Exemplo n.º 1
 private void MakeSelection(SimMass mass, SimString massString)
     selectedMass          = mass;
     selectedMass.Selected = true;
     selectedString        = massString;
     lastSelectedMass      = mass;       //for use in parent form
     lastSelectedString    = massString; //for use in parent form
Exemplo n.º 2
        //deselects all selected masses
        public void ClearSelection()
            if (selectedMass != null)
                selectedMass.Selected = false;
                selectedMass          = null;

                selectedString = null;
            foreach (SimString massString in stringLists)
                foreach (SimMass mass in massString.MassList)
                    if (mass.Selected)
                        mass.Selected = false;
Exemplo n.º 3
        protected override void Initialize()
            this.Dock = DockStyle.Fill;

            //Init camera and dimensions
            this.worldDimensions = new Rectangle(0, 0, this.Width, this.Height);
            previousScroll       = Mouse.GetState().ScrollWheelValue;
            zoomIncrement        = 0.01f;
            camera = new Camera(GraphicsDevice.Viewport, (int)worldDimensions.Width * worldSizeMultiplier, (int)worldDimensions.Height * worldSizeMultiplier, 1f);

            numOfMasses = 80;

            ContentManager content = new ContentManager(Services);

            content.RootDirectory = "Content";
            massTexture           = content.Load <Texture2D>("Image1");
            selectedTexture       = content.Load <Texture2D>("selectedRing");
            spriteBatch           = new SpriteBatch(GraphicsDevice);
            selectedMass          = null;

            lastLMouse = Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.ButtonState.Released;
            lastRMouse = Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.ButtonState.Released;

            //area selection
            startVector = new Vector2();

            //group list
            objectGroupList = new List <ObjectGroup>();

            // Start the animation timer.
            timer          = new Timer();
            timer.Interval = 1;
            timer.Tick    += Tick;

            //create simulation
            springSim               = new Simulation(this);
            springSim.Stiffness     = stiffness;
            springSim.Damping       = damping;
            springSim.Length        = 10f;
            springSim.MassPerString = numOfMasses;
            stringLists             = new List <SimString>();

            //add forces
            gravity = new Gravity(new Vector2(0f, 9.81f));

            air = new Medium(0.5f);

            barrier = new ControlSide(new Rectangle(worldDimensions.X, worldDimensions.Y,
                                                    worldDimensions.Width * worldSizeMultiplier, worldDimensions.Height * worldSizeMultiplier));

            //add integrator
            integrator           = new ForwardEulerIntegrator(this);
            springSim.Integrator = integrator;

Exemplo n.º 4
        //any controls other than pan and zoom
        private void HandleInput()
            if (MainForm.ApplicationIsActivated())
                MouseState mouseState = Mouse.GetState();
                //DETECT MOUSE UP AND DOWN
                rMouseDown = false;
                rMouseUp   = false;
                lMouseDown = false;
                lMouseUp   = false;

                bool spaceDown = false;
                bool delDown   = false;
                bool dDown     = false;

                #region button up/down checks;

                if (kbState.IsKeyDown(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.Keys.D) &&
                    dDown = true;
                    dDown = false;

                if (kbState.IsKeyDown(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.Keys.Space) &&
                    spaceDown = true;
                    spaceDown = false;

                if (kbState.IsKeyDown(Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.Keys.Delete) &&
                    delDown = true;
                    delDown = false;

                if (lastRMouse != mouseState.RightButton)
                    if (lastRMouse == Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.ButtonState.Released)
                        rMouseDown = true;
                    if (lastRMouse == Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.ButtonState.Pressed)
                        rMouseUp = true;

                if (lastLMouse != mouseState.LeftButton)
                    if (lastLMouse == Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.ButtonState.Released)
                        lMouseDown = true;
                    if (lastLMouse == Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.ButtonState.Pressed)
                        lMouseUp = true;

                #region mouse input handling

                if (ClientRectangle.Contains(PointToClient(Control.MousePosition))) //if mouse position is over the control
                    if (!this.Focused && mouseState.LeftButton == Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.ButtonState.Pressed)
                        this.Focus(); //if not in focus, and left click is on control: give controlfocus
                    else //control is in focus
                        if (delDown)

                        if (parentForm.selectedToolTreeNode.Index == 0)//led is selected
                            #region ledMode

                            if (lMouseDown)
                                AddNewMasses(new Vector2(GetMousePos().X, GetMousePos().Y));


                        else if (parentForm.selectedToolTreeNode.Index == 1) //select is selected
                            #region selectMode

                            bool offMass = false;
                            if (lMouseDown && selectedMass != null)
                                foreach (SimString massString in stringLists)
                                    foreach (SimMass mass in massString.MassList)
                                        if (!(GetMousePos().X > mass.CurrPositionX - (massTexture.Width / 2) - 5f &&
                                              GetMousePos().X < mass.CurrPositionX + (massTexture.Width / 2) + 5f &&
                                              GetMousePos().Y > mass.CurrPositionY - (massTexture.Height / 2) - 5f &&
                                              GetMousePos().Y < mass.CurrPositionY + (massTexture.Height / 2) + 5f))          // deteect of mouse down over a mass
                                            offMass = true;
                                if (offMass) //click was not on a mass
                                    if (selectedMass.SimObjectType == SimObjectType.PASSIVETEMP)
                                        selectedMass.SimObjectType = SimObjectType.ACTIVE;
                                    offMass = false;

                            if (lMouseDown && selectedMass == null)
                                SimMass   newMass   = null;
                                SimString newString = null;
                                foreach (SimString massString in stringLists)
                                    foreach (SimMass mass in massString.MassList)
                                        if (GetMousePos().X > mass.CurrPositionX - (massTexture.Width / 2) - 5f &&
                                            GetMousePos().X < mass.CurrPositionX + (massTexture.Width / 2) + 5f &&
                                            GetMousePos().Y > mass.CurrPositionY - (massTexture.Height / 2) - 5f &&
                                            GetMousePos().Y < mass.CurrPositionY + (massTexture.Height / 2) + 5f)            // deteect of mouse down over a mass
                                            //mouse click was on a mass
                                            newMass   = mass;
                                            newString = massString;

                                if (newMass != null && newString != null)
                                    MakeSelection(newMass, newString);

                            if (dDown)
                                if (selectedMass != null)
                                    if (selectedMass.SimObjectType == SimObjectType.PASSIVETEMP)
                                        selectedMass.SimObjectType = SimObjectType.ACTIVE;


                            if ((spaceDown || rMouseDown) && selectedMass != null)
                                if (selectedMass.SimObjectType == SimObjectType.PASSIVETEMP) //toggle (temp)passive/active
                                    selectedMass.SimObjectType = SimObjectType.PASSIVE;
                                    selectedMass.SimObjectType = SimObjectType.PASSIVETEMP;


                            if (mouseState.LeftButton == Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.ButtonState.Pressed)
                                if (selectedMass != null) //if left mouse held and mass is selected, mass is being moved
                                    selectedMass.CurrPosition = GetMousePos();

                                    if (selectedMass.SimObjectType == SimObjectType.ACTIVE)
                                        selectedMass.SimObjectType = SimObjectType.PASSIVETEMP;

                        else if (parentForm.selectedToolTreeNode.Index == 2) //rectangle select is selected
                            #region rectSelectMode

                            if (lMouseDown)
                                startVector = new Vector2(this.PointToClient(Control.MousePosition).X, this.PointToClient(Control.MousePosition).Y);

                            if (mouseState.LeftButton == Microsoft.Xna.Framework.Input.ButtonState.Pressed)
                                Vector2 endVector  = new Vector2(this.PointToClient(Control.MousePosition).X, this.PointToClient(Control.MousePosition).Y);
                                int     rectWidth  = (int)(this.PointToClient(Control.MousePosition).X - startVector.X);
                                int     rectHeight = (int)(this.PointToClient(Control.MousePosition).Y - startVector.Y);

                                Vector2 startVectorTrans = TransformPos(startVector);
                                Vector2 endVectorTrans   = TransformPos(endVector);
                                Vector2 rectVector;
                                if (endVectorTrans.Length() > startVectorTrans.Length())
                                    rectVector = endVectorTrans - startVectorTrans;
                                    rectVector = startVectorTrans - endVectorTrans;

                                selectionRectangle = new Rectangle((int)startVectorTrans.X, (int)startVectorTrans.Y, (int)rectVector.X, (int)rectVector.Y);

                                spriteBatch.DrawRectangle(new Rectangle((int)startVector.X, (int)startVector.Y, rectWidth, rectHeight), Color.Black);


                            if (lMouseUp)
                                //check if any masses are inside rectangle
                                ObjectGroup currentGroup = new ObjectGroup();
                                foreach (SimString massString in stringLists)
                                    foreach (SimMass mass in massString.MassList)
                                        if (selectionRectangle.Contains(new Point((int)mass.CurrPositionX, (int)mass.CurrPositionY)))
                                            mass.Selected = true;
                                            foreach (SimMass sMass in massString.MassList)
                                                sMass.Selected = true;

                            if (dDown)
                                foreach (SimString massString in stringLists)
                                    foreach (SimMass mass in massString.MassList)
                                        mass.Selected = false;

                            if (spaceDown || rMouseDown)
                                foreach (SimString massString in stringLists)
                                    foreach (SimMass mass in massString.MassList)
                                        if (mass.Selected)
                                            if (mass.SimObjectType == SimObjectType.ACTIVE || mass.SimObjectType == SimObjectType.PASSIVETEMP)
                                                mass.SimObjectType = SimObjectType.GROUPPASSIVE;
                                            else if (mass.SimObjectType == SimObjectType.GROUPPASSIVE)
                                                mass.SimObjectType = SimObjectType.ACTIVE;

                oldKbState = kbState;
                lastLMouse = mouseState.LeftButton;
                lastRMouse = mouseState.RightButton;
                spaceDown  = false;
Exemplo n.º 5
 public void addMass(SimMass newObj)