Exemplo n.º 1
 private void BeginUpdateSql() {
     if (ConnectionType == ConnectionManagerType.MySql) {
         QueryText.AppendLine($@"UPDATE {TN.QuotatedFullName} ut");
         QueryText.AppendLine("INNER JOIN (");
         if (IsMariaDb)
             QueryText.AppendLine($@"WITH ws ( {string.Join(", ", SourceColumnNames.Select(col => $"{QB}{col}{QE}"))} ) AS ( VALUES");
     } else if (ConnectionType == ConnectionManagerType.Postgres) {
         QueryText.AppendLine($@"UPDATE {TN.QuotatedFullName} ut");
         QueryText.AppendLine($@"SET {string.Join(", ", SetColumnNames.Select(col => $"{QB}{col}{QE} = vt.{QB}{col}{QE}"))}");
         QueryText.AppendLine($@"FROM (");
       else if (ConnectionType == ConnectionManagerType.Oracle) {
         QueryText.AppendLine($@"MERGE INTO {TN.QuotatedFullName} ut");
         QueryText.AppendLine($@"USING (");
     } else if (ConnectionType == ConnectionManagerType.Db2) {
         QueryText.AppendLine($@"MERGE INTO {TN.QuotatedFullName} ut");
         QueryText.AppendLine($@"USING (");
     } else {
         QueryText.AppendLine($@"UPDATE ut");
         QueryText.AppendLine($@"SET {string.Join(", ", SetColumnNames.Select(col => $"ut.{QB}{col}{QE} = vt.{QB}{col}{QE}"))}");
         QueryText.AppendLine($@"FROM {TN.QuotatedFullName} ut");
         QueryText.AppendLine("INNER JOIN (");
Exemplo n.º 2
 private void EndUpdateSql()
     if (ConnectionType == ConnectionManagerType.Oracle)
         QueryText.AppendLine(") vt ");
         QueryText.Append(" ON ( ");
         QueryText.AppendLine(string.Join(Environment.NewLine + " AND ",
                                          JoinColumnNames.Select(col => $@"( ( ut.{QB}{col}{QE} IS NULL AND vt.{QB}{col}{QE} IS NULL) OR ( ut.{QB}{col}{QE} = vt.{QB}{col}{QE} ) )")));
         QueryText.AppendLine(") WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET");
         QueryText.AppendLine($@"{string.Join(", ", SetColumnNames.Select(col => $"ut.{QB}{col}{QE} = vt.{QB}{col}{QE}"))}");
     else if (ConnectionType == ConnectionManagerType.Db2)
         QueryText.AppendLine($") vt ( { string.Join(",", SourceColumnNames.Select(col => $"{QB}{col}{QE}"))} )");
         QueryText.Append(" ON ( ");
         QueryText.AppendLine(string.Join(Environment.NewLine + " AND ",
                                          JoinColumnNames.Select(col => $@"( ( ut.{QB}{col}{QE} IS NULL AND vt.{QB}{col}{QE} IS NULL) OR ( ut.{QB}{col}{QE} = vt.{QB}{col}{QE} ) )")));
         QueryText.AppendLine(") WHEN MATCHED THEN UPDATE SET");
         QueryText.AppendLine($@"{string.Join(", ", SetColumnNames.Select(col => $"ut.{QB}{col}{QE} = vt.{QB}{col}{QE}"))}");
     else if (ConnectionType == ConnectionManagerType.MySql)
         if (IsMariaDb)
             QueryText.AppendLine($" ) SELECT * FROM ws ) vt");
             QueryText.AppendLine($") vt ( { string.Join(",", SourceColumnNames.Select(col => $"{QB}{col}{QE}"))} )");
         QueryText.Append(" ON ");
         QueryText.AppendLine(string.Join(Environment.NewLine + " AND ",
                                          JoinColumnNames.Select(col => $@"( ( ut.{QB}{col}{QE} IS NULL AND vt.{QB}{col}{QE} IS NULL) OR ( ut.{QB}{col}{QE} = vt.{QB}{col}{QE} ) )")));
         QueryText.AppendLine($@"SET {string.Join(", ", SetColumnNames.Select(col => $"ut.{QB}{col}{QE} = vt.{QB}{col}{QE}"))}");
     else if (ConnectionType == ConnectionManagerType.Postgres)
         QueryText.AppendLine($") vt ( { string.Join(",", SourceColumnNames.Select(col => $"{QB}{col}{QE}"))} )");
         QueryText.Append(" WHERE ");
         AppendMatchConditionWithJsonbConversion(JoinColumnNames, "ut");
         QueryText.AppendLine($") vt ( { string.Join(",", SourceColumnNames.Select(col => $"{QB}{col}{QE}"))} )");
         QueryText.Append(" ON ");
         QueryText.AppendLine(string.Join(Environment.NewLine + " AND ",
                                          JoinColumnNames.Select(col => $@"( ( ut.{QB}{col}{QE} IS NULL AND vt.{QB}{col}{QE} IS NULL) OR ( ut.{QB}{col}{QE} = vt.{QB}{col}{QE} ) )")));