public static string FetchExeTransform(string name)
            using var wc = new ShortTimeoutWebClient();
            string moddesc = wc.DownloadStringAwareOfEncoding(ExeTransformBaseURL + name);

        public static (MemoryStream result, string errorMessage) FetchString(string url)
            using var wc = new ShortTimeoutWebClient();
            string       downloadError  = null;
            MemoryStream responseStream = null;

            wc.DownloadDataCompleted += (a, args) =>
                downloadError = args.Error?.Message;
                if (downloadError == null)
                    responseStream = new MemoryStream(args.Result);
                lock (args.UserState)
                    //releases blocked thread
            var syncObject = new Object();

            lock (syncObject)
                Debug.WriteLine(@"Download file to memory: " + url);
                wc.DownloadDataAsync(new Uri(url), syncObject);
                //This will block the thread until download completes

            return(responseStream, downloadError);
        public static string FetchThirdPartyModdesc(string name)
            using var wc = new ShortTimeoutWebClient();
            string moddesc = wc.DownloadStringAwareOfEncoding(ThirdPartyModDescURL + name);

Exemplo n.º 4
        public static (MemoryStream download, string errorMessage) DownloadStaticAsset(string assetName, Action <long, long> progressCallback = null)
            (MemoryStream, string)result = (null, @"Could not download file: No attempt was made, or errors occurred!");
            foreach (var staticurl in StaticFilesBaseEndpoints)
                    using var wc = new ShortTimeoutWebClient();
                        var fullURL = staticurl + assetName;
                        result = DownloadToMemory(fullURL, logDownload: true, progressCallback: progressCallback);
                        if (result.Item2 == null)
                catch (Exception e)
                    Log.Error($@"Could not download {assetName} from endpoint {staticurl}: {e.Message}");

        public static Dictionary <string, string> FetchOnlineStartupManifest(bool betamode)
            string[] ulrs = new[] { StartupManifestURL, StartupManifestBackupURL };
            foreach (var staticurl in ulrs)
                Uri    myUri = new Uri(staticurl);
                string host  = myUri.Host;

                var fetchUrl = staticurl;
                if (betamode && host == @"")
                    fetchUrl += @"&beta=true";                                       //only me3tweaks source supports beta. fallback will always just use whatever was live when it synced
                    using var wc = new ShortTimeoutWebClient();
                    string json = wc.DownloadString(fetchUrl);
                    App.ServerManifest = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <string, string> >(json);
                    Log.Information($@"Fetched startup manifest from endpoint {host}");
                catch (Exception e)
                    Log.Error($@"Unable to fetch startup manifest from endpoint {host}: {e.Message}");

            Log.Error(@"Failed to fetch startup manifest.");
            return(new Dictionary <string, string>());
Exemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Downloads a static asset that is mirrored onto the ME3Tweaks Assets repo. This is not the same as the github version of staticfiles.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="assetName">The asset filename. Do not include any path information.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static (MemoryStream download, string errorMessage) DownloadME3TweaksStaticAsset(string assetName)
            (MemoryStream, string)result = (null, @"Could not download file: No attempt was made, or errors occurred!");
            foreach (var staticurl in ME3TweaksStaticFilesBaseEndpoints)
                    using var wc = new ShortTimeoutWebClient();
                        var fullURL = staticurl + Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(assetName) + "/" + assetName;
                        result = DownloadToMemory(fullURL, logDownload: true);
                        if (result.Item2 == null)
                catch (Exception e)
                    Log.Error($@"Could not download {assetName} from endpoint {staticurl}: {e.Message}");

Exemplo n.º 7
 public static string FetchRemoteString(string url)
         using var wc = new ShortTimeoutWebClient();
     catch (Exception e)
         Log.Error("Error downloading string: " + e.Message);
        public static Dictionary <string, string> FetchOnlineStartupManifest(bool betamode)
            using var wc = new ShortTimeoutWebClient();
            var fetchUrl = StartupManifestURL;

            if (betamode)
                fetchUrl += "&beta=true";
            string json = wc.DownloadString(fetchUrl);

            App.ServerManifest = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <string, string> >(json);
Exemplo n.º 9
        public static bool EnsureCriticalFiles()
                string sevenZDLL = Utilities.Get7zDllPath();
                if (!File.Exists(sevenZDLL) || Utilities.CalculateMD5(sevenZDLL) != "72491c7b87a7c2dd350b727444f13bb4")
                    foreach (var staticurl in StaticFilesBaseEndpoints)
                            using var wc = new ShortTimeoutWebClient();
                                var fullURL = staticurl + "7z.dll";
                                Log.Information("Downloading 7z.dll: " + fullURL);
                                wc.DownloadFile(fullURL, sevenZDLL);
                                break; //No more loops
                        catch (Exception e)
                            Log.Error($"Could not download 7z.dll from endpoint {staticurl} {e.Message}");

                if (File.Exists(sevenZDLL))
                    Log.Information("Setting 7z dll path: " + sevenZDLL);
                    var p = Path.GetFullPath(sevenZDLL);
                    Log.Fatal("Unable to load 7z dll! File doesn't exist: " + sevenZDLL);
            catch (Exception e)
                Log.Error("Exception ensuring critical files: " + App.FlattenException(e));

Exemplo n.º 10
 public static string FetchRemoteString(string url, string authorizationToken = null)
         using var wc = new ShortTimeoutWebClient();
         if (authorizationToken != null)
             wc.Headers.Add(@"Authorization", authorizationToken);
     catch (Exception e)
         Log.Error(@"Error downloading string: " + e.Message);
Exemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Downloads from a URL to memory. This is a blocking call and should be done on a background thread.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="url">URL to download from</param>
        /// <param name="progressCallback">Progress information clalback</param>
        /// <param name="hash">Hash check value (md5). Leave null if no hash check</param>
        /// <returns></returns>

        public static (MemoryStream result, string errorMessage) DownloadToMemory(string url, Action <long, long> progressCallback = null, string hash = null)
            using var wc = new ShortTimeoutWebClient();
            string       downloadError  = null;
            MemoryStream responseStream = null;

            wc.DownloadProgressChanged += (a, args) => { progressCallback?.Invoke(args.BytesReceived, args.TotalBytesToReceive); };
            wc.DownloadDataCompleted   += (a, args) =>
                downloadError = args.Error?.Message;
                if (downloadError == null)
                    responseStream = new MemoryStream(args.Result);
                    if (hash != null)
                        var md5 = Utilities.CalculateMD5(responseStream);
                        responseStream.Position = 0;
                        if (md5 != hash)
                            responseStream = null;
                            downloadError  = $"Hash of downloaded item ({url}) does not match expected hash. Expected: {hash}, got: {md5}"; //needs localized
                lock (args.UserState)
                    //releases blocked thread
            var syncObject = new Object();

            lock (syncObject)
                Debug.WriteLine("Download file to memory: " + url);
                wc.DownloadDataAsync(new Uri(url), syncObject);
                //This will block the thread until download completes

            return(responseStream, downloadError);
Exemplo n.º 12
        public static bool EnsureStaticAssets()
            string[] objectInfoFiles = { "ME1ObjectInfo.json", "ME2ObjectInfo.json", "ME3ObjectInfo.json" };
            string   localBaseDir    = Utilities.GetObjectInfoFolder();

                foreach (var info in objectInfoFiles)
                    var localPath = Path.Combine(localBaseDir, info);
                    if (!File.Exists(localPath))
                        foreach (var staticurl in StaticFilesBaseEndpoints)
                            var fullURL = staticurl + "objectinfos/" + info;

                                using var wc = new ShortTimeoutWebClient();
                                Log.Information("Downloading static asset: " + fullURL);
                                wc.DownloadFile(fullURL, localPath);
                            catch (Exception e)
                                Log.Error($"Could not download {info} from endpoint {fullURL} {e.Message}");
            catch (Exception e)
                Log.Error("Exception trying to ensure static assets: " + e.Message);
                Crashes.TrackError(new Exception(@"Could not download static supporting files: " + e.Message));

Exemplo n.º 13
        public static Dictionary <string, string> QueryModRelay(string md5, long size)
            //Todo: Finish implementing relay service
            string finalRelayURL = $"{ModInfoRelayEndpoint}?modmanagerversion={App.BuildNumber}&md5={md5.ToLowerInvariant()}&size={size}";

                using (var wc = new ShortTimeoutWebClient())
                    string json = wc.DownloadStringAwareOfEncoding(finalRelayURL);
                    //todo: Implement response format serverside
                    return(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <string, string> >(json));
            catch (Exception e)
                Log.Error("Error querying relay service from ME3Tweaks: " + App.FlattenException(e));

Exemplo n.º 14
        public static Dictionary <string, CaseInsensitiveDictionary <List <BasegameFileIdentificationService.BasegameCloudDBFile> > > FetchBasegameFileIdentificationServiceManifest(bool overrideThrottling = false)
            Log.Information(@"Fetching basegame file identification manifest");

            //read cached first.
            string cached = null;

            if (File.Exists(Utilities.GetBasegameIdentificationCacheFile()))
                    cached = File.ReadAllText(Utilities.GetBasegameIdentificationCacheFile());
                catch (Exception e)
                    var    attachments = new List <ErrorAttachmentLog>();
                    string log         = LogCollector.CollectLatestLog(true);
                    if (log != null && log.Length < ByteSizeLib.ByteSize.BytesInMegaByte * 7)
                        attachments.Add(ErrorAttachmentLog.AttachmentWithText(log, @"applog.txt"));
                    Crashes.TrackError(e, new Dictionary <string, string>()
                        { @"Error type", @"Error reading cached online content" },
                        { @"Service", @"Basegame File Identification Service" },
                        { @"Message", e.Message }
                    }, attachments.ToArray());

            if (!File.Exists(Utilities.GetBasegameIdentificationCacheFile()) || overrideThrottling || OnlineContent.CanFetchContentThrottleCheck())
                var urls = new[] { BasegameFileIdentificationServiceURL, BasegameFileIdentificationServiceBackupURL };
                foreach (var staticurl in urls)
                    Uri    myUri = new Uri(staticurl);
                    string host  = myUri.Host;
                        using var wc = new ShortTimeoutWebClient();

                        string json = wc.DownloadStringAwareOfEncoding(staticurl);
                        File.WriteAllText(Utilities.GetBasegameIdentificationCacheFile(), json);
                        return(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <string, CaseInsensitiveDictionary <List <BasegameFileIdentificationService.BasegameCloudDBFile> > > >(json));
                    catch (Exception e)
                        //Unable to fetch latest help.
                        Log.Error($"Error fetching online basegame file identification service from endpoint {host}: {e.Message}");

                if (cached == null)
                    Log.Error("Unable to load basegame file identification service and local file doesn't exist. Returning a blank copy.");
                    Dictionary <string, CaseInsensitiveDictionary <List <BasegameFileIdentificationService.BasegameCloudDBFile> > > d = new Dictionary <string, CaseInsensitiveDictionary <List <BasegameFileIdentificationService.BasegameCloudDBFile> > >
                        ["ME1"] = new CaseInsensitiveDictionary <List <BasegameFileIdentificationService.BasegameCloudDBFile> >(),
                        ["ME2"] = new CaseInsensitiveDictionary <List <BasegameFileIdentificationService.BasegameCloudDBFile> >(),
                        ["ME3"] = new CaseInsensitiveDictionary <List <BasegameFileIdentificationService.BasegameCloudDBFile> >()
            Log.Information("Using cached BGFIS instead");

                return(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <string, CaseInsensitiveDictionary <List <BasegameFileIdentificationService.BasegameCloudDBFile> > > >(cached));
            catch (Exception e)
                Log.Error("Could not parse cached basegame file identification service file. Returning blank BFIS data instead. Reason: " + e.Message);
                return(new Dictionary <string, CaseInsensitiveDictionary <List <BasegameFileIdentificationService.BasegameCloudDBFile> > >
                    ["ME1"] = new CaseInsensitiveDictionary <List <BasegameFileIdentificationService.BasegameCloudDBFile> >(),
                    ["ME2"] = new CaseInsensitiveDictionary <List <BasegameFileIdentificationService.BasegameCloudDBFile> >(),
                    ["ME3"] = new CaseInsensitiveDictionary <List <BasegameFileIdentificationService.BasegameCloudDBFile> >()
Exemplo n.º 15
        public static Dictionary <long, List <ThirdPartyServices.ThirdPartyImportingInfo> > FetchThirdPartyImportingService(bool overrideThrottling = false)
            string cached = null;

            if (File.Exists(Utilities.GetThirdPartyImportingCachedFile()))
                    cached = File.ReadAllText(Utilities.GetThirdPartyImportingCachedFile());
                catch (Exception e)
                    var    attachments = new List <ErrorAttachmentLog>();
                    string log         = LogCollector.CollectLatestLog(true);
                    if (log != null && log.Length < ByteSizeLib.ByteSize.BytesInMegaByte * 7)
                        attachments.Add(ErrorAttachmentLog.AttachmentWithText(log, "applog.txt"));
                    Crashes.TrackError(e, new Dictionary <string, string>()
                        { "Error type", "Error reading cached online content" },
                        { "Service", "Third Party Importing Service" },
                        { "Message", e.Message }
                    }, attachments.ToArray());

            if (!File.Exists(Utilities.GetThirdPartyImportingCachedFile()) || overrideThrottling || OnlineContent.CanFetchContentThrottleCheck())
                    using var wc = new ShortTimeoutWebClient();

                    string json = wc.DownloadStringAwareOfEncoding(ThirdPartyImportingServiceURL);
                    File.WriteAllText(Utilities.GetThirdPartyImportingCachedFile(), json);
                    return(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <long, List <ThirdPartyServices.ThirdPartyImportingInfo> > >(json));
                catch (Exception e)
                    //Unable to fetch latest help.
                    Log.Error("Error fetching latest importing service file: " + e.Message);

                    if (cached != null)
                        Log.Warning("Using cached third party importing service file instead");
                        Log.Error("Unable to fetch latest third party importing service file from server and local file doesn't exist. Returning a blank copy.");
                        return(new Dictionary <long, List <ThirdPartyServices.ThirdPartyImportingInfo> >());
                return(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <long, List <ThirdPartyServices.ThirdPartyImportingInfo> > >(cached));
            catch (Exception e)
                Log.Error("Unable to parse cached importing service file: " + e.Message);
                return(new Dictionary <long, List <ThirdPartyServices.ThirdPartyImportingInfo> >());
Exemplo n.º 16
        public static List <IntroTutorial.TutorialStep> FetchTutorialManifest(bool overrideThrottling = false)
            Log.Information(@"Fetching tutorial manifest");
            string cached = null;

            // Read cached first.
            if (File.Exists(Utilities.GetTutorialServiceCacheFile()))
                    cached = File.ReadAllText(Utilities.GetTutorialServiceCacheFile());
                catch (Exception e)
                    var    attachments = new List <ErrorAttachmentLog>();
                    string log         = LogCollector.CollectLatestLog(true);
                    if (log != null && log.Length < FileSize.MebiByte * 7)
                        attachments.Add(ErrorAttachmentLog.AttachmentWithText(log, @"applog.txt"));
                    Crashes.TrackError(e, new Dictionary <string, string>()
                        { @"Error type", @"Error reading cached online content" },
                        { @"Service", @"Tutorial Service" },
                        { @"Message", e.Message }
                    }, attachments.ToArray());

            if (!File.Exists(Utilities.GetTutorialServiceCacheFile()) || overrideThrottling || OnlineContent.CanFetchContentThrottleCheck())
                string[] urls = new[] { TutorialServiceURL, TutorialServiceBackupURL };
                foreach (var staticurl in urls)
                    Uri    myUri = new Uri(staticurl);
                    string host  = myUri.Host;

                        using var wc = new ShortTimeoutWebClient();
                        string json = wc.DownloadStringAwareOfEncoding(staticurl);
                        File.WriteAllText(Utilities.GetTutorialServiceCacheFile(), json);
                        return(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <IntroTutorial.TutorialStep> >(json));
                    catch (Exception e)
                        //Unable to fetch latest help.
                        Log.Error($@"Error fetching latest tutorial service file from endpoint {host}: {e.Message}");

                if (cached == null)
                    Log.Error(@"Unable to fetch latest tutorial service file from server and local file doesn't exist. Returning a blank copy.");
                    return(new List <IntroTutorial.TutorialStep>());

            Log.Information(@"Using cached tutorial service file");

                return(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <List <IntroTutorial.TutorialStep> >(cached));
            catch (Exception e)
                Log.Error(@"Unable to parse cached importing service file: " + e.Message);
                return(new List <IntroTutorial.TutorialStep>());
Exemplo n.º 17
        private static (Stream result, string errorMessage) DownloadToStreamInternal(string url,
                                                                                     Action <long, long> progressCallback = null,
                                                                                     string hash                         = null,
                                                                                     bool logDownload                    = false,
                                                                                     Stream destStreamOverride           = null,
                                                                                     CancellationToken cancellationToken = default)
            using var wc = new ShortTimeoutWebClient();
            string downloadError  = null;
            string destType       = destStreamOverride != null ? @"stream" : @"memory";
            Stream responseStream = destStreamOverride ?? new MemoryStream();

            var syncObject = new Object();

            lock (syncObject)
                if (logDownload)
                    Log.Information($@"Downloading to {destType}: " + url);
                    Debug.WriteLine($@"Downloading to {destType}: " + url);

                    using var remoteStream = wc.OpenRead(new Uri(url));
                    long.TryParse(wc.ResponseHeaders[@"Content-Length"], out var totalSize);
                    var buffer = new byte[4096];
                    int bytesReceived;
                    while ((bytesReceived = remoteStream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length)) != 0)
                        if (cancellationToken.IsCancellationRequested)
                            downloadError = M3L.GetString(M3L.string_theDownloadWasCanceled);
                            return(responseStream, downloadError);
                        responseStream.Write(buffer, 0, bytesReceived);
                        progressCallback?.Invoke(responseStream.Position, totalSize); // Progress

                    // Check hash
                    if (hash != null)
                        responseStream.Position = 0;
                        var md5 = MD5.Create().ComputeHashAsync(responseStream, cancellationToken, x => progressCallback?.Invoke(x, 100)).Result;
                        responseStream.Position = 0;
                        if (md5 != hash)
                            responseStream = null;
                            downloadError  = M3L.GetString(M3L.string_interp_onlineContentHashWrong, url, hash, md5); //needs localized
                catch (Exception e)
                    downloadError = e.Message;

            return(responseStream, downloadError);
Exemplo n.º 18
        public static Dictionary <string, CaseInsensitiveDictionary <ThirdPartyServices.ThirdPartyModInfo> > FetchThirdPartyIdentificationManifest(bool overrideThrottling = false)
            string cached = null;

            if (File.Exists(Utilities.GetThirdPartyIdentificationCachedFile()))
                    cached = File.ReadAllText(Utilities.GetThirdPartyIdentificationCachedFile());
                catch (Exception e)
                    var    attachments = new List <ErrorAttachmentLog>();
                    string log         = LogCollector.CollectLatestLog(true);
                    if (log != null && log.Length < FileSize.MebiByte * 7)
                        attachments.Add(ErrorAttachmentLog.AttachmentWithText(log, @"applog.txt"));
                    Crashes.TrackError(e, new Dictionary <string, string>()
                        { @"Error type", @"Error reading cached online content" },
                        { @"Service", @"Third Party Identification Service" },
                        { @"Message", e.Message }
                    }, attachments.ToArray());

            if (!File.Exists(Utilities.GetThirdPartyIdentificationCachedFile()) || overrideThrottling || OnlineContent.CanFetchContentThrottleCheck())
                    using var wc = new ShortTimeoutWebClient();

                    string json = wc.DownloadStringAwareOfEncoding(ThirdPartyIdentificationServiceURL);
                    File.WriteAllText(Utilities.GetThirdPartyIdentificationCachedFile(), json);
                    return(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <string, CaseInsensitiveDictionary <ThirdPartyServices.ThirdPartyModInfo> > >(json));
                catch (Exception e)
                    //Unable to fetch latest help.
                    Log.Error(@"Error fetching online third party identification service: " + e.Message);

                    if (cached != null)
                        Log.Warning(@"Using cached third party identification service  file instead");
                        Log.Error(@"Unable to load third party identification service and local file doesn't exist. Returning a blank copy.");
                        Dictionary <string, CaseInsensitiveDictionary <ThirdPartyServices.ThirdPartyModInfo> > d = new Dictionary <string, CaseInsensitiveDictionary <ThirdPartyServices.ThirdPartyModInfo> >
                            [@"ME1"] = new CaseInsensitiveDictionary <ThirdPartyServices.ThirdPartyModInfo>(),
                            [@"ME2"] = new CaseInsensitiveDictionary <ThirdPartyServices.ThirdPartyModInfo>(),
                            [@"ME3"] = new CaseInsensitiveDictionary <ThirdPartyServices.ThirdPartyModInfo>()

                return(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <string, CaseInsensitiveDictionary <ThirdPartyServices.ThirdPartyModInfo> > >(cached));
            catch (Exception e)
                Log.Error(@"Could not parse cached third party identification service file. Returning blank TPMI data instead. Reason: " + e.Message);
                return(new Dictionary <string, CaseInsensitiveDictionary <ThirdPartyServices.ThirdPartyModInfo> >
                    [@"ME1"] = new CaseInsensitiveDictionary <ThirdPartyServices.ThirdPartyModInfo>(),
                    [@"ME2"] = new CaseInsensitiveDictionary <ThirdPartyServices.ThirdPartyModInfo>(),
                    [@"ME3"] = new CaseInsensitiveDictionary <ThirdPartyServices.ThirdPartyModInfo>()
Exemplo n.º 19
        public static Dictionary <string, CaseInsensitiveDictionary <List <BasegameFileIdentificationService.BasegameCloudDBFile> > > FetchBasegameFileIdentificationServiceManifest(bool overrideThrottling = false)
            string cached = null;

            if (File.Exists(Utilities.GetBasegameIdentificationCacheFile()))
                    cached = File.ReadAllText(Utilities.GetBasegameIdentificationCacheFile());
                catch (Exception e)
                    var    attachments = new List <ErrorAttachmentLog>();
                    string log         = LogCollector.CollectLatestLog(true);
                    if (log.Length < ByteSizeLib.ByteSize.BytesInMegaByte * 7)
                        attachments.Add(ErrorAttachmentLog.AttachmentWithText(log, "applog.txt"));
                    Crashes.TrackError(e, new Dictionary <string, string>()
                        { "Error type", "Error reading cached online content" },
                        { "Service", "Basegame File Identification Service" },
                        { "Message", e.Message }
                    }, attachments.ToArray());

            if (!File.Exists(Utilities.GetBasegameIdentificationCacheFile()) || overrideThrottling || Utilities.CanFetchContentThrottleCheck())
                    using var wc = new ShortTimeoutWebClient();

                    string json = wc.DownloadStringAwareOfEncoding(BasegameFileIdentificationServiceURL);
                    File.WriteAllText(Utilities.GetBasegameIdentificationCacheFile(), json);
                    return(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <string, CaseInsensitiveDictionary <List <BasegameFileIdentificationService.BasegameCloudDBFile> > > >(json));
                catch (Exception e)
                    //Unable to fetch latest help.
                    Log.Error("Error fetching online basegame file identification service: " + e.Message);

                    if (cached != null)
                        Log.Warning("Using cached basegame file identification service  file instead");
                        Log.Error("Unable to load basegame file identification service and local file doesn't exist. Returning a blank copy.");
                        Dictionary <string, CaseInsensitiveDictionary <List <BasegameFileIdentificationService.BasegameCloudDBFile> > > d = new Dictionary <string, CaseInsensitiveDictionary <List <BasegameFileIdentificationService.BasegameCloudDBFile> > >
                            ["ME1"] = new CaseInsensitiveDictionary <List <BasegameFileIdentificationService.BasegameCloudDBFile> >(),
                            ["ME2"] = new CaseInsensitiveDictionary <List <BasegameFileIdentificationService.BasegameCloudDBFile> >(),
                            ["ME3"] = new CaseInsensitiveDictionary <List <BasegameFileIdentificationService.BasegameCloudDBFile> >()

                return(JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <Dictionary <string, CaseInsensitiveDictionary <List <BasegameFileIdentificationService.BasegameCloudDBFile> > > >(cached));
            catch (Exception e)
                Log.Error("Could not parse cached basegame file identification service file. Returning blank BFIS data instead. Reason: " + e.Message);
                return(new Dictionary <string, CaseInsensitiveDictionary <List <BasegameFileIdentificationService.BasegameCloudDBFile> > >
                    ["ME1"] = new CaseInsensitiveDictionary <List <BasegameFileIdentificationService.BasegameCloudDBFile> >(),
                    ["ME2"] = new CaseInsensitiveDictionary <List <BasegameFileIdentificationService.BasegameCloudDBFile> >(),
                    ["ME3"] = new CaseInsensitiveDictionary <List <BasegameFileIdentificationService.BasegameCloudDBFile> >()