Exemplo n.º 1
 private void SerialPort_MessageReceived(object sender, SerialPortLib.MessageReceivedEventArgs args)
     busyReceiving = true;
     busyReceiving = false;
Exemplo n.º 2
		public Display (SerialPortLib sp)
			comm = sp;
Exemplo n.º 3
 private void SerialPort_MessageReceived(object sender, SerialPortLib.MessageReceivedEventArgs args)
Exemplo n.º 4
	protected void DeterminePortConnections ()
		 * There can be up to 3 serial devices connected:
		 * Spectrometer board
		 * TEC board
		 * Display
		 * This code attempts to determine which device is
		 * on which port (/dev/ttyUSBn where n = 0, 1 or 2
		 * The Spectrometer board defaults to 921600 baud, but
		 * we want to run it at 115200 baud.
		 * To change the baud rate to 115200, we use the following
		 * Open the port at 921600 baud
		 * Send *PARA:BAUD 115\r
		 * Send *PARA:SAVE\r
		 * Send *RST\r
		 * open up the port at 115200 baud
		 * The TEC board runs at 115200 baud
		 * The display board runs at 19200 baud
		 * To test a serial port for a device, we can use the following algorithm:
		 * Open the port at 115200 baud
		 * Send *para:tectemp?\r
		 * Read the response
		 * If there is a response, it can be one of the following:
		 * 1) a NACK which indicates the board is the Spectrometer board
		 * 2) the TEC temperature which indicates the board is the TEC board
		 * If there is no response, this indicates one of the following scenarios:
		 * 1) The device is the display, which will interpret the command as text to display and not
		 *    return anything, plus it runs at 19200 baud
		 * 2) The device is the Spectrometer board, running at 921600 baud
		 * The C# code is very flaky at 921600 baud, so we have to use C++ or Java code to 
		 * test and reprogram the Spectrometer board for 115200 baud

		foreach (SerialPortInfo spi in dictSerialPorts.Values)
			spi.portName = "";

		string[] portNames = SerialPort.GetPortNames ();
		Dictionary<string, bool> dictPorts = new Dictionary<string, bool> (portNames.Length);

		foreach (string name in portNames)
			SerialPortLib sc = new SerialPortLib (name, 115200);
			if (sc.Open ())
				dictPorts [name] = false;
				//System.Threading.Thread.Sleep (100);
				for (int i = 0; (i < 5) && (dictPorts[name] == false); i++)
					sc.Write ("*para:tectemp?\r");
					byte[] resp;
					if (sc.Read (out resp, 60, 300))
						if (resp [0] == NACK)
							dictSerialPorts[SPEC].portName = name;
							specPort = name;
							dictPorts [name] = true;
							Console.WriteLine ("Found spec board on port " + name);
								string text = System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetString (resp);
								Console.WriteLine ("Received " + text);
								string[] words = text.Split (new char[]{' '});
								for (int wordIndex = 0; wordIndex < words.Length; wordIndex++)
									string wordUC = words[wordIndex].ToUpper();
									if (wordUC.Contains("TEC"))
										if (wordIndex + 1 < words.Length)
											wordUC = words[wordIndex + 1].ToUpper();
											if (wordUC.Contains("TEMPERATURE"))
												dictSerialPorts[TEC].portName = name;
												tecPort = name;
												dictPorts [name] = true;
												Console.WriteLine ("Found tec board on port " + name);
							catch (System.FormatException)
						Console.WriteLine ("No response");
						// No response.  Could be a spectrometer board running at 921600 baud
						// or the display, which wouldn't return anything

				if (dictPorts [name] == false)
					// The port wasn't assigned to a Spectrometer or TEC board in the above code
					// This means the port could be attached to a pectrometer board running at 921600 baud
					// or the display, which wouldn't return anything
					// See if it is the spectrometer board running at 921600

					SerialPortLib port = new SerialPortLib (name, 921600);
					if (port.Open ())
						port.Write ("*IDN?\r");
						string buf;
						if (port.Read (out buf, 50, 200))
							Console.WriteLine ("SerialPortLib Read returned " + buf);
							if (buf.Contains ("JETI_PIC_VERSA"))
								Console.WriteLine ("Found spec board on port " + name + " running at 921600 baud");
								dictSerialPorts[SPEC].portName = name;
								specPort = name;
								dictPorts [name] = true;
								// We now want to reprogram the spec board to run at 115200 baud
								port.Write ("*PARA:BAUD 115\r");
								port.Read (out buf, 50, 200);
								port.Write ("*PARA:SAVE\r");
								port.Read (out buf, 50, 500);
								port.Write ("*RST\r");
						port.Close ();
				string response;
				if (sc.ReadPort(out response, 40, 200))
					if (response.Contains("JETI_PIC_VERSA"))
						Console.WriteLine("Found spec board on port " + name);
						specPort = name;
		foreach (string name in dictPorts.Keys)
			if (dictPorts [name] == false)
				dictSerialPorts[DISPLAY].portName = name;
				displayPort = name;
				Console.WriteLine ("Assigning " + name + " to the display");

		System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder ();

		foreach (string key in dictSerialPorts.Keys)
			//Console.WriteLine("Next key in dictSerialPorts is " + key);
			SerialPortInfo spi = dictSerialPorts[key];
			if (spi.portName != "")
				sb.AppendFormat ("{0} found on {1}\r", key, spi.portName);
		if (specPort != null)
			sb.AppendFormat ("Spec. Board found on {0}\r", specPort);
		if (tecPort != null)
			sb.AppendFormat ("TEC Board found on {0}\r", tecPort);
		if (displayPort != null)
			sb.AppendFormat ("Display found on {0}\r", displayPort);
		if (sb.Length > 0)
			//textviewOutput.Buffer.Text += sb.ToString();
Exemplo n.º 5
	protected void InitDisplay ()
		if (dictSerialPorts [DISPLAY].portName != "")
			displayComm = new SerialPortLib (dictSerialPorts [DISPLAY].portName, dictSerialPorts [DISPLAY].baudRate);
			if (!displayComm.Open ())
				MessageBox.Show ("Failed to open Display port " + dictSerialPorts [DISPLAY].portName);

		if (displayComm != null && displayComm.IsOpen ())
			display = new MPFQA.Display(displayComm);
			display.Add("     RTA M-PFQA", true);
			display.Add("Initializing", true);
			// Clear the display
			displayComm.Write (new byte[]{0xFE, 0x58});
			displayComm.Write ("RTA M-PFQA\nReady");
			displayComm.GetReadHandler += new SerialPortLib.ReadHandler (DisplayKeypadHandler);
Exemplo n.º 6
	protected void InitTEC ()
		if (dictSerialPorts [TEC].portName != "")
			tecComm = new SerialPortLib (dictSerialPorts [TEC].portName, dictSerialPorts [TEC].baudRate);
			if (!tecComm.Open ())
				MessageBox.Show ("Failed to open TEC board port " + dictSerialPorts [TEC].portName);

		if (tecComm != null && tecComm.IsOpen ())
Exemplo n.º 7
	protected void InitSpectrometer ()
		if (dictSerialPorts [SPEC].portName != "")
			specComm = new SerialPortLib (dictSerialPorts [SPEC].portName, dictSerialPorts [SPEC].baudRate);
			if (!specComm.Open ())
				MessageBox.Show ("Failed to open Spec Board port " + dictSerialPorts [SPEC].portName);

		if (specComm != null && specComm.IsOpen ())
			string response;
			System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder();

			Console.WriteLine ("Reset device");
			specComm.Write ("*RST\r");
			System.Threading.Thread.Sleep (2000);
			if (specComm.Read (out response, 100, 1000))
				// returns something like Softwarereset PIC24H !!PIC_Versa256 VERSION 2.610 26.06.12
				Console.WriteLine (response);
			specComm.Clear ();

			System.Threading.Thread.Sleep (500);
			Console.WriteLine ("Get device ID");
			specComm.Write ("*IDN?\r");
			if (specComm.Read (out response, 100, 200))
				// returns something like JETI_PIC_VERSA
				Console.WriteLine ("Read " + response);
			specComm.Clear ();

			// Get the number of pixels (Y data points) the board returns
			specComm.Write ("*PARA:PIX?\r");
			if (specComm.Read (out response, 50, 200))
				string[] words = response.Split (new char[]{':'});
				if (words.Length == 2)
					pixelCount = Convert.ToInt32 (words [1]);
					sb.AppendFormat("Pixel Count = {0}\r", pixelCount);
					//textviewOutput.Buffer.Text += "Pixel Count = " + pixelCount.ToString () + "\r";

			// Read the calibration coefficients
			for (int i = 0; i < 5; i++)
				specComm.Write ("*para:fit" + i.ToString () + "?\r");
				if (specComm.Read (out response, 60, 200))
					string[] words = response.Split (new char[]{':'});
					if (words.Length == 2)
						calibCoeffs [i] = Convert.ToDouble (words [1]);
						sb.AppendFormat("Calibration Coeff {0} = {1}\r", i, calibCoeffs[i]);
						//textviewOutput.Buffer.Text += "Calibration Coeff " + i.ToString () + " = " + calibCoeffs [i].ToString () + "\r";

			// Calculate the X Axis using the calibration coefficients just read
			CalculateXAxis ();

			if (xAxis.Length > 0)
				sb.AppendFormat("X Axis starts with {0} and ends with {1}\r", xAxis[0], xAxis[xAxis.Length - 1]);
				//textviewOutput.Buffer.Text += String.Format("X Axis starts with {0} and ends with {1}\r", xAxis[0], xAxis[xAxis.Length - 1]); 
			System.Text.StringBuilder sb = new System.Text.StringBuilder("X Axis\r");

			for (int i = 0; i < pixelCount; i++)
				sb.AppendFormat("X[{0}] = {1}\r", i, xAxis[i]);
				//textviewOutput.Buffer.Text += "X[" + i.ToString () + "] = " + xAxis [i].ToString () + "\r";
			textviewOutput.Buffer.Text += sb.ToString();

			// Set integration time
			sb.AppendFormat("Setting integration time to {0}\r", integrationTime);
			//textviewOutput.Buffer.Text += "Setting integration time to " + integrationTime.ToString() + "\r";
			specComm.Write ("*PARA:TINT " + integrationTime.ToString () + "\r");
			specComm.Read (out response, 20, 200);

			// Set the scan delay to 0
			sb.Append("Setting scan delay to 0\r");
			//textviewOutput.Buffer.Text += "Setting scan delay to 0\r";
			specComm.Write ("*PARA:SDELAY 0\r");
			specComm.Read (out response, 20, 200);

			if (sb.Length > 0)
 private void SerialPort_ConnectionStatusChanged(object sender, SerialPortLib.ConnectionStatusChangedEventArgs args)
     logger.Debug("Serial Port Connected = {0}", args.Connected);
     if (args.Connected)
         logger.Debug("W800Rf32 is offline");
         OnConnectionStatusChanged(new ConnectionStatusChangedEventArgs(false));