Exemplo n.º 1
        public override void OnActionExecuting(HttpActionContext actionContext)
            this._diagnosticsTracingService.Trace(TraceLevel.Warn, $"--------------------------------------------------");
            this._diagnosticsTracingService.Trace(TraceLevel.Warn, $"Request Start....");

            SessionOperation sessionOperationLog = _sessionOperationLogService.Current;

            sessionOperationLog.BeginDateTimeUtc = DateTime.UtcNow;
            sessionOperationLog.ClientIp         = actionContext.Request.RemoteIPChain();
            //sessionOperationLog.SessionFK = this._principalService.CurrentSessionIdentifier;
            sessionOperationLog.Url             = actionContext.Request.RequestUri.OriginalString;
            sessionOperationLog.ControllerName  = actionContext.ActionDescriptor.ControllerDescriptor.ControllerName;
            sessionOperationLog.ActionName      = actionContext.ActionDescriptor.ActionName;
            sessionOperationLog.ActionArguments = "{}"; //todo: FIX this up

             * sessionOperationLog.ActionArguments = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(actionContext.ActionArguments,
             *  Formatting.Indented, new JsonSerializerSettings {ReferenceLoopHandling = ReferenceLoopHandling.Ignore});
             */// When using ODataQueryOptions this throws an outofmemoryException
            sessionOperationLog.ResponseCode = "-1";

            //No need to start tracking, and it is allready automatically committed when gotten.

Exemplo n.º 2
        public override void OnActionExecuted(HttpActionExecutedContext actionExecutedContext)

            SessionOperation sessionOperation = _sessionOperationLogService.Current;

            sessionOperation.EndDateTimeUtc = DateTime.UtcNow;
            sessionOperation.Duration       =

            if (actionExecutedContext.Response != null)
                sessionOperation.ResponseCode = ((int)actionExecutedContext.Response.StatusCode).ToString();
                sessionOperation.ResponseCode = "-1";
            if (sessionOperation.Duration.TotalMilliseconds > 2000)
                this._diagnosticsTracingService.Trace(TraceLevel.Warn, $"Operation took too long: {sessionOperation.Duration}");

            _sessionManagmentService.SaveSessionOperationAsync(sessionOperation, _principalService);
        public override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext)
            // Filters are shared across requests, so save variables within the Request context to  pass between methods:

            SessionOperation sessionOperation = _sessionOperationLogService.Current;

            //sessionOperation.SessionFK = this._principalService.CurrentSessionIdentifier;
            sessionOperation.BeginDateTimeUtc = DateTime.UtcNow;
            sessionOperation.ClientIp         = filterContext.RequestContext.HttpContext.Request.RemoteIPChain();
            sessionOperation.Url            = filterContext.RequestContext.HttpContext.Request.RawUrl;
            sessionOperation.ControllerName =
                .ControllerName;                           //filterContext.RouteData.Values["controller"] as string;
            sessionOperation.ActionName =
                filterContext.ActionDescriptor.ActionName; //filterContext.RouteData.Values["action"] as string;
            sessionOperation.ResponseCode = "-1";
                sessionOperation.ActionArguments = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(filterContext.ActionParameters,
                                                                               new JsonSerializerSettings {
                    ReferenceLoopHandling = ReferenceLoopHandling.Ignore
                sessionOperation.ActionArguments = "ERROR";

            //PS: No need to AddOnCommit the entity, as it's already been done by the original Current property...

        public override void OnResultExecuted(ResultExecutedContext filterContext)

            SessionOperation sessionOperation = _sessionOperationLogService.Current;

            //Record the HTTP response code (should be 200 everytime, right?)
            sessionOperation.ResponseCode = filterContext.HttpContext.Response.StatusCode.ToString();

            //Record end, and duration:
            sessionOperation.EndDateTimeUtc = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow;

            sessionOperation.Duration =

            _sessionManagmentService.SaveSessionOperationAsync(sessionOperation, _principalService);

            //if (sessionOperation.Duration.TotalMilliseconds > 2000)
            // this._diagnosticsTracingService.Trace(TraceLevel.Warn, $"Operation took too long: {sessionOperation.Duration}");

            //var msg = "Invoked:";

Exemplo n.º 5
        private void HackSessionLog(ResultExecutedContext filterContext)
            SessionOperation sessionOperation = this._sessionOperationLogService.Current;

            sessionOperation.EndDateTimeUtc = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow;
            sessionOperation.Duration       =
            sessionOperation.ResponseCode = filterContext.HttpContext.Response.StatusCode.ToString();
Exemplo n.º 6
 private void SaveTheSession(SessionOperation sessionOperation, PrincipalUserSession principalService)
     if (!principalService.IsAuthenticated)
         _repositoryService.AddOnCommit(AppCoreDbContextNames.Core, sessionOperation);
     AddSession(sessionOperation, principalService);
Exemplo n.º 7
        public void SaveSessionOperationAsync(SessionOperation sessionOperation, IPrincipalService principalService)
            var principal = new PrincipalUserSession
                UniqueSessionIdentifier        = principalService.UniqueSessionIdentifier,
                CurrentPrincipalIdentifierGuid = principalService.CurrentPrincipalIdentifierGuid,
                IsAuthenticated = principalService.IsAuthenticated

            HostingEnvironment.QueueBackgroundWorkItem(x => { SaveTheSession(sessionOperation, principal); });
Exemplo n.º 8
        private void AddSession(SessionOperation sessionOperation, PrincipalUserSession principalService)
            var session = _sessionService.Get(principalService.UniqueSessionIdentifier);

            if (session == null)
                if (!principalService.CurrentPrincipalIdentifierGuid.HasValue)
                    session = _sessionService.Get(principalService.UniqueSessionIdentifier);
                    if (session == null)
                        var principal = _principalManagmentService.Get(principalService.CurrentPrincipalIdentifierGuid.Value);
                        session = _sessionService.Create(principal, principalService.UniqueSessionIdentifier);

            sessionOperation.SessionFK = session.Id;
            _repositoryService.AddOnCommit(AppCoreDbContextNames.Core, sessionOperation);

            //return session;
Exemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Process operations and manage session
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        private async Task RunAsync()
            // Create a static keep alive operation object for the the session
            var keepAlive = (0, new KeepAlive(_keepAlive));

            // We cache the last operation and priority if operation should be
            // retried next loop
            SessionOperation operation = null;
            var priority = 0;

            var reconnect      = false;
            var recreate       = false;
            var retryCount     = 0;
            var everSuccessful = _persistent;

            // Save identity and certificate to update session if there are changes.
            var identity = _endpoint.User.ToStackModel();

            try {
                while (!_cts.Token.IsCancellationRequested)
                    Exception ex = null;
                    if (_session == null)
                        // Try create session
                        recreate  = false;
                        reconnect = false;
                        try {
                            _logger.Debug("{session}: Creating new session to {url} via {endpoint}...",
                                          _sessionId, _endpoint.Url, _endpointUrl);
                            _session = await CreateSessionAsync(identity);

                            _logger.Debug("{session}: Session to {url} via {endpoint} created.",
                                          _sessionId, _endpoint.Url, _endpointUrl);
                        catch (Exception e) {
                                "{session}: {message} creating session to {url} via {endpoint} - retry.",
                                _sessionId, e.Message, _endpoint.Url, _endpointUrl);
                            _logger.Debug(e, "{session}: Error connecting - retry.",
                            ex = e;
                    if (recreate)
                        // Try recreate session from current one
                        try {
                            _logger.Debug("{session}: Recreating session to {url} via {endpoint}...",
                                          _sessionId, _endpoint.Url, _endpointUrl);
                            var session = await Task.Run(() => Session.Recreate(_session), _cts.Token);

                            _logger.Debug("{session}: Session recreated to {url} via {endpoint}.",
                                          _sessionId, _endpoint.Url, _endpointUrl);
                            _session = session;
                            recreate = false;
                        catch (Exception e) {
                            ex = e;
                            _logger.Information("{session}: {message} while recreating session " +
                                                "to {url} via {endpoint} - create new one.",
                                                _sessionId, e.Message, _endpoint.Url, _endpointUrl);
                            _logger.Debug(e, "{session}: Error connecting - create new session.",
                            _session = null;
                    if (reconnect)
                        // Try reconnect the session
                        try {
                            _logger.Debug("{session}: Reconnecting session to {url} via {endpoint}...",
                                          _sessionId, _endpoint.Url, _endpointUrl);
#pragma warning disable RECS0002 // Convert anonymous method to method group
                            await Task.Run(() => _session.Reconnect(), _cts.Token);

#pragma warning restore RECS0002 // Convert anonymous method to method group
                            _logger.Debug("{session}: Session reconnected to {url} via {endpoint}.",
                                          _sessionId, _endpoint.Url, _endpointUrl);
                            reconnect = false;
                        catch (Exception e) {
                            ex        = e;
                            recreate  = true;
                            reconnect = false;
                            if (e is ServiceResultException sre)
                                if (sre.StatusCode == StatusCodes.BadTcpEndpointUrlInvalid ||
                                    sre.StatusCode == StatusCodes.BadTcpInternalError ||
                                    sre.StatusCode == StatusCodes.BadCommunicationError ||
                                    sre.StatusCode == StatusCodes.BadNotConnected)
                                    if (retryCount < kMaxReconnectAttempts && Pending > 0)
                                        _logger.Information("{session}: {message} while reconnecting session" +
                                                            " to {url} via {endpoint} - retry...",
                                                            _sessionId, sre.Message, _endpoint.Url, _endpointUrl);
                                        recreate  = false;
                                        reconnect = true; // Try again
                                          "{session}: Error reconnecting to {url} via {endpoint} - recreating session...",
                                          _sessionId, _endpoint.Url, _endpointUrl);

                    // Failed to connect
                    if (recreate || reconnect || _session == null)
                        await NotifyConnectivityStateChangeAsync(ToConnectivityState(ex));

                        if (ex is ServiceResultException sre)
                            ex = sre.ToTypedException();

                        // Compress operations queue
                        var operations = new List <(int, SessionOperation)>();
                        while (_queue.TryDequeue(out var op))
                            if (op.Item2 == null)
                        foreach (var op in operations)
                            if (ex != null && !op.Item2.ShouldRetry(ex))
                            else if (!op.Item2.IsCompleted())
                                // Re-add the still valid ones...

                        if (!_persistent && retryCount > kMaxEmptyReconnectAttempts && Pending == 0)
                                "{session}: Give up on empty non-persistent session to {url} via {endpoint}...",
                                _sessionId, _endpoint.Url, _endpointUrl);
                        // Try again to connect with an exponential delay
                        var delay = Retry.GetExponentialDelay(retryCount,
                                                              kMaxReconnectDelayWhenPendingOperations / 2, kMaxRetries);
                        if (delay > kMaxReconnectDelayWhenPendingOperations)
                            // If pending operations, do not delay longer than 5 seconds
                            // otherwise wait for 2 hours or until new operation is queued.
                            delay = Pending != 0 ? kMaxReconnectDelayWhenPendingOperations :
                        _logger.Information("{session}: Try to connect to {url} via {endpoint} in {delay} ms...",
                                            _sessionId, _endpoint.Url, _endpointUrl, delay);
                        // Wait for either the retry delay to pass or until new operation is added
                        await WaitForNewlyEnqueuedOperationAsync(delay);


                    // We have a session that should work for us, get next operation and
                    // complete it.
                    retryCount = 0;
                    recreate   = false;
                    reconnect  = false;

                    if (operation == null)
                        if (!_queue.TryDequeue(out var next))
                            // Wait for enqueue or keep alive timeout
                            var timeout = await WaitForNewlyEnqueuedOperationAsync(

                            // Check cancellation
                            if (_cts.Token.IsCancellationRequested)
                            if (timeout || !_queue.TryDequeue(out next))
                                next = keepAlive;
                        (priority, operation) = next;
                    if (operation.IsCompleted())
                        operation = null; // Already completed because timeout or cancellation, get next
                    if (operation is KeepAlive)
                        _logger.Verbose("{session}: Sending keep alive message...", _sessionId);
                    try {
                        // Check if the desired user identity is the same as the current one
                        if (!Utils.IsEqual((operation.Identity ?? identity).GetIdentityToken(),
                            // Try Elevate or de-elevate session
                            try {
                                _logger.Verbose("{session}: Updating session user identity...", _sessionId);
                                await Task.Run(() => _session.UpdateSession(operation.Identity,

                                _logger.Debug("{session}: Updated session user identity.", _sessionId);
                            catch (ServiceResultException sre) {
                                if (StatusCodeEx.IsSecurityError(sre.StatusCode))
                                    _logger.Debug(sre, "{session}: Failed updating session identity",
                                    await NotifyConnectivityStateChangeAsync(ToConnectivityState(sre));

                                    operation = null;

                        await Task.Run(() => operation.Complete(_session), _cts.Token);

                        _lastActivity = DateTime.UtcNow;
                        await NotifyConnectivityStateChangeAsync(EndpointConnectivityState.Ready);

                        everSuccessful = true;
                        _logger.Verbose("{session}: Session operation completed.", _sessionId);
                        operation = null;
                    catch (Exception e) {
                        // Process exception - first convert sre into non opc exception
                        var oex = e;
                        if (e is ServiceResultException sre)
                            e = sre.ToTypedException();
                        // See which ones we can retry, and which ones we cannot
                        switch (e)
                        case TimeoutException te:
                        case ServerBusyException sb:
                            _logger.Debug(e, "{session}: Server timeout error.", _sessionId);
                            if (everSuccessful && operation.ShouldRetry(e))
                                _logger.Information("{session}: Timeout error talking to " +
                                                    "{url} via {endpoint} - {error} - try again later...",
                                                    _sessionId, _endpoint.Url, _endpointUrl, e.Message);
                                _queue.Enqueue(priority, operation);
                                operation = null;
                                reconnect = operation is KeepAlive;
                                if (!reconnect)
                                    _logger.Error("{session}: Timeout error  talking to " +
                                                  "{url} via {endpoint}- {error} - fail user operation.",
                                                  _sessionId, _endpoint.Url, _endpointUrl, e.Message);
                                operation = null;

                        case ConnectionException cn:
                        case ProtocolException pe:
                        case CommunicationException ce:
                            _logger.Debug(e, "{session}: Server communication error.", _sessionId);
                            if (everSuccessful && operation.ShouldRetry(e))
                                _logger.Information("{session}: Communication error talking to " +
                                                    "{url} via {endpoint} - {error} - Reconnect and try again...",
                                                    _sessionId, _endpoint.Url, _endpointUrl, e.Message);
                                // Reconnect session
                                reconnect = true;
                                reconnect = operation is KeepAlive;
                                if (!reconnect)
                                    _logger.Error("{session}: Communication error talking to " +
                                                  "{url} via {endpoint} - {error} - fail user operation.",
                                                  _sessionId, _endpoint.Url, _endpointUrl, e.Message);
                                operation = null;

                            // App error - fail and continue
                            _logger.Debug(e, "{session}: Application error occurred talking to " +
                                          "{url} via {endpoint} - fail operation.",
                                          _sessionId, _endpoint.Url, _endpointUrl, e.Message);
                            reconnect = operation is KeepAlive;
                            operation = null;
                        if (reconnect || !everSuccessful)
                            await NotifyConnectivityStateChangeAsync(ToConnectivityState(oex, false));
                        if (!everSuccessful)
                            break; // Give up here - might have just been used to test endpoint
                } // end while
            catch (OperationCanceledException) {
                // Expected on cancellation
            catch (Exception ex) {
                _logger.Error(ex, "{session}: Session operation processor exited with exception",
            finally {
                if (operation != null)
                    _queue.Enqueue(priority, operation);
                _lastActivity = DateTime.MinValue;

                _logger.Verbose("{session}: Closing session...", _sessionId);
                _session = null;
                _logger.Debug("{session}: Session closed.", _sessionId);
            _logger.Verbose("{session}: Processor stopped.", _sessionId);