Exemplo n.º 1
#pragma warning disable 1591
        override public bool TryGetValue(string rowKey, string colKey, out TValue value)
#pragma warning restore 1591
            int colIndex = ColSerialNumbers.GetOld(colKey);

            ThreadLocalStream.Position = RowKeyToFilePosition[rowKey] + colIndex * BytesPerValue;
            byte[] byteArray = new byte[BytesPerValue];
            int    bytesRead = ThreadLocalStream.Read(byteArray, 0, BytesPerValue);

            Helper.CheckCondition(bytesRead == BytesPerValue, Properties.Resource.ExpectedToReadAllBytesOfValue);
            value = ByteArrayToValueOrMissing(byteArray);
#pragma warning disable 1591
        public override void SetValueOrMissing(string rowKey, string colKey, TValue value)
#pragma warning restore 1591
            if (IsMissing(value))
                TValue oldValue;
                if (TryGetValue(rowKey, colKey, out oldValue)) //Is there a (non-missing) value?
                    //Yes, there is
                    var storeList = RowKeyToStoreList[rowKey];
                    int colIndex  = ColSerialNumbers.GetOld(colKey);

                    lock (storeList) //To be thread-safe, we have to lock the whole row for writes
                        if (colIndex < storeList.Count)
                            storeList[colIndex] = StoreMissingValue;
                var storeList = RowKeyToStoreList[rowKey];
                int colIndex  = ColSerialNumbers.GetOld(colKey);

                lock (storeList) //To be thread-safe, we have to lock the whole row for writes
                    if (colIndex >= storeList.Count)
                        storeList.AddRange(Enumerable.Repeat(StoreMissingValue, ColSerialNumbers.Count - storeList.Count));
                    storeList[colIndex] = ValueToStore(value);
Exemplo n.º 3
        protected void GetInstanceFromRowKeysStructFileNameInternal(string rowKeysStructFileName, ParallelOptions parallelOptions, FileAccess fileAccess = FileAccess.Read, FileShare fileShare = FileShare.Read)
            // parallelOptions is not currently used, but it is need so that this method will have the same signature as other, similar methods.
            lock (this)
                string firstLineOrNull = FileUtils.ReadLine(rowKeysStructFileName);
                Helper.CheckCondition(null != firstLineOrNull, Properties.Resource.ExpectedFileToHaveData, rowKeysStructFileName);
                Helper.CheckCondition(!firstLineOrNull.StartsWith(FileUtils.CommentHeader, StringComparison.Ordinal), Properties.Resource.ExpectedNoCommentsInRowKeysAnsiFiles, rowKeysStructFileName);

                RowKeyToFilePosition = new Dictionary <string, long>();
                FileAccess           = fileAccess;
                FileShare            = fileShare;

                using (TextReader textReader = File.OpenText(rowKeysStructFileName))
                    string   colKeysLineOrNull = textReader.ReadLine();
                    string[] varAndColKeys     = colKeysLineOrNull.Split('\t');
                    if (!varAndColKeys[0].Equals("rowKey"))
                        throw new MatrixFormatException("Expect first row's first value to be 'rowKey'"); //!!!rowKey
                    ColSerialNumbers = new SerialNumbers <string>(varAndColKeys.Skip(1));
                    _rowKeys         = new List <string>();
                    if (null == colKeysLineOrNull)
                        throw new MatrixFormatException("Surprised by empty file. " + rowKeysStructFileName);

                    //!!!not really thread-safe
                    string denseStructFileNameInFile = textReader.ReadLine();
                    DenseStructFileName = Path.Combine(Path.GetDirectoryName(rowKeysStructFileName), denseStructFileNameInFile);

                    CounterWithMessages counterWithMessages = new CounterWithMessages("Reading rowKey file to find location of rows, #{0}", 10000, null);

                    string line = null;
                    while (null != (line = textReader.ReadLine()))
                        string[] rowKeyAndPosition = line.Split('\t');
                        if (rowKeyAndPosition.Length != 2)
                            throw new MatrixFormatException("Expect rows to have two columns");
                        string rowKey   = rowKeyAndPosition[0];
                        long   position = long.Parse(rowKeyAndPosition[1], CultureInfo.CurrentCulture);
                        RowKeyToFilePosition.Add(rowKey, position);
                Console.WriteLine("all lines read from file [{0}]", rowKeysStructFileName);

                _indexOfRowKey = RowKeys.Select((key, index) => new { key, index }).ToDictionary(keyAndIndex => keyAndIndex.key, keyAndIndex => keyAndIndex.index);
                Console.WriteLine("Dictionary created. Now testing values");

                //Test that can really read values from data file
                if (RowCount > 0 && ColCount > 0)
                    //!!!kludge - try up to 10 times to get a good value
                    GetValueOrMissing(0, 0);
                    //Console.WriteLine("GetValueOrMissing(0,0)={0} tested", value0);

                    int rowCount = RowCount;
                    //Console.WriteLine("rowCount is {0}", rowCount);
                    int colCount = ColCount;
                    //Console.WriteLine("colCount is {0}", colCount);
                    string rowKey = RowKeys[rowCount - 1];
                    //Console.WriteLine("rowKey is {0}", rowKey);
                    string colKey = ColKeys[colCount - 1];
                    //Console.WriteLine("colKey is {0}", colKey);
                    int colIndex = ColSerialNumbers.GetOld(colKey);
                    //Console.WriteLine("colIndex is {0}", colIndex);

                    byte[] byteArray = new byte[23]; //C# will init to 0's
                    //!!!kludge - try up to 10 times to get a good value
                    for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
                        ThreadLocalStream.Position = 0;
                        ThreadLocalStream.Position = RowKeyToFilePosition[rowKey] + colIndex * BytesPerValue;
                        //Console.WriteLine("ThreadLocalStream.Position is {0}", ThreadLocalStream.Position);
                        byteArray = new byte[BytesPerValue];
                        int bytesRead = ThreadLocalStream.Read(byteArray, 0, BytesPerValue);
                        //Console.WriteLine("byteArray[0] is {0}", (int)byteArray[0]);
                        //Console.WriteLine("bytesRead is {0}", bytesRead);

                        if ((int)byteArray[0] != 0)

                        //Console.WriteLine("Read a 0 instead of a 32, going to sleep for 10 seconds");

                        Helper.CheckCondition(bytesRead == BytesPerValue, "Expected to read all the bytes of a value");
                        //Console.WriteLine("expected bytes read");

                    //string asString = System.Text.Encoding.Default.GetString(byteArray);
                    //Console.WriteLine("bytes to string is {0}", asString);
                    //TValue valueLast = Parser.Parse<TValue>(asString);
                    //Console.WriteLine("value is {0}", valueLast);
                    //Helper.CheckCondition(!valueLast.Equals(MissingValue), "Should not be missing"); //OK to use Equals because double can't be null

                    GetValueOrMissing(RowCount / 2, ColCount / 2);
                    //Console.WriteLine("GetValueOrMissing({0}, {1})={2} tested", RowCount / 2, ColCount / 2, valueMiddle);

                //Console.WriteLine("Values tested. Done");
Exemplo n.º 4
        private void OldBadValueTester(string rowKeysStructFileName)
            Console.WriteLine("Dictionary created. Now testing values");

            //Test that can really read values from data file
            if (RowCount > 0 && ColCount > 0)
                    //!!!kludge - try up to 10 times to get a good value
                    for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)

                    TValue value0 = this[0, 0];
                    Console.WriteLine("this[0, 0] tested");

                    int rowCount = RowCount;
                    Console.WriteLine("rowCount is {0}", rowCount);
                    int colCount = ColCount;
                    Console.WriteLine("colCount is {0}", colCount);
                    string rowKey = RowKeys[rowCount - 1];
                    Console.WriteLine("rowKey is {0}", rowKey);
                    string colKey = ColKeys[colCount - 1];
                    Console.WriteLine("colKey is {0}", colKey);
                    int colIndex = ColSerialNumbers.GetOld(colKey);
                    Console.WriteLine("colIndex is {0}", colIndex);

                    byte[] byteArray = new byte[23]; //C# will init to 0's
                    //!!!kludge - try up to 10 times to get a good value
                    for (int i = 0; i < 10; ++i)
                        ThreadLocalStream.Position = 0;
                        ThreadLocalStream.Position = RowKeyToFilePosition[rowKey] + colIndex * BytesPerValue;
                        Console.WriteLine("ThreadLocalStream.Position is {0}", ThreadLocalStream.Position);
                        byteArray = new byte[BytesPerValue];
                        int bytesRead = ThreadLocalStream.Read(byteArray, 0, BytesPerValue);
                        Console.WriteLine("byteArray[0] is {0}", (int)byteArray[0]);
                        Console.WriteLine("bytesRead is {0}", bytesRead);

                        if ((int)byteArray[0] != 0)

                        Console.WriteLine("Read a 0 instead of a 32, going to sleep for 10 seconds");

                        Helper.CheckCondition(bytesRead == BytesPerValue, "Expected to read all the bytes of a value");
                        Console.WriteLine("expected bytes read");
                    string asString = System.Text.Encoding.UTF8.GetString(byteArray, 0, byteArray.Length);
                    Console.WriteLine("bytes to string is ", asString);
                    //double valueLast = double.Parse(asString);
                    //Console.WriteLine("value is {0}", valueLast);
                    //Helper.CheckCondition(!valueLast.Equals(MissingValue), "Should not be missing"); //OK to use Equals because double can't be null

                    TValue valueMiddle = this[RowCount / 2, ColCount / 2];
                    Console.WriteLine("this[{0}, {1}] tested", RowCount / 2, ColCount / 2);
                catch (Exception e)
                    throw new MatrixFormatException("RowKeyIndex seems to refer to a file of the wrong format. " + rowKeysStructFileName, e);
            Console.WriteLine("Values tested. Done");