Exemplo n.º 1
        public async Task <bool> SharePostAsync(string username, ShareInputModel model)
            var user = await identityService.GetUserByName(username)

            Wall wall = null;

            if (model.ShareLocationType == ShareLocation.FriendWall &&
                await relationsService.AreFriendsWithAsync(username, model.ShareLocation))
                wall = await wallService.GetUserWallAsync(model.ShareLocation);
            else if (model.ShareLocationType == ShareLocation.GroupWall &&
                     await groupService.IsUserConfirmedMemberAsync(model.ShareLocation, username))
                wall = await wallService.GetGroupWallAsync(model.ShareLocation);
            else if (model.ShareLocationType == ShareLocation.MyWall)
                wall = await wallService.GetUserWallAsync(username);

            if (user != null && wall != null &&
                await IsUserCanSeePostAsync(username, model.PostId) &&
                await IsUserCanPostToWallAsync(username, wall.Id))
                var sharedPost = new Post()
                    Content      = model.PostModel.Content,
                    Tags         = GetPostTags(model.PostModel.Tags),
                    SharedPostId = model.PostId,
                    Location     = wall,
                    User         = user
                var share = new Share()
                    PostId = model.PostId,
                    User   = user

                if (model.ShareLocationType == ShareLocation.MyWall)
                    sharedPost.VisibilityType = model.PostModel.VisibilityType;
                    sharedPost.VisibilityType = PostVisibilityType.Public;

                await this.dbContext.Posts.AddAsync(sharedPost);

                await this.dbContext.Shares.AddAsync(share);

                await this.dbContext.SaveChangesAsync();

Exemplo n.º 2
        public async Task <IActionResult> Share(ShareInputModel model)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                if (await this.postService.SharePostAsync(this.User.Identity.Name, model))
                    if (model.ShareLocationType == ShareLocation.FriendWall)
                        return(RedirectToAction("Profile", "User", new { username = model.ShareLocation }));
                    if (model.ShareLocationType == ShareLocation.GroupWall)
                        return(RedirectToAction("Open", "Group", new { name = model.ShareLocation }));
                    return(RedirectToAction("Profile", "User", new { username = this.User.Identity.Name }));

            var viewModel = await postService.GetShareViewAsync(model.PostId);

            TempData["ShareResult"] = "Failed! Please check where are you trying to share the post: did you spelled the name correctly?, do you have rights to post there?";
Exemplo n.º 3
        public async Task SharePostAsync_ShouldShare_Correctly()
            var user = new OurTraceUser()
                UserName = "******",
                BirthDate = DateTime.Now,
                Country = "Bulgaria",
                Email = "*****@*****.**",
                NormalizedEmail = "*****@*****.**",
                NormalizedUserName = "******",
                PasswordHash = "00000",
                Wall = new Wall()
            var user2 = new OurTraceUser()
                UserName = "******",
                BirthDate = DateTime.Now,
                Country = "Bulgaria",
                Email = "*****@*****.**",
                NormalizedEmail = "*****@*****.**",
                NormalizedUserName = "******",
                PasswordHash = "00000",
                Wall = new Wall()
            var user3 = new OurTraceUser()
                UserName = "******",
                BirthDate = DateTime.Now,
                Country = "Bulgaria",
                Email = "*****@*****.**",
                NormalizedEmail = "*****@*****.**",
                NormalizedUserName = "******",
                PasswordHash = "00000",
                Wall = new Wall()

            var friendShipBetweenUser2AndUser1 = new Friendship()
                Sender = user2,
                Recipient = user,
                AcceptedOn = DateTime.Now

            var post = new Post()
                Content = "Post content",
                Location = user.Wall,
                User = user,
                VisibilityType = PostVisibilityType.FriendsOnly

            await this.dbContext.Users.AddAsync(user);
            await this.dbContext.Users.AddAsync(user2);
            await this.dbContext.Users.AddAsync(user3);
            await this.dbContext.Posts.AddAsync(post);
            await this.dbContext.Friendships.AddAsync(friendShipBetweenUser2AndUser1);
            await this.dbContext.SaveChangesAsync();

            var shareInputModel = new ShareInputModel()
                PostId = post.Id,
                PostModel = new CreatePostInputModel()
                    Content = "Shared Content",
                    Location = user2.WallId,
                    VisibilityType = PostVisibilityType.Public
                ShareLocation = user.UserName,
                ShareLocationType = ShareLocation.FriendWall
            var actual1 = await this.postService.SharePostAsync(user2.UserName, shareInputModel);

            var actual3 = await this.postService.SharePostAsync(user3.UserName, shareInputModel);

            shareInputModel.ShareLocation = user.UserName;
            shareInputModel.ShareLocationType = ShareLocation.MyWall;
            var actual2 = await this.postService.SharePostAsync(user.UserName, shareInputModel);