Exemplo n.º 1
        /// <summary>
        /// Enables users to add, replace, and delete My eBay notes for
        /// items that are being tracked in the My eBay All Selling and
        /// All Buying areas.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ItemID">
        /// ID of the item to which the My eBay note will be
        /// attached. Notes can only be added to items that are
        /// currently being tracked in My eBay.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="Action">
        /// The seller must include this field and set it to 'AddOrUpdate' to add a new
        /// user note or update an existing user note, or set it to 'Delete' to delete a
        /// an existing user note.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="NoteText">
        /// Text of the note. Maximum 250 characters. Required only
        /// if the Action is <b>AddOrUpdate</b>. This note text will
        /// completely replace any existing My eBay note for the
        /// specified item.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="TransactionID">
        /// Unique identifier for the order line item (transaction) to which the My
        /// eBay note will be attached. Notes can only be added to order line items
        /// that are currently being tracked in My eBay. Buyers can
        /// view user notes made on order line items in the
        /// <b>PrivateNotes</b> field of the <b>WonList</b> container in <b>GetMyeBayBuying</b>, and
        /// sellers can view user notes made on order line items in
        /// the <b>PrivateNotes</b> field of the <b>SoldList</b> and <b>DeletedFromSoldList</b>
        /// containers in <b>GetMyeBaySellinging</b>.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="VariationSpecificList">
        /// Container consisting of name-value pairs that identify (match) one
        /// variation within a fixed-price, multi-variation listing. The specified
        /// name-value pair(s) must exist in the listing specified by either the
        /// <b>ItemID</b> or <b>SKU</b> values specified in the request. If a specific order line
        /// item is targeted in the request with an
        /// <b>ItemID</b>/<b>TransactionID</b> pair or an <b>OrderLineItemID</b> value, any specified
        /// <b>VariationSpecifics</b> container is ignored by the call.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="SKU">
        /// SKU value of the item variation to which the My eBay note will be
        /// attached. Notes can only be added to items that are currently being
        /// tracked in My eBay. A SKU (stock keeping unit) value is defined by and
        /// used by the seller to identify a variation within a fixed-price, multi-
        /// variation listing. The SKU value is assigned to a variation of an item
        /// through the <b>Variations.Variation.SKU</b> element.
        /// This field can only be used if the <b>Item.InventoryTrackingMethod</b> field
        /// (set with the <b>AddFixedPriceItem</b> or <b>RelistFixedPriceItem</b> calls) is set to
        /// SKU.
        /// If a specific order line item is targeted in the request
        /// with an <b>ItemID</b>/<b>TransactionID</b> pair or an <b>OrderLineItemID</b> value, any
        /// specified <b>SKU</b> is ignored by the call.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="OrderLineItemID">
        /// A unique identifier for an eBay order line item. This field is created as
        /// soon as there is a commitment to buy from the seller, and its value is
        /// based upon the concatenation of <b>ItemID</b> and <b>TransactionID</b>, with a hyphen in
        /// between these two IDs. <b>OrderLineItemID</b> can be used in the input instead of
        /// an <b>ItemID</b>/<b>TransactionID</b> pair to identify an order line item.
        /// Notes can only be added to order line items that are currently being
        /// tracked in My eBay. Buyers can view user notes made on order line items in
        /// the <b>PrivateNotes</b> field of the <b>WonList</b> container in <b>GetMyeBayBuying</b>, and
        /// sellers can view user notes made on order line items in the <b>PrivateNotes</b>
        /// field of the <b>SoldList</b> and <b>DeletedFromSoldList</b> containers in
        /// <b>GetMyeBaySellinging</b>.
        /// </param>
        public void SetUserNotes(string ItemID, SetUserNotesActionCodeType Action, string NoteText, string TransactionID, NameValueListTypeCollection VariationSpecificList, string SKU, string OrderLineItemID)
            this.ItemID                = ItemID;
            this.Action                = Action;
            this.NoteText              = NoteText;
            this.TransactionID         = TransactionID;
            this.VariationSpecificList = VariationSpecificList;
            this.SKU             = SKU;
            this.OrderLineItemID = OrderLineItemID;

Exemplo n.º 2
        /// <summary>
        /// Enables users to add, replace, and delete My eBay notes for
        /// items that are being tracked in the My eBay All Selling and
        /// All Buying areas.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="ItemID">
        /// ID of the item to which the My eBay note will be
        /// attached. Notes can only be added to items that are
        /// currently being tracked in My eBay.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="Action">
        /// Specifies whether to add/update the note or delete.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="NoteText">
        /// Text of the note. Maximum 250 characters. Required only
        /// if the Action is AddOrUpdate. This note text will
        /// completely replace any existing My eBay note for the
        /// specified item.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="TransactionID">
        /// ID of the transaction to which the My eBay note will be
        /// attached. Notes can only be added to transactions that are
        /// currently being tracked in My eBay.
        /// You can see it in the Won list of GetMyeBayBuying if you are the buyer.
        /// You can see it from Sold list of GetMyeBaySelling if you are the seller.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="VariationSpecificList">
        /// Name-value pairs that identify (match) one variation within the 
        /// listing identified by ItemID. Ignored if used in combination 
        /// with TransactionID.
        /// </param>
        /// <param name="SKU">
        /// Variation-level SKU that uniquely identifes a variation within
        /// the listing identified by ItemID. Only applicable when the
        /// seller listed the item with variation-level SKU (Variation.SKU)
        /// values. Retrieves all the usual Item fields, but limits the
        /// Variations content to the specified variation. 
        /// As buyers should not know a variation's SKU, this field should
        /// only be used when the item's seller is setting a note on the 
        /// variation.
        /// Ignored if used in combination with TransactionID.
        /// </param>
        public void SetUserNotes(string ItemID, SetUserNotesActionCodeType Action, string NoteText, string TransactionID, NameValueListTypeCollection VariationSpecificList, string SKU)
            this.ItemID = ItemID;
            this.Action = Action;
            this.NoteText = NoteText;
            this.TransactionID = TransactionID;
            this.VariationSpecificList = VariationSpecificList;
            this.SKU = SKU;
