Exemplo n.º 1
            public override void AnimateOpen(bool becomeFirstResponder)
                if (TextView.Animating == false && TextView.Hidden == true)
                    // unhide and flag it as animating
                    TextView.Hidden    = false;
                    TextView.Animating = true;

                    // and force it to a 0 size so it grows correctly
                    TextView.Bounds = RectangleF.Empty;

                    SimpleAnimator_SizeF animator = new SimpleAnimator_SizeF(TextView.Bounds.Size.ToSizeF( ),
                                                                             TextView.NaturalSize.ToSizeF( ), SCALE_TIME_SECONDS,
                                                                             delegate(float percent, object value)
                        SizeF currSize  = (SizeF)value;
                        TextView.Bounds = new RectangleF(0, 0, currSize.Width, currSize.Height);
                        TextView.Animating = false;
                        if (becomeFirstResponder == true)
                            BecomeFirstResponder( );

                    animator.Start( );
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void PerformStartup( )
            // Fade OUT the logo
            SimpleAnimator_Float imageAlphaAnim = new SimpleAnimator_Float(ImageLogo.Opacity, 0.00f, .13f, delegate(float percent, object value)
                ImageLogo.Opacity = (float)value;

            imageAlphaAnim.Start( );

            // Scale UP the logo
            SimpleAnimator_SizeF imageSizeAnim = new SimpleAnimator_SizeF(ImageLogo.Frame.Size, new SizeF(View.Frame.Width, View.Frame.Height), .25f, delegate(float percent, object value)
                SizeF imageSize = (SizeF)value;
                ImageLogo.Frame = new RectangleF((View.Frame.Width - imageSize.Width) / 2, (View.Frame.Height - imageSize.Height) / 2, imageSize.Width, imageSize.Height);
                // do this ON the UI thread
                    OnCompletionCallback( );

            imageSizeAnim.Start( );
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void PerformStartup(bool networkSuccess)
            // Fade in the background image
            SimpleAnimator_Float imageBGAlphaAnim = new SimpleAnimator_Float(0.00f, 1.00f, .25f, delegate(float percent, object value)
                ImageBG.Opacity = (float)value;

            imageBGAlphaAnim.Start( );

            // Fade OUT the logo
            SimpleAnimator_Float imageAlphaAnim = new SimpleAnimator_Float(ImageLogo.Opacity, 0.00f, .13f, delegate(float percent, object value)
                ImageLogo.Opacity = (float)value;

            imageAlphaAnim.Start( );

            // Scale UP the logo
            SimpleAnimator_SizeF imageSizeAnim = new SimpleAnimator_SizeF(ImageLogo.Frame.Size, new SizeF(View.Frame.Width, View.Frame.Height), .25f, delegate(float percent, object value)
                SizeF imageSize = (SizeF)value;
                ImageLogo.Frame = new RectangleF((View.Frame.Width - imageSize.Width) / 2, (View.Frame.Height - imageSize.Height) / 2, imageSize.Width, imageSize.Height);
                // when finished, wait, then go to the next state
                System.Timers.Timer timer = new System.Timers.Timer();
                timer.Interval            = 500;
                timer.AutoReset           = false;
                timer.Elapsed            += (object sender, System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs e) =>
                    // do this ON the UI thread
                        View.BackgroundColor = ControlStylingConfig.BackgroundColor;

                        // if the network is ok, continue.
                        if (networkSuccess == true)
                            // if not, let them know they need a network connection for their first run.
                timer.Start( );

            imageSizeAnim.Start( );
Exemplo n.º 4
                void AnimateUtilityView(bool open)
                    SizeF startSize = UtilityLayer.Bounds.Size;
                    SizeF endSize;

                    float animTime = .2f;

                    // setup the target values based on whether we're opening or closing
                    if (open == true)
                        UtilityLayer.Hidden = false;
                        endSize             = new SizeF(MinNoteWidth, Rock.Mobile.Graphics.Util.UnitToPx(UtilityLayerHeight));
                        DeleteButton.Hidden = true;
                        CloseButton.Hidden  = true;
                        endSize             = new SizeF(MinNoteWidth, 0);

                    // size...
                    SimpleAnimator_SizeF sizeAnimator = new SimpleAnimator_SizeF(startSize, endSize, animTime,
                                                                                 delegate(float percent, object value)
                        SizeF currSize      = (SizeF)value;
                        UtilityLayer.Bounds = new RectangleF(0, 0, currSize.Width, currSize.Height);
                        // if we CLOSED, hide the utility layer
                        if (open == false)
                            UtilityLayer.Hidden = true;
                        // and if we OPENED, unhide the DELETE button
                            DeleteButton.Hidden = false;
                            CloseButton.Hidden  = false;

                        Animating = false;

                    sizeAnimator.Start( );
Exemplo n.º 5
            public override void AnimateOpen(bool becomeFirstResponder)
                if (Animating == false && Hidden == true)
                    // unhide and flag it as animating
                    Hidden    = false;
                    Animating = true;

                    // measure so we know the height
                    Measure( );

                    // start the size at 0
                    TextView.LayoutParameters.Width  = 0;
                    TextView.LayoutParameters.Height = 0;

                    SimpleAnimator_SizeF animator = new SimpleAnimator_SizeF(System.Drawing.SizeF.Empty, new System.Drawing.SizeF(NaturalSize.Width, TextView.MeasuredHeight), .2f,
                                                                             delegate(float percent, object value)
                        System.Drawing.SizeF currSize = (System.Drawing.SizeF)value;

                        Rock.Mobile.Threading.Util.PerformOnUIThread(delegate {
                            TextView.LayoutParameters.Width  = (int)currSize.Width;
                            TextView.LayoutParameters.Height = (int)currSize.Height;

                            // redundantly set the min width so it redraws
                        Animating = false;

                        // restore the original settings for dimensions
                        TextView.LayoutParameters.Width  = RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.WrapContent;
                        TextView.LayoutParameters.Height = RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.WrapContent;

                        if (becomeFirstResponder == true)
                            BecomeFirstResponder( );

                    animator.Start( );
Exemplo n.º 6
            public override void AnimateClosed( )
                if (TextView.Animating == false && TextView.Hidden == false)
                    TextView.Animating = true;

                    SimpleAnimator_SizeF animator = new SimpleAnimator_SizeF(TextView.Bounds.Size.ToSizeF( ), new SizeF(0, 0), SCALE_TIME_SECONDS,
                                                                             delegate(float percent, object value)
                        SizeF currSize  = (SizeF)value;
                        TextView.Bounds = new RectangleF(0, 0, currSize.Width, currSize.Height);
                        TextView.Hidden    = true;
                        TextView.Animating = false;

                    animator.Start( );
Exemplo n.º 7
            public override void AnimateClosed( )
                if (Animating == false && Hidden == false)
                    // unhide and flag it as animating
                    Animating = true;

                    // get the measurements so we know how tall it currently is
                    Measure( );

                    SimpleAnimator_SizeF animator = new SimpleAnimator_SizeF(new System.Drawing.SizeF(NaturalSize.Width, TextView.MeasuredHeight), System.Drawing.SizeF.Empty, .2f,
                                                                             delegate(float percent, object value)
                        // animate it to 0
                        System.Drawing.SizeF currSize = (System.Drawing.SizeF)value;

                        Rock.Mobile.Threading.Util.PerformOnUIThread(delegate {
                            TextView.LayoutParameters.Width  = (int)currSize.Width;
                            TextView.LayoutParameters.Height = (int)currSize.Height;

                            // redundantly set the min width so it redraws
                        Hidden    = true;
                        Animating = false;

                        // restore the original settings for dimensions
                        TextView.LayoutParameters.Width  = RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.WrapContent;
                        TextView.LayoutParameters.Height = RelativeLayout.LayoutParams.WrapContent;

                    animator.Start( );
Exemplo n.º 8
        public void PerformStartup( )
            // Fade in the background image
            SimpleAnimator_Float imageBGAlphaAnim = new SimpleAnimator_Float( 0.00f, 1.00f, .25f, delegate(float percent, object value )
                    ImageBG.Opacity = (float)value;
                null );
            imageBGAlphaAnim.Start( );

            // Fade OUT the logo
            SimpleAnimator_Float imageAlphaAnim = new SimpleAnimator_Float( ImageLogo.Opacity, 0.00f, .13f, delegate(float percent, object value )
                    ImageLogo.Opacity = (float)value;
                null );
            imageAlphaAnim.Start( );

            // Scale UP the logo
            SimpleAnimator_SizeF imageSizeAnim = new SimpleAnimator_SizeF( ImageLogo.Frame.Size, new SizeF( View.Frame.Width, View.Frame.Height ), .25f, delegate(float percent, object value )
                    SizeF imageSize = (SizeF)value;
                    ImageLogo.Frame = new RectangleF( ( View.Frame.Width - imageSize.Width ) / 2, ( View.Frame.Height - imageSize.Height ) / 2, imageSize.Width, imageSize.Height );
                    // when finished, wait, then go to the next state
                    System.Timers.Timer timer = new System.Timers.Timer();
                    timer.Interval = 500;
                    timer.AutoReset = false;
                    timer.Elapsed += (object sender, System.Timers.ElapsedEventArgs e ) =>
                            // do this ON the UI thread
                            Rock.Mobile.Threading.Util.PerformOnUIThread( delegate
                                    View.BackgroundColor = ControlStylingConfig.BackgroundColor;
                                    EnterNextState( OOBE_State.Welcome );
                    timer.Start( );
                } );
            imageSizeAnim.Start( );
Exemplo n.º 9
        public void PerformStartup( )
            // Fade OUT the logo
            SimpleAnimator_Float imageAlphaAnim = new SimpleAnimator_Float( ImageLogo.Opacity, 0.00f, .13f, delegate(float percent, object value )
                    ImageLogo.Opacity = (float)value;
                null );
            imageAlphaAnim.Start( );

            // Scale UP the logo
            SimpleAnimator_SizeF imageSizeAnim = new SimpleAnimator_SizeF( ImageLogo.Frame.Size, new SizeF( View.Frame.Width, View.Frame.Height ), .25f, delegate(float percent, object value )
                    SizeF imageSize = (SizeF)value;
                    ImageLogo.Frame = new RectangleF( ( View.Frame.Width - imageSize.Width ) / 2, ( View.Frame.Height - imageSize.Height ) / 2, imageSize.Width, imageSize.Height );
                    // do this ON the UI thread
                    Rock.Mobile.Threading.Util.PerformOnUIThread( delegate
                            OnCompletionCallback( );
                } );
            imageSizeAnim.Start( );
Exemplo n.º 10
                void AnimateUtilityView( bool open )
                    if ( AnimatingUtilityView == false )
                        AnimatingUtilityView = true;

                        SizeF startSize = UtilityLayer.Bounds.Size;
                        SizeF endSize;

                        float animTime = .2f;

                        // setup the target values based on whether we're opening or closing
                        if ( open == true )
                            UtilityLayer.Hidden = false;
                            endSize = new SizeF( MinNoteWidth, Rock.Mobile.Graphics.Util.UnitToPx( UtilityLayerHeight ) );
                            DeleteButton.Hidden = true;
                            CloseButton.Hidden = true;
                            endSize = new SizeF( MinNoteWidth, 0 );

                        // size...
                        SimpleAnimator_SizeF sizeAnimator = new SimpleAnimator_SizeF( startSize, endSize, animTime,
                            delegate(float percent, object value )
                                SizeF currSize = (SizeF)value;
                                UtilityLayer.Bounds = new RectangleF( 0, 0, currSize.Width, currSize.Height );
                                // if we CLOSED, hide the utility layer
                                if ( open == false )
                                    UtilityLayer.Hidden = true;
                                // and if we OPENED, unhide the DELETE button
                                    DeleteButton.Hidden = false;
                                    CloseButton.Hidden = false;
                                AnimatingUtilityView = false;
                            } );

                        sizeAnimator.Start( );
Exemplo n.º 11
                void AnimateNoteIcon( bool open )
                    if ( Animating == false )
                        Animating = true;

                        SizeF startSize = NoteIcon.Bounds.Size;
                        SizeF endSize;

                        PointF startPos = NoteIcon.Position;
                        PointF endPos = GetNoteIconPos( open );

                        float startTypeSize;
                        float endTypeSize;

                        float animTime = .2f;

                        // the text must always be smaller than the bounding box,
                        // so we'll scale the typeSize anim time to be FASTER when opening
                        // and SLOWER when closing.
                        float sizeAnimTimeScalar;

                        // setup the target values based on whether we're opening or closing
                        if ( open == true )
                            endSize = NoteIconOpenSize;

                            startTypeSize = PrivateNoteConfig.UserNote_IconClosedSize;
                            endTypeSize = PrivateNoteConfig.UserNote_IconOpenSize;

                            sizeAnimTimeScalar = .95f;
                            endSize = NoteIconClosedSize;

                            startTypeSize = PrivateNoteConfig.UserNote_IconOpenSize;
                            endTypeSize = PrivateNoteConfig.UserNote_IconClosedSize;

                            sizeAnimTimeScalar = 1.05f;

                        // size...
                        SimpleAnimator_SizeF sizeAnimator = new SimpleAnimator_SizeF( startSize, endSize, animTime,
                                                                delegate(float percent, object value )
                                SizeF currSize = (SizeF)value;
                                NoteIcon.Bounds = new RectangleF( 0, 0, currSize.Width, currSize.Height );
                            }, null );

                        sizeAnimator.Start( );

                        // pos...
                        SimpleAnimator_PointF posAnimator = new SimpleAnimator_PointF( startPos, endPos, animTime,
                                                                delegate(float percent, object value )
                                NoteIcon.Position = (PointF)value;
                            }, null );
                        posAnimator.Start( );

                        // font typesize...
                        SimpleAnimator_Float floatAnimator = new SimpleAnimator_Float( startTypeSize, endTypeSize, animTime * sizeAnimTimeScalar,
                                                                 delegate(float percent, object value )
                                NoteIcon.SetFont( PrivateControlStylingConfig.Icon_Font_Secondary, (float)value );
                            }, delegate { Animating = false; } );
                        floatAnimator.Start( );
Exemplo n.º 12
                void AnimateNoteIcon(bool open)
                    SizeF startSize = NoteIcon.Bounds.Size;
                    SizeF endSize;

                    PointF startPos = NoteIcon.Position;
                    PointF endPos   = GetNoteIconPos(open);

                    float startTypeSize;
                    float endTypeSize;

                    float animTime = .2f;

                    // the text must always be smaller than the bounding box,
                    // so we'll scale the typeSize anim time to be FASTER when opening
                    // and SLOWER when closing.
                    float sizeAnimTimeScalar;

                    // setup the target values based on whether we're opening or closing
                    if (open == true)
                        endSize = NoteIconOpenSize;

                        startTypeSize = PrivateNoteConfig.UserNote_IconClosedSize;
                        endTypeSize   = PrivateNoteConfig.UserNote_IconOpenSize;

                        sizeAnimTimeScalar = .95f;
                        endSize = NoteIconClosedSize;

                        startTypeSize = PrivateNoteConfig.UserNote_IconOpenSize;
                        endTypeSize   = PrivateNoteConfig.UserNote_IconClosedSize;

                        sizeAnimTimeScalar = 1.05f;

                    // size...
                    SimpleAnimator_SizeF sizeAnimator = new SimpleAnimator_SizeF(startSize, endSize, animTime,
                                                                                 delegate(float percent, object value)
                        SizeF currSize  = (SizeF)value;
                        NoteIcon.Bounds = new RectangleF(0, 0, currSize.Width, currSize.Height);
                    }, null);

                    sizeAnimator.Start( );

                    // pos...
                    SimpleAnimator_PointF posAnimator = new SimpleAnimator_PointF(startPos, endPos, animTime,
                                                                                  delegate(float percent, object value)
                        NoteIcon.Position = (PointF)value;
                    }, null);

                    posAnimator.Start( );

                    // font typesize...
                    SimpleAnimator_Float floatAnimator = new SimpleAnimator_Float(startTypeSize, endTypeSize, animTime * sizeAnimTimeScalar,
                                                                                  delegate(float percent, object value)
                        NoteIcon.SetFont(PrivateControlStylingConfig.Icon_Font_Secondary, (float)value);
                    }, null);

                    floatAnimator.Start( );