Exemplo n.º 1
        public async void StartUp(bool localDev, int launcherVersion, string exePath, string resourcePath, string dataPath, string[] args)
            LocalDev        = localDev;
            LauncherVersion = launcherVersion;
            ExePath         = exePath;
            ResourcePath    = resourcePath;
            DataPath        = dataPath;
            Args            = args;

            if (LauncherVersion != CompatibleLauncherVersion)
                MessageBox.Show("Please download the latest BardMusicPlayer.exe from https://bardmusicplayer.com",
                                "Bard Music Player Update Available",

            // Read Version or default values if failure.
                if (File.Exists(ResourcePath + @"version.json"))
                    LocalVersion = File.ReadAllText(ResourcePath + @"version.json", Encoding.UTF8)
                                   .DeserializeFromJson <BmpVersion>();
            catch (Exception)
                LocalVersion = new BmpVersion {
                    items = new List <BmpVersionItem>()

            var currentVersionBad = false;
            if (LocalVersion.build != 0)
                Parallel.ForEach(LocalVersion.items, item =>
                    if (!File.Exists(ResourcePath + item.destination) ||
                        File.Exists(ResourcePath + item.destination) && !item.sha256.ToLower()
                        .Equals(Sha256.GetChecksum(ResourcePath + item.destination).ToLower()))
                        currentVersionBad = true;
                if (currentVersionBad)
                    LocalVersion = new BmpVersion {
                        items = new List <BmpVersionItem>()

            // Fetch UpdateInfo and Versions or default values if failure.
            var remoteVersionBad = false;
            RemoteVersions = new Dictionary <string, BmpVersion>();
                var remoteVersionsListString = await new Downloader().GetStringFromUrl(BaseUrl + @"versionlist.json");
                var remoteVersionsList       = remoteVersionsListString.DeserializeFromJson <List <string> >();

                foreach (var remoteVersion in remoteVersionsList)
                        var remoteVersionString = await new Downloader().GetStringFromUrl(BaseUrl + remoteVersion + "/version.json");
                        RemoteVersions.Add(remoteVersion, remoteVersionString.DeserializeFromJson <BmpVersion>());
                    catch (Exception)
                        // Failed to grab a specific remote version.json. ignore.
                        remoteVersionBad = true;
            catch (Exception)
                // Failed to grab the list of remote versions available. ignore.
                remoteVersionBad = true;

            // sort the list of remote versions first by 'if !beta', then 'latest build', then convert back to dictionary
            RemoteVersions =
                RemoteVersions.OrderBy(version => version.Value.beta)
                .ThenByDescending(version => version.Value.build)
                .ToDictionary <KeyValuePair <string, Util.BmpVersion>, string, Util.BmpVersion>(pair => pair.Key, pair => pair.Value);

            // 1. remote version was not able to be read, try and load local
            // 2. remote version was able to be read but it's same as local, try and load local
            if ((remoteVersionBad && !currentVersionBad) || (RemoteVersions.First().Value.build == LocalVersion.build))
                await Loader.Load(LocalVersion, ExePath, ResourcePath, DataPath, Args);


            // 1. we don't have a current version
            // 2. remote version shows an update
            if (currentVersionBad || (RemoteVersions.First().Value.build > LocalVersion.build))
                MainWindow mainWindow = new MainWindow();
                mainWindow.ProvideVersions(LocalVersion, RemoteVersions);

                mainWindow.OnDownloadRequested += new EventHandler <BmpDownloadEvent>((object sender, BmpDownloadEvent e) =>
                    var key     = e.Key;
                    var version = e.Version;
                    var item    = e.Item;

                    string sourceUrl = $"{BaseUrl}{key}/{item.source}";
                    string destFPath = ResourcePath + item.destination;

                    Downloader downloader = new Downloader();

                        Debug.WriteLine($"Attempting to download {sourceUrl} and save to {destFPath}.");

                        var dlTask = downloader.GetFileFromUrl(sourceUrl);
                        byte[] file = dlTask.Result;
                        if (Sha256.GetChecksum(file).Equals(item.sha256))
                            File.WriteAllBytes(destFPath, file);
                    catch (Exception)
                        // unable to download file, show message to the user and throw
                        throw new Exception("Unable to download file: " + sourceUrl);

                var launchHandler = new EventHandler <BmpVersion>(async(object sender, BmpVersion version) =>
                    await Loader.Load(version, ExePath, ResourcePath, DataPath, Args);

                mainWindow.OnDownloadComplete += launchHandler;
                mainWindow.OnLaunchRequested  += launchHandler;

#elif LOCAL
            var version = new BmpVersion
                beta       = true,
                build      = 0,
                commit     = "DEBUG",
                entryClass = "BardMusicPlayer.Ui.Bootstrapper",
                entryDll   = "BardMusicPlayer.Ui.dll",
                items      = new List <BmpVersionItem>()

            var items = Directory.GetFiles(ResourcePath, "*.dll").Where(name => !name.Contains("libzt.dll"));
            foreach (var item in items)
                version.items.Add(new BmpVersionItem
                    destination = Path.GetFileName(item),
                    sha256      = Sha256.GetChecksum(item),
                    load        = true

            await Loader.Load(version, ExePath, ResourcePath, DataPath, Args);