// Fills the main part of the shop screen with inventory for purchase
    void PopulateGrid()
        // Load a shop panel template
        GameObject newPanel;
        GameObject prefabPanel = Resources.Load <GameObject>(@"MenuPrefabs\prefabShopPanel");

        // Retrieve the Inventory of the Party
        Inventory partyStash = BattleLoader.Party.Inventory;

        // Shop.Stock was populated during file load or during Initializing
        foreach (InvItem item in Shop.Stock.Contents)
            // Create instances of the shopPanel, naming Content object as its parent
            newPanel = GameObject.Instantiate(prefabPanel, gridContent.transform);
            ShopPanel shopPanel = newPanel.GetComponent <ShopPanel>();

            // Retrieve the number of identical items from the partyStash
            int held = 0;
            if (partyStash.ContainsItem(item.Name))
                held = partyStash.Contents[partyStash.IndexOfItem(item.Name)].Quantity;

            // Set up the shop Panel with the InvItem from Shop.Stock
            shopPanel.SetPanel(item, held);