Exemplo n.º 1
        public static void AddObject(KeyValuePair <Vector2, StardewValley.Object> obj, GameLocation location)
            DataAccess DataAccess = DataAccess.GetDataAccess();

            if (Globals.UltraDebug)
                Printer.Info("Adding new object: " + obj.Key.ToString() + obj.Value.Name);

            List <Node> nodes   = DataAccess.LocationNodes[location];
            Node        newNode = NodeFactory.CreateElement(obj.Key, location, obj.Value);

            if (Globals.UltraDebug)
                Printer.Info("New node created: " + newNode.Print());
            int x = (int)newNode.Position.X;
            int y = (int)newNode.Position.Y;

            Vector2 north     = new Vector2(x, y - 1);
            Node    northNode = nodes.Find(n => n.Position.Equals(north));

            if (northNode != null)
                newNode.AddAdjacent(SideStruct.GetSides().North, northNode);
            Vector2 south     = new Vector2(x, y + 1);
            Node    southNode = nodes.Find(n => n.Position.Equals(south));

            if (southNode != null)
                newNode.AddAdjacent(SideStruct.GetSides().South, southNode);
            Vector2 east     = new Vector2(x + 1, y);
            Node    eastNode = nodes.Find(n => n.Position.Equals(east));

            if (eastNode != null)
                newNode.AddAdjacent(SideStruct.GetSides().East, eastNode);
            Vector2 west     = new Vector2(x - 1, y);
            Node    westNode = nodes.Find(n => n.Position.Equals(west));

            if (westNode != null)
                newNode.AddAdjacent(SideStruct.GetSides().West, westNode);
            if (Globals.UltraDebug)

            if (obj.Value is CustomObjectItem)
                if (Globals.UltraDebug)
                    Printer.Info("Assigning network to new node");
                List <Network> uncheckedAdjNetworks = newNode.Scan();
                List <Network> adjNetworks          = new List <Network>();
                foreach (Network network in uncheckedAdjNetworks)
                    if (network != null)
                if (Globals.UltraDebug)
                    Printer.Info("Adjacent network amount: " + adjNetworks.Count.ToString());
                if (adjNetworks.Count == 0)
                    if (Globals.UltraDebug)
                        Printer.Info("No adjacent networks, creating new one... ");
                    Network network = CreateLocationNetwork(location);
                    AddNewElement(newNode, network);
                    List <Network> orderedAdjNetworks = adjNetworks.OrderByDescending(s => s.Nodes.Count).ToList();
                    if (Globals.UltraDebug)
                        Printer.Info($"Biggest network = {orderedAdjNetworks[0].ID}");
                    foreach (Network network in orderedAdjNetworks)
                        if (Globals.UltraDebug)
                    newNode.ParentNetwork = orderedAdjNetworks[0];
                    AddNewElement(newNode, orderedAdjNetworks[0]);
                    MergeNetworks(orderedAdjNetworks, location);
                if (Globals.UltraDebug)
                    Printer.Info($"Assigned network: [N{newNode.ParentNetwork.ID}]");
                //Another check for missmatching networks
                north     = new Vector2(x, y - 1);
                northNode = nodes.Find(n => n.Position.Equals(north));
                if (northNode != null)
                    newNode.AddAdjacent(SideStruct.GetSides().North, northNode);
                south     = new Vector2(x, y + 1);
                southNode = nodes.Find(n => n.Position.Equals(south));
                if (southNode != null)
                    newNode.AddAdjacent(SideStruct.GetSides().South, southNode);
                east     = new Vector2(x + 1, y);
                eastNode = nodes.Find(n => n.Position.Equals(east));
                if (eastNode != null)
                    newNode.AddAdjacent(SideStruct.GetSides().East, eastNode);
                west     = new Vector2(x - 1, y);
                westNode = nodes.Find(n => n.Position.Equals(west));
                if (westNode != null)
                    newNode.AddAdjacent(SideStruct.GetSides().West, westNode);
            Node           node     = nodes.Find(n => n.Position.Equals(obj.Key));
            List <Network> networks = DataAccess.LocationNetworks[node.Location];

            if (node.ParentNetwork != null && !networks.Contains(node.ParentNetwork))
            foreach (KeyValuePair <Side, Node> pair in node.Adjacents)
                if (pair.Value is PPMNode)
                    PPMNode invisibilizerNode = (PPMNode)pair.Value;
Exemplo n.º 2
        public static Node BuildNetworkRecursive(Vector2 position, GameLocation location, Network inNetwork)
            DataAccess DataAccess = DataAccess.GetDataAccess();
            Node       node       = null;
            string     inType     = "";
            int        x          = (int)position.X;
            int        y          = (int)position.Y;

            if ((location.getObjectAtTile(x, y) != null) && DataAccess.ModItems.Contains(location.getObjectAtTile(x, y).ParentSheetIndex))
                inType = "object";
            else if ((Game1.getFarm().getBuildingAt(new Vector2(x, y)) != null) && DataAccess.Buildings.Contains(Game1.getFarm().getBuildingAt(new Vector2(x, y)).buildingType.ToString()))
                inType = "building";
            if (inType.Equals("object") || inType.Equals("building"))
                List <Node> nodes = DataAccess.LocationNodes[location];
                if (nodes.Find(n => n.Position.Equals(position)) == null)
                    if (inType.Equals("object"))
                        nodes.Add(NodeFactory.CreateElement(new Vector2(x, y), location, location.getObjectAtTile(x, y)));
                    else if (inType.Equals("building"))
                        nodes.Add(NodeFactory.CreateElement(new Vector2(x, y), location, Game1.getFarm().getBuildingAt(new Vector2(x, y))));
                if (inType.Equals("object"))
                    node = nodes.Find(n => n.Position.Equals(position));
                    //Printer.Info("current "+node.Print());
                    //Printer.Info("Adjacents: "+ node.Adjacents.Values.Count(a => a != null));
                    if (node.ParentNetwork == null)
                        if (inNetwork == null)
                            node.ParentNetwork = NetworkManager.CreateLocationNetwork(location);
                            //Printer.Info($"Created network {node.ParentNetwork.ID} for {node.Print()}");
                            node.ParentNetwork = inNetwork;
                        NetworkManager.LoadNodeToNetwork(node.Position, location, node.ParentNetwork);
                        Vector2 north = new Vector2(x, y - 1);
                        if (location.getObjectAtTile(x, y - 1) != null && y - 1 >= 0)
                            if (location.getObjectAtTile(x, y - 1) is PipeItem)
                                if (!node.ParentNetwork.Nodes.Contains(nodes.Find(n => n.Position.Equals(north))))
                                    Node adj = BuildNetworkRecursive(north, location, node.ParentNetwork);
                                    node.AddAdjacent(SideStruct.GetSides().North, adj);
                            else if (location.getObjectAtTile(x, y - 1) is Chest || location.getObjectAtTile(x, y - 1) is CustomBigCraftableItem)
                                Node adj;
                                if (nodes.Find(n => n.Position.Equals(north)) == null)
                                    adj = NodeFactory.CreateElement(north, location, location.getObjectAtTile(x, y - 1));
                                    adj = nodes.Find(n => n.Position.Equals(north));
                                node.AddAdjacent(SideStruct.GetSides().North, adj);
                        else if (Game1.getFarm().getBuildingAt(north) != null && y - 1 >= 0)
                            if (DataAccess.Buildings.Contains(Game1.getFarm().getBuildingAt(north).buildingType.ToString()))
                                Node adj;
                                if (nodes.Find(n => n.Position.Equals(north)) == null)
                                    adj = NodeFactory.CreateElement(north, location, Game1.getFarm().getBuildingAt(north));
                                    adj = nodes.Find(n => n.Position.Equals(north));
                                node.AddAdjacent(SideStruct.GetSides().North, adj);

                        Vector2 south = new Vector2(x, y + 1);
                        if (location.getObjectAtTile(x, y + 1) != null && y + 1 < location.map.DisplayHeight)
                            if (location.getObjectAtTile(x, y + 1) is PipeItem)
                                if (!node.ParentNetwork.Nodes.Contains(nodes.Find(n => n.Position.Equals(south))))
                                    Node adj = BuildNetworkRecursive(south, location, node.ParentNetwork);
                                    node.AddAdjacent(SideStruct.GetSides().South, adj);
                            else if (location.getObjectAtTile(x, y + 1) is Chest || location.getObjectAtTile(x, y + 1) is CustomBigCraftableItem)
                                Node adj;
                                if (nodes.Find(n => n.Position.Equals(south)) == null)
                                    adj = NodeFactory.CreateElement(south, location, location.getObjectAtTile(x, y + 1));
                                    adj = nodes.Find(n => n.Position.Equals(south));
                                node.AddAdjacent(SideStruct.GetSides().South, adj);
                        else if (Game1.getFarm().getBuildingAt(south) != null && y + 1 < location.map.DisplayHeight)
                            if (DataAccess.Buildings.Contains(Game1.getFarm().getBuildingAt(south).buildingType.ToString()))
                                Node adj;
                                if (nodes.Find(n => n.Position.Equals(south)) == null)
                                    adj = NodeFactory.CreateElement(south, location, Game1.getFarm().getBuildingAt(south));
                                    adj = nodes.Find(n => n.Position.Equals(south));
                                node.AddAdjacent(SideStruct.GetSides().South, adj);
                        Vector2 east = new Vector2(x + 1, y);
                        if (location.getObjectAtTile(x + 1, y) != null && x + 1 >= 0)
                            if (location.getObjectAtTile(x + 1, y) is PipeItem)
                                if (!node.ParentNetwork.Nodes.Contains(nodes.Find(n => n.Position.Equals(east))))
                                    if (nodes.Find(n => n.Position.Equals(east)) != null)
                                        //Printer.Info($"Parent network no contine east {nodes.Find(n => n.Position.Equals(east)).Print()}");
                                    Node adj = BuildNetworkRecursive(east, location, node.ParentNetwork);
                                    //Printer.Info($"RETURN OF {node.Print()} for adj {adj.Print()}");
                                    node.AddAdjacent(SideStruct.GetSides().East, adj);
                            else if (location.getObjectAtTile(x + 1, y) is Chest || location.getObjectAtTile(x + 1, y) is CustomBigCraftableItem)
                                Node adj;
                                if (nodes.Find(n => n.Position.Equals(east)) == null)
                                    adj = NodeFactory.CreateElement(east, location, location.getObjectAtTile(x + 1, y));
                                    adj = nodes.Find(n => n.Position.Equals(east));
                                node.AddAdjacent(SideStruct.GetSides().East, adj);
                        else if (Game1.getFarm().getBuildingAt(east) != null && x + 1 >= 0)
                            if (DataAccess.Buildings.Contains(Game1.getFarm().getBuildingAt(east).buildingType.ToString()))
                                Node adj;
                                if (nodes.Find(n => n.Position.Equals(east)) == null)
                                    adj = NodeFactory.CreateElement(east, location, Game1.getFarm().getBuildingAt(east));
                                    adj = nodes.Find(n => n.Position.Equals(east));
                                node.AddAdjacent(SideStruct.GetSides().East, adj);
                        Vector2 west = new Vector2(x - 1, y);
                        if (location.getObjectAtTile(x - 1, y) != null && x + 1 < location.map.DisplayWidth)
                            if (location.getObjectAtTile(x - 1, y) is PipeItem)
                                if (!node.ParentNetwork.Nodes.Contains(nodes.Find(n => n.Position.Equals(west))))
                                    if (nodes.Find(n => n.Position.Equals(west)) != null)
                                        //Printer.Info($"Parent network no contine east {nodes.Find(n => n.Position.Equals(west)).Print()}");
                                    Node adj = BuildNetworkRecursive(west, location, node.ParentNetwork);
                                    node.AddAdjacent(SideStruct.GetSides().West, adj);
                            else if (location.getObjectAtTile(x - 1, y) is Chest || location.getObjectAtTile(x - 1, y) is CustomBigCraftableItem)
                                Node adj;
                                if (nodes.Find(n => n.Position.Equals(west)) == null)
                                    adj = NodeFactory.CreateElement(west, location, location.getObjectAtTile(x - 1, y));
                                    adj = nodes.Find(n => n.Position.Equals(west));
                                node.AddAdjacent(SideStruct.GetSides().West, adj);
                        else if (Game1.getFarm().getBuildingAt(west) != null && x - 1 < location.map.DisplayWidth)
                            if (DataAccess.Buildings.Contains(Game1.getFarm().getBuildingAt(west).buildingType.ToString()))
                                Node adj;
                                if (nodes.Find(n => n.Position.Equals(west)) == null)
                                    adj = NodeFactory.CreateElement(west, location, Game1.getFarm().getBuildingAt(west));
                                    adj = nodes.Find(n => n.Position.Equals(west));
                                node.AddAdjacent(SideStruct.GetSides().West, adj);