Exemplo n.º 1
        /* second constructor that show shop.ca order */
        public DetailPage(ShopCaValues value)

            shopCaValues = value;

            // set flag to shop.ca
            CHANNEL = "Shop.ca";
Exemplo n.º 2
        /* third constructor that take ShopCaValues object as parameter */
        public Package(ShopCaValues value)
            // generate package detail -> weight and dimensions
            decimal[] skuDetail = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };

            foreach (decimal[] detailList in value.Sku.Select(GetSkuDetail).Where(detailList => !detailList.Equals(null)))
                for (int i = 0; i < 4; i++)
                    skuDetail[i] += detailList[i];

            // allocate data
            Weight = skuDetail[0] / 1000;
            Length = skuDetail[1];
            Width  = skuDetail[2];
            Height = skuDetail[3];

            // service is set to default
            Service   = "Expedited Parcel";
            SelfLink  = "";
            LabelLink = "";
Exemplo n.º 3
        /* the event for detail button click that show the detail page for the selected item */
        private void detailButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // the case if the user does not select any thing or select more than one
            if (listview.CheckedItems.Count != 1)
                MessageBox.Show("Please select one item to see more details", "Sorry", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Information);

            switch (listview.CheckedItems[0].SubItems[0].Text)
            case "Sears":
                // the case if it is sears order
                SearsValues value = sears.GenerateValue(listview.CheckedItems[0].SubItems[4].Text);
                new DetailPage(value).ShowDialog(this);

            case "Shop.ca":
                // the case if it is shopl.ca order
                ShopCaValues value = shopCa.GenerateValue(listview.CheckedItems[0].SubItems[4].Text);
                new DetailPage(value).ShowDialog(this);

            case "Giant Tiger":
                // the case if it is giant tiger order
                GiantTigerValues value = giantTiger.GenerateValue(listview.CheckedItems[0].SubItems[4].Text);
                new DetailPage(value).ShowDialog(this);
Exemplo n.º 4
        /* background worker that processing each order from the orderList */
        private void backgroundWorker_DoWork(object sender, System.ComponentModel.DoWorkEventArgs e)
            // initialize all carrier fields
            Ups        ups        = new Ups();
            CanadaPost canadaPost = new CanadaPost();

            // start processing orders
            foreach (Order order in orderList)
                // for sears order
                switch (order.Source)
                case "Sears":
                    #region Sears Order
                    // first get the detail for the order
                    SearsValues value = sears.GenerateValue(order.TransactionId);

                    // check if the order has been shipped before -> if not, ship it now
                    if (value.Package.TrackingNumber == "")
                        value.Package = new Package(value);

                        // second ship it
                        string[] digest = ups.PostShipmentConfirm(value);
                        if (ups.Error)
                            MessageBox.Show(ups.ErrorMessage, "Sorry", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

                        string[] result = ups.PostShipmentAccept(digest[1]);
                        if (ups.Error)
                            MessageBox.Show(ups.ErrorMessage, "Sorry", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

                        // get identification, tracking, label and shipment confirm with no cancellation of item
                        value.Package.IdentificationNumber = digest[0];
                        value.Package.TrackingNumber       = result[0];
                        ups.ExportLabel(result[1], value.TransactionId, false);
                    sears.GenerateXml(value, new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary <int, string>());

                    // post order to brightpearl with no cancellation
                    bp.PostOrder(value, new int[0]);

                case "Shop.ca":
                    #region Shop.ca Order
                    // first get the detail for the order
                    ShopCaValues value = shopCa.GenerateValue(order.TransactionId);

                    // check if the order has been shipped before -> if not, ship it now
                    if (value.Package.TrackingNumber == "")
                        value.Package = new Package(value);

                        // second ship it
                        string[] links = canadaPost.CreateShipment(value.ShipTo, value.Package);
                        if (canadaPost.Error)
                            MessageBox.Show(canadaPost.ErrorMessage, "Sorry", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

                        // get tracking, self link, label link and shipment confirm with no cancellation of item
                        value.Package.TrackingNumber = links[0];
                        value.Package.SelfLink       = links[1];
                        value.Package.LabelLink      = links[2];


                        // get artifact and export it
                        byte[] binary = canadaPost.GetArtifact(links[2]);
                        canadaPost.ExportLabel(binary, value.OrderId, true, false);
                    shopCa.GenerateTxt(value, new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary <int, string>());

                    // post order to brightpearl with no cancellation
                    bp.PostOrder(value, new int[0]);

                case "Giant Tiger":
                    #region Giant Tiger Order
                    // first get the detail for the order
                    GiantTigerValues value = giantTiger.GenerateValue(order.TransactionId);

                    // check if the order has been shipped before -> if not, ship it now
                    if (value.Package.TrackingNumber == "")
                        value.Package = new Package(value);

                        // second ship it
                        string[] links = canadaPost.CreateShipment(value.ShipTo, value.Package);
                        if (canadaPost.Error)
                            MessageBox.Show(canadaPost.ErrorMessage, "Sorry", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error);

                        // get tracking, self link, label link and shipment confirm with no cancellation of item
                        value.Package.TrackingNumber = links[0];
                        value.Package.SelfLink       = links[1];
                        value.Package.LabelLink      = links[2];


                        // get artifact and export it
                        byte[] binary = canadaPost.GetArtifact(links[2]);
                        canadaPost.ExportLabel(binary, value.PoNumber, true, false);
                    giantTiger.GenerateCsv(value, new System.Collections.Generic.Dictionary <int, string>());

                    // post order to brightpearl with no cancellation
                    bp.PostOrder(value, new int[0]);
Exemplo n.º 5
        /* a method that show the information of the given ShopCaValues object */
        private void ShowResult(ShopCaValues value)
            // title bar set up
            logoPicturebox.Image       = Properties.Resources.shopca;
            topOrderNumberTextbox.Text = value.OrderId;

            #region Order Summary
            // date
            orderDateTextbox.Text  = value.OrderCreateDate.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy");
            paidDateTextbox.Text   = value.OrderCreateDate.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy");
            shipByDateTextbox.Text = DateTime.Today.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy");

            // unit price
            unitPriceTotalTextbox.Text = value.TotalPrice.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            // GST and HST
            gsthstTextbox.Text = value.TotalTax.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            // PST
            pstTextbox.Text = "0.00";

            // other fee
            otherFeeTextbox.Text = (value.ItemShippingCost.Sum() - value.ItemDiscount.Sum()).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            // total
            totalOrderTextbox.Text = value.GrandTotal.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture);

            #region Buyer / Recipient Info
            // sold to
            soldToTextbox.Text      = value.BillTo.Name;
            soldToPhoneTextbox.Text = value.BillTo.DayPhone;

            // ship to
            shipToNameTextbox.Text     = value.ShipTo.Name;
            shipToAddress1Textbox.Text = value.ShipTo.Address1;
            shipToAddress2Textbox.Text = value.ShipTo.Address2;
            shipToCombineTextbox.Text  = value.ShipTo.City + ", " + value.ShipTo.State + ", " + value.ShipTo.PostalCode;
            shipToPhoneTextbox.Text    = value.ShipTo.DayPhone;

            #region Listview and Shipping Info
            // adding items to service combobox
            serviceCombobox.Items.Add("Expedited Parcel");
            serviceCombobox.Items.Add("Regular Parcel");
            serviceCombobox.SelectedIndex = 0;

            // adding items to reason combobox
            reasonCombobox.Items.Add("Select Reason");
            reasonCombobox.Items.Add("Carrier cannot deliver");
            reasonCombobox.Items.Add("Incomplete Address");
            reasonCombobox.Items.Add("Out of delivery area");
            reasonCombobox.Items.Add("Out of Stock");
            reasonCombobox.SelectedIndex = 0;

            // initialize field for sku detail -> [0] weight, [1] length, [2] width, [3] height
            decimal[] skuDetail = { 0, 0, 0, 0 };

            // adding list to listview and getting sku detail
            for (int i = 0; i < value.OrderItemId.Count; i++)
                // add item to list
                ListViewItem item = new ListViewItem(value.OrderItemId[i]);

                item.SubItems.Add(value.Title[i] + "  SKU: " + value.Sku[i]);
                item.SubItems.Add("$ " + value.ItemPrice[i]);
                item.SubItems.Add("$ " + value.ExtendedItemPrice[i]);


                // generate sku detail
                decimal[] detailList = Package.GetSkuDetail(value.Sku[i]);

                // the case if bad sku
                if (detailList == null)
                    item.BackColor = Color.FromArgb(254, 126, 116);
                    for (int j = 0; j < 4; j++)
                        skuDetail[j] += detailList[j];

            // show result to shipping info
            weightKgUpdown.Value = skuDetail[0] / 1000;
            weightLbUpdown.Value = skuDetail[0] / 453.592m;
            lengthUpdown.Value   = skuDetail[1];
            widthUpdown.Value    = skuDetail[2];
            heightUpdown.Value   = skuDetail[3];

            // shipment status -> the case if the order has already shipped
            if (value.Package.TrackingNumber == "")

            createLabelButton.Enabled  = false;
            trackingNumberTextbox.Text = value.Package.TrackingNumber;
            voidShipmentButton.Visible = true;
Exemplo n.º 6
        /* a method that post shop.ca order to brightpearl on shop.ca account */
        public void PostOrder(ShopCaValues value, int[] cancelList)
            // check if the order is cancelled entirely -> if it is just return no need to post it
            if (cancelList.Length >= value.OrderItemId.Count)

            #region Posting Order to Shop.ca Account on BP
            // initialize order BPvalues object
            BPvalues orderValue = new BPvalues(value.ShipTo, value.OrderId, value.OrderCreateDate, 15, 1, null, null, 0, 0, 0, 0);

            // post order
            string orderId = post.PostOrderRequest("2897", orderValue);
            Status = "Getting order ID";
            if (post.HasError)
                Status = "Error occur during order post - Shop.ca";
                    orderId = post.PostOrderRequest("2897", orderValue);
                } while (post.HasError);

            // calculate the total amount when excluding the cancelled items
            for (int i = 0; i < value.OrderItemId.Count; i++)
                // the case if not cancel post it to brightpearl
                if (cancelList.Where(j => j == i).Any())

                // initialize BPvalues object
                BPvalues itemValue = new BPvalues(value.ShipTo, null, DateTime.Today, 15, 1, value.Sku[i], value.Title[i], value.Quantity[i], (double)value.ExtendedItemPrice[i], (double)value.ItemTax[i], 0);

                // post order row
                string orderRowId = post.PostOrderRowRequest(orderId, itemValue);
                Status = "Getting order row ID";
                if (post.HasError)
                    Status = "Error occur during order row post " + i + " - Shop.ca";
                        orderRowId = post.PostOrderRowRequest(orderId, itemValue);
                    } while (post.HasError);

                // post reservation
                post.PostReservationRequest(orderId, orderRowId, itemValue);
                Status = "Posting reservation request " + i;
                if (!post.HasError)

                Status = "Error occur during reservation post " + i + " - Shop.ca";
                    post.PostReservationRequest(orderId, orderRowId, itemValue);
                } while (post.HasError);