/// <summary>
        /// Stores the show list.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="list">The list.</param>
        /// <param name="getCastOfShow">A function to get the cast of one show.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// A Task.
        /// </returns>
        public async Task StoreShowList(List <ShowDto> list, Func <int, Task <List <CastMemberDto> > > getCastOfShow)
            var mongoinsertlist = new List <ShowWithCast>(list.Count);

            foreach (var orgshow in list)
                var filter = Builders <ShowWithCast> .Filter.Eq(s => s.Id, orgshow.Id);

                var storedShow = await this.collection.Find(filter).FirstOrDefaultAsync().ConfigureAwait(false);

                if (storedShow == null)
                    var show = new ShowWithCast
                        Id         = orgshow.Id,
                        Name       = orgshow.Name,
                        ImdbId     = orgshow.ImdbId,
                        ImdbRating = orgshow.ImdbRating,

                    await ReplaceCast(orgshow, show).ConfigureAwait(false);

                    storedShow.Name       = orgshow.Name;
                    storedShow.ImdbId     = orgshow.ImdbId;
                    storedShow.ImdbRating = orgshow.ImdbRating;

                    await ReplaceCast(orgshow, storedShow).ConfigureAwait(false);

                    await this.collection.ReplaceOneAsync(filter, storedShow).ConfigureAwait(false);

            // then store the shows including their cast
            if (mongoinsertlist.Any())
                await this.collection.InsertManyAsync(mongoinsertlist).ConfigureAwait(false);

            async Task ReplaceCast(ShowDto orgshow, ShowWithCast show)
                if (!(orgshow.CastMembers is null) && orgshow.CastMembers.Any())
        private List <ShowWithCast> ShowsWithCasts(PagingParameterModel pagingparametermodel)
            List <ShowWithCast> results = new List <ShowWithCast>();

                _ShowCastcontext = new ShowCastContext();
                _Showcontext     = new ShowContext();
                _Castcontext     = new CastContext();
                var shows = from sh in _Showcontext.Show
                            select sh;
                int ii        = shows.Count();
                var showsList = shows.Skip((pagingparametermodel.pageNumber - 1) * pagingparametermodel.pageSize).Take(pagingparametermodel.pageSize).ToList();

                foreach (Show s in showsList)
                    ShowWithCast sc = new ShowWithCast();
                    sc.ShowID = s.ShowID;
                    sc.Name   = s.ShowName;

                    var showPairs = from sp in _ShowCastcontext.ShowCast
                                    where sp.ShowID == s.ShowID
                                    select sp;

                    sc.Cast = new List <Cast>();

                    foreach (ShowCast item in showPairs)
                        var casts = from cst in _Castcontext.Cast
                                    where cst.CastID == item.CastID
                                    select cst;

                        foreach (Cast aCast in casts)
                    sc.Cast = sc.Cast.OrderByDescending(x => x.BirthDay).ToList();
            catch (Exception ex)
                string er = ex.ToString();