Exemplo n.º 1
 void OnMouseUpAsButton()
     storageService = sp.BuildStorageService();          // Initializing Storage Service
     //storageService.UpdateDocumentByKeyValue (dbName, collectionName, key, value, jsonDoc, callBack);
     storageService.InsertJSONDocument(dbName, collectionName, json, callBack);
     Debug.Log("La partida ha sido guardada.");
Exemplo n.º 2
    public void AsyncApp42Api()
        ServiceAPI sp = new ServiceAPI("43f6b65747952492b5e30056ac9539ef7c50b44c4178e7c361cfa3b20ee52095", "e09348180158fb9304906d696dec68b3e2f074747a09ec93284271627f7c2599");

        this.userService    = sp.BuildUserService();
        this.storageService = sp.BuildStorageService();
        this.pushService    = sp.BuildPushNotificationService();
        this.socialService  = sp.BuildSocialService();
Exemplo n.º 3
    void Awake()
        // set the static variable so that other classes can easily use this class
        instance = this;

        // If game menu, disable right after initialisation
        if (isGameMenu)
            this.enabled = false;


        // Initialise timer components
        Time.timeScale = 1f;
        timeElapsed    = 0;
        isUrgent       = false;

        // Initialise variables
        failedAttempts  = 0;
        consumablesUsed = 0;

        // Get the total number of ntp and gtp
        ntpMax     = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("ntp").Length;
        gtpMax     = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("gtp").Length;
        capsuleMax = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("capsule").Length;

        // Retrieve all backgrounds
        backgrounds    = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Background");
        bgZoomInScale  = backgrounds[0].transform.localScale;
        bgZoomOutScale = bgZoomInScale * bgScaling;
        curBgScale     = bgZoomInScale;

        // Alter culling mask ot hide map indicator
        camera.cullingMask = ~(1 << LayerMask.NameToLayer("Minimap"));

        #region App42

        #if UNITY_EDITOR
        ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = Validator;

        // Connect to the app service
        serviceAPI = new ServiceAPI(Constants.apiKey, Constants.secretKey);

        // Build the storage service
        storageService = serviceAPI.BuildStorageService();

Exemplo n.º 4
    public void comprobarlogin()
        if (UserResponse.resul == "vacio")
            Debug.Log("El Usuario se ha logueado.");
            Dictionary <string, object> jsonDoc = new Dictionary <string, object>();
            storageService = sp.BuildStorageService();
            storageService.FindDocumentById(dbName, collectionName, jsonid, callBack);

            faltan.text = "Incorrect username or password.";
Exemplo n.º 5
    void Start()
        #if UNITY_EDITOR
        ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = Validator;

        // Connect to the app service
        serviceAPI = new ServiceAPI(Constants.apiKey, Constants.secretKey);

        // Build the log service
        logService = serviceAPI.BuildLogService();

        // Build the storage service
        storageService = serviceAPI.BuildStorageService();

        // Get the device number
        deviceId = SystemInfo.deviceUniqueIdentifier;

        // Log the event
        logService.SetEvent("[DEMO] Feedback", "Landed", logCallBack);

        #region GUI Styling

        containerRect = new Rect(Screen.width * ((1 - containerWidth) / 2),
                                 Screen.height * ((1 - containerHeight) / 2),
                                 Screen.width * containerWidth,
                                 Screen.height * containerHeight);

        // Set the header style
        headerStyle               = new GUIStyle(activeSkin.customStyles[0]);
        headerStyle.fontSize      = (int)(Screen.height * headerFontScaling);
        headerStyle.padding.left  = (int)(containerRect.width * labelHorPadding);
        headerStyle.padding.right = (int)(containerRect.width * labelHorPadding);

        // Set the label style
        labelStyle               = activeSkin.label;
        labelStyle.fontSize      = (int)(Screen.height * labelFontScaling);
        labelStyle.padding.left  = (int)(containerRect.width * labelHorPadding);
        labelStyle.padding.right = (int)(containerRect.width * labelHorPadding);

        // set the error msg style
        alertMsgStyle               = new GUIStyle(activeSkin.customStyles[1]);
        alertMsgStyle.fontSize      = labelStyle.fontSize;
        alertMsgStyle.padding.left  = (int)(containerRect.width * labelHorPadding);
        alertMsgStyle.padding.right = (int)(containerRect.width * labelHorPadding);

        // Set the textArea style
        txtAreaStyle                = activeSkin.textArea;
        txtAreaStyle.fontSize       = (int)(Screen.height * txtAreaFontScaling);
        txtAreaStyle.padding.top    = (int)(txtAreaStyle.fontSize * txtAreaTopPadding);
        txtAreaStyle.padding.bottom = (int)(txtAreaStyle.fontSize * txtAreaBtmPadding);

        // Set the radio button styles
        radioBtnStyle          = new GUIStyle(activeSkin.customStyles[2]);
        radioBtnStyle.fontSize = (int)(Screen.height * radioButtonFontScaling);
        var dimension = (int)(radioBtnStyle.fontSize * radioButtonSize);
        radioBtnStyle.fixedHeight  = dimension;
        radioBtnStyle.fixedWidth   = dimension;
        radioBtnStyle.margin.right = (int)((float)dimension * 0.25f);
        radioBtnStyle.margin.left  = (int)((float)dimension * 0.25f);

        // Set the button styles
        btnWidth  = Screen.width * 0.3f;
        btnHeight = btnWidth * ((float)activeSkin.button.normal.background.height /

        // Font scaling
        activeSkin.button.fontSize = (int)(btnHeight * buttonFontScaling);
        // Padding Scaling
        activeSkin.button.padding.top = (int)(activeSkin.button.fontSize * buttonTopPadding);

        A_btnStyle = new GUIStyle(activeSkin.button);
        B_btnStyle = new GUIStyle(activeSkin.button);

        #region positioning

        // initialise variable to calculate total height
        float totalHeight = 0;
        float frameWidth  = Screen.width * innerFrameWidth;

        // header label
        labelHeight  = headerStyle.CalcHeight(new GUIContent(header), frameWidth);
        headerRect   = new Rect(0, totalHeight, frameWidth, labelHeight);
        totalHeight += labelHeight;

        // feedback 1 label
        labelHeight         = labelStyle.CalcHeight(new GUIContent(feedback_1), frameWidth);
        label_Feedback1Rect = new Rect(0, totalHeight, frameWidth, labelHeight);
        totalHeight        += labelHeight;

        // feedback 1 text area
        txtAreaHeight     = (txtAreaStyle.fontSize * fontHeightScale) * 3 + txtAreaStyle.padding.top + txtAreaStyle.padding.bottom;
        txtArea_Feedback1 = new Rect(0, totalHeight, frameWidth, txtAreaHeight);
        totalHeight      += txtAreaHeight;

        // feedback 2 label
        labelHeight         = labelStyle.CalcHeight(new GUIContent(feedback_2), frameWidth);
        label_Feedback2Rect = new Rect(0, totalHeight, frameWidth, labelHeight);
        totalHeight        += labelHeight;

        // feedback 2 text area
        txtAreaHeight     = (txtAreaStyle.fontSize * fontHeightScale) * 3 + txtAreaStyle.padding.top + txtAreaStyle.padding.bottom;
        txtArea_Feedback2 = new Rect(0, totalHeight, frameWidth, txtAreaHeight);
        totalHeight      += txtAreaHeight;

        // feedback 3 label
        labelHeight         = labelStyle.CalcHeight(new GUIContent(feedback_3), frameWidth);
        label_Feedback3Rect = new Rect(0, totalHeight, frameWidth, labelHeight);
        totalHeight        += labelHeight;

        // feedback 3 text area
        txtAreaHeight     = (txtAreaStyle.fontSize * fontHeightScale) * 3 + txtAreaStyle.padding.top + txtAreaStyle.padding.bottom;
        txtArea_Feedback3 = new Rect(0, totalHeight, frameWidth, txtAreaHeight);
        totalHeight      += txtAreaHeight;

        // feedback 4 label
        labelHeight         = labelStyle.CalcHeight(new GUIContent(feedback_4), frameWidth);
        label_Feedback4Rect = new Rect(0, totalHeight, frameWidth, labelHeight);
        totalHeight        += labelHeight;

        // feedback 4 text area
        txtAreaHeight     = (txtAreaStyle.fontSize * fontHeightScale) * 3 + txtAreaStyle.padding.top + txtAreaStyle.padding.bottom;
        txtArea_Feedback4 = new Rect(0, totalHeight, frameWidth, txtAreaHeight);
        totalHeight      += txtAreaHeight;

        // feedback 5 label
        labelHeight    = labelStyle.CalcHeight(new GUIContent(label_rate), frameWidth);
        label_RateRect = new Rect(0, totalHeight, frameWidth, labelHeight);
        totalHeight   += labelHeight;

        // radio button
        radioBtnRect = new Rect(0, totalHeight, frameWidth, dimension);
        totalHeight += dimension;

        // main menu and submit buttons
        A_btnRect    = new Rect(0, totalHeight, btnWidth, btnHeight);
        B_btnRect    = new Rect(frameWidth - btnWidth, totalHeight, btnWidth, btnHeight);
        totalHeight += btnHeight;

        // Initialise button scalers
        A_btnScale = new ButtonHandler(A_btnRect, gameObject, 0.9f, "A_ScaleButton");
        B_btnScale = new ButtonHandler(B_btnRect, gameObject, 0.9f, "B_ScaleButton");


        innerFrameRect   = new Rect(0, 0, frameWidth, totalHeight);
        innerFrameHeight = totalHeight;

Exemplo n.º 6
        protected override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e)
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("On navigated to loading");
            timeout = 0;

            MediaElementData[0] = t1;
            MediaElementData[1] = t2;

            Global.MyAudio[0] = App.GlobalMediaElement0;
            Global.MyAudio[1] = App.GlobalMediaElement1;
            Global.MyAudio[2] = App.GlobalMediaElement2;
            Global.MyAudio[3] = App.GlobalMediaElement3;
            Global.MyAudio[4] = App.GlobalMediaElement4;

            Global.opponentUsername = "";
            Deployment.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() =>
                ready.Text = Global.localUsername + " \nvs\n";

            _dispatcherTimer = new DispatcherTimer { Interval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1) };
            _dispatcherTimer.Tick += UpdateMediaData;

            i = 0;
            k = 0;

            requestCallback = this;
            App42API.Initialize(Constants.API_KEY, Constants.SECRET_KEY);

            ServiceAPI api = new ServiceAPI(Constants.API_KEY, Constants.SECRET_KEY);

            storage = api.BuildStorageService();
            uploadService = api.BuildUploadService();

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Before warp");

            WarpClient.initialize(Constants.API_KEY, Constants.SECRET_KEY);


            Global.warpClient = WarpClient.GetInstance();

            if ((int)settings["trigger"] == 0)
                TriviaTB.Text = Global.TriviaB[(new Random()).Next(Global.TriviaB.Length)];
                TriviaTB.Text = Global.TriviaH[(new Random()).Next(Global.TriviaH.Length)];

            Global.disconnectSuccess = false;
            Global.deleteSuccess = false;
            Global.conListenObj = new ConnectionListener(this);
            Global.roomReqListenerObj = new RoomReqListener(this);
            Global.zoneReqListenerObj = new ZoneRequestListener(this);
            Global.notificationListenerObj = new NotificationListener(this);


            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("after warp");
    void OnGUI()
        if (Time.time % 2 < 1)
            success = callBack.getResult();
        // For Setting Up ResponseBox.
        GUI.TextArea(new Rect(10, 5, 1000, 175), success);

        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(50, 200, 200, 30), "Insert JsonDoc"))
            storageService = sp.BuildStorageService();                                      // Initializing Storage Service.
            storageService.InsertJSONDocument(cons.dbName, collectionName, cons.json, callBack);

        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(260, 200, 200, 30), "Find AllDocuments"))
            storageService = sp.BuildStorageService();                                      // Initializing Storage Service.
            storageService.FindAllDocuments(cons.dbName, collectionName, callBack);

        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(470, 200, 200, 30), "Find AllCollections"))
            storageService = sp.BuildStorageService();                                      // Initializing Storage Service.
            storageService.FindAllCollections(cons.dbName, callBack);

        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(680, 200, 200, 30), "Find DocumentById"))
            storageService = sp.BuildStorageService();                                      // Initializing Storage Service.
            storageService.FindDocumentById(cons.dbName, collectionName, cons.docId, callBack);

        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(890, 200, 200, 30), "Find DocumentByKeyValue"))
            storageService = sp.BuildStorageService();                                      // Initializing Storage Service.
            storageService.FindDocumentByKeyValue(cons.dbName, collectionName, cons.key, cons.val, callBack);

        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(50, 250, 200, 30), "UpdateDocumentByKeyValue"))
            storageService = sp.BuildStorageService();                                      // Initializing Storage Service.
            storageService.UpdateDocumentByKeyValue(cons.dbName, collectionName, cons.key, cons.val, cons.newJson, callBack);

        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(260, 250, 200, 30), "UpdateDocumentById"))
            storageService = sp.BuildStorageService();                                      // Initializing Storage Service.
            storageService.UpdateDocumentByDocId(cons.dbName, collectionName, cons.docId, cons.newJson, callBack);

        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(470, 250, 200, 30), "Delete DocumentById"))
            storageService = sp.BuildStorageService();                                      // Initializing Storage Service.
            storageService.DeleteDocumentById(cons.dbName, collectionName, cons.docId, callBack);

        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(680, 250, 200, 30), "Delete DocumentsByKeyValue"))
            storageService = sp.BuildStorageService();                                      // Initializing Storage Service.
            storageService.DeleteDocumentsByKeyValue(cons.dbName, collectionName, cons.key, cons.val, callBack);

        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(890, 250, 200, 30), "DeleteAllDocuments"))
            storageService = sp.BuildStorageService();                                      // Initializing Storage Service.
            storageService.DeleteAllDocuments(cons.dbName, collectionName, callBack);

        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(260, 300, 200, 30), "FindAllDocumentsCount"))
            storageService = sp.BuildStorageService();                                      // Initializing Storage Service.
            storageService.FindAllDocumentsCount(cons.dbName, collectionName, callBack);

        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(470, 300, 200, 30), "FindAllDocumentsByPaging"))
            storageService = sp.BuildStorageService();                                      // Initializing Storage Service.
            storageService.FindAllDocuments(cons.dbName, collectionName, max, offSet, callBack);

        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(680, 300, 200, 30), "InsertJsonWithGeoTag"))
            storageService = sp.BuildStorageService();                                      // Initializing Storage Service.
            GeoTag gp = new GeoTag();
            storageService.InsertJSONDocument(cons.dbName, collectionName, cons.json, callBack);

        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(890, 300, 200, 30), "FindDocumentsByLocation"))
            storageService = sp.BuildStorageService();                                      // Initializing Storage Service.

            GeoTag gp = new GeoTag();

            GeoQuery query = QueryBuilder.BuildGeoQuery(gp, GeoOperator.NEAR, 100);
            storageService.FindDocumentsByLocation(cons.dbName, collectionName, query, callBack);

        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(50, 350, 200, 30), "FindAllDocumentsSelectKeys"))
            storageService = sp.BuildStorageService();                                      // Initializing Storage Service.

            HashSet <string> selectKeys = new HashSet <string> ();
            storageService.FindAllDocuments(cons.dbName, collectionName, callBack);

        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(260, 350, 200, 30), "FindDocumentsByQuery"))
            storageService = sp.BuildStorageService();                                      // Initializing Storage Service.
            Query q1 = QueryBuilder.Build("AppName", "de", Operator.LIKE);
            Query q2 = QueryBuilder.Build("AppId", "123hg4bdb", Operator.LIKE);
            Query q3 = QueryBuilder.CompoundOperator(q1, Operator.OR, q2);
            storageService.FindDocumentsByQuery(cons.dbName, collectionName, q3, callBack);
        if (GUI.Button(new Rect(470, 350, 200, 30), "SaveOrUpdateDocument"))
            storageService = sp.BuildStorageService();                                      // Initializing Storage Service.
            storageService.SaveOrUpdateDocumentByKeyValue(cons.dbName, collectionName, cons.key, cons.val, cons.newJson, callBack);
Exemplo n.º 8
 void OnMouseUpAsButton()
     storageService = sp.BuildStorageService();          // Initializing Storage Service.
     storageService.FindDocumentById(dbName, collectionName, fgs, callBack);
     Debug.Log("Archivo encontrado.");
Exemplo n.º 9
    void Awake()
        #region App42

        #if UNITY_EDITOR
        ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = Validator;

        // Connect to the app service
        serviceAPI = new ServiceAPI(Constants.apiKey, Constants.secretKey);

        // Build the log service
        logService = serviceAPI.BuildLogService();

        // Build the storage service
        storageService = serviceAPI.BuildStorageService();

        // Log the event
        logService.SetEvent("[DEMO] Title Screen", "Landed", logCallBack);
        logService.SetEvent("[DEMO] Title Screen", logCallBack);


        #region GUI
        logoContainerWidth  = Screen.width * 0.6f;
        logoContainerHeight = Screen.height;
        logoContainerRect   = new Rect(0, 0, logoContainerWidth, logoContainerHeight);

        logoTexture = activeSkin.customStyles[0].normal.background;
        logoWidth   = logoContainerWidth;
        logoHeight  = logoWidth * ((float)logoTexture.height / (float)logoTexture.width);
        logoXOffset = 0;
        logoYOffset = 0;
        logoRect    = new Rect(logoXOffset, logoYOffset, logoWidth, logoHeight);

        // Font auto scaling
        activeSkin.label.fontSize = (int)(Screen.height * demoTextFontScale);
        demoTextRect = new Rect(0, logoHeight * 0.8f, logoContainerWidth, activeSkin.label.fontSize * 2);

        navContainerWidth   = Screen.width * 0.3f;
        navContainerXOffset = logoContainerWidth;

        btnWidth  = navContainerWidth;
        btnHeight = navContainerWidth * ((float)activeSkin.button.normal.background.height /

        navContainerHeight  = btnHeight * 5;
        navContainerYOffset = (Screen.height - navContainerHeight) * 0.5f;

        navContainerRect = new Rect(navContainerXOffset, navContainerYOffset, navContainerWidth, navContainerHeight);
        A_btnRect        = new Rect(0, 0, btnWidth, btnHeight);
        B_btnRect        = new Rect(0, btnHeight, btnWidth, btnHeight);
        C_btnRect        = new Rect(0, btnHeight * 2, btnWidth, btnHeight);
        D_btnRect        = new Rect(0, btnHeight * 3, btnWidth, btnHeight);
        E_btnRect        = new Rect(0, btnHeight * 4, btnWidth, btnHeight);

        // Initialise button scalers
        A_btnScale = new ButtonHandler(A_btnRect, gameObject, 0.9f, "A_ScaleButton");
        B_btnScale = new ButtonHandler(B_btnRect, gameObject, 0.9f, "B_ScaleButton");
        C_btnScale = new ButtonHandler(C_btnRect, gameObject, 0.9f, "C_ScaleButton");
        D_btnScale = new ButtonHandler(D_btnRect, gameObject, 0.9f, "D_ScaleButton");
        E_btnScale = new ButtonHandler(E_btnRect, gameObject, 0.9f, "E_ScaleButton");

        // Nav button font scaling
        activeSkin.button.fontSize = (int)(btnHeight * navFontScaling);
        // Padding Scaling
        activeSkin.button.padding.top    = (int)(activeSkin.button.fontSize * navTopPaddingScaling);
        activeSkin.button.padding.bottom = (int)(activeSkin.button.fontSize * navBottomPaddingScaling);
        // Set the styles
        A_btnStyle = new GUIStyle(activeSkin.button);
        B_btnStyle = new GUIStyle(activeSkin.button);
        C_btnStyle = new GUIStyle(activeSkin.button);
        D_btnStyle = new GUIStyle(activeSkin.button);
        E_btnStyle = new GUIStyle(activeSkin.button);
Exemplo n.º 10
        protected override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e)
            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("On navigated to loading");
            timeout = 0;

            MediaElementData[0] = t1;
            MediaElementData[1] = t2;

            Global.MyAudio[0] = App.GlobalMediaElement0;
            Global.MyAudio[1] = App.GlobalMediaElement1;
            Global.MyAudio[2] = App.GlobalMediaElement2;
            Global.MyAudio[3] = App.GlobalMediaElement3;
            Global.MyAudio[4] = App.GlobalMediaElement4;

            Global.opponentUsername = "";
            Deployment.Current.Dispatcher.BeginInvoke(() =>
                ready.Text = Global.localUsername + " \nvs\n";

            _dispatcherTimer = new DispatcherTimer {
                Interval = TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1)
            _dispatcherTimer.Tick += UpdateMediaData;

            i = 0;
            k = 0;

            requestCallback = this;
            App42API.Initialize(Constants.API_KEY, Constants.SECRET_KEY);

            ServiceAPI api = new ServiceAPI(Constants.API_KEY, Constants.SECRET_KEY);

            storage       = api.BuildStorageService();
            uploadService = api.BuildUploadService();

            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("Before warp");

            WarpClient.initialize(Constants.API_KEY, Constants.SECRET_KEY);


            Global.warpClient = WarpClient.GetInstance();

            if ((int)settings["trigger"] == 0)
                TriviaTB.Text = Global.TriviaB[(new Random()).Next(Global.TriviaB.Length)];
                TriviaTB.Text = Global.TriviaH[(new Random()).Next(Global.TriviaH.Length)];

            Global.disconnectSuccess       = false;
            Global.deleteSuccess           = false;
            Global.conListenObj            = new ConnectionListener(this);
            Global.roomReqListenerObj      = new RoomReqListener(this);
            Global.zoneReqListenerObj      = new ZoneRequestListener(this);
            Global.notificationListenerObj = new NotificationListener(this);



            System.Diagnostics.Debug.WriteLine("after warp");
 public static StorageService GetStorageService(ServiceAPI sp)
     return sp.BuildStorageService();