Exemplo n.º 1
        static decimal GetAxisMapPoints(string axis, string up = null, string down = null)
            var     points = 0m;
            MapType type;
            int     index;

            if (SettingsConverter.TryParseIniValue(axis, out type, out index))
                // If proper axis mapped then give full point.
                points += 1m;
                // For every map 0.25 points.
                if (SettingsConverter.TryParseIniValue(up, out type, out index))
                    points += 0.25m;
                if (SettingsConverter.TryParseIniValue(down, out type, out index))
                    points += 0.25m;
Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Calculate map completion percent based on user device (controller) capabilities.
        /// </summary>
        public static int GetCompletionPoints(PadSetting ps, UserDevice ud = null)
            // Xbox 360 Controller have 6 axis. Use device count if less.
            var maxAxis = ud != null && ud.CapAxeCount > 0 && ud.CapAxeCount < 6m ? ud.CapAxeCount : 6m;
            // Xbox 360 Controller have 14 buttons. Use device count if less.
            var maxButtons = ud != null && ud.CapButtonCount > 0 && ud.CapButtonCount < 14m ? ud.CapButtonCount : 14m;
            // Use device motor count.
            var maxMotors   = ud != null ? ud.DiActuatorMask : 0m;
            var motorPoints = 0m;

            // If force feedback enabled then...
            if (ps.ForceEnable == "1")
                // Give all available points.
                motorPoints = maxMotors;
            // Count axis points (maximum 6 points).
            var axisPoints = 0m;

            axisPoints += GetAxisMapPoints(ps.LeftThumbAxisX, ps.LeftThumbLeft, ps.LeftThumbRight);
            axisPoints += GetAxisMapPoints(ps.LeftThumbAxisY, ps.LeftThumbUp, ps.LeftThumbDown);
            axisPoints += GetAxisMapPoints(ps.RightThumbAxisX, ps.RightThumbLeft, ps.RightThumbRight);
            axisPoints += GetAxisMapPoints(ps.RightThumbAxisY, ps.RightThumbUp, ps.RightThumbDown);
            axisPoints += GetAxisMapPoints(ps.LeftTrigger);
            axisPoints += GetAxisMapPoints(ps.RightTrigger);
            // Count button points (maximum 14 points).
            var     buttonPoints = 0m;
            MapType type;
            int     index;

            if (SettingsConverter.TryParseIniValue(ps.ButtonA, out type, out index))
                buttonPoints += 1m;
            if (SettingsConverter.TryParseIniValue(ps.ButtonB, out type, out index))
                buttonPoints += 1m;
            if (SettingsConverter.TryParseIniValue(ps.ButtonX, out type, out index))
                buttonPoints += 1m;
            if (SettingsConverter.TryParseIniValue(ps.ButtonY, out type, out index))
                buttonPoints += 1m;
            if (SettingsConverter.TryParseIniValue(ps.ButtonBack, out type, out index))
                buttonPoints += 1m;
            if (SettingsConverter.TryParseIniValue(ps.ButtonStart, out type, out index))
                buttonPoints += 1m;
            // If DPad is properly mapped to POV then...
            if (SettingsConverter.TryParseIniValue(ps.DPadDown, out type, out index) && type == MapType.POV)
                // Add 4 points.
                buttonPoints += 4m;
                // Add point for each button.
                if (SettingsConverter.TryParseIniValue(ps.DPadUp, out type, out index))
                    buttonPoints += 1m;
                if (SettingsConverter.TryParseIniValue(ps.DPadDown, out type, out index))
                    buttonPoints += 1m;
                if (SettingsConverter.TryParseIniValue(ps.DPadLeft, out type, out index))
                    buttonPoints += 1m;
                if (SettingsConverter.TryParseIniValue(ps.DPadRight, out type, out index))
                    buttonPoints += 1m;
            if (SettingsConverter.TryParseIniValue(ps.LeftThumbButton, out type, out index))
                buttonPoints += 1m;
            if (SettingsConverter.TryParseIniValue(ps.RightThumbButton, out type, out index))
                buttonPoints += 1m;
            if (SettingsConverter.TryParseIniValue(ps.LeftShoulder, out type, out index))
                buttonPoints += 1m;
            if (SettingsConverter.TryParseIniValue(ps.RightShoulder, out type, out index))
                buttonPoints += 1m;
            // Calculate completion percent.
            var completion = (int)(100m * (
                                       (axisPoints + buttonPoints + motorPoints) / (maxAxis + maxButtons + maxMotors)

        /// <summary>
        /// Convert DiStates to XInput states.
        /// </summary>
        void UpdateXiStates()
            // Get all mapped devices.
            var settings = SettingsManager.UserSettings.ItemsToArraySyncronized()
                           .Where(x => x.MapTo > (int)MapTo.None)

            for (int i = 0; i < settings.Length; i++)
                var setting = settings[i];
                var ud      = SettingsManager.GetDevice(setting.InstanceGuid);
                // If device was not found then continue.
                if (ud == null)
                // Create GamePad to map to.
                var gp = new Gamepad();
                // Assing state with default values.
                setting.XiState = gp;
                // If device Direct Input state failed then...
                if (ud.JoState == null)
                // If device is offline then continue.
                if (!ud.IsOnline)
                //// If device is not set or test device then...
                //var device = ud.Device;
                //if (device == null)
                //	// Continue loop.
                //	continue;
                var padSetting = SettingsManager.GetPadSetting(setting.PadSettingChecksum);
                // If setting was not found then continue.
                if (padSetting == null)
                var diState = ud.DiState;
                // If custom directInput state is not available then continue.
                if (diState == null)
                bool        success;
                int         index;
                SettingType type;

                // --------------------------------------------------------
                // Convert DInput POV Hat value to D-PAD buttons.
                // --------------------------------------------------------

                // Create array to store 4 buttons for each POV.
                var dPadButtons = new bool[4 * diState.Povs.Length];
                // Loop trough D-Pad button states.
                for (int d = 0; d < diState.Povs.Length; ++d)
                    // Get degree value from the POV.
                    int povdeg = diState.Povs[d];
                    // If POV is pressed into one of the directions then...
                    if (povdeg >= 0)
                        // Split PoV degrees into 8 groups by
                        // converting PoV degree from 0 to 36000 to number from 0 to 7.
                        // This will allow to have more flexible degree values mapped to buttons.
                        var y = ((2250 + povdeg) / 4500) % 8;
                        // XINPUT_GAMEPAD_DPAD_UP
                        dPadButtons[d * 4 + 0] = (y >= 0 && y <= 1) || y == 7;
                        // XINPUT_GAMEPAD_DPAD_RIGHT
                        dPadButtons[d * 4 + 1] = (y >= 1 && y <= 3);
                        // XINPUT_GAMEPAD_DPAD_DOWN
                        dPadButtons[d * 4 + 2] = (y >= 3 && y <= 5);
                        // XINPUT_GAMEPAD_DPAD_LEFT
                        dPadButtons[d * 4 + 3] = (y >= 5 && y <= 7);

                // --------------------------------------------------------
                // MAP: D-PAD
                // --------------------------------------------------------

                success = SettingsConverter.TryParseIniValue(padSetting.DPad, out type, out index);
                // If POV index is mapped to the D-PAD
                if (success && index > 0 && type == SettingType.POV)
                    var dPadIndex = index - 1;
                    // --------------------------------------------------------
                    // Target: Button (DPad).
                    // --------------------------------------------------------
                    if (dPadButtons[dPadIndex * 4 + 0])
                        gp.Buttons |= GamepadButtonFlags.DPadUp;
                    if (dPadButtons[dPadIndex * 4 + 1])
                        gp.Buttons |= GamepadButtonFlags.DPadRight;
                    if (dPadButtons[dPadIndex * 4 + 2])
                        gp.Buttons |= GamepadButtonFlags.DPadDown;
                    if (dPadButtons[dPadIndex * 4 + 3])
                        gp.Buttons |= GamepadButtonFlags.DPadLeft;

                // --------------------------------------------------------
                // MAP:
                // --------------------------------------------------------

                // Get all mapped items.
                var maps = padSetting.Maps;

                foreach (var map in maps)
                    // If not mapped then continue.
                    if (map.Index == 0)

                    // --------------------------------------------------------
                    // MAP Source: Button
                    // --------------------------------------------------------
                    if (map.IsButton)
                        // If mapped index is in range then...
                        if (map.Index < diState.Buttons.Length)
                            var pressed = diState.Buttons[map.Index - 1];
                            if (pressed)
                                // --------------------------------------------------------
                                // Target: Button.
                                // --------------------------------------------------------
                                if (map.Target == TargetType.Button)
                                    gp.Buttons |= map.ButtonFlag;
                                // --------------------------------------------------------
                                // Target: Trigger.
                                // --------------------------------------------------------
                                else if (map.Target == TargetType.LeftTrigger)
                                    gp.LeftTrigger = byte.MaxValue;
                                else if (map.Target == TargetType.RightTrigger)
                                    gp.RightTrigger = byte.MaxValue;
                                // --------------------------------------------------------
                                // Target: Thumb.
                                // --------------------------------------------------------
                                else if (map.Target == TargetType.LeftThumbX)
                                    gp.LeftThumbX = map.AxisValue.HasValue
                                                                                ? map.IsInverted ? (short)0 : map.AxisValue.Value
                                                                                : map.IsInverted ? short.MinValue : short.MaxValue;
                                else if (map.Target == TargetType.LeftThumbY)
                                    gp.LeftThumbY = map.AxisValue.HasValue
                                                                                ? map.IsInverted ? (short)0 : map.AxisValue.Value
                                                                                : map.IsInverted ? short.MinValue : short.MaxValue;
                                else if (map.Target == TargetType.RightThumbX)
                                    gp.RightThumbX = map.AxisValue.HasValue
                                                                                ? map.IsInverted ? (short)0 : map.AxisValue.Value
                                                                                : map.IsInverted ? short.MinValue : short.MaxValue;
                                else if (map.Target == TargetType.RightThumbY)
                                    gp.RightThumbY = map.AxisValue.HasValue
                                                                                ? map.IsInverted ? (short)0 : map.AxisValue.Value
                                                                                : map.IsInverted ? short.MinValue : short.MaxValue;
                                // --------------------------------------------------------
                                // Target: Max.
                                // --------------------------------------------------------
                    // --------------------------------------------------------
                    // MAP Source: D-PAD button converted from POV.
                    // --------------------------------------------------------
                    else if (map.Type == SettingType.POV)
                        // --------------------------------------------------------
                        // Target: POV.
                        // --------------------------------------------------------
                        if (map.Target == TargetType.Button)
                            //gp.Buttons |= map.ButtonFlag;
                    // --------------------------------------------------------
                    // MAP Source: D-PAD button converted from POV.
                    // --------------------------------------------------------
                    else if (map.Type == SettingType.DPOVButton)
                        // If mapped index is in range then...
                        if (map.Index < dPadButtons.Length)
                            var pressed = dPadButtons[map.Index - 1];
                            if (pressed)
                                // --------------------------------------------------------
                                // Target: Button.
                                // --------------------------------------------------------
                                if (map.Target == TargetType.Button)
                                    gp.Buttons |= map.ButtonFlag;
                                // --------------------------------------------------------
                                // Target: Trigger.
                                // --------------------------------------------------------
                                else if (map.Target == TargetType.LeftTrigger)
                                    gp.LeftTrigger = byte.MaxValue;
                                else if (map.Target == TargetType.RightTrigger)
                                    gp.RightTrigger = byte.MaxValue;
                                // --------------------------------------------------------
                                // Target: Thumb.
                                // --------------------------------------------------------
                                else if (map.Target == TargetType.LeftThumbX)
                                    gp.LeftThumbX = map.AxisValue.HasValue
                                                                                ? map.IsInverted ? (short)0 : map.AxisValue.Value
                                                                                : map.IsInverted ? short.MinValue : short.MaxValue;
                                else if (map.Target == TargetType.LeftThumbY)
                                    gp.LeftThumbY = map.AxisValue.HasValue
                                                                                ? map.IsInverted ? (short)0 : map.AxisValue.Value
                                                                                : map.IsInverted ? short.MinValue : short.MaxValue;
                                else if (map.Target == TargetType.RightThumbX)
                                    gp.RightThumbX = map.AxisValue.HasValue
                                                                                ? map.IsInverted ? (short)0 : map.AxisValue.Value
                                                                                : map.IsInverted ? short.MinValue : short.MaxValue;
                                else if (map.Target == TargetType.RightThumbY)
                                    gp.RightThumbY = map.AxisValue.HasValue
                                                                                ? map.IsInverted ? (short)0 : map.AxisValue.Value
                                                                                : map.IsInverted ? short.MinValue : short.MaxValue;
                    // --------------------------------------------------------
                    // MAP Source: Axis or Slider.
                    // --------------------------------------------------------
                    else if (map.IsAxis || map.IsSlider)
                        // Get source value.
                        int[] values = map.IsAxis
                                                        ? diState.Axis
                                                        : diState.Sliders;

                        // If index is out of range then...
                        if (map.Index > values.Length)

                        // Get value.
                        var v = (ushort)values[map.Index - 1];

                        //// --------------------------------------------------------
                        //// MAP: Axis Positive / Negative Map.
                        //// --------------------------------------------------------
                        //if (map.Target == TargetType.LeftThumbX)
                        //	var success2 = SettingsConverter.TryParseIniValue(padSetting.LeftThumbUp, out type, out index);
                        //	if (success2 && index > 0 && type == SettingType.Button)
                        //	{
                        //	}

                        // Destination range.
                        //var min = short.MinValue; // -32768;
                        //var max = short.MaxValue; //  32767;

                        /// If half value (H) then...
                        //else if (!map.IsInverted && map.IsHalf)
                        //	// If value is in [32768;65535] range then...
                        //	v = (v > max)
                        //		// Convert [32768;65535] range to [0;65535] range.
                        //		? (ushort)ConvertHelper.ConvertRange(max + 1, ushort.MaxValue, ushort.MinValue, ushort.MaxValue, v)
                        //		: (ushort)0;
                        // If inverted half value (IH) then...
                        //else if (map.IsInverted && map.IsHalf)
                        //	// If value is in [0;32767] range then...
                        //	v = (v <= max)
                        //		// Convert [32767;0] range to [0;65535] range.
                        //		? (ushort)ConvertHelper.ConvertRange(max, 0, ushort.MinValue, ushort.MaxValue, v)
                        //		: (ushort)0;

                        // --------------------------------------------------------
                        // Target: Button.
                        // --------------------------------------------------------
                        if (map.Target == TargetType.Button)
                            // If value is inverted (I) then...
                            if (map.IsInverted)
                                // Convert [0;65535] range to [65535;0] range.
                                v = (ushort)(ushort.MaxValue - v);
                            // If value is inverted (I) then...
                            if (map.IsHalf)
                                // Map only if [32768;65535];
                                if (v > short.MaxValue)
                                    v = (ushort)(v + short.MinValue);
                                    v = 0;
                            // If axis reached beyond dead zone then...
                            if (v > map.DeadZone)
                                gp.Buttons |= map.ButtonFlag;
                        // --------------------------------------------------------
                        // Target: Trigger.
                        // --------------------------------------------------------
                        else if (map.Target == TargetType.LeftTrigger || map.Target == TargetType.RightTrigger)
                            var triggerValue = (byte)ConvertHelper.GetThumbValue(v, map.DeadZone, map.AntiDeadZone, map.Linear, map.IsInverted, map.IsHalf, false);
                            if (map.Target == TargetType.LeftTrigger)
                                gp.LeftTrigger = triggerValue;
                            if (map.Target == TargetType.RightTrigger)
                                gp.RightTrigger = triggerValue;
                        // --------------------------------------------------------
                        // Target: Thumb.
                        // --------------------------------------------------------
                        else if (map.Target != TargetType.None)
                            var thumbValue = (short)ConvertHelper.GetThumbValue(v, map.DeadZone, map.AntiDeadZone, map.Linear, map.IsInverted, map.IsHalf);
                            if (map.Target == TargetType.LeftThumbX)
                                gp.LeftThumbX = thumbValue;
                            if (map.Target == TargetType.LeftThumbY)
                                gp.LeftThumbY = thumbValue;
                            if (map.Target == TargetType.RightThumbX)
                                gp.RightThumbX = thumbValue;
                            if (map.Target == TargetType.RightThumbY)
                                gp.RightThumbY = thumbValue;
                setting.XiState = gp;

                //        [  32768 steps | 32768 steps ]
                // ushort [      0 32767 | 32768 65535 ] DInput
                //  short [ -32768    -1 |     0 32767 ] XInput

                //        [  128 steps | 128 steps ]
                //  byte  [    0   127 | 128   255 ]
                // sbyte  [ -128    -1 |   0   127 ]

                // From Button:    OFF   |     ON
                // From Axis  :      0 - D - 65535 (D - DeadZone)
                //   To Button:    OFF   |     ON

                // From  IAxis:  65535   -      0    x = uint.Max - x;
                // From  HAxis:  32768   -  65535    map only if x >  32768; x = (x - 32768) * 2 + 1;
                // From IHAxis:  32767   -      0    map only if x <= 32767; x = (32767 - x) * 2 + 1;
                // From   Axis:      0   -  65535    x = x;
                //   To Triger:      0   -    255    scale: 255
                //   To   Axis: -32768   -  32767    shift: -32768
            var ev = StatesUpdated;

            if (ev != null)
                ev(this, new DInputEventArgs());