, 0.8f, 0.2f, 1);
            sunObject.material = sunMaterial;

            // Mercury
            CreatePlanet(4f * speed, 0.36f * orbitDistanceMultiplier, 0.38f * planetScaleMultiplier, baseMaterial, new Vector4(0.7f, 0.6f, 0.5f, 1), sphere);

            // Venus
            CreatePlanet(1.3f * speed, 0.67f * orbitDistanceMultiplier, 0.95f * planetScaleMultiplier, baseMaterial, new Vector4(0.96f, 0.48f, 0.04f, 1), sphere);

            // Earth + Moon
            var earth = CreatePlanet(1f * speed, 0.93f * orbitDistanceMultiplier, 1f * planetScaleMultiplier, baseMaterial, new Vector4(0.2f, 0.2f, 0.8f, 1), sphere);

            CreatePlanet(1 / 0.1f * speed, 1f * orbitDistanceMultiplier, 0.8f * planetScaleMultiplier, baseMaterial, new Vector4(0.4f, 0.4f, 0.4f, 1), sphere, earth.transform);

            // Mars
            CreatePlanet(0.45f * speed, 1.41f * orbitDistanceMultiplier, 0.53f * planetScaleMultiplier, baseMaterial, new Vector4(0.73f, 0.13f, 0.04f, 1), sphere);

            // Jupiter
            CreatePlanet(1 / 11.9f * speed, 2.6f * orbitDistanceMultiplier, 11.12f * planetScaleMultiplier, baseMaterial, new Vector4(0.77f, 0.66f, 0.45f, 1), sphere);

            // Saturn
            CreatePlanet(1 / 29.5f * speed, 3.7f * orbitDistanceMultiplier, 9.45f * planetScaleMultiplier, baseMaterial, new Vector4(0.68f, 0.54f, 0.36f, 1), sphere);

            // Uranus
            CreatePlanet(1 / 84f * speed, 4.4f * orbitDistanceMultiplier, 4.00f * planetScaleMultiplier, baseMaterial, new Vector4(0.55f, 0.83f, 0.97f, 1), sphere);

            // Neptune
            CreatePlanet(1 / 165f * speed, 5.2f * orbitDistanceMultiplier, 3.88f * planetScaleMultiplier, baseMaterial, new Vector4(0.38f, 0.50f, 0.83f, 1), sphere);
Exemplo n.º 5
        public static SimpleMaterial CreateMaterial(TwoDimensionDrawContext drawContext, BrushWidget widget)
            SimpleMaterial simpleMaterial = drawContext.CreateSimpleMaterial();
            Brush          brush          = widget.Brush;
            StyleLayer     styleLayer;

            if (brush == null)
                styleLayer = null;
                Dictionary <string, StyleLayer> .ValueCollection layers = brush.GetStyleOrDefault(widget.CurrentState).Layers;
                styleLayer = layers?.FirstOrDefault();
            simpleMaterial.OverlayEnabled         = false;
            simpleMaterial.CircularMaskingEnabled = false;
            simpleMaterial.AlphaFactor            = (styleLayer?.AlphaFactor ?? 1f) * widget.Brush.GlobalAlphaFactor * widget.Context.ContextAlpha;
            simpleMaterial.ColorFactor            = (styleLayer?.ColorFactor ?? 1f) * widget.Brush.GlobalColorFactor;
            simpleMaterial.HueFactor        = styleLayer?.HueFactor ?? 0.0f;
            simpleMaterial.SaturationFactor = styleLayer?.SaturationFactor ?? 0.0f;
            simpleMaterial.ValueFactor      = styleLayer?.ValueFactor ?? 0.0f;
            simpleMaterial.Color            = (styleLayer?.Color ?? Color.White) * widget.Brush.GlobalColor;
Exemplo n.º 6
 public RenderSystem(ICamera camera)
     _camera            = camera;
     _resourceAllocator = new ResourceAllocator(new OpenGlResourceFactory());
     _simpleMaterial    = new SimpleMaterial();
     _normalDebugProgram = new NormalDebugProgram();
 public Terrain(IChunkedLod chunkedLod)
     _tree           = CreateTree();
     _chunkedLod     = chunkedLod;
     _simpleMaterial = new SimpleMaterial();
     _normalDebugProgram = new NormalDebugProgram();
     _cache = new TerrainChunkCache(new TerrainChunkFactory(), new ResourceAllocator(new OpenGlResourceFactory()));
Exemplo n.º 8
        public Cube()
            _simpleMaterial = new SimpleMaterial();
            var resourceAllocator = new ResourceAllocator(new OpenGlResourceFactory());


            var mesh = MeshCreator.CreateXZGrid(10, 10);

            _renderable = resourceAllocator.AllocateResourceFor(mesh);
        protected override void OnRender(TwoDimensionContext twoDimensionContext, TwoDimensionDrawContext drawContext)
            base.OnRender(twoDimensionContext, drawContext);

            var size = _agentMarkerSize;

            UpdateDrawObject2D(size, size);
            var materials      = new SimpleMaterial[(int)AgentMarkerType.Count];
            var globalPosition = Widgets.Utility.GetGlobalPosition(this);

            for (int i = 0; i < AgentMakers.CountOfAgentMarkers; ++i)
                var agentMaker = AgentMakers.AgentMarkers[i];
                var type       = agentMaker.AgentMarkerType;
                twoDimensionContext.Draw(globalPosition.x + agentMaker.PositionInWidget.x * ScaledSuggestedWidth / Math.Max(SuggestedWidth, 1) - size * 0.5f, globalPosition.y + agentMaker.PositionInWidget.y * ScaledSuggestedHeight / Math.Max(SuggestedHeight, 1) - size * 0.5f, materials[(int)type] ??= CreateMaterial(drawContext, type), _cachedMesh, type.GetLayer());
Exemplo n.º 10
        protected override void OnRender(TwoDimensionContext twoDimensionContext, TwoDimensionDrawContext drawContext)
            base.OnRender(twoDimensionContext, drawContext);

            SimpleMaterial simpleMaterial = drawContext.CreateSimpleMaterial();
            Brush          brush          = Brush;
            StyleLayer     styleLayer;

            if (brush == null)
                styleLayer = null;
                Dictionary <string, StyleLayer> .ValueCollection layers = brush.GetStyleOrDefault(CurrentState).Layers;
                styleLayer = layers?.FirstOrDefault();
            simpleMaterial.OverlayEnabled         = false;
            simpleMaterial.CircularMaskingEnabled = false;
            simpleMaterial.Texture          = Texture;
            simpleMaterial.AlphaFactor      = (styleLayer?.AlphaFactor ?? 1f) * Brush.GlobalAlphaFactor * Context.ContextAlpha;
            simpleMaterial.ColorFactor      = (styleLayer?.ColorFactor ?? 1f) * Brush.GlobalColorFactor;
            simpleMaterial.HueFactor        = styleLayer?.HueFactor ?? 0.0f;
            simpleMaterial.SaturationFactor = styleLayer?.SaturationFactor ?? 0.0f;
            simpleMaterial.ValueFactor      = styleLayer?.ValueFactor ?? 0.0f;
            simpleMaterial.Color            = (styleLayer?.Color ?? Color.White) * Brush.GlobalColor;
            if (CachedMesh == null || Math.Abs(CachedMesh.Width - Size.X) > 0.01f && Math.Abs(CachedMesh.Height - Size.Y) > 0.01f)
            if (drawContext.CircularMaskEnabled)
                simpleMaterial.CircularMaskingEnabled         = true;
                simpleMaterial.CircularMaskingCenter          = drawContext.CircularMaskCenter;
                simpleMaterial.CircularMaskingRadius          = drawContext.CircularMaskRadius;
                simpleMaterial.CircularMaskingSmoothingRadius = drawContext.CircularMaskSmoothingRadius;
            //drawContext.Draw(GlobalPosition.X, GlobalPosition.Y, simpleMaterial, CachedMesh, Size.X, Size.Y);
            twoDimensionContext.Draw(GlobalPosition.X, GlobalPosition.Y, simpleMaterial, CachedMesh, Layer);
Exemplo n.º 11
        private static SceneObject CreatePlanet(float orbitRotationSpeed, float orbitDistance, float planetScale, SimpleMaterial baseMaterial, Vector4 planetColor, Model model, Transform parentTransform = null)
            SceneObject planetRoot = new SceneObject();
            SimpleTransformAnimationComponent animationComponent = new SimpleTransformAnimationComponent()
                RotationSpeed = new Vector3(orbitRotationSpeed, 0, 0),

            planetRoot.animationComponent = animationComponent;
            planetRoot.transform.parent   = parentTransform;
            SceneObject planet = new SceneObject();

            planet.model = model;
            planet.transform.LocalPositionX = orbitDistance;
            planet.transform.LocalScale     = Vector3.One * planetScale;
            planet.transform.parent         = planetRoot.transform;
            SimpleMaterial planetMaterial = baseMaterial.CreateInstanceTyped();

            planetMaterial.pixelShaderData.DiffuseColor = planetColor;
            planet.material = planetMaterial;
