Exemplo n.º 1
        public static string GetVideoDuration(string videoID)
            //Starts the youtube service
            YouTubeService yt = new YouTubeService(new BaseClientService.Initializer()
                ApiKey = SerenityCredentials.GoogleAPIKey()

            //Starts a video search request, to return video objects
            var searchVideoRequest = yt.Videos.List("contentDetails");

            //We'll search for the video directly with its ID
            searchVideoRequest.Id = videoID;
            var res = searchVideoRequest.Execute();

            //If the ID is invalid
            if (res.Items.Count == 0)

            //Otherwise, since the ID is unique to each video, we'll always get exactly one result
Exemplo n.º 2
        public async Task SearchImgAsync([Remainder] string search)
            var customSearchService = new CustomsearchService(new BaseClientService.Initializer {
                ApiKey = SerenityCredentials.GoogleAPIKey()

            var    listRequest = customSearchService.Cse.List(search);
            Random rnd         = new Random();

            listRequest.Cx = SerenityCredentials.CustomSearchEngineKey();

            //Restricting the search to only images
            listRequest.SearchType = CseResource.ListRequest.SearchTypeEnum.Image;

            //The results will be put inside this list
            IList <Result> paging = new List <Result>();

            //Begins the search
            paging = listRequest.Execute().Items;

            int index = 0;

            var embedImg = new EmbedBuilder()
                           .WithColor(new Color(240, 230, 231))
                           .WithAuthor(eab => eab.WithName(search))

            await Context.Channel.SendMessageAsync("", false, embedImg);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public async Task RunBotAsync()
            _client   = new DiscordSocketClient();
            _commands = new CommandService();
            _audio    = new AudioService();
            //Music music = new Music(_audio);

            _services = new ServiceCollection()

            String botToken = SerenityCredentials.BotToken();

            //Log and UserJoined event handlers
            _client.Log        += Log;
            _client.UserJoined += AnnounceUserJoined;

            await RegisterCommandsAsync();

            await _client.LoginAsync(TokenType.Bot, botToken);

            await _client.StartAsync();

            await Task.Delay(-1);
Exemplo n.º 4
        /*public static int PlaylistSize(string playlistID)
         * {
         * }*/

        public static PlaylistItem[] PlaylistSearch(string playlistID)
            YouTubeService yt = new YouTubeService(new BaseClientService.Initializer()
                ApiKey = SerenityCredentials.GoogleAPIKey()

            var playlistItems = yt.PlaylistItems.List("snippet,status,contentDetails");
            var nextPageToken = "";

            playlistItems.PlaylistId = playlistID;
            playlistItems.MaxResults = 50;
            playlistItems.PageToken  = nextPageToken;

            int i = 0;

            var res       = playlistItems.Execute();
            int totalSize = res.PageInfo.TotalResults.Value;

            PlaylistItem[] videos = new PlaylistItem[totalSize];

            IList <PlaylistItem> resItems = res.Items;

            resItems.CopyTo(videos, i);

            i += 50;

            nextPageToken = res.NextPageToken;

            while (nextPageToken != null)
                playlistItems            = yt.PlaylistItems.List("snippet,status,contentDetails");
                playlistItems.PlaylistId = playlistID;
                playlistItems.MaxResults = 50;
                playlistItems.PageToken  = nextPageToken;

                var resp = playlistItems.Execute();

                resItems = resp.Items;

                resItems.CopyTo(videos, i);

                nextPageToken = resp.NextPageToken;

                i += 50;

Exemplo n.º 5
        //Starts a youtube search with the given query, will return null if no results are found
        //Returns the first result that matches certain criterias explained further on.
        public static Video YoutubeSearch(string query)
            //Starts the youtube service
            YouTubeService yt = new YouTubeService(new BaseClientService.Initializer()
                ApiKey = SerenityCredentials.GoogleAPIKey()

            //Creates the search request
            var searchListRequest = yt.Search.List("snippet");

            //checks if the query is a youtube url
            //if it is, we will directly get the video's id
            //that is inside the url
            var res = TryParseID(query);

            if (res.Valid)

            //sets the search type and the query
            //setting to video type excludes channels and playlists from the results,
            //however live broadcasts wont be excluded, but this is dealt afterwards.
            searchListRequest.Type = "video";
            searchListRequest.Q    = query;

            //the video will be attempted to be found inside a maximum of 10 results
            searchListRequest.MaxResults = 10;

                //Starts the request
                SearchListResponse searchRequest = searchListRequest.Execute();
                //This means no results were encountered
                if (searchRequest.Items.Count < 1)
                    var items = searchRequest.Items;
                    foreach (var item in items)
                        //This is where we deal with the live broadcast results
                        //we'll get the first item that has "none" set to the LiveBroadcastContent property,
                        if (item.Snippet.LiveBroadcastContent == "none")

                //There's a possibility that all 10 results were live broadcasts, so we have
                //to return null here also
            catch (Exception e)