Exemplo n.º 1
        public static int AddSite(SharePointSite item)
            // check account
            int accountCheck = SecurityContext.CheckAccount(DemandAccount.NotDemo | DemandAccount.IsActive);

            if (accountCheck < 0)

            // check package
            int packageCheck = SecurityContext.CheckPackage(item.PackageId, DemandPackage.IsActive);

            if (packageCheck < 0)

            // check quota
            QuotaValueInfo quota = PackageController.GetPackageQuota(item.PackageId, Quotas.SHAREPOINT_SITES);

            if (quota.QuotaExhausted)

            // check if stats resource is available
            int serviceId = PackageController.GetPackageServiceId(item.PackageId, ResourceGroups.SharePoint);

            if (serviceId == 0)

            // check package items
            if (PackageController.GetPackageItemByName(item.PackageId, item.Name, typeof(SharePointSite)) != null)

            // place log record
            TaskManager.StartTask("SHAREPOINT", "ADD_SITE", item.Name);
            TaskManager.WriteParameter("Database group", item.DatabaseGroupName);
            TaskManager.WriteParameter("Database name", item.DatabaseName);
            TaskManager.WriteParameter("Database user", item.DatabaseUser);

            int databaseItemId     = 0;
            int databaseUserItemId = 0;

                // load web site
                WebSite siteItem = (WebSite)PackageController.GetPackageItemByName(item.PackageId,
                                                                                   item.Name, typeof(WebSite));

                if (siteItem == null)

                // get service web site
                WebServer web = new WebServer();
                ServiceProviderProxy.Init(web, siteItem.ServiceId);
                WebSite site = web.GetSite(siteItem.SiteId);


                ServiceInfo wssService = ServerController.GetServiceInfo(serviceId);
                bool        wss30      = (wssService.ProviderId == 23);     // WSS 3.0

                // remember original web site bindings
                ServerBinding[] bindings = site.Bindings;

                // set application pool and root folder
                item.ApplicationPool = site.ApplicationPool;
                item.RootFolder      = site.ContentPath;

                // change web site .NET framework if required
                bool siteUpdated = false;
                if (!wss30 && (site.AspNetInstalled != "1" ||
                    site.AspNetInstalled          = "1";
                    site.DedicatedApplicationPool = false;

                    siteUpdated = true;

                if (wss30 && site.AspNetInstalled != "2")
                    site.AspNetInstalled = "2";

                    siteUpdated = true;

                if (siteUpdated)
                    site = web.GetSite(siteItem.SiteId);
                    item.ApplicationPool = site.ApplicationPool;

                if (site.FrontPageInstalled)
                    // remove FrontPage
                    web.UninstallFrontPage(siteItem.SiteId, siteItem.FrontPageAccount);

                // create SQL database
                SqlDatabase database = new SqlDatabase();
                database.PackageId = item.PackageId;
                database.Name      = item.DatabaseName;
                databaseItemId     = DatabaseServerController.AddSqlDatabase(database, item.DatabaseGroupName);
                if (databaseItemId < 0)

                // create SQL user
                SqlUser dbUser = new SqlUser();
                dbUser.PackageId   = item.PackageId;
                dbUser.Name        = item.DatabaseUser;
                dbUser.Password    = item.DatabasePassword;
                databaseUserItemId = DatabaseServerController.AddSqlUser(dbUser, item.DatabaseGroupName);
                if (databaseUserItemId < 0)

                // delete SQL database from service
                // and change database user role
                int sqlServiceId = PackageController.GetPackageServiceId(item.PackageId, item.DatabaseGroupName);
                if (sqlServiceId < 0)

                // load server settings
                StringDictionary sqlSettings = ServerController.GetServiceSettings(sqlServiceId);
                item.DatabaseServer = sqlSettings["ExternalAddress"];

                DatabaseServer dbServer = new DatabaseServer();
                ServiceProviderProxy.Init(dbServer, sqlServiceId);

                // delete database from service

                // give SQL user "db_creator" role
                dbServer.ExecuteSqlNonQuery("master", String.Format(
                                                "sp_addsrvrolemember '{0}', 'dbcreator'\nGO", dbUser.Name));

                // install SharePoint site
                SharePointServer sps = GetSharePoint(serviceId);

                // remove SQL user from "db_creator" role
                dbServer.ExecuteSqlNonQuery("master", String.Format(
                                                "sp_dropsrvrolemember '{0}', 'dbcreator'\nGO", dbUser.Name));

                // restore original web site bindings
                web.UpdateSiteBindings(site.SiteId, bindings, false);

                // save statistics item
                item.ServiceId = serviceId;
                int itemId = PackageController.AddPackageItem(item);

                TaskManager.ItemId = itemId;

            catch (Exception ex)
                // delete database if required
                if (databaseItemId > 0)

                // delete user if required
                if (databaseUserItemId > 0)

                throw TaskManager.WriteError(ex);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public static string BackupVirtualServer(int itemId, string fileName,
                                                 bool zipBackup, bool download, string folderName)
            // check account
            int accountCheck = SecurityContext.CheckAccount(DemandAccount.NotDemo);

            if (accountCheck < 0)

            // load original meta item
            SharePointSite item = (SharePointSite)PackageController.GetPackageItem(itemId);

            if (item == null)

            // place log record
            TaskManager.StartTask("SHAREPOINT", "BACKUP_SITE", item.Name, itemId);

                SharePointServer sps      = GetSharePoint(item.ServiceId);
                string           backFile = sps.BackupVirtualServer(item.Name, fileName, zipBackup);

                if (!download)
                    // copy backup files to space folder
                    string relFolderName = FilesController.CorrectRelativePath(folderName);
                    if (!relFolderName.EndsWith("\\"))
                        relFolderName = relFolderName + "\\";

                    // create backup folder if not exists
                    if (!FilesController.DirectoryExists(item.PackageId, relFolderName))
                        FilesController.CreateFolder(item.PackageId, relFolderName);

                    string packageFile = relFolderName + Path.GetFileName(backFile);

                    // delete destination file if exists
                    if (FilesController.FileExists(item.PackageId, packageFile))
                        FilesController.DeleteFiles(item.PackageId, new string[] { packageFile });

                    byte[] buffer = null;

                    int offset = 0;
                        // read remote content
                        buffer = sps.GetTempFileBinaryChunk(backFile, offset, FILE_BUFFER_LENGTH);

                        // write remote content
                        FilesController.AppendFileBinaryChunk(item.PackageId, packageFile, buffer);

                        offset += FILE_BUFFER_LENGTH;
                    }while (buffer.Length == FILE_BUFFER_LENGTH);

            catch (Exception ex)
                throw TaskManager.WriteError(ex);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public static int InstallWebPartsPackage(int itemId, string uploadedFile, string packageFile)
            // check account
            int accountCheck = SecurityContext.CheckAccount(DemandAccount.NotDemo | DemandAccount.IsActive);

            if (accountCheck < 0)

            // load original meta item
            SharePointSite item = (SharePointSite)PackageController.GetPackageItem(itemId);

            if (item == null)

            // check package
            int packageCheck = SecurityContext.CheckPackage(item.PackageId, DemandPackage.IsActive);

            if (packageCheck < 0)

            // place log record
            TaskManager.StartTask("SHAREPOINT", "INSTALL_WEBPARTS", item.Name, itemId);

            TaskManager.WriteParameter("Package file", packageFile);

                SharePointServer sps = GetSharePoint(item.ServiceId);

                string backupFile = null;
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(packageFile))
                    // copy package files to the remote SharePoint Server
                    string path   = null;
                    byte[] buffer = null;

                    int offset = 0;
                        // read package file
                        buffer = FilesController.GetFileBinaryChunk(item.PackageId, packageFile, offset, FILE_BUFFER_LENGTH);

                        // write remote backup file
                        string tempPath = sps.AppendTempFileBinaryChunk(Path.GetFileName(packageFile), path, buffer);
                        if (path == null)
                            path       = tempPath;
                            backupFile = path;

                        offset += FILE_BUFFER_LENGTH;
                    }while (buffer.Length == FILE_BUFFER_LENGTH);
                else if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(uploadedFile))
                    // upladed files
                    backupFile = uploadedFile;

                // restore
                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(backupFile))
                    sps.InstallWebPartsPackage(item.Name, backupFile);

            catch (Exception ex)
                throw TaskManager.WriteError(ex);
Exemplo n.º 4
        public static async Task RunAsync([QueueTrigger("actions")] ProvisioningActionModel action, TextWriter log)
            var startProvisioning = DateTime.Now;

            String provisioningEnvironment = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SPPA:ProvisioningEnvironment"];

            log.WriteLine($"Processing queue trigger function for {action.UserPrincipalName} on tenant {action.TenantId}");
            log.WriteLine($"PnP Correlation ID: {action.CorrelationId.ToString()}");

            // Instantiate and use the telemetry model
            TelemetryUtility            telemetry           = new TelemetryUtility(log);
            Dictionary <string, string> telemetryProperties = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            // Configure telemetry properties
            // telemetryProperties.Add("UserPrincipalName", action.UserPrincipalName);
            // telemetryProperties.Add("TenantId", action.TenantId);
            telemetryProperties.Add("PnPCorrelationId", action.CorrelationId.ToString());
            telemetryProperties.Add("TargetSiteAlreadyExists", action.TargetSiteAlreadyExists.ToString());
            telemetryProperties.Add("TargetSiteBaseTemplateId", action.TargetSiteBaseTemplateId);

            var appOnlyAccessToken = await ProvisioningAppManager.AccessTokenProvider.GetAppOnlyAccessTokenAsync(

            // Get a reference to the data context
            ProvisioningAppDBContext dbContext = new ProvisioningAppDBContext();

                // Log telemetry event

                var tokenId = $"{action.TenantId}-{action.UserPrincipalName.GetHashCode()}-{action.ActionType.ToString().ToLower()}-{provisioningEnvironment}";

                // Retrieve the SPO target tenant via Microsoft Graph
                var graphAccessToken = await ProvisioningAppManager.AccessTokenProvider.GetAccessTokenAsync(
                    tokenId, "https://graph.microsoft.com/",

                if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(graphAccessToken))
                    #region Get current context data (User, SPO Tenant, SPO Access Token)

                    // Get the currently connected user name and email (UPN)
                    var jwtAccessToken = new System.IdentityModel.Tokens.Jwt.JwtSecurityToken(graphAccessToken);

                    String delegatedUPN = String.Empty;
                    var    upnClaim     = jwtAccessToken.Claims.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Type == "upn");
                    if (upnClaim != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(upnClaim.Value))
                        delegatedUPN = upnClaim.Value;

                    String delegatedUserName = String.Empty;
                    var    nameClaim         = jwtAccessToken.Claims.FirstOrDefault(c => c.Type == "name");
                    if (nameClaim != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(nameClaim.Value))
                        delegatedUserName = nameClaim.Value;

                    // Determine the URL of the root SPO site for the current tenant
                    var            rootSiteJson = HttpHelper.MakeGetRequestForString("https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/sites/root", graphAccessToken);
                    SharePointSite rootSite     = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <SharePointSite>(rootSiteJson);

                    String spoTenant = rootSite.WebUrl;

                    log.WriteLine($"Target SharePoint Online Tenant: {spoTenant}");

                    // Configure telemetry properties
                    telemetryProperties.Add("SPOTenant", spoTenant);

                    // Retrieve the SPO Access Token
                    var spoAccessToken = await ProvisioningAppManager.AccessTokenProvider.GetAccessTokenAsync(
                        tokenId, rootSite.WebUrl,

                    log.WriteLine($"Retrieved target SharePoint Online Access Token.");


                    // Connect to SPO, create and provision site
                    AuthenticationManager authManager = new AuthenticationManager();
                    using (ClientContext context = authManager.GetAzureADAccessTokenAuthenticatedContext(spoTenant, spoAccessToken))
                        // Telemetry and startup
                        var web = context.Web;
                        context.ClientTag = $"SPDev:ProvisioningPortal-{provisioningEnvironment}";
                        context.Load(web, w => w.Title, w => w.Id);
                        await context.ExecuteQueryAsync();

                        log.WriteLine($"SharePoint Online Root Site Collection title: {web.Title}");

                        #region Store the main site URL in KeyVault

                        // Store the main site URL in KeyVault
                        var vault = new KeyVaultService();

                        // Read any existing properties for the current tenantId
                        var properties = await vault.GetAsync(tokenId);

                        if (properties == null)
                            // If there are no properties, create a new dictionary
                            properties = new Dictionary <String, String>();

                        // Set/Update the RefreshToken value
                        properties["SPORootSite"] = spoTenant;

                        // Add or Update the Key Vault accordingly
                        await vault.AddOrUpdateAsync(tokenId, properties);


                        #region Provision the package

                        var package = dbContext.Packages.FirstOrDefault(p => p.Id == new Guid(action.PackageId));

                        if (package != null)
                            // Update the Popularity of the package

                            #region Get the Provisioning Hierarchy file

                            // Determine reference path variables
                            var blobConnectionString = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["BlobTemplatesProvider:ConnectionString"];
                            var blobContainerName    = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["BlobTemplatesProvider:ContainerName"];

                            var packageFileName           = package.PackageUrl.Substring(package.PackageUrl.LastIndexOf('/') + 1);
                            var packageFileUri            = new Uri(package.PackageUrl);
                            var packageFileRelativePath   = packageFileUri.AbsolutePath.Substring(2 + blobContainerName.Length);
                            var packageFileRelativeFolder = packageFileRelativePath.Substring(0, packageFileRelativePath.LastIndexOf('/'));

                            // Configure telemetry properties
                            telemetryProperties.Add("PackageFileName", packageFileName);
                            telemetryProperties.Add("PackageFileUri", packageFileUri.ToString());

                            // Read the main provisioning file from the Blob Storage
                            CloudStorageAccount csa;
                            if (!CloudStorageAccount.TryParse(blobConnectionString, out csa))
                                throw new ArgumentException("Cannot create cloud storage account from given connection string.");

                            CloudBlobClient    blobClient    = csa.CreateCloudBlobClient();
                            CloudBlobContainer blobContainer = blobClient.GetContainerReference(blobContainerName);

                            var blockBlob = blobContainer.GetBlockBlobReference(packageFileRelativePath);

                            // Crate an in-memory copy of the source stream
                            MemoryStream mem = new MemoryStream();
                            await blockBlob.DownloadToStreamAsync(mem);

                            mem.Position = 0;

                            // Prepare the output hierarchy
                            ProvisioningHierarchy hierarchy = null;

                            if (packageFileName.EndsWith(".xml", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                                // That's an XML Provisioning Template file

                                XDocument xml = XDocument.Load(mem);
                                mem.Position = 0;

                                // Deserialize the stream into a provisioning hierarchy reading any
                                // dependecy with the Azure Blob Storage connector
                                var formatter           = XMLPnPSchemaFormatter.GetSpecificFormatter(xml.Root.Name.NamespaceName);
                                var templateLocalFolder = $"{blobContainerName}/{packageFileRelativeFolder}";

                                var provider = new XMLAzureStorageTemplateProvider(

                                // Get the full hierarchy
                                hierarchy           = ((IProvisioningHierarchyFormatter)formatter).ToProvisioningHierarchy(mem);
                                hierarchy.Connector = provider.Connector;
                            else if (packageFileName.EndsWith(".pnp", StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase))
                                // That's a PnP Package file

                                // Get a provider based on the in-memory .PNP Open XML file
                                OpenXMLConnector    openXmlConnector = new OpenXMLConnector(mem);
                                XMLTemplateProvider provider         = new XMLOpenXMLTemplateProvider(

                                // Get the .xml provisioning template file name
                                var xmlTemplateFileName = openXmlConnector.Info?.Properties?.TemplateFileName ??
                                                          packageFileName.Substring(packageFileName.LastIndexOf('/') + 1)
                                                          .ToLower().Replace(".pnp", ".xml");

                                // Get the full hierarchy
                                hierarchy           = provider.GetHierarchy(xmlTemplateFileName);
                                hierarchy.Connector = provider.Connector;


                            #region Apply the template

                            // Prepare variable to collect provisioned sites
                            var provisionedSites = new List <Tuple <String, String> >();

                            // If we have a hierarchy with at least one Sequence
                            if (hierarchy != null && hierarchy.Sequences != null && hierarchy.Sequences.Count > 0)
                                Console.WriteLine($"Provisioning hierarchy \"{hierarchy.DisplayName}\"");

                                var tenantUrl = UrlUtilities.GetTenantAdministrationUrl(context.Url);

                                // Retrieve the SPO Access Token
                                var spoAdminAccessToken = await ProvisioningAppManager.AccessTokenProvider.GetAccessTokenAsync(
                                    tokenId, tenantUrl,

                                log.WriteLine($"Retrieved target SharePoint Online Admin Center Access Token.");

                                using (var tenantContext = authManager.GetAzureADAccessTokenAuthenticatedContext(tenantUrl, spoAdminAccessToken))
                                    using (var pnpTenantContext = PnPClientContext.ConvertFrom(tenantContext))
                                        var tenant = new Microsoft.Online.SharePoint.TenantAdministration.Tenant(pnpTenantContext);

                                        // Prepare a dictionary to hold the access tokens
                                        var accessTokens = new Dictionary <String, String>();

                                        // Prepare logging for hierarchy application
                                        var ptai = new ProvisioningTemplateApplyingInformation();
                                        ptai.MessagesDelegate += delegate(string message, ProvisioningMessageType messageType) {
                                            log.WriteLine($"{messageType} - {message}");
                                        ptai.ProgressDelegate += delegate(string message, int step, int total) {
                                            log.WriteLine($"{step:00}/{total:00} - {message}");
                                        ptai.SiteProvisionedDelegate += delegate(string title, string url)
                                            log.WriteLine($"Fully provisioned site '{title}' with URL: {url}");
                                            var provisionedSite = new Tuple <string, string>(title, url);
                                            if (!provisionedSites.Contains(provisionedSite))

                                        // Configure the OAuth Access Tokens for the client context
                                        accessTokens.Add(new Uri(tenantUrl).Authority, spoAdminAccessToken);
                                        accessTokens.Add(new Uri(spoTenant).Authority, spoAccessToken);

                                        // Configure the OAuth Access Tokens for the PnPClientContext, too
                                        pnpTenantContext.PropertyBag["AccessTokens"] = accessTokens;
                                        ptai.AccessTokens = accessTokens;

                                        #region Theme handling

                                        // Process the graphical Theme
                                        if (action.ApplyTheme)
                                            // If we don't have any custom Theme
                                            if (!action.ApplyCustomTheme)
                                                // Associate the selected already existing Theme to all the sites of the hierarchy
                                                foreach (var sc in hierarchy.Sequences[0].SiteCollections)
                                                    sc.Theme = action.SelectedTheme;
                                                    foreach (var s in sc.Sites)
                                                        UpdateChildrenSitesTheme(s, action.SelectedTheme);


                                        // Configure provisioning parameters
                                        if (action.PackageProperties != null)
                                            foreach (var key in action.PackageProperties.Keys)
                                                if (hierarchy.Parameters.ContainsKey(key.ToString()))
                                                    hierarchy.Parameters[key.ToString()] = action.PackageProperties[key].ToString();
                                                    hierarchy.Parameters.Add(key.ToString(), action.PackageProperties[key].ToString());

                                                // Configure telemetry properties
                                                telemetryProperties.Add($"PackageProperty.{key}", action.PackageProperties[key].ToString());

                                        // Log telemetry event
                                        telemetry?.LogEvent("ProvisioningFunction.BeginProvisioning", telemetryProperties);

                                        // Define a PnPProvisioningContext scope to share the security context across calls
                                        using (var pnpProvisioningContext = new PnPProvisioningContext(async(r, s) =>
                                            if (accessTokens.ContainsKey(r))
                                                // In this scenario we just use the dictionary of access tokens
                                                // in fact the overall operation for sure will take less than 1 hour
                                                return(await Task.FromResult(accessTokens[r]));
                                                // Try to get a fresh new Access Token
                                                var token = await ProvisioningAppManager.AccessTokenProvider.GetAccessTokenAsync(
                                                    tokenId, $"https://{r}",

                                                accessTokens.Add(r, token);

                                            // Apply the hierarchy
                                            log.WriteLine($"Hierarchy Provisioning Started: {DateTime.Now:hh.mm.ss}");
                                            tenant.ApplyProvisionHierarchy(hierarchy, hierarchy.Sequences[0].ID, ptai);
                                            log.WriteLine($"Hierarchy Provisioning Completed: {DateTime.Now:hh.mm.ss}");

                                        if (action.ApplyTheme && action.ApplyCustomTheme)
                                            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(action.ThemePrimaryColor) &&
                                                !String.IsNullOrEmpty(action.ThemeBodyTextColor) &&
                                                log.WriteLine($"Applying custom Theme to provisioned sites");

                                                #region Palette generation for Theme

                                                var jsonPalette = ThemeUtility.GetThemeAsJSON(


                                                // Apply the custom theme to all of the provisioned sites
                                                foreach (var ps in provisionedSites)
                                                    using (var provisionedSiteContext = authManager.GetAzureADAccessTokenAuthenticatedContext(ps.Item2, spoAccessToken))
                                                        if (provisionedSiteContext.Web.ApplyTheme(jsonPalette))
                                                            log.WriteLine($"Custom Theme applied on site '{ps.Item1}' with URL: {ps.Item2}");
                                                            log.WriteLine($"Failed to apply custom Theme on site '{ps.Item1}' with URL: {ps.Item2}");

                                        // Log telemetry event
                                        telemetry?.LogEvent("ProvisioningFunction.EndProvisioning", telemetryProperties);

                                        // Notify user about the provisioning outcome
                                            TemplateName     = action.DisplayName,
                                            ProvisionedSites = provisionedSites,

                                        // Log reporting event (1 = Success)
                                        logReporting(action, provisioningEnvironment, startProvisioning, package, 1);
                                throw new ApplicationException($"The requested package does not contain a valid PnP Hierarchy!");

                            throw new ApplicationException($"Cannot find the package with ID: {action.PackageId}");


                        log.WriteLine($"Function successfully executed!");
                        // Log telemetry event
                        telemetry?.LogEvent("ProvisioningFunction.End", telemetryProperties);
                    var noTokensErrorMessage = $"Cannot retrieve Refresh Token or Access Token for {action.UserPrincipalName} in tenant {action.TenantId}!";
                    throw new ApplicationException(noTokensErrorMessage);
            catch (Exception ex)
                // Log telemetry event
                telemetry?.LogException(ex, "ProvisioningFunction.RunAsync", telemetryProperties);

                // Notify user about the provisioning outcome
                    new {
                    TemplateName     = action.DisplayName,
                    ExceptionDetails = SimplifyException(ex),
                    PnPCorrelationId = action.CorrelationId.ToString(),

                // Log reporting event (2 = Failed)
                logReporting(action, provisioningEnvironment, startProvisioning, null, 2, ex.ToDetailedString());

                throw ex;
Exemplo n.º 5
        public static int DeleteSite(int itemId)
            // check account
            int accountCheck = SecurityContext.CheckAccount(DemandAccount.NotDemo);

            if (accountCheck < 0)

            // load original meta item
            SharePointSite origItem = (SharePointSite)PackageController.GetPackageItem(itemId);

            if (origItem == null)

            // place log record
            TaskManager.StartTask("SHAREPOINT", "DELETE_SITE", origItem.Name, itemId);

                // get service
                SharePointServer sps = GetSharePoint(origItem.ServiceId);

                // delete service item
                sps.UnextendVirtualServer(origItem.Name, true);

                    // delete database
                    ServiceProviderItem dbItem = PackageController.GetPackageItemByName(origItem.PackageId, origItem.DatabaseGroupName,
                                                                                        origItem.DatabaseName, typeof(SqlDatabase));
                    if (dbItem != null)

                    // delete database user
                    dbItem = PackageController.GetPackageItemByName(origItem.PackageId, origItem.DatabaseGroupName,
                                                                    origItem.DatabaseUser, typeof(SqlUser));
                    if (dbItem != null)
                catch (Exception ex2)

                // delete meta item

                    // start web site
                    WebSite site = WebServerController.GetWebSite(origItem.PackageId, origItem.Name);
                    if (site != null)
                        WebServerController.ChangeSiteState(site.Id, ServerState.Started);
                catch (Exception ex)

            catch (Exception ex)
                throw TaskManager.WriteError(ex);
        private static async Task LoadThemesFromTenant(ProvisioningActionModel model, string tokenId, SharePointSite rootSite, string graphAccessToken)
            // Retrieve the SPO URL for the Admin Site
            var adminSiteUrl = rootSite.WebUrl.Replace(".sharepoint.com", "-admin.sharepoint.com");

            // Retrieve the SPO Access Token
            var spoAccessToken = await ProvisioningAppManager.AccessTokenProvider.GetAccessTokenAsync(
                tokenId, adminSiteUrl,

            // Connect to SPO and retrieve the list of available Themes
            AuthenticationManager authManager = new AuthenticationManager();

            using (ClientContext spoContext = authManager.GetAzureADAccessTokenAuthenticatedContext(adminSiteUrl, spoAccessToken))
                TenantAdmin.Tenant tenant = new TenantAdmin.Tenant(spoContext);
                var themes = tenant.GetAllTenantThemes();

                model.Themes = themes.Select(t => t.Name).ToList();
        public async Task <ActionResult> Provision(String packageId = null, String returnUrl = null)
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(packageId))
                throw new ArgumentNullException("packageId");


            ProvisioningActionModel model = new ProvisioningActionModel();

            if (IsValidUser())
                var issuer = (System.Threading.Thread.CurrentPrincipal as System.Security.Claims.ClaimsPrincipal)?.FindFirst("iss");
                if (issuer != null && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(issuer.Value))
                    var issuerValue = issuer.Value.Substring(0, issuer.Value.Length - 1);
                    var tenantId    = issuerValue.Substring(issuerValue.LastIndexOf("/") + 1);
                    var upn         = (System.Threading.Thread.CurrentPrincipal as System.Security.Claims.ClaimsPrincipal)?.FindFirst(ClaimTypes.Upn)?.Value;

                    if (this.IsAllowedUpnTenant(upn))
                        #region Prepare model generic context data

                        // Prepare the model data
                        model.TenantId          = tenantId;
                        model.UserPrincipalName = upn;
                        model.PackageId         = packageId;
                        model.ApplyTheme        = false;
                        model.ApplyCustomTheme  = false;

                        String provisioningScope       = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SPPA:ProvisioningScope"];
                        String provisioningEnvironment = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["SPPA:ProvisioningEnvironment"];

                        var tokenId          = $"{model.TenantId}-{model.UserPrincipalName.GetHashCode()}-{provisioningScope}-{provisioningEnvironment}";
                        var graphAccessToken = await ProvisioningAppManager.AccessTokenProvider.GetAccessTokenAsync(
                            tokenId, "https://graph.microsoft.com/");

                        model.UserIsTenantAdmin = Utilities.UserIsTenantGlobalAdmin(graphAccessToken);
                        model.UserIsSPOAdmin    = Utilities.UserIsSPOAdmin(graphAccessToken);
                        model.NotificationEmail = upn;

                        model.ReturnUrl = returnUrl;


                        // Determine the URL of the root SPO site for the current tenant
                        var            rootSiteJson = HttpHelper.MakeGetRequestForString("https://graph.microsoft.com/v1.0/sites/root", graphAccessToken);
                        SharePointSite rootSite     = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <SharePointSite>(rootSiteJson);

                        // Store the SPO Root Site URL in the Model
                        model.SPORootSiteUrl = rootSite.WebUrl;

                        // If the current user is an admin, we can get the available Themes
                        if (model.UserIsTenantAdmin || model.UserIsSPOAdmin)
                            await LoadThemesFromTenant(model, tokenId, rootSite, graphAccessToken);

                        LoadPackageDataIntoModel(packageId, model);
                        throw new ApplicationException("Invalid request, the current tenant is not allowed to use this solution!");

            return(View("Provision", model));
        /// <summary>
        /// This method first connects to the Organization service. Afterwards,
        /// create, retrieve, update, and delete operations are performed on the 
        /// SharePoint location records.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="serverConfig">Contains server connection information.</param>
        /// <param name="promptforDelete">When True, the user will be prompted to delete all
        /// created entities.</param>
        public void Run(ServerConnection.Configuration serverConfig, bool promptforDelete)
                // Connect to the Organization service. 
                // The using statement assures that the service proxy will be properly disposed.
                using (_serviceProxy = new OrganizationServiceProxy(serverConfig.OrganizationUri, serverConfig.HomeRealmUri,serverConfig.Credentials, serverConfig.DeviceCredentials))
                    // This statement is required to enable early-bound type support.

                    // Instantiate a SharePoint site object.
                    // See the Entity Metadata topic in the SDK documentation to determine 
                    // which attributes must be set for each entity.
                    SharePointSite spSite = new SharePointSite
                        Name = "Sample SharePoint Site",
                        Description = "Sample SharePoint Site Location record",
                        // TODO: Change this URL to a valid SharePoint URL.                        
                        AbsoluteURL = "http://www.example.com",

                    // Create a SharePoint site record named Sample SharePoint Site.
                    _spSiteId = _serviceProxy.Create(spSite);
                    Console.WriteLine("{0} created.", spSite.Name);
                    // Instantiate a SharePoint document location object.
                    // See the Entity Metadata topic in the SDK documentation to determine 
                    // which attributes must be set for each entity.
                    SharePointDocumentLocation spDocLoc = new SharePointDocumentLocation
                        Name = "Sample SharePoint Document Location",
                        Description = "Sample SharePoint Document Location record",
                        // Set the Sample SharePoint Site created earlier as the parent site.
                        ParentSiteOrLocation = new EntityReference(SharePointSite.EntityLogicalName, _spSiteId),
                        RelativeUrl = "spdocloc",

                        // Associate this document location instance with the Fourth Coffee
                        // sample account record.
                        RegardingObjectId = new EntityReference(Account.EntityLogicalName, _account1Id)

                    // Create a SharePoint document location record named Sample SharePoint Document Location.
                    _spDocLocId = _serviceProxy.Create(spDocLoc);
                    Console.WriteLine("{0} created.", spDocLoc.Name);

                    // Retrieve the SharePoint site and SharePoint document location containing several of its attributes.
                    ColumnSet colsSpSite = new ColumnSet("name", "absoluteurl");
                    SharePointSite retrievedSpSite = (SharePointSite)_serviceProxy.Retrieve(SharePointSite.EntityLogicalName, _spSiteId, colsSpSite);

                    ColumnSet colsSpDocLoc = new ColumnSet("name", "regardingobjectid");
                    SharePointDocumentLocation retrievedSpDocLoc = (SharePointDocumentLocation)_serviceProxy.Retrieve(SharePointDocumentLocation.EntityLogicalName, _spDocLocId, colsSpDocLoc);

                    // Update the URL of the SharePoint site.
                    // TODO: Change this URL to a valid SharePoint URL.
                    retrievedSpSite.AbsoluteURL = "http://www.example.net";

                    // Update the SharePoint document location to associate it with the 
                    // Northwind Traders sample account.
                    retrievedSpDocLoc.RegardingObjectId = new EntityReference(Account.EntityLogicalName,_account2Id);

                    Console.WriteLine(" and updated the records.");


            // Catch any service fault exceptions that Microsoft Dynamics CRM throws.
            catch (FaultException<Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OrganizationServiceFault>)
                // You can handle an exception here or pass it back to the calling method.
        // GET: SharePointSite
        public async Task <ActionResult> Index()
            SharePointSite site = await SharePointSiteManager.GetSharePointSite();

        public ActionResult Index()
            SharePointSite site = SharePointSiteManager.GetSharePointSite();

Exemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        /// This method first connects to the Organization service. Afterwards,
        /// create, retrieve, update, and delete operations are performed on the
        /// SharePoint location records.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="serverConfig">Contains server connection information.</param>
        /// <param name="promptforDelete">When True, the user will be prompted to delete all
        /// created entities.</param>
        public void Run(ServerConnection.Configuration serverConfig, bool promptforDelete)
                // Connect to the Organization service.
                // The using statement assures that the service proxy will be properly disposed.
                using (_serviceProxy = ServerConnection.GetOrganizationProxy(serverConfig))
                    // This statement is required to enable early-bound type support.

                    // Instantiate a SharePoint site object.
                    // See the Entity Metadata topic in the SDK documentation to determine
                    // which attributes must be set for each entity.
                    SharePointSite spSite = new SharePointSite
                        Name        = "Sample SharePoint Site",
                        Description = "Sample SharePoint Site Location record",

                        // TODO: Change this URL to a valid SharePoint URL.
                        AbsoluteURL = "http://www.example.com",

                    // Create a SharePoint site record named Sample SharePoint Site.
                    _spSiteId = _serviceProxy.Create(spSite);
                    Console.WriteLine("{0} created.", spSite.Name);
                    // Instantiate a SharePoint document location object.
                    // See the Entity Metadata topic in the SDK documentation to determine
                    // which attributes must be set for each entity.
                    SharePointDocumentLocation spDocLoc = new SharePointDocumentLocation
                        Name        = "Sample SharePoint Document Location",
                        Description = "Sample SharePoint Document Location record",

                        // Set the Sample SharePoint Site created earlier as the parent site.
                        ParentSiteOrLocation = new EntityReference(SharePointSite.EntityLogicalName, _spSiteId),
                        RelativeUrl          = "spdocloc",

                        // Associate this document location instance with the Fourth Coffee
                        // sample account record.
                        RegardingObjectId = new EntityReference(Account.EntityLogicalName, _account1Id)

                    // Create a SharePoint document location record named Sample SharePoint Document Location.
                    _spDocLocId = _serviceProxy.Create(spDocLoc);
                    Console.WriteLine("{0} created.", spDocLoc.Name);

                    // Retrieve the SharePoint site and SharePoint document location containing several of its attributes.
                    ColumnSet      colsSpSite      = new ColumnSet("name", "absoluteurl");
                    SharePointSite retrievedSpSite = (SharePointSite)_serviceProxy.Retrieve(SharePointSite.EntityLogicalName, _spSiteId, colsSpSite);

                    ColumnSet colsSpDocLoc = new ColumnSet("name", "regardingobjectid");
                    SharePointDocumentLocation retrievedSpDocLoc = (SharePointDocumentLocation)_serviceProxy.Retrieve(SharePointDocumentLocation.EntityLogicalName, _spDocLocId, colsSpDocLoc);

                    // Update the URL of the SharePoint site.
                    // TODO: Change this URL to a valid SharePoint URL.
                    retrievedSpSite.AbsoluteURL = "http://www.example.net";

                    // Update the SharePoint document location to associate it with the
                    // Northwind Traders sample account.
                    retrievedSpDocLoc.RegardingObjectId = new EntityReference(Account.EntityLogicalName, _account2Id);

                    Console.WriteLine(" and updated the records.");


            // Catch any service fault exceptions that Microsoft Dynamics CRM throws.
            catch (FaultException <Microsoft.Xrm.Sdk.OrganizationServiceFault> )
                // You can handle an exception here or pass it back to the calling method.
Exemplo n.º 12
 public int AddSharePointSite(SharePointSite item)
        /// <summary>
        /// Creates any entity records that this sample requires.
        /// </summary>
        public void CreateRequiredRecords()
            // Instantiate a SharePoint site object.
            // See the Entity Metadata topic in the SDK documentation to determine 
            // which attributes must be set for each entity.
            SharePointSite spSite = new SharePointSite
                Name = "Sample SharePoint Site",
                Description = "Sample SharePoint Site Location record",                                        
                AbsoluteURL = _siteAbsoluteURL,
                IsGridPresent = true

            // Create a SharePoint site record named Sample SharePoint Site.
            _spSiteId = _serviceProxy.Create(spSite);
            Console.WriteLine("{0} created.", spSite.Name);

            // Instantiate a SharePoint document location object.
            // See the Entity Metadata topic in the SDK documentation to determine 
            // which attributes must be set for each entity.
            SharePointDocumentLocation spDocLoc = new SharePointDocumentLocation
                Name = "Sample SharePoint Document Location",
                Description = "Sample SharePoint Document Location record",

                // Set the Sample SharePoint Site created earlier as the parent site.
                ParentSiteOrLocation = new EntityReference(SharePointSite.EntityLogicalName, _spSiteId),
                RelativeUrl = "spdocloc"                

            // Create a SharePoint document location record named Sample SharePoint Document Location.
            _spDocLocId = _serviceProxy.Create(spDocLoc);
            Console.WriteLine("{0} created.", spDocLoc.Name);
Exemplo n.º 14
        public string Executar(string mensagem, string numeroMensagem, Domain.Model.Usuario usuario)
            //usuarioIntegracao = usuario;
            var xml = this.CarregarMensagem <Pollux.MSG0125>(mensagem);

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(xml.CodigoObjeto) && xml.CodigoObjeto.Length == 36)
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(xml.TipoObjeto))
                    resultadoConsulta.Sucesso  = false;
                    resultadoConsulta.Mensagem = "TipoObjeto não enviado.";
                    retorno.Add("Resultado", resultadoConsulta);
                    return(CriarMensagemRetorno <Pollux.MSG0114R1>(numeroMensagem, retorno));
                //Obter endereço do servidor (urlAbsoluta)
                SharePointSite objSharePoint = new SharePointSite(this.Organizacao, this.IsOffline);
                objSharePoint = new Servicos.SharePointSiteService(this.Organizacao, this.IsOffline).ObterPorUrlRelativa();

                if (objSharePoint == null)
                    resultadoConsulta.Sucesso  = false;
                    resultadoConsulta.Mensagem = "Site Sharepoint não encontrado no Crm.";
                    retorno.Add("Resultado", resultadoConsulta);
                    return(CriarMensagemRetorno <Pollux.MSG0125R1>(numeroMensagem, retorno));

                //Obter a pasta da conta
                List <DocumentoSharePoint> lstDocSharePoint = new Servicos.SharePointSiteService(this.Organizacao, this.IsOffline).ListarPorIdRegistro(new Guid(xml.CodigoObjeto));

                foreach (var item in lstDocSharePoint)
                    Pollux.Entities.ArquivoItem arqItem = new Pollux.Entities.ArquivoItem();
                    if (item != null && (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(item.UrlRelativa)) && !String.IsNullOrEmpty(objSharePoint.UrlAbsoluta))
                        arqItem.Nome = item.Nome;
                        arqItem.URL  = objSharePoint.UrlAbsoluta + "/" + xml.TipoObjeto + "/" + item.UrlRelativa;
                        resultadoConsulta.Sucesso  = true;
                        resultadoConsulta.Mensagem = "Dados do SharePoint no Crm não encontrados.";
                        retorno.Add("Resultado", resultadoConsulta);
                        return(CriarMensagemRetorno <Pollux.MSG0125R1>(numeroMensagem, retorno));
                resultadoConsulta.Sucesso  = false;
                resultadoConsulta.Mensagem = "Identificador da Entidade (Guid) não enviado/fora do padrão.";
                retorno.Add("Resultado", resultadoConsulta);
                return(CriarMensagemRetorno <Pollux.MSG0125R1>(numeroMensagem, retorno));

            if (lstArquivoItens.Count == 0)
                resultadoConsulta.Sucesso  = true;
                resultadoConsulta.Mensagem = "Documentos não encontrados.";
                retorno.Add("Resultado", resultadoConsulta);
                return(CriarMensagemRetorno <Pollux.MSG0125R1>(numeroMensagem, retorno));

            resultadoConsulta.Sucesso  = true;
            resultadoConsulta.Mensagem = "Integração ocorrida com sucesso";
            retorno.Add("Resultado", resultadoConsulta);
            retorno.Add("ArquivoItems", lstArquivoItens);
            return(CriarMensagemRetorno <Pollux.MSG0125R1>(numeroMensagem, retorno));