Exemplo n.º 1
        internal List <double> GetOutputDistribution(ISampleableDistribution <double> inputDistribution, SimpleLinearRegression regression)
            var returnList = new List <double>();

            for (int i = 0; i < 1000; i++)
Exemplo n.º 2
        public IEnumerable <XtoY> Predict(IEnumerable <double> xvalues)

            double [] xvaluesArray = xvalues.ToArray();
            double [] yvaluesArray = _simpleLinearRegression.Transform(xvaluesArray);
            for (int i = 0; i < xvaluesArray.Length; ++i)
                yield return(new XtoY()
                    X = xvaluesArray[i], Y = yvaluesArray[i]
 public IEnumerable <XtoY> Predict(IEnumerable <double> xvalues)
     double[] date = new double[mylist.Count];
     for (int i = 0; i < mylist.Count; i++)
         date[i] = i + 1;
     double[] xvaluesArray = date;
     double[] yvaluesArray = _simpleLinearRegression.Transform(xvaluesArray);
     for (int i = 0; i < xvaluesArray.Length; ++i)
         yield return(new XtoY()
             X = xvaluesArray[i], Y = yvaluesArray[i]
Exemplo n.º 4
        private static void linearRegression()
            // Declare some sample test data.
            double[] inputs  = { 80, 60, 10, 20, 30 };
            double[] outputs = { 20, 40, 30, 50, 60 };

            // Use Ordinary Least Squares to learn the regression
            OrdinaryLeastSquares ols = new OrdinaryLeastSquares();

            // Use OLS to learn the simple linear regression
            SimpleLinearRegression regression = ols.Learn(inputs, outputs);

            // Compute the output for a given input:
            double y = regression.Transform(85); // The answer will be 28.088

            // We can also extract the slope and the intercept term
            // for the line. Those will be -0.26 and 50.5, respectively.
            double s = regression.Slope;     // -0.264706
            double c = regression.Intercept; // 50.588235
Exemplo n.º 5
        public static void test3()
            var poly2 = CreateFunc(1, 1);

            Random rnd = new Random();

            var pos = Enumerable.Range(0, 20).Select(x => new double [] { x, poly2(x) + rnd.NextDouble() }).ToArray();

            double[] inputs  = pos.Select(x => x[0]).ToArray();
            double[] outputs = pos.Select(x => x[1]).ToArray();

            var ls = new PolynomialLeastSquares()
                Degree = 2

            PolynomialRegression poly = ls.Learn(inputs, outputs);

            double a = poly.Weights[0];            // a = 0
            double b = poly.Weights[1];            // b = 0
            double c = poly.Intercept;             // c = 1

            double[] predicted = poly.Transform(inputs);

            double error = new SquareLoss(outputs).Loss(predicted);

            var ols = new OrdinaryLeastSquares();

            SimpleLinearRegression mul = ols.Learn(inputs, outputs);
            double a1 = mul.Slope;             // a = 0
            double b1 = mul.Intercept;         // b = 0

            double[] simplepredict = mul.Transform(inputs);

            double erroe2 = new SquaredHingeLoss(outputs).Loss(simplepredict);

Exemplo n.º 6
        public void learn_test()
            #region doc_learn
            // Let's say we have some univariate, continuous sets of input data,
            // and a corresponding univariate, continuous set of output data, such
            // as a set of points in R². A simple linear regression is able to fit
            // a line relating the input variables to the output variables in which
            // the minimum-squared-error of the line and the actual output points
            // is minimum.

            // Declare some sample test data.
            double[] inputs  = { 80, 60, 10, 20, 30 };
            double[] outputs = { 20, 40, 30, 50, 60 };

            // Use Ordinary Least Squares to learn the regression
            OrdinaryLeastSquares ols = new OrdinaryLeastSquares();

            // Use OLS to learn the simple linear regression
            SimpleLinearRegression regression = ols.Learn(inputs, outputs);

            // Compute the output for a given input:
            double y = regression.Transform(85); // The answer will be 28.088

            // We can also extract the slope and the intercept term
            // for the line. Those will be -0.26 and 50.5, respectively.
            double s = regression.Slope;     // -0.264706
            double c = regression.Intercept; // 50.588235

            // Expected slope and intercept
            double eSlope     = -0.264706;
            double eIntercept = 50.588235;

            Assert.AreEqual(28.088235294117649, y, 1e-10);
            Assert.AreEqual(eSlope, s, 1e-5);
            Assert.AreEqual(eIntercept, c, 1e-5);

        public void logarithm_learn()
            #region doc_learn
            // This is the same data from the example available at
            // http://mathbits.com/MathBits/TISection/Statistics2/logarithmic.htm

            // Declare your inputs and output data
            double[] inputs  = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11 };
            double[] outputs = { 6, 9.5, 13, 15, 16.5, 17.5, 18.5, 19, 19.5, 19.7, 19.8 };

            // Transform inputs to logarithms
            double[] logx = Matrix.Log(inputs);

            // Use Ordinary Least Squares to learn the regression
            OrdinaryLeastSquares ols = new OrdinaryLeastSquares();

            // Use OLS to learn the simple linear regression
            SimpleLinearRegression lr = ols.Learn(logx, outputs);

            // Compute predicted values for inputs
            double[] predicted = lr.Transform(logx);

            // Get an expression representing the learned regression model
            // We just have to remember that 'x' will actually mean 'log(x)'
            string result = lr.ToString("N4", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            // Result will be "y(x) = 6.1082x + 6.0993"

            // The mean squared error between the expected and the predicted is
            double error = new SquareLoss(outputs).Loss(predicted); // 0.261454

            Assert.AreEqual(0.26145460024250794, error, 1e-8);
            Assert.AreEqual(6.1081800414945704, lr.Slope, 1e-8);
            Assert.AreEqual(6.0993411396126653, lr.Intercept, 1e-8);
            Assert.AreEqual("y(x) = 6.1082x + 6.0993", result);
Exemplo n.º 8
        public void new_api_test()
            #region doc_learn
            // Fix the random number generator
            Accord.Math.Random.Generator.Seed = 0;

            double[,] data = // This is the same data used in the RANSAC sample app
                {  1.0,  0.79 }, {    3,  2.18 }, {    5,  5.99 }, {  7.0,  7.65 },
                {  9.0,  9.55 }, {   11, 11.89 }, {   13, 13.73 }, { 15.0, 14.77 },
                { 17.0, 18.00 }, {  1.2,  1.45 }, {  1.5,  1.18 }, {  1.8,  1.92 },
                {  2.1,  1.47 }, {  2.4,  2.41 }, {  2.7,  2.35 }, {  3.0,  3.41 },
                {  3.3,  3.78 }, {  3.6,  3.21 }, {  3.9,  4.76 }, {  4.2,  5.03 },
                {  4.5,  4.19 }, {  4.8,  3.81 }, {  5.1,  6.07 }, {  5.4,  5.74 },
                {  5.7,  6.39 }, {    6,  6.11 }, {  6.3,  6.86 }, {  6.6,  6.35 },
                {  6.9,   7.9 }, {  7.2,  8.04 }, {  7.5,  8.48 }, {  7.8,  8.07 },
                {  8.1,  8.22 }, {  8.4,  8.41 }, {  8.7,   9.4 }, {    9,   8.8 },
                {  9.3,  8.44 }, {  9.6,  9.32 }, {  9.9,  9.18 }, { 10.2,  9.86 },
                { 10.5, 10.16 }, { 10.8, 10.28 }, { 11.1, 11.07 }, { 11.4, 11.66 },
                { 11.7, 11.13 }, {   12, 11.55 }, { 12.3, 12.62 }, { 12.6, 12.27 },
                { 12.9, 12.33 }, { 13.2, 12.37 }, { 13.5, 12.75 }, { 13.8, 14.44 },
                { 14.1, 14.71 }, { 14.4, 13.72 }, { 14.7, 14.54 }, {   15, 14.67 },
                { 15.3, 16.04 }, { 15.6, 15.21 }, {    1,   3.9 }, {    2,  11.5 },
                {  3.0,  13.0 }, {    4,   0.9 }, {    5,   5.5 }, {    6,  16.2 },
                {  7.0,   0.8 }, {    8,   9.4 }, {    9,   9.5 }, {   10,  17.5 },
                { 11.0,   6.3 }, {   12,  12.6 }, {   13,   1.5 }, {   14,   1.5 },
                {  2.0,    10 }, {    3,     9 }, {   15,     2 }, { 15.5,   1.2 },

            // First, fit simple linear regression directly for comparison reasons.
            double[] x = data.GetColumn(0); // Extract the independent variable
            double[] y = data.GetColumn(1); // Extract the dependent variable

            // Use Ordinary Least Squares to learn the regression
            OrdinaryLeastSquares ols = new OrdinaryLeastSquares();

            // Estimate a line passing through the (x, y) points
            SimpleLinearRegression regression = ols.Learn(x, y);

            // Now, compute the values predicted by the
            // regression for the original input points
            double[] commonOutput = regression.Transform(x);

            // Now, fit simple linear regression using RANSAC
            int    maxTrials      = 1000;
            int    minSamples     = 20;
            double probability    = 0.950;
            double errorThreshold = 1000;

            // Create a RANSAC algorithm to fit a simple linear regression
            var ransac = new RANSAC <SimpleLinearRegression>(minSamples)
                Probability    = probability,
                Threshold      = errorThreshold,
                MaxEvaluations = maxTrials,

                // Define a fitting function
                Fitting = (int[] sample) =>
                    // Build a Simple Linear Regression model
                    return(new OrdinaryLeastSquares()
                           .Learn(x.Get(sample), y.Get(sample)));

                // Define a inlier detector function
                Distances = (SimpleLinearRegression r, double threshold) =>
                    var inliers = new List <int>();
                    for (int i = 0; i < x.Length; i++)
                        // Compute error for each point
                        double error = r.Transform(x[i]) - y[i];

                        // If the square error is low enough,
                        if (error * error < threshold)
                            inliers.Add(i); //  the point is considered an inlier.


            // Now that the RANSAC hyperparameters have been specified, we can
            // compute another regression model using the RANSAC algorithm:

            int[] inlierIndices;
            SimpleLinearRegression robustRegression = ransac.Compute(data.Rows(), out inlierIndices);

            // Compute the output of the model fitted by RANSAC
            double[] ransacOutput = robustRegression.Transform(x);


            Assert.AreEqual(ransac.TrialsNeeded, 0);
            Assert.AreEqual(ransac.TrialsPerformed, 1);

            string   a = inlierIndices.ToCSharp();
            string   b = ransacOutput.ToCSharp();
            int[]    expectedInliers = new int[] { 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 39, 40, 41, 42, 43, 44, 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 58, 59, 60, 61, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66, 67, 68, 69, 70, 71, 72, 73, 74, 75 };
            double[] expectedOutput  = new double[] { 1.96331236445045, 3.42042856976283, 4.87754477507521, 6.33466098038758, 7.79177718569996, 9.24889339101234, 10.7060095963247, 12.1631258016371, 13.6202420069495, 2.10902398498169, 2.32759141577855, 2.5461588465754, 2.76472627737226, 2.98329370816912, 3.20186113896597, 3.42042856976283, 3.63899600055969, 3.85756343135654, 4.0761308621534, 4.29469829295026, 4.51326572374711, 4.73183315454397, 4.95040058534082, 5.16896801613768, 5.38753544693454, 5.6061028777314, 5.82467030852825, 6.04323773932511, 6.26180517012196, 6.48037260091882, 6.69894003171568, 6.91750746251253, 7.13607489330939, 7.35464232410625, 7.5732097549031, 7.79177718569996, 8.01034461649682, 8.22891204729367, 8.44747947809053, 8.66604690888738, 8.88461433968424, 9.1031817704811, 9.32174920127795, 9.54031663207481, 9.75888406287167, 9.97745149366852, 10.1960189244654, 10.4145863552622, 10.6331537860591, 10.8517212168559, 11.0702886476528, 11.2888560784497, 11.5074235092465, 11.7259909400434, 11.9445583708402, 12.1631258016371, 12.3816932324339, 12.6002606632308, 1.96331236445045, 2.69187046710664, 3.42042856976283, 4.14898667241902, 4.87754477507521, 5.6061028777314, 6.33466098038758, 7.06321908304377, 7.79177718569996, 8.52033528835615, 9.24889339101234, 9.97745149366852, 10.7060095963247, 11.4345676989809, 2.69187046710664, 3.42042856976283, 12.1631258016371, 12.5274048529652 };

            Assert.IsTrue(ransacOutput.IsEqual(expectedOutput, 1e-10));
Exemplo n.º 9
        public void prediction_test()
            // example data from http://www.real-statistics.com/regression/confidence-and-prediction-intervals/
            double[][] input =
                new double[] {  5, 80 },
                new double[] { 23, 78 },
                new double[] { 25, 60 },
                new double[] { 48, 53 },
                new double[] { 17, 85 },
                new double[] {  8, 84 },
                new double[] {  4, 73 },
                new double[] { 26, 79 },
                new double[] { 11, 81 },
                new double[] { 19, 75 },
                new double[] { 14, 68 },
                new double[] { 35, 72 },
                new double[] { 29, 58 },
                new double[] {  4, 92 },
                new double[] { 23, 65 },

            double[] cig = input.GetColumn(0);
            double[] exp = input.GetColumn(1);

            // Use Ordinary Least Squares to learn the regression
            OrdinaryLeastSquares ols = new OrdinaryLeastSquares();

            // Use OLS to learn the simple linear regression
            SimpleLinearRegression regression = ols.Learn(cig, exp);

            Assert.AreEqual(1, regression.NumberOfInputs);
            Assert.AreEqual(1, regression.NumberOfOutputs);

            double x0 = 20;
            double y0 = regression.Transform(x0);

            Assert.AreEqual(y0, 73.1564, 1e-4);

            double syx = regression.GetStandardError(cig, exp);

            Assert.AreEqual(7.974682, syx, 1e-5);

            double ssx = cig.Subtract(cig.Mean()).Pow(2).Sum();

            Assert.AreEqual(2171.6, ssx, 1e-5);

            double n   = exp.Length;
            double x0c = x0 - cig.Mean();
            double var = 1 / n + (x0c * x0c) / ssx;

            Assert.AreEqual(0.066832443052741455, var, 1e-10);
            double expected = syx * Math.Sqrt(var);
            double actual   = regression.GetStandardError(x0, cig, exp);

            Assert.AreEqual(2.061612, expected, 1e-5);
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual, 1e-10);

            DoubleRange ci = regression.GetConfidenceInterval(x0, cig, exp);

            Assert.AreEqual(ci.Min, 68.702569616457751, 1e-5);
            Assert.AreEqual(ci.Max, 77.610256563931543, 1e-5);

            actual = regression.GetPredictionStandardError(x0, cig, exp);
            Assert.AreEqual(8.2368569010499666, actual, 1e-10);

            DoubleRange pi = regression.GetPredictionInterval(x0, cig, exp);

            Assert.AreEqual(pi.Min, 55.361765613397054, 1e-5);
            Assert.AreEqual(pi.Max, 90.95106056699224, 1e-5);
Exemplo n.º 10
    public RecognitionState Recognition(double[] inputs, double[] outputs)
        RecognitionState ret = new RecognitionState();

        if (inputs.Length > 5)
            SimpleLinearRegression regression = this.ols.Learn(inputs, outputs, null);
            double       k     = regression.Slope;
            const double TAN45 = 1.0;
            const double TAN15 = 0.2679492;
            double       k1    = Math.Abs(k);
            if (k1 > TAN45)
                ret.Slope = SlopeState.Steep;
            else if (k1 > TAN15)
                ret.Slope = SlopeState.moderate;
                ret.Slope = SlopeState.gentle;
            PolynomialRegression poly = this.pls.Learn(inputs, outputs, null);
            double a = poly.Weights[0];
            double b = poly.Weights[1];
            if (k > 0 && a > 0)
                ret.Shape = ShapeState.Rise;
            else if (k > 0 && a < 0)
                ret.Shape = ShapeState.FallAfterRise;
            else if (k < 0 && a < 0)
                ret.Shape = ShapeState.Fall;
            else if (k < 0 && a > 0)
                ret.Shape = ShapeState.RiseAfterFall;
            double last = inputs[inputs.Length - 1];
            double s    = 2 * a * last + b;
            double s1   = Math.Abs(s);
            if (s1 > TAN45)
                ret.Speed = SpeedState.Rapid;
            else if (s1 > TAN15)
                ret.Speed = SpeedState.Steady;
                ret.Speed = SpeedState.Slow;
            if (this.showForm != null)
                double[] outputs2 = regression.Transform(inputs);
                double[] outputs3 = poly.Transform(inputs);
                this.showForm.ShowGraph(inputs, outputs, inputs, outputs2, inputs, outputs3);
            Console.WriteLine("k={0},a={1},b={2}", k, a, b);
Exemplo n.º 11
        private void btnCompute_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            DataTable dataTable = dgvAnalysisSource.DataSource as DataTable;

            if (dataTable == null)

            // Gather the available data
            double[][] data = dataTable.ToArray();

            // First, fit simple linear regression directly for comparison reasons.
            double[] x = data.GetColumn(0); // Extract the independent variable
            double[] y = data.GetColumn(1); // Extract the dependent variable

            // Use Ordinary Least Squares to learn the regression
            OrdinaryLeastSquares ols = new OrdinaryLeastSquares();

            // Estimate a line passing through the (x, y) points
            SimpleLinearRegression regression = ols.Learn(x, y);

            // Now, compute the values predicted by the
            // regression for the original input points
            double[] commonOutput = regression.Transform(x);

            // Now, fit simple linear regression using RANSAC
            int    maxTrials      = (int)numMaxTrials.Value;
            int    minSamples     = (int)numSamples.Value;
            double probability    = (double)numProbability.Value;
            double errorThreshold = (double)numThreshold.Value;

            // Create a RANSAC algorithm to fit a simple linear regression
            var ransac = new RANSAC <SimpleLinearRegression>(minSamples)
                Probability    = probability,
                Threshold      = errorThreshold,
                MaxEvaluations = maxTrials,

                // Define a fitting function
                Fitting = delegate(int[] sample)
                    // Retrieve the training data
                    double[] inputs  = x.Get(sample);
                    double[] outputs = y.Get(sample);

                    // Build a Simple Linear Regression model
                    return(new OrdinaryLeastSquares().Learn(inputs, outputs));

                // Define a check for degenerate samples
                Degenerate = delegate(int[] sample)
                    // In this case, we will not be performing such checks.

                // Define a inlier detector function
                Distances = delegate(SimpleLinearRegression r, double threshold)
                    List <int> inliers = new List <int>();
                    for (int i = 0; i < x.Length; i++)
                        // Compute error for each point
                        double error = r.Transform(x[i]) - y[i];

                        // If the squared error is below the given threshold,
                        //  the point is considered to be an inlier.
                        if (error * error < threshold)


            // Now that the RANSAC hyperparameters have been specified, we can
            // compute another regression model using the RANSAC algorithm:

            int[] inlierIndices;
            SimpleLinearRegression robustRegression = ransac.Compute(data.Length, out inlierIndices);

            if (robustRegression == null)
                lbStatus.Text = "RANSAC failed. Please try again after adjusting its parameters.";
                return; // the RANSAC algorithm did not find any inliers and no model was created

            // Compute the output of the model fitted by RANSAC
            double[] ransacOutput = robustRegression.Transform(x);

            // Create scatter plot comparing the outputs from the standard
            //  linear regression and the RANSAC-fitted linear regression.
            CreateScatterplot(graphInput, x, y, commonOutput, ransacOutput,
                              x.Get(inlierIndices), y.Get(inlierIndices));

            lbStatus.Text = "Regression created! Please compare the RANSAC "
                            + "regression (blue) with the simple regression (in red).";
 public double GetTransform(double xPred)
Exemplo n.º 13
        public HttpResponseMessage ScrapeSheet(SheetDocumentModel model)
                var watch    = System.Diagnostics.Stopwatch.StartNew();
                var filePath = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory + "//RawData//" + model.FileName;
                File.WriteAllBytes(filePath, Convert.FromBase64String(model.FileData));

                var connectionString =
                    $"Provider=Microsoft.ACE.OLEDB.12.0;Data Source={filePath};Extended Properties=Excel 12.0;";

                var adapter = new OleDbDataAdapter("SELECT * FROM [Sheet1$]", connectionString);
                var ds      = new DataSet();

                adapter.Fill(ds, "DataTable");

                var data = ds.Tables["DataTable"].AsEnumerable();

                var scrapedResult = data.Where(w => w.Field <DateTime?>("DateTime") != null).Select(x =>
                                                                                                    new SheetResult()
                    DateTime = x.Field <DateTime?>("DateTime"),
                    Value    = x.Field <double?>("Value"),
                    Unit     = x.Field <string>("Unit"),

                var regressionInput =
                    scrapedResult.Where(w => w.Value != null).Select(s => Convert.ToDouble(s.DateTime?.Hour)).ToArray();
                var regressionOutput =
                    scrapedResult.Where(w => w.Value != null).Select(s => Convert.ToDouble(s.Value.Value)).ToArray();

                // Use Ordinary Least Squares to learn the regression
                OrdinaryLeastSquares ols = new OrdinaryLeastSquares();

                // Use OLS to learn the simple linear regression
                SimpleLinearRegression regression = ols.Learn(regressionInput, regressionOutput);

                // Compute the output for a given input:

                foreach (var v in scrapedResult)
                    if (v.Value != null)

                    v.Value          = regression.Transform(Convert.ToDouble(v.DateTime?.Hour));
                    v.PredictedValue = true;

                    regressionInput =
                        scrapedResult.Where(w => w.Value != null).Select(s => Convert.ToDouble(s.DateTime?.Hour)).ToArray();
                    regressionOutput =
                        scrapedResult.Where(w => w.Value != null).Select(s => Convert.ToDouble(s.Value.Value)).ToArray();
                    regression = ols.Learn(regressionInput, regressionOutput);

                var list          = new JavaScriptSerializer().Serialize(scrapedResult);
                var dataFormatted = JToken.Parse(list).ToString(Formatting.Indented);

                _db.Data.Add(new DataEntity()
                    CreatedOn        = DateTime.Now,
                    IdCollectionType = (int)CollectionTypeEnum.Sheet,
                    JsonObject       = dataFormatted

                var elapsedMs = watch.ElapsedMilliseconds;

                System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Timp sheet scraper: " + elapsedMs);
                return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.OK, scrapedResult));
            catch (Exception ex)
Exemplo n.º 14
        private List <AccordResult> CalculateLinearRegression(List <BalancePointPair> allBalancePointPairs, WthNormalParams normalParamsKey)
            var allBalancePointGroups = allBalancePointPairs.GroupBy(s => new { s.CoolingBalancePoint, s.HeatingBalancePoint });

            List <AccordResult> accordResults   = new List <AccordResult>();
            List <AccordResult> rejectedAccords = new List <AccordResult>();

            foreach (var group in allBalancePointGroups)
                    List <BalancePointPair> IdenticalBalancePointPairsForAllReadings = group.ToList();
                    BalancePointPair        _pointPair = IdenticalBalancePointPairsForAllReadings.First();
                    int readingsCount = IdenticalBalancePointPairsForAllReadings.Count;

                    double[] fullYData         = new double[readingsCount];
                    double[] fullYDataDailyAvg = new double[readingsCount];

                    double[][] hcddMatrix = new double[readingsCount][];

                    double[][] hcddMatrixNonDaily = new double[readingsCount][];

                    foreach (BalancePointPair balancePointPair in IdenticalBalancePointPairsForAllReadings)
                        fullYData[IdenticalBalancePointPairsForAllReadings.IndexOf(balancePointPair)] = (balancePointPair.ActualUsage);

                            = (balancePointPair.ActualUsage / balancePointPair.DaysInReading);

                        hcddMatrix[IdenticalBalancePointPairsForAllReadings.IndexOf(balancePointPair)] = new double[]
                            (balancePointPair.HeatingDegreeDays / balancePointPair.DaysInReading),
                            (balancePointPair.CoolingDegreeDays / balancePointPair.DaysInReading)

                    double[] avgHddsForEachReadingInYear = new double[readingsCount];
                    double[] avgCddsForEachReadingInYear = new double[readingsCount];

                    for (int i = 0; i < readingsCount; i++)
                        avgHddsForEachReadingInYear[i] = hcddMatrix[i][0];
                        avgCddsForEachReadingInYear[i] = hcddMatrix[i][1];

                    double[] modelParams = new double[3];
                    modelParams[0] = 0;
                    modelParams[1] = 0;
                    modelParams[2] = 0;

                    if (fullYData.Sum() == 0)
                        AccordResult empty = new AccordResult
                            bpPair = _pointPair
                    else if (_pointPair.HeatingBalancePoint == 0 && _pointPair.CoolingBalancePoint == 0)
                        double[] onesVector = new double[readingsCount];

                        for (int i = 0; i < readingsCount; i++)
                            onesVector[i] = 1;

                        modelParams[0] = Fit.LineThroughOrigin(onesVector, fullYDataDailyAvg);

                        OrdinaryLeastSquares ols = new OrdinaryLeastSquares()
                            UseIntercept = false

                        SimpleLinearRegression regressionAccord = ols.Learn(onesVector, fullYDataDailyAvg);

                        //double[] predictedAccord = regressionAccord.Transform(onesVector);

                        double r2 = MathNet.Numerics.GoodnessOfFit.CoefficientOfDetermination(onesVector.Select(x => x * modelParams[0]), fullYDataDailyAvg);

                        //double mean = fullYDataDailyAvg.Mean();

                        //if (mean != modelParams[0] || mean != regressionAccord.Slope)
                        //    Console.WriteLine("Hey!");

                        //double r2Accord = regressionAccord.CoefficientOfDetermination(onesVector, fullYDataDailyAvg);

                        //double sxx = onesVector.Subtract(onesVector.Mean()).Pow(2).Sum();
                        //double hypothesizedValue = 0;

                        //    TTest test = new TTest(
                        //        estimatedValue: regressionAccord.Slope, standardError: sxx, degreesOfFreedom: _pointPair.ReadingsInNormalYear - 2,
                        //        hypothesizedValue: hypothesizedValue, alternate: OneSampleHypothesis.ValueIsDifferentFromHypothesis
                        //        );

                        //    if (test.Significant)
                        //    {
                        AccordResult accordResult = new AccordResult()
                            SimpleLinearRegression = regressionAccord,
                            R2Accord = r2,
                            IsSimpleSingleRegression = true,
                            HeatingBP = _pointPair.HeatingBalancePoint,
                            CoolingBP = _pointPair.CoolingBalancePoint,
                            Intercept = regressionAccord.Slope,
                            bpPair    = _pointPair
                        //    }
                        //catch (Exception e)
                        //    Console.WriteLine(e.Message + e.StackTrace);
                    else if (_pointPair.CoolingBalancePoint != 0 && _pointPair.HeatingBalancePoint != 0)
                        //modelParams = MultipleRegression.QR(hcddMatrix, fullYDataDailyAvg, intercept: true);

                        //var ols = new OrdinaryLeastSquares()
                        //    UseIntercept = true

                            MultipleLinearRegressionAnalysis mlra = new MultipleLinearRegressionAnalysis(intercept: true);
                            mlra.Learn(hcddMatrix, fullYDataDailyAvg);

                            //MultipleLinearRegression regressionAccord = ols.Learn(hcddMatrix, fullYDataDailyAvg);

                            var regressionAccord = mlra.Regression;

                            double[] predicted = regressionAccord.Transform(hcddMatrix);

                            double r2Accord = new RSquaredLoss(numberOfInputs: 2, expected: fullYDataDailyAvg)
                                Adjust = false

                            double r2Coeff = regressionAccord.CoefficientOfDetermination(hcddMatrix, fullYDataDailyAvg, adjust: false);

                            //double r2Math = MathNet.Numerics.GoodnessOfFit.CoefficientOfDetermination(hcddMatrix.Select(
                            //    x => (x[0] * regressionAccord.Weights[0]) + (x[1] * regressionAccord.Weights[1]) + regressionAccord.Intercept
                            //), fullYDataDailyAvg);

                            //double r2MathPred = MathNet.Numerics.GoodnessOfFit.CoefficientOfDetermination(predicted, fullYDataDailyAvg);

                            AccordResult accordResult = new AccordResult()
                                //MultipleRegression = regressionAccord,
                                R2Accord  = r2Accord,
                                R2Coeff   = r2Coeff,
                                HeatingBP = _pointPair.HeatingBalancePoint,
                                CoolingBP = _pointPair.CoolingBalancePoint,
                                IsSimpleSingleRegression = false,
                                MLRA      = mlra,
                                Intercept = regressionAccord.Intercept,
                                bpPair    = _pointPair,
                                IsMultipleLinearRegression = true

                            if (mlra.Coefficients.All(x => x.TTest.Significant))
                        catch (Exception e)
                            Console.WriteLine(e.Message + " " + e.StackTrace);
                    else if (_pointPair.HeatingBalancePoint > 0)
                        //    Tuple<double, double> heatingTuple = Fit.Line(avgHddsForEachReadingInYear, fullYDataDailyAvg);
                        //    modelParams[0] = heatingTuple.Item1;
                        //    modelParams[1] = heatingTuple.Item2;

                        //    double r = MathNet.Numerics.GoodnessOfFit.CoefficientOfDetermination(
                        //        avgHddsForEachReadingInYear.Select(x => heatingTuple.Item1 + heatingTuple.Item2 * x), fullYDataDailyAvg);

                        OrdinaryLeastSquares ols = new OrdinaryLeastSquares()
                            UseIntercept = true

                        SimpleLinearRegression regressionAccord = ols.Learn(avgHddsForEachReadingInYear, fullYDataDailyAvg);

                        double[] predictedAccord = regressionAccord.Transform(avgHddsForEachReadingInYear);

                        double rAccord = new RSquaredLoss(1, fullYDataDailyAvg).Loss(predictedAccord);

                        //double rAccord2 = regressionAccord.CoefficientOfDetermination(avgHddsForEachReadingInYear, fullYDataDailyAvg, adjust: false);

                        //double r2Math = MathNet.Numerics.GoodnessOfFit.CoefficientOfDetermination(avgHddsForEachReadingInYear.Select(
                        //    x => (x * regressionAccord.Slope) + regressionAccord.Intercept
                        //    ), fullYDataDailyAvg);

                        //double r2 = MathNet.Numerics.GoodnessOfFit.CoefficientOfDetermination(predictedAccord, fullYDataDailyAvg);

                        int    degreesOfFreedom = _pointPair.ReadingsInNormalYear - 2;
                        double ssx = Math.Sqrt((avgHddsForEachReadingInYear.Subtract(avgHddsForEachReadingInYear.Mean())).Pow(2).Sum());
                        double s   = Math.Sqrt(((fullYDataDailyAvg.Subtract(predictedAccord).Pow(2)).Sum()) / degreesOfFreedom);

                        double error = regressionAccord.GetStandardError(avgHddsForEachReadingInYear, fullYDataDailyAvg);

                        double seSubB = s / ssx;

                        double hypothesizedValue = 0;

                        TTest tTest = new TTest(
                            estimatedValue: regressionAccord.Slope, standardError: seSubB, degreesOfFreedom: degreesOfFreedom,
                            hypothesizedValue: hypothesizedValue, alternate: OneSampleHypothesis.ValueIsDifferentFromHypothesis

                        AccordResult accordResult = new AccordResult()
                            SimpleLinearRegression = regressionAccord,
                            R2Accord = rAccord,
                            IsSimpleSingleRegression = true,
                            HeatingBP = _pointPair.HeatingBalancePoint,
                            CoolingBP = _pointPair.CoolingBalancePoint,
                            TTest     = tTest,
                            Intercept = regressionAccord.Intercept,
                            bpPair    = _pointPair

                        if (tTest.Significant)
                    else if (_pointPair.CoolingBalancePoint > 0)
                        //Tuple<double, double> coolingTuple = Fit.Line(avgCddsForEachReadingInYear, fullYDataDailyAvg);
                        //modelParams[0] = coolingTuple.Item1;
                        //modelParams[2] = coolingTuple.Item2;

                        OrdinaryLeastSquares ols = new OrdinaryLeastSquares()
                            UseIntercept = true

                        SimpleLinearRegression regressionAccord = ols.Learn(avgCddsForEachReadingInYear, fullYDataDailyAvg);

                        double[] predictedAccord = regressionAccord.Transform(avgCddsForEachReadingInYear);
                        double   rAccord         = new RSquaredLoss(1, fullYDataDailyAvg).Loss(predictedAccord);

                        //double r2Math = MathNet.Numerics.GoodnessOfFit.CoefficientOfDetermination(avgCddsForEachReadingInYear.Select(
                        //    x => (x * regressionAccord.Slope) + regressionAccord.Intercept
                        //    ), fullYDataDailyAvg);

                        //double r2 = MathNet.Numerics.GoodnessOfFit.CoefficientOfDetermination(predictedAccord, fullYDataDailyAvg);

                        int    degreesOfFreedom = _pointPair.ReadingsInNormalYear - 2;
                        double ssx = Math.Sqrt(avgCddsForEachReadingInYear.Subtract(avgCddsForEachReadingInYear.Mean()).Pow(2).Sum());
                        double s   = Math.Sqrt(((fullYDataDailyAvg.Subtract(predictedAccord).Pow(2)).Sum()) / degreesOfFreedom);

                        double seSubB            = s / ssx;
                        double hypothesizedValue = 0;

                        double myT = seSubB / regressionAccord.Slope;

                        TTest tTest = new TTest(
                            estimatedValue: regressionAccord.Slope, standardError: seSubB, degreesOfFreedom: degreesOfFreedom,
                            hypothesizedValue: hypothesizedValue, alternate: OneSampleHypothesis.ValueIsDifferentFromHypothesis

                        AccordResult accordResult = new AccordResult()
                            SimpleLinearRegression = regressionAccord,
                            R2Accord = rAccord,
                            IsSimpleSingleRegression = true,
                            HeatingBP = _pointPair.HeatingBalancePoint,
                            CoolingBP = _pointPair.CoolingBalancePoint,
                            TTest     = tTest,
                            Intercept = regressionAccord.Intercept,
                            bpPair    = _pointPair

                        if (tTest.Significant)
                catch (Exception e)
                    Console.WriteLine(normalParamsKey.AccID + " " + normalParamsKey.UtilID + " " + normalParamsKey.UnitID + " " + e.Message + e.StackTrace);

            //rejectedAccords = rejectedAccords.OrderByDescending(s => s.R2Accord).ToList();
            //accordResults = accordResults.OrderByDescending(s => s.R2Accord).ToList();

        private AccordResult CalculateLinearRegression(List <BalancePointPair> allBalancePointPairs, WthNormalParams normalParamsKey)
            var allBalancePointGroups = allBalancePointPairs.GroupBy(s => new { s.CoolingBalancePoint, s.HeatingBalancePoint });

            List <AccordResult> accordResults = new List <AccordResult>();

            foreach (var group in allBalancePointGroups)
                    List <BalancePointPair> IdenticalBalancePointPairsFromAllReadings = group.ToList();
                    BalancePointPair        _pointPair = IdenticalBalancePointPairsFromAllReadings.First();
                    int readingsCount = IdenticalBalancePointPairsFromAllReadings.Count;

                    double[] fullYData         = new double[readingsCount];
                    double[] fullYDataDailyAvg = new double[readingsCount];

                    double[][] hcddMatrix = new double[readingsCount][];

                    double[][] hcddMatrixNonDaily = new double[readingsCount][];

                    foreach (BalancePointPair balancePointPair in IdenticalBalancePointPairsFromAllReadings)
                        fullYData[IdenticalBalancePointPairsFromAllReadings.IndexOf(balancePointPair)] = (balancePointPair.ActualUsage);

                            = (balancePointPair.ActualUsage / balancePointPair.DaysInReading);

                        hcddMatrix[IdenticalBalancePointPairsFromAllReadings.IndexOf(balancePointPair)] = new double[]
                            (balancePointPair.HeatingDegreeDays / balancePointPair.DaysInReading),
                            (balancePointPair.CoolingDegreeDays / balancePointPair.DaysInReading)

                    double[] avgHddsForEachReadingInYear = new double[readingsCount];
                    double[] avgCddsForEachReadingInYear = new double[readingsCount];

                    for (int i = 0; i < readingsCount; i++)
                        avgHddsForEachReadingInYear[i] = hcddMatrix[i][0];
                        avgCddsForEachReadingInYear[i] = hcddMatrix[i][1];

                    double[] modelParams = new double[3];
                    modelParams[0] = 0;
                    modelParams[1] = 0;
                    modelParams[2] = 0;

                    if (_pointPair.HeatingBalancePoint == 0 && _pointPair.CoolingBalancePoint == 0)
                        double[] onesVector = new double[readingsCount];

                        for (int i = 0; i < readingsCount; i++)
                            onesVector[i] = 1;

                        modelParams[0] = Fit.LineThroughOrigin(onesVector, fullYDataDailyAvg);

                        OrdinaryLeastSquares ols = new OrdinaryLeastSquares()
                            UseIntercept = false

                        double r2 = MathNet.Numerics.GoodnessOfFit.CoefficientOfDetermination(
                            onesVector.Select(x => x * modelParams[0]), fullYDataDailyAvg);

                        AccordResult accordResult = new AccordResult()
                            IsSimpleSingleRegression = true,
                            HeatingBP = _pointPair.HeatingBalancePoint,
                            CoolingBP = _pointPair.CoolingBalancePoint,
                            Intercept = modelParams[0],
                            R2Accord  = r2,

                    else if (_pointPair.CoolingBalancePoint != 0 && _pointPair.HeatingBalancePoint != 0)
                            MultipleLinearRegressionAnalysis mlra = new MultipleLinearRegressionAnalysis(intercept: true);
                            mlra.Learn(hcddMatrix, fullYDataDailyAvg);
                            var regressionAccord = mlra.Regression;

                            double[] predicted = regressionAccord.Transform(hcddMatrix);

                            double r2Accord = new RSquaredLoss(numberOfInputs: 2, expected: fullYDataDailyAvg)
                                Adjust = false

                            double r2Coeff = regressionAccord.CoefficientOfDetermination(hcddMatrix, fullYDataDailyAvg, adjust: false);

                            bool FTestFailed = !mlra.FTest.Significant;

                            AccordResult accordResult = new AccordResult()
                                IsMultipleLinearRegression = true,
                                HeatingBP   = _pointPair.HeatingBalancePoint,
                                CoolingBP   = _pointPair.CoolingBalancePoint,
                                Intercept   = regressionAccord.Intercept,
                                B2          = regressionAccord.Weights[0],
                                B4          = regressionAccord.Weights[1],
                                R2Accord    = r2Accord,
                                FTestFailed = FTestFailed

                            if (mlra.Coefficients.All(x => x.TTest.Significant))
                        catch (Exception e)
                            Log.Debug(normalParamsKey.AccID + " " + normalParamsKey.UtilID + " " + normalParamsKey.UnitID + " " + e.Message + " " + e.StackTrace);
                    else if (_pointPair.HeatingBalancePoint > 0)
                        OrdinaryLeastSquares ols = new OrdinaryLeastSquares()
                            UseIntercept = true

                        SimpleLinearRegression regressionAccord = ols.Learn(avgHddsForEachReadingInYear, fullYDataDailyAvg);

                        double[] predictedAccord = regressionAccord.Transform(avgHddsForEachReadingInYear);

                        double r2Accord = new RSquaredLoss(1, fullYDataDailyAvg).Loss(predictedAccord);

                        int    degreesOfFreedom = normalParamsKey.MoCt - 2;
                        double ssx = Math.Sqrt((avgHddsForEachReadingInYear.Subtract(avgHddsForEachReadingInYear.Mean())).Pow(2).Sum());
                        double s   = Math.Sqrt(((fullYDataDailyAvg.Subtract(predictedAccord).Pow(2)).Sum()) / degreesOfFreedom);

                        double error = regressionAccord.GetStandardError(avgHddsForEachReadingInYear, fullYDataDailyAvg);

                        double seSubB = s / ssx;

                        double hypothesizedValue = 0;

                        TTest tTest = new TTest(
                            estimatedValue: regressionAccord.Slope, standardError: seSubB, degreesOfFreedom: degreesOfFreedom,
                            hypothesizedValue: hypothesizedValue, alternate: OneSampleHypothesis.ValueIsDifferentFromHypothesis

                        AccordResult accordResult = new AccordResult()
                            IsSimpleSingleRegression = true,
                            HeatingBP = _pointPair.HeatingBalancePoint,
                            Intercept = regressionAccord.Intercept,
                            B2        = regressionAccord.Slope,
                            R2Accord  = r2Accord

                        if (tTest.Significant)
                    else if (_pointPair.CoolingBalancePoint > 0)
                        OrdinaryLeastSquares ols = new OrdinaryLeastSquares()
                            UseIntercept = true

                        SimpleLinearRegression regressionAccord = ols.Learn(avgCddsForEachReadingInYear, fullYDataDailyAvg);

                        double[] predictedAccord = regressionAccord.Transform(avgCddsForEachReadingInYear);
                        double   rAccord         = new RSquaredLoss(1, fullYDataDailyAvg).Loss(predictedAccord);

                        int    degreesOfFreedom = normalParamsKey.MoCt - 2;
                        double ssx = Math.Sqrt(avgCddsForEachReadingInYear.Subtract(avgCddsForEachReadingInYear.Mean()).Pow(2).Sum());
                        double s   = Math.Sqrt(((fullYDataDailyAvg.Subtract(predictedAccord).Pow(2)).Sum()) / degreesOfFreedom);

                        double seSubB            = s / ssx;
                        double hypothesizedValue = 0;

                        double myT = seSubB / regressionAccord.Slope;

                        TTest tTest = new TTest(
                            estimatedValue: regressionAccord.Slope, standardError: seSubB, degreesOfFreedom: degreesOfFreedom,
                            hypothesizedValue: hypothesizedValue, alternate: OneSampleHypothesis.ValueIsDifferentFromHypothesis

                        AccordResult accordResult = new AccordResult()
                            IsSimpleSingleRegression = true,
                            CoolingBP = _pointPair.CoolingBalancePoint,
                            Intercept = regressionAccord.Intercept,
                            B4        = regressionAccord.Slope,
                            R2Accord  = rAccord

                        if (tTest.Significant)
                catch (Exception e)
                    Log.Debug(normalParamsKey.AccID + " " + normalParamsKey.UtilID + " " + normalParamsKey.UnitID + " " + e.Message + e.StackTrace);

            AccordResult accordWinner = accordResults
                                        .Where(s => s.Intercept >= 0)
                                        .OrderByDescending(s => s.R2Accord).ToList().FirstOrDefault();

Exemplo n.º 16
        private AccordResult CalculateLinearRegression(List <BalancePointPair> allBalancePointPairs, WthNormalParams normalParamsKey)
            var allBalancePointGroups = allBalancePointPairs.GroupBy(s => new { s.CoolingBalancePoint, s.HeatingBalancePoint });

            List <AccordResult> accordResults = new List <AccordResult>();

            foreach (var group in allBalancePointGroups)
                    List <BalancePointPair> IdenticalBalancePointPairsFromAllReadings = group.ToList();
                    BalancePointPair        _pointPair = IdenticalBalancePointPairsFromAllReadings.First();
                    int readingsCount = IdenticalBalancePointPairsFromAllReadings.Count;

                    double[] fullYData         = new double[readingsCount];
                    double[] fullYDataDailyAvg = new double[readingsCount];

                    double[][] hcddMatrix = new double[readingsCount][];

                    double[][] hcddMatrixNonDaily = new double[readingsCount][];

                    foreach (BalancePointPair balancePointPair in IdenticalBalancePointPairsFromAllReadings)
                        fullYData[IdenticalBalancePointPairsFromAllReadings.IndexOf(balancePointPair)] = (balancePointPair.ActualUsage);

                            = (balancePointPair.ActualUsage / balancePointPair.DaysInReading);

                        hcddMatrix[IdenticalBalancePointPairsFromAllReadings.IndexOf(balancePointPair)] = new double[]
                            (balancePointPair.HeatingDegreeDays / balancePointPair.DaysInReading),
                            (balancePointPair.CoolingDegreeDays / balancePointPair.DaysInReading)

                    if (!(fullYData.Sum() > 0))
                        return(new AccordResult());

                    double[] avgHddsForEachReadingInYear = new double[readingsCount];
                    double[] avgCddsForEachReadingInYear = new double[readingsCount];

                    for (int i = 0; i < readingsCount; i++)
                        avgHddsForEachReadingInYear[i] = hcddMatrix[i][0];
                        avgCddsForEachReadingInYear[i] = hcddMatrix[i][1];

                    double[] modelParams = new double[3];
                    modelParams[0] = 0;
                    modelParams[1] = 0;
                    modelParams[2] = 0;

                    if (_pointPair.HeatingBalancePoint == 0 && _pointPair.CoolingBalancePoint == 0)
                        double[] onesVector = new double[readingsCount];

                        for (int i = 0; i < readingsCount; i++)
                            onesVector[i] = 1;

                        modelParams[0] = Fit.LineThroughOrigin(onesVector, fullYDataDailyAvg);

                        OrdinaryLeastSquares ols = new OrdinaryLeastSquares()
                            UseIntercept = false

                        double r2 = MathNet.Numerics.GoodnessOfFit.CoefficientOfDetermination(
                            onesVector.Select(x => x * modelParams[0]), fullYDataDailyAvg);

                        AccordResult accordResult = new AccordResult()
                            IsSimpleSingleRegression = true,
                            HeatingBP = _pointPair.HeatingBalancePoint,
                            CoolingBP = _pointPair.CoolingBalancePoint,
                            Intercept = modelParams[0],
                            R2Accord  = r2,
                            //R2Accord = 0

                    else if (_pointPair.CoolingBalancePoint != 0 && _pointPair.HeatingBalancePoint != 0)
                            MultipleLinearRegressionAnalysis mlra = new MultipleLinearRegressionAnalysis(intercept: true);
                            mlra.Learn(hcddMatrix, fullYDataDailyAvg);

                            var regressionAccord = mlra.Regression;

                            double[] predictedAccord = regressionAccord.Transform(hcddMatrix);

                            double r2Accord = new RSquaredLoss(numberOfInputs: 2, expected: fullYDataDailyAvg)
                                Adjust = false

                            double r2Coeff = regressionAccord.CoefficientOfDetermination(hcddMatrix, fullYDataDailyAvg, adjust: false);

                            bool FTestFailed = !mlra.FTest.Significant;

                            AccordResult accordResult = new AccordResult()
                                IsMultipleLinearRegression = true,
                                HeatingBP   = _pointPair.HeatingBalancePoint,
                                CoolingBP   = _pointPair.CoolingBalancePoint,
                                Intercept   = regressionAccord.Intercept,
                                B2          = regressionAccord.Weights[0],
                                B4          = regressionAccord.Weights[1],
                                R2Accord    = r2Accord,
                                FTestFailed = FTestFailed

                            //int degreesOfFreedom = normalParamsKey.MoCt - 3;

                            double degreesOfFreedomAsDouble = mlra.Regression.GetDegreesOfFreedom(readingsCount);
                            int    degreesOfFreedom         = Convert.ToInt32(degreesOfFreedomAsDouble);

                            //if (degreesOfFreedom != 9)
                            //    Log.Warning($"Multivariable regression. DOF expected to be 9. is: {degreesOfFreedom}");

                            //if (degreesOfFreedom != dof)
                            //    Console.WriteLine($"dof different. mlra.dof = {dof} expected = {degreesOfFreedom}");

                            double s = Math.Sqrt(fullYDataDailyAvg.Subtract(predictedAccord).Pow(2).Sum() / degreesOfFreedom);

                            double ssxHdd = Math.Sqrt((avgHddsForEachReadingInYear.Subtract(avgHddsForEachReadingInYear.Mean())).Pow(2).Sum());
                            double ssxCdd = Math.Sqrt((avgCddsForEachReadingInYear.Subtract(avgCddsForEachReadingInYear.Mean())).Pow(2).Sum());

                            double seSubHdd = s / ssxHdd;
                            double seSubCdd = s / ssxCdd;

                            double tStatisticHdd = regressionAccord.Weights[0] / seSubHdd;
                            double tStatisticCdd = regressionAccord.Weights[1] / seSubCdd;

                            double tCriticalFivePercent = 2.262156;
                            double tCriticalTenPercent  = 1.833113;

                            bool myTestHdd = Math.Abs(tStatisticHdd) >= tCriticalTenPercent;
                            bool myTestCdd = Math.Abs(tStatisticCdd) >= tCriticalTenPercent;

                            //if (myTestHdd != mlra.Coefficients[0].TTest.Significant && degreesOfFreedom != 9)
                            //    Console.WriteLine($"nope. mystat - {tStatisticHdd} accordstat - {mlra.Coefficients[0].TTest.Statistic} " +
                            //        $"accordCritical - {mlra.Coefficients[0].TTest.CriticalValue}");

                            //if (myTestCdd != mlra.Coefficients[1].TTest.Significant && degreesOfFreedom != 9)
                            //    Console.WriteLine($"nope. mystat - {tStatisticCdd} accordstat - {mlra.Coefficients[1].TTest.Statistic} " +
                            //        $"accordCritical - {mlra.Coefficients[1].TTest.CriticalValue}");

                            //if (mlra.Coefficients.All(x => x.TTest.Significant) &&
                            //    mlra.Coefficients.All(x => x.Value > 0) &&
                            //    mlra.Regression.Intercept > 0 &&
                            //    r2Accord >= 0.7500)
                            //    accordResults.Add(accordResult);
                            if (
                                myTestHdd &&
                                myTestCdd &&
                                mlra.Coefficients.All(x => x.Value > 0) &&
                                mlra.Regression.Intercept > 0
                                //&& accordResult.R2Accord >= 0.75
                        catch (Exception e)
                            Log.Debug($"AccID/UtilID/UnitID: {normalParamsKey.AccID}/{normalParamsKey.UtilID}/{normalParamsKey.UnitID} >> " +
                                      $"MultipleLinearRegressionAnalysis Exception: {e.Message}");
                    else if (_pointPair.HeatingBalancePoint > 0)
                        OrdinaryLeastSquares ols = new OrdinaryLeastSquares()
                            UseIntercept = true

                        SimpleLinearRegression regressionAccord = ols.Learn(avgHddsForEachReadingInYear, fullYDataDailyAvg);

                        double[] predictedAccord = regressionAccord.Transform(avgHddsForEachReadingInYear);

                        double r2Accord = new RSquaredLoss(1, fullYDataDailyAvg).Loss(predictedAccord);

                        //int degreesOfFreedom = normalParamsKey.MoCt - 2;

                        double degreesOfFreedomAsDouble = regressionAccord.GetDegreesOfFreedom(readingsCount);
                        int    degreesOfFreedom         = Convert.ToInt32(degreesOfFreedomAsDouble);

                        //if (degreesOfFreedom != 10)
                        //    Log.Warning($"Single variable regression. DOF expected to be 10. is: {degreesOfFreedom}");

                        double ssx = Math.Sqrt((avgHddsForEachReadingInYear.Subtract(avgHddsForEachReadingInYear.Mean())).Pow(2).Sum());
                        double s   = Math.Sqrt(fullYDataDailyAvg.Subtract(predictedAccord).Pow(2).Sum() / degreesOfFreedom);

                        double error = regressionAccord.GetStandardError(avgHddsForEachReadingInYear, fullYDataDailyAvg);

                        double seSubB = s / ssx;

                        double hypothesizedValue = 0;

                        double tStatistic = regressionAccord.Slope / seSubB;

                        double tCriticalFivePercent = 2.228138;
                        double tCriticalTenPercent  = 1.812461;

                        bool myTest = Math.Abs(tStatistic) >= tCriticalTenPercent;

                        //TTest tTest = new TTest(
                        //    estimatedValue: regressionAccord.Slope, standardError: seSubB, degreesOfFreedom: degreesOfFreedom,
                        //    hypothesizedValue: hypothesizedValue, alternate: OneSampleHypothesis.ValueIsDifferentFromHypothesis
                        //    );

                        //if (myTest != tTest.Significant)
                        //    Console.WriteLine($"nope. mystat - {tStatistic} accordstat - {tTest.Statistic} accordCritical - {tTest.CriticalValue}");

                        AccordResult accordResult = new AccordResult()
                            IsSimpleSingleRegression = true,
                            HeatingBP = _pointPair.HeatingBalancePoint,
                            Intercept = regressionAccord.Intercept,
                            B2        = regressionAccord.Slope,
                            R2Accord  = r2Accord

                        //if (tTest.Significant && accordResult.B2 > 0 && r2Accord >= 0.7500)
                        //    accordResults.Add(accordResult);
                        if (myTest &&
                            accordResult.B2 > 0 &&
                            accordResult.Intercept > 0
                            //&& r2Accord >= 0.7500
                    else if (_pointPair.CoolingBalancePoint > 0)
                        OrdinaryLeastSquares ols = new OrdinaryLeastSquares()
                            UseIntercept = true

                        SimpleLinearRegression regressionAccord = ols.Learn(avgCddsForEachReadingInYear, fullYDataDailyAvg);

                        double[] predictedAccord = regressionAccord.Transform(avgCddsForEachReadingInYear);
                        double   r2Accord        = new RSquaredLoss(1, fullYDataDailyAvg).Loss(predictedAccord);

                        //int degreesOfFreedom = normalParamsKey.MoCt - 2;

                        double degreesOfFreedomAsDouble = regressionAccord.GetDegreesOfFreedom(readingsCount);
                        int    degreesOfFreedom         = Convert.ToInt32(degreesOfFreedomAsDouble);

                        //if (degreesOfFreedom != 10)
                        //    Log.Warning($"Single variable regression. DOF expected to be 10. is: {degreesOfFreedom}");

                        double ssx = Math.Sqrt(avgCddsForEachReadingInYear.Subtract(avgCddsForEachReadingInYear.Mean()).Pow(2).Sum());
                        double s   = Math.Sqrt(fullYDataDailyAvg.Subtract(predictedAccord).Pow(2).Sum() / degreesOfFreedom);

                        double seSubB            = s / ssx;
                        double hypothesizedValue = 0;

                        double tStatistic = regressionAccord.Slope / seSubB;

                        double tCriticalFivePercent = 2.22813885198627;
                        double tCriticalTenPercent  = 1.812461;

                        bool myTest = Math.Abs(tStatistic) >= tCriticalTenPercent;

                        //TTest tTest = new TTest(
                        //    estimatedValue: regressionAccord.Slope, standardError: seSubB, degreesOfFreedom: degreesOfFreedom,
                        //    hypothesizedValue: hypothesizedValue, alternate: OneSampleHypothesis.ValueIsDifferentFromHypothesis
                        //    );

                        //if (myTest != tTest.Significant)
                        //    Console.WriteLine($"nope. mystat - {tStatistic} accordstat - {tTest.Statistic} accordCritical - {tTest.CriticalValue}");

                        AccordResult accordResult = new AccordResult()
                            IsSimpleSingleRegression = true,
                            CoolingBP = _pointPair.CoolingBalancePoint,
                            Intercept = regressionAccord.Intercept,
                            B4        = regressionAccord.Slope,
                            R2Accord  = r2Accord

                        //if (tTest.Significant && accordResult.B4 > 0 && r2Accord >= 0.7500)
                        //    accordResults.Add(accordResult);
                        if (
                            myTest &&
                            accordResult.B4 > 0
                            //&& r2Accord >= 0.7500
                catch (Exception e)
                    Log.Debug($"AccID/UtilID/UnitID: {normalParamsKey.AccID}/{normalParamsKey.UtilID}/{normalParamsKey.UnitID} >> {e.Message} {e.StackTrace}");

            AccordResult accordWinner = accordResults
                                        .Where(s => s.Intercept >= 0)
                                        .OrderByDescending(s => s.R2Accord).ToList().FirstOrDefault();
