Inheritance: MonoBehaviour
Exemplo n.º 1
        private void MonitorProgram()
            _currentSessionSettings = _currentSegmentNode.Value?.Value;
            while (_currentSessionSettings != null)
                _currentSegmentProgress = new SessionProgress(_currentSessionSettings);

                // Run the current segment
                Task.Run(() => MonitorSegment(), mSessionMonitorToken.Token).Wait();

                // move to next segment
                _currentSessionSettings = _currentSegmentNode.Value?.Value;
        public IActionResult Index(int groupId, int sessionId)
            //Get assignment from repo
            Assignment assignment = _bobSessionRepository.GetNextAssignment(sessionId, groupId);

            //If their is no assignment found it can mean 2 things
            if (assignment == null)
                //You cheated by deleting the cookie
                if (groupId == 0 || sessionId == 0)
                    return(RedirectToAction("Index", "Session"));
                //You completed all the assignments

            //Retrieve current progress from repo
            SessionProgress progress   = _bobSessionRepository.GetCompletionPercentage(sessionId, groupId);
            double          percentage = progress.getSessionProgress();

            ViewData["qamount"]    = progress.Current + "/" + progress.Total;
            ViewData["percentage"] = (int)percentage;

            //If the assignment is answered but not yet fully completed. Redirect to action Action
            if (assignment.Status == AssignmentStatus.WaitingForCode)
                return(RedirectToAction("Action", new RouteValueDictionary
                    { "referenceNumber", assignment.ReferenceNr }

            //Show the assignment