Exemplo n.º 1
        public static IElement ConstructPointElement(IGeometry geometry, IColor color, esriSimple3DMarkerStyle style, double size)
            ISimpleMarker3DSymbol simpleMarker3DSymbol = new SimpleMarker3DSymbolClass();

            simpleMarker3DSymbol.Style             = style;
            simpleMarker3DSymbol.ResolutionQuality = HighResolution;

            IMarkerSymbol markerSymbol = simpleMarker3DSymbol as IMarkerSymbol;

            markerSymbol.Color = color;
            markerSymbol.Size  = size;

            IMarker3DPlacement marker3DPlacement = markerSymbol as IMarker3DPlacement;

            marker3DPlacement.Units = Units;

            IMarkerElement markerElement = new MarkerElementClass();

            markerElement.Symbol = markerSymbol;

            IElement element = markerElement as IElement;

            element.Geometry = geometry;

Exemplo n.º 2
        private IElement GetElement(IGeometry geometry, double size, esriSimple3DMarkerStyle simple3DMarkerStyle)
            IElement element;

            IMarkerElement markerElement = new MarkerElementClass();

            element = markerElement as IElement;

            ISimpleMarker3DSymbol simpleMarker3DSymbol = new SimpleMarker3DSymbolClass();

            simpleMarker3DSymbol.Style             = simple3DMarkerStyle;
            simpleMarker3DSymbol.ResolutionQuality = GetResolutionQuality();

            IMarkerSymbol markerSymbol = simpleMarker3DSymbol as IMarkerSymbol;

            markerSymbol.Color = ColorSelection.GetColor();
            markerSymbol.Size  = size;

            IMarker3DPlacement marker3DPlacement = markerSymbol as IMarker3DPlacement;

            SetMarker3DPlacement(marker3DPlacement, markerSymbol.Size);

            element.Geometry = geometry;

            markerElement.Symbol = markerSymbol;

        public void Update(double newvalue, int row, int column)//x,y一起修改
            IPoint ipoint = (IPoint)pointCollection.Point[row];

            switch (column)
            case 0:

            case 1:
                ipoint.X = newvalue;

            case 2:
                ipoint.Y = newvalue;
            pointCollection.UpdatePoint(row, ipoint);

            IGeometry       polygon        = pointCollection as IGeometry;
            IPolygonElement polygonElement = new PolygonElementClass();
            IElement        polyElement    = polygonElement as IElement;

            polyElement.Geometry = polygon;
            pGraphicsContainer.AddElement((IElement)polygonElement, 0);

            for (int i = 0; i < pointCollection.PointCount; i++)
                IMarkerSymbol markerSymbol = new SimpleMarker3DSymbolClass();
                ((ISimpleMarker3DSymbol)markerSymbol).Style             = esriSimple3DMarkerStyle.esriS3DMSSphere;
                ((ISimpleMarker3DSymbol)markerSymbol).ResolutionQuality = 1.0;

                IRgbColor color = new RgbColorClass();
                color.Red   = 255;
                color.Green = 0;
                color.Blue  = 0;

                markerSymbol.Size  = 5;
                markerSymbol.Color = color as IColor;

                IElement pElement = new MarkerElementClass();
                ((IMarkerElement)pElement).Symbol = markerSymbol;
                pElement.Geometry = pointCollection.Point[i];
                pGraphicsContainer.AddElement(pElement, 0);

                /*IElement pElement=new MarkerElementClass();
                *  pElement.Geometry = pointCollection.Point[i];
                *  pGraphicsContainer.AddElement(pElement, 0);*/
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a sphere element to the given graphics layer at the specified position
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="globeGraphicsLayer"></param>
        /// <param name="position"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private int AddTrackElement(IGlobeGraphicsLayer globeGraphicsLayer, esriGpsPositionInfo position)
            if (null == globeGraphicsLayer)

            //create a new point at the given position
            IPoint point = new PointClass();

            ((IZAware)point).ZAware = true;
            point.X = position.longitude;
            point.Y = position.latitude;
            point.Z = 0.0;

            //set the color for the element (red)
            IRgbColor color = new RgbColorClass();

            color.Red   = 255;
            color.Green = 0;
            color.Blue  = 0;

            //create a new 3D marker symbol
            IMarkerSymbol markerSymbol = new SimpleMarker3DSymbolClass();

            //set the marker symbol's style and resolution
            ((ISimpleMarker3DSymbol)markerSymbol).Style             = esriSimple3DMarkerStyle.esriS3DMSSphere;
            ((ISimpleMarker3DSymbol)markerSymbol).ResolutionQuality = 1.0;

            //set the symbol's size and color
            markerSymbol.Size  = 700;
            markerSymbol.Color = color as IColor;

            //crate the graphic element
            IElement trackElement = new MarkerElementClass();

            //set the element's symbol and geometry (location and shape)
            ((IMarkerElement)trackElement).Symbol = markerSymbol;
            trackElement.Geometry = point as IPoint;

            //add the element to the graphics layer
            int elemIndex = 0;

            ((IGraphicsContainer)globeGraphicsLayer).AddElement(trackElement, 0);

            //get the element's index
            globeGraphicsLayer.FindElementIndex(trackElement, out elemIndex);
Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// 在场景中绘制点要素  20110609
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pGeometry">点要素</param>
        /// <param name="r"></param>
        /// <param name="g"></param>
        /// <param name="b"></param>
        /// <param name="Size">符号大小</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static IElement DrawPoint(IGeometry pGeometry, int r, int g, int b, double Size)
            IElement markerElement = new MarkerElementClass();
            ISimpleMarker3DSymbol pSimpleMarker3DSymbol = new SimpleMarker3DSymbolClass();

            pSimpleMarker3DSymbol.Style             = esriSimple3DMarkerStyle.esriS3DMSSphere;
            pSimpleMarker3DSymbol.ResolutionQuality = 1;
            IMarkerSymbol pMarkerSymbol = pSimpleMarker3DSymbol as IMarkerSymbol;

            pMarkerSymbol.Size     = Size;
            pMarkerSymbol.Color    = getRGB(r, g, b);
            markerElement.Geometry = pGeometry;
            IMarkerElement pMarkerElement = markerElement as IMarkerElement;

            pMarkerElement.Symbol = pMarkerSymbol;
Exemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// 根据传入的点集合绘制符号
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="points">传入的点集合</param>
        /// <param name="symbolStyle">符号样式</param>
        /// <param name="symbolColor">符号颜色</param>
        /// <param name="symbolSize">符号大小</param>
        public static void AddGraphics(IScene pScene, IPoint point, string name)
                esriSimple3DMarkerStyle symbolStyle = esriSimple3DMarkerStyle.esriS3DMSSphere;
                IRgbColor             symbolColor   = GetRGBColor(255, 0, 0);
                int                   symbolSize    = 1;
                ISimpleMarker3DSymbol pSimpleMarker3DSymbol;
                pSimpleMarker3DSymbol                   = new SimpleMarker3DSymbolClass();
                pSimpleMarker3DSymbol.Style             = symbolStyle;
                pSimpleMarker3DSymbol.ResolutionQuality = 0.1;

                IMarker3DPlacement pMarker3DPlacement;
                pMarker3DPlacement       = (IMarker3DPlacement)pSimpleMarker3DSymbol;
                pMarker3DPlacement.Color = symbolColor;
                pMarker3DPlacement.Width = 1;
                pMarker3DPlacement.Size  = symbolSize;
                pMarker3DPlacement.Depth = 1;
                pMarker3DPlacement.SetRotationAngles(0, 0, 0);

                IGraphicsContainer3D pGC3D;
                pGC3D = pScene.BasicGraphicsLayer as IGraphicsContainer3D;

                MarkerElementClass pElement = new MarkerElementClass();

                IMarkerElement pPointElement;
                pPointElement = (IMarkerElement)pElement;

                IMarkerSymbol pMarkerSymbol;
                pMarkerSymbol       = (IMarkerSymbol)pSimpleMarker3DSymbol;
                pMarkerSymbol.Color = symbolColor;

                pPointElement.Symbol = pMarkerSymbol;
                (pPointElement as IElementProperties).Name = name;

                pElement.Geometry = point;

            catch (Exception ex)
                Console.WriteLine(ex.Message + ex.StackTrace);
Exemplo n.º 7
 /// <summary>
 /// 释放资源
 /// </summary>
 public void Dispose()
     if (flashTimer != null)
         flashTimer = null;
     markerSymbol      = null;
     graphicsLayer     = null;
     index             = -1;
     isFlash           = false;
     isVisible         = true;
     isHightLight      = false;
     isTimer           = false;
     mapControl        = null;
     layer             = null;
     ElementProperties = null;
        private IElement GetElement(IGeometry geometry, double size, esriSimple3DMarkerStyle simple3DMarkerStyle)
            IElement element;

            IMarkerElement markerElement = new MarkerElementClass();
            element = markerElement as IElement;

            ISimpleMarker3DSymbol simpleMarker3DSymbol = new SimpleMarker3DSymbolClass();
            simpleMarker3DSymbol.Style = simple3DMarkerStyle;
            simpleMarker3DSymbol.ResolutionQuality = GetResolutionQuality();

            IMarkerSymbol markerSymbol = simpleMarker3DSymbol as IMarkerSymbol;
            markerSymbol.Color = ColorSelection.GetColor();
            markerSymbol.Size = size;

            IMarker3DPlacement marker3DPlacement = markerSymbol as IMarker3DPlacement;
            SetMarker3DPlacement(marker3DPlacement, markerSymbol.Size);

            element.Geometry = geometry;

            markerElement.Symbol = markerSymbol;

            return element;
Exemplo n.º 9
        //function for adding point markers
        public void addPointGraphicElements(ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.IPoint inPoint, int symbolColor, double symbolSize)
            IElement pElement = new MarkerElementClass();
            ISimpleMarker3DSymbol symbol3d = new SimpleMarker3DSymbolClass();

            string markerStyle = "";

            if (theCamForm.symbolTypeListBox.SelectedItem != null)
                markerStyle = theCamForm.symbolTypeListBox.SelectedItem.ToString();

            if (markerStyle == "Cone")
                symbol3d.Style = esriSimple3DMarkerStyle.esriS3DMSCone;
            else if (markerStyle == "Sphere")
                symbol3d.Style = esriSimple3DMarkerStyle.esriS3DMSSphere;
            else if (markerStyle == "Cylinder")
                symbol3d.Style = esriSimple3DMarkerStyle.esriS3DMSCylinder;
            else if (markerStyle == "Cube")
                symbol3d.Style = esriSimple3DMarkerStyle.esriS3DMSCube;
            else if (markerStyle == "Diamond")
                symbol3d.Style = esriSimple3DMarkerStyle.esriS3DMSDiamond;
            else if (markerStyle == "Tetrahedron")
                symbol3d.Style = esriSimple3DMarkerStyle.esriS3DMSTetra;
                symbol3d.Style = esriSimple3DMarkerStyle.esriS3DMSCone;

            symbol3d.ResolutionQuality = 1;
            IColor pColor = new RgbColorClass();

            pColor.RGB = symbolColor; //16732415;

            IMarkerSymbol pMarkerSymbol;

            pMarkerSymbol       = (IMarkerSymbol)symbol3d;
            pMarkerSymbol.Color = pColor;

            if (symbolSize < 0)
                symbolSize = Math.Abs(symbolSize);
            if (symbolSize == 0)
                symbolSize = 5000;
            pMarkerSymbol.Size = symbolSize;

            pElement.Geometry = inPoint;
            IMarkerElement pMarkerElement;

            pMarkerElement        = (IMarkerElement)pElement;
            pMarkerElement.Symbol = pMarkerSymbol;

            graphicsLayer.AddElement(pElement, 1);
        public void ShowGeometry(IGeometry geometry)
            pointCollection = (Polygon)geometry;
            DataTable  dataTable  = new DataTable();
            DataColumn dataColumn = new DataColumn();

            dataColumn            = new DataColumn();
            dataColumn.ColumnName = "number"; //设置第一列,表示用户指定的列名
            dataColumn.DataType   = System.Type.GetType("System.String");
            dataColumn.ReadOnly   = true;     //第一列无法修改

            dataColumn            = new DataColumn();
            dataColumn.ColumnName = "X";//设置第二列为在目标图层类作为分类标准的属性
            dataColumn.DataType   = System.Type.GetType("System.String");

            dataColumn            = new DataColumn();
            dataColumn.ColumnName = "Y";//设置第三列为在目标图层类作为分类标准的属性
            dataColumn.DataType   = System.Type.GetType("System.String");

            pGraphicsContainer = m_map as IGraphicsContainer;//只在本函数
            DataRow dataRow;

            for (int i = 0; i < pointCollection.PointCount; i++)
                dataRow    = dataTable.NewRow();
                dataRow[0] = i + 1;
                dataRow[1] = Math.Round(pointCollection.Point[i].X, 3);
                dataRow[2] = Math.Round(pointCollection.Point[i].Y, 3);//将统计结果添加到第三列

                /*IElement pElement = new MarkerElementClass();
                 * pElement.Geometry = pointCollection.Point[i];
                 * pGraphicsContainer.AddElement(pElement, 0);//0 represents z-order */

                IMarkerSymbol markerSymbol = new SimpleMarker3DSymbolClass();
                ((ISimpleMarker3DSymbol)markerSymbol).Style             = esriSimple3DMarkerStyle.esriS3DMSSphere;
                ((ISimpleMarker3DSymbol)markerSymbol).ResolutionQuality = 1.0;

                IRgbColor color = new RgbColorClass();
                color.Red   = 255;
                color.Green = 0;
                color.Blue  = 0;

                markerSymbol.Size  = 5;
                markerSymbol.Color = color as IColor;

                IElement pElement = new MarkerElementClass();
                ((IMarkerElement)pElement).Symbol = markerSymbol;
                pElement.Geometry = pointCollection.Point[i];
                pGraphicsContainer.AddElement(pElement, 0);
            DataBoard dataBoard = new DataBoard("Position", dataTable, this, pointCollection.PointCount);

        public void HighLight(int row)
            DataOperator  dataoperator = new DataOperator(m_map);
            IMarkerSymbol markerSymbol = new SimpleMarker3DSymbolClass();

            ((ISimpleMarker3DSymbol)markerSymbol).Style             = esriSimple3DMarkerStyle.esriS3DMSSphere;
            ((ISimpleMarker3DSymbol)markerSymbol).ResolutionQuality = 1.0;

            IRgbColor color = new RgbColorClass();

            color.Red   = 250;
            color.Green = 230;
            color.Blue  = 20;

            markerSymbol.Size  = 8;
            markerSymbol.Color = color as IColor;

            // 将showElement对象赋予markerSymbol的属性
            IElement showElement = new MarkerElementClass();

            ((IMarkerElement)showElement).Symbol = markerSymbol;
            showElement.Geometry = pointCollection.Point[row];


            IGeometry       polygon        = pointCollection as IGeometry;
            IPolygonElement polygonElement = new PolygonElementClass();
            IElement        polyElement    = polygonElement as IElement;

            polyElement.Geometry = polygon;
            pGraphicsContainer.AddElement((IElement)polygonElement, 0);
            pGraphicsContainer.AddElement((IElement)showElement, 0);
            for (int i = 0; (i < pointCollection.PointCount); i++)
                if (i != row)
                    IRgbColor color3 = new RgbColorClass();      //如果出现重复 将函数独立出来
                    color3.Red   = 255;
                    color3.Green = 0;
                    color3.Blue  = 0;

                    markerSymbol.Size  = 5;
                    markerSymbol.Color = color3;
                    IElement pElement = new MarkerElementClass();
                    ((IMarkerElement)pElement).Symbol = markerSymbol;
                    pElement.Geometry = pointCollection.Point[i];
                    pGraphicsContainer.AddElement(pElement, 0);

                    /*IElement pElement=new MarkerElementClass();
                    *  pElement.Geometry = pointCollection.Point[i];
                    *  pGraphicsContainer.AddElement(pElement, 0);*/
Exemplo n.º 12
        /// <summary>
        /// 构造函数
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="_graphicsLayer">图层</param>
        /// <param name="pointKml">点kml</param>
        public Point_ArcGlobe(IGlobeGraphicsLayer _graphicsLayer, KmlPoint pointKml)
            graphicsLayer = _graphicsLayer;

            this.ElementType = Core.Model.ElementTypeEnum.Point; //图元类型
            this.Description = pointKml.Description;             //图元描述

            #region  位置

            IPoint pt = new PointClass();
            pt.PutCoords(pointKml.Position.Lng, pointKml.Position.Lat);
            pt.Z = pointKml.Position.Alt;
            (pt as IZAware).ZAware = true;//设置高度
            base.Geometry          = pt;


            #region  符号

            markerSymbol = new SimpleMarker3DSymbolClass();

            if (pointKml.Color.ToArgb() == 0)
                IRgbColor color = new RgbColorClass()
                    Transparency = 50,
                    Red          = Color.Green.R,
                    Green        = Color.Green.G,
                    Blue         = Color.Green.B
                markerSymbol.Color = color;
                IRgbColor color = new RgbColorClass()
                    Transparency = pointKml.Color.A,
                    Red          = pointKml.Color.R,
                    Green        = pointKml.Color.G,
                    Blue         = pointKml.Color.B
                markerSymbol.Color = color;

            if (pointKml.Size.Height == 0)
                markerSymbol.Size = 500;
                markerSymbol.Size = pointKml.Size.Height;

            markerSymbol.Angle = 90;
            markerSymbol.Style = (esriSimple3DMarkerStyle)pointKml.PointStyle;
            base.Symbol        = markerSymbol;


            flashTimer          = new System.Timers.Timer();
            flashTimer.Elapsed += new System.Timers.ElapsedEventHandler(flashTimer_Elapsed);
            flashTimer.Interval = 3000;
            isFlash             = false;
    /// <summary>
    /// Adds a sphere element to the given graphics layer at the specified position
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="globeGraphicsLayer"></param>
    /// <param name="position"></param>
    /// <returns></returns>
    private int AddTrackElement(IGlobeGraphicsLayer globeGraphicsLayer, esriGpsPositionInfo position)
      if (null == globeGraphicsLayer)
        return -1;

      //create a new point at the given position
      IPoint point = new PointClass();
      ((IZAware)point).ZAware = true;
      point.X = position.longitude;
      point.Y = position.latitude;
      point.Z = 0.0;

      //set the color for the element (red)
      IRgbColor color = new RgbColorClass();
      color.Red = 255;
      color.Green = 0;
      color.Blue = 0;

      //create a new 3D marker symbol
      IMarkerSymbol markerSymbol = new SimpleMarker3DSymbolClass();

      //set the marker symbol's style and resolution
      ((ISimpleMarker3DSymbol)markerSymbol).Style = esriSimple3DMarkerStyle.esriS3DMSSphere;
      ((ISimpleMarker3DSymbol)markerSymbol).ResolutionQuality = 1.0;

      //set the symbol's size and color
      markerSymbol.Size = 700;
      markerSymbol.Color = color as IColor;

      //crate the graphic element
      IElement trackElement = new MarkerElementClass();

      //set the element's symbol and geometry (location and shape)
      ((IMarkerElement)trackElement).Symbol = markerSymbol;
      trackElement.Geometry = point as IPoint;

      //add the element to the graphics layer
      int elemIndex = 0;
      ((IGraphicsContainer)globeGraphicsLayer).AddElement(trackElement, 0);

      //get the element's index
      globeGraphicsLayer.FindElementIndex(trackElement, out elemIndex);
      return elemIndex;
        //function for adding point markers
        public void addPointGraphicElements(ESRI.ArcGIS.Geometry.IPoint inPoint, int symbolColor, double symbolSize)
            IElement pElement = new MarkerElementClass();
            ISimpleMarker3DSymbol symbol3d = new SimpleMarker3DSymbolClass();

            string markerStyle = "";

            if (theCamForm.symbolTypeListBox.SelectedItem != null)
                markerStyle = theCamForm.symbolTypeListBox.SelectedItem.ToString();

            if (markerStyle == "Cone") symbol3d.Style = esriSimple3DMarkerStyle.esriS3DMSCone;
            else if (markerStyle == "Sphere") symbol3d.Style = esriSimple3DMarkerStyle.esriS3DMSSphere;
            else if (markerStyle == "Cylinder") symbol3d.Style = esriSimple3DMarkerStyle.esriS3DMSCylinder;
            else if (markerStyle == "Cube") symbol3d.Style = esriSimple3DMarkerStyle.esriS3DMSCube;
            else if (markerStyle == "Diamond") symbol3d.Style = esriSimple3DMarkerStyle.esriS3DMSDiamond;
            else if (markerStyle == "Tetrahedron") symbol3d.Style = esriSimple3DMarkerStyle.esriS3DMSTetra;
            else symbol3d.Style = esriSimple3DMarkerStyle.esriS3DMSCone;

            symbol3d.ResolutionQuality = 1;
            IColor pColor = new RgbColorClass();
            pColor.RGB = symbolColor; //16732415;

            IMarkerSymbol pMarkerSymbol;
            pMarkerSymbol = (IMarkerSymbol)symbol3d;
            pMarkerSymbol.Color = pColor;

            if (symbolSize < 0) symbolSize = Math.Abs(symbolSize);
            if (symbolSize == 0) symbolSize = 5000;
            pMarkerSymbol.Size = symbolSize;

            pElement.Geometry = inPoint;
            IMarkerElement pMarkerElement;
            pMarkerElement = (IMarkerElement)pElement;
            pMarkerElement.Symbol = pMarkerSymbol;

            graphicsLayer.AddElement(pElement, 1);
