Exemplo n.º 1
        private Vector2 GetScreenPosition(MySolarSystemMapCamera camera, Vector3 worldPosition)
            Vector3 target           = SharpDXHelper.ToXNA(MyCamera.Viewport.Project(SharpDXHelper.ToSharpDX(worldPosition), SharpDXHelper.ToSharpDX(camera.GetProjectionMatrix()), SharpDXHelper.ToSharpDX(camera.GetViewMatrixAtZero()), SharpDXHelper.ToSharpDX(Matrix.Identity)));
            Vector2 projected2Dpoint = new Vector2(target.X, target.Y);

Exemplo n.º 2
        public static void Draw()
            //  We can fill vertex buffer only when in Draw


            if (MyRender.CurrentRenderSetup.BackgroundColor != null)
                MyMinerGame.Static.GraphicsDevice.Clear(ClearFlags.Target, SharpDXHelper.ToSharpDX(MyRender.CurrentRenderSetup.BackgroundColor.Value), 1, 0);
                MyEffectBackgroundCube effect = MyRender.GetEffect(MyEffects.BackgroundCube) as MyEffectBackgroundCube;
                effect.SetViewProjectionMatrix(MyCamera.ViewMatrixAtZero * m_backgroundProjectionMatrix);
                MyMinerGame.Static.GraphicsDevice.VertexDeclaration = MyVertexFormatPositionTexture3.VertexDeclaration;
                MyMinerGame.Static.GraphicsDevice.SetStreamSource(0, m_boxVertexBuffer, 0, MyVertexFormatPositionTexture3.Stride);


                MyMinerGame.Static.GraphicsDevice.DrawPrimitives(PrimitiveType.TriangleList, 0, BOX_TRIANGLES_COUNT);


Exemplo n.º 3
 /// <summary>
 /// Updates emitter position, forward, up and velocity
 /// </summary>
 public static void UpdateValues(this Emitter emitter, ref Vector3 position, ref Vector3 forward, ref Vector3 up, ref Vector3 velocity)
     emitter.Position    = SharpDXHelper.ToSharpDX(position);
     emitter.OrientFront = SharpDXHelper.ToSharpDX(forward);
     emitter.OrientTop   = SharpDXHelper.ToSharpDX(up);
     emitter.Velocity    = SharpDXHelper.ToSharpDX(velocity);
Exemplo n.º 4
        static Vector3 CalculateProjectedPosition()
            Vector3 directionFromSunNormalized = -MyGuiScreenGamePlay.Static.GetDirectionToSunNormalized();

            // Tell the lensflare component where our camera is positioned.
            m_view       = MyCamera.ViewMatrix;
            m_projection = MyCamera.ProjectionMatrix;

            // The sun is infinitely distant, so it should not be affected by the
            // position of the camera. Floating point math doesn't support infinitely
            // distant vectors, but we can get the same result by making a copy of our
            // view matrix, then resetting the view translation to zero. Pretending the
            // camera has not moved position gives the same result as if the camera
            // was moving, but the light was infinitely far away. If our flares came
            // from a local object rather than the sun, we would use the original view
            // matrix here.
            Matrix infiniteView = m_view;

            infiniteView.Translation = Vector3.Zero;

            // Project the light position into 2D screen space.
            Viewport viewport = MyMinerGame.Static.GraphicsDevice.Viewport;

            Vector3 projectedPosition = SharpDXHelper.ToXNA(viewport.Project(SharpDXHelper.ToSharpDX(-directionFromSunNormalized), SharpDXHelper.ToSharpDX(m_projection), SharpDXHelper.ToSharpDX(infiniteView), SharpDXHelper.ToSharpDX(Matrix.Identity)));


Exemplo n.º 5
        public static void UpdateFromMainCamera(this Listener listener)
            if (MySector.MainCamera == null)

            listener.Position    = SharpDXHelper.ToSharpDX(MySector.MainCamera.Position);
            listener.OrientFront = -SharpDXHelper.ToSharpDX(MySector.MainCamera.ForwardVector);
            listener.OrientTop   = SharpDXHelper.ToSharpDX(MySector.MainCamera.UpVector);
            listener.Velocity    = SharpDXHelper.ToSharpDX(MySector.MainCamera.Velocity);
Exemplo n.º 6
        /// <summary>
        /// Updates emitter position, forward, up and velocity
        /// </summary>
        public static void UpdateValues(this Emitter emitter, Vector3 position, Vector3 forward, Vector3 up, Vector3 velocity, MyObjectBuilder_CueDefinition cue, int channelsCount)
            emitter.Position    = SharpDXHelper.ToSharpDX(position);
            emitter.OrientFront = SharpDXHelper.ToSharpDX(forward);
            emitter.OrientTop   = SharpDXHelper.ToSharpDX(up);
            emitter.Velocity    = SharpDXHelper.ToSharpDX(velocity);

            emitter.DopplerScaler       = 1f;
            emitter.CurveDistanceScaler = cue.MaxDistance;
            if (m_currVolumeCurve != cue.VolumeCurve)
                emitter.VolumeCurve = m_curves[(int)cue.VolumeCurve];
                m_currVolumeCurve   = cue.VolumeCurve;

            emitter.InnerRadius      = (channelsCount > 2) ? cue.MaxDistance : 0f;
            emitter.InnerRadiusAngle = (channelsCount > 2) ? 0.5f * SharpDX.AngleSingle.RightAngle.Radians : 0f;
Exemplo n.º 7
        public static bool UpdateFromPlayer(this Listener listener)
            if ((MySession.Player == null) || (MySession.Player.PlayerEntity == null) || (MySession.Player.PlayerEntity.Entity == null))

            if (MySession.Player.PlayerEntity is MyCharacter)
                listener.Position = SharpDXHelper.ToSharpDX(MySession.Player.PlayerEntity.Entity.GetPosition() + 1f * MySession.Player.PlayerEntity.Entity.WorldMatrix.Up);
                listener.Position = SharpDXHelper.ToSharpDX(MySession.Player.PlayerEntity.Entity.GetPosition());

            listener.OrientFront = -SharpDXHelper.ToSharpDX(MySession.Player.PlayerEntity.Entity.WorldMatrix.Forward);
            listener.OrientTop   = SharpDXHelper.ToSharpDX(MySession.Player.PlayerEntity.Entity.WorldMatrix.Up);
            listener.Velocity    = SharpDXHelper.ToSharpDX(MySession.Player.PlayerEntity.Entity.Physics.LinearVelocity);
Exemplo n.º 8
        //  Draws the lensflare sprites, computing the position
        //  of each one based on the current angle of the sun.
        static void DrawFlares(float occlusionFactor, float visibilityRatio)
            Viewport viewport = MyMinerGame.Static.GraphicsDevice.Viewport;

            // Lensflare sprites are positioned at intervals along a line that
            // runs from the 2D light position toward the center of the screen.
            Vector2 screenCenter = new Vector2(viewport.Width, viewport.Height) / 2;

            Vector2 flareVector = screenCenter - m_lightPosition;

            // Draw the flare sprites using additive blending.
            m_spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Deferred, BlendState.Additive);

            foreach (MyFlare flare in m_flares)
                // Compute the position of this flare sprite.
                Vector2 flarePosition = m_lightPosition + flareVector * flare.Position * m_screenScale;

                // Set the flare alpha based on the previous occlusion query result.
                Vector4 flareColor = flare.Color.ToVector4();

                flareColor.W *= occlusionFactor * visibilityRatio * visibilityRatio * (1 - MySector.FogMultiplierForSun);
                flareColor.W *= (1 - MySector.FogProperties.FogMultiplier);

                // Center the sprite texture.
                Vector2 flareOrigin = new Vector2(flare.Texture.Width,
                                                  flare.Texture.Height) / 2;

                // Draw the flare.
                m_spriteBatch.Draw(flare.Texture, SharpDXHelper.ToSharpDX(flarePosition), null,
                                   new SharpDX.Color(flareColor.X, flareColor.Y, flareColor.Z, flareColor.W), 1, SharpDXHelper.ToSharpDX(flareOrigin),
                                   flare.Scale * m_screenScale, SpriteEffects.None, 0);

Exemplo n.º 9
        private static void DrawGlare(float occlusionFactor, float visibilityRatio)
            //Dont draw glare if there are godrays, it is overexposed then
            if (MyRenderConstants.RenderQualityProfile.EnableGodRays && MySector.GodRaysProperties.Enabled)

            var zoom = MyRender.CurrentRenderSetup.EnableZoom ? MyCamera.Zoom.GetZoomLevel() : 1;

            zoom = MathHelper.Clamp(zoom, 0.1f, 1);

            float glowSize = 0.1f * m_querySize / zoom;

            float occlusionRatio = occlusionFactor * visibilityRatio;

            Vector2 origin = new Vector2(m_glowSprite.Width, m_glowSprite.Height) / 2;

            float viewportScale = 0.5f * (MyRender.GetScaleForViewport(null).X + MyRender.GetScaleForViewport(null).Y);
            float scale         = glowSize * 2.0f / m_glowSprite.Width * viewportScale;

            m_directionToSunNormalized = MyGuiScreenGamePlay.Static.GetDirectionToSunNormalized();
            float dot = Vector3.Dot(m_directionToSunNormalized, MyCamera.ForwardVector);

            float glareIntensity;

            if (dot > 0.9f)
                glareIntensity = dot * (1 + MySunConstants.MAX_GLARE_MULTIPLIER * (dot - 0.9f));
                glareIntensity = .9f;

            m_spriteBatch.Begin(SpriteSortMode.Deferred, MyStateObjects.Additive_NoAlphaWrite_BlendState, SharpDX.Toolkit.Graphics.SamplerState.LinearClamp, DepthStencilState.None, RasterizerState.Current);

            Matrix rot = MyCamera.ViewMatrix;

            rot.Translation = Vector3.Zero;
            float yaw, pitch, roll;

            MyUtils.RotationMatrixToYawPitchRoll(ref rot, out yaw, out pitch, out roll);

            // ----- small colored glares (bleeding, complements bloom): -----
            // this one isn't rotating with camera:
            float glare1Alpha = occlusionRatio * occlusionRatio * (1 - MySector.FogProperties.FogMultiplier);
            float glare1Size  = scale;
            Color color1      = new Color(new Vector4(MySector.SunProperties.SunDiffuse, MathHelper.Clamp(glare1Alpha, 0, 0.1f)));

            m_spriteBatch.Draw(m_glowSprite, SharpDXHelper.ToSharpDX(m_lightPosition), null, SharpDXHelper.ToSharpDX(color1), -pitch, SharpDXHelper.ToSharpDX(origin), glare1Size, SpriteEffects.None, 0);

            // rays glare - this one is rotating with camera
            float glare2Alpha = 0.6f * glareIntensity * glareIntensity * occlusionRatio * occlusionRatio * (1 - MySector.FogProperties.FogMultiplier);
            float glare2Size  = 1.5f * glareIntensity * scale;
            Color color2      = new Color(new Vector4(MySector.SunProperties.SunDiffuse, glare2Alpha));

            m_spriteBatch.Draw(m_glowSprite2, SharpDXHelper.ToSharpDX(m_lightPosition), null, SharpDXHelper.ToSharpDX(color2), 0, SharpDXHelper.ToSharpDX(origin), glare2Size, SpriteEffects.None, 0);

            // large white glare - blinding effect
            float glare3Size = 40 * scale;

            m_spriteBatch.Draw(m_glareSprite, SharpDXHelper.ToSharpDX(m_lightPosition), null, new SharpDX.Color(1, 0, 1, glareIntensity * occlusionRatio * 0.3f), 0, SharpDXHelper.ToSharpDX(origin), glare3Size, SpriteEffects.None, 0);
