public void SaveSequenceFile(SequenceYaml sequenceYaml, string saveFile)
            var combo = sequenceYaml.AttractSequences
                        .Select(x => x.Combo);

            var move = sequenceYaml.AttractSequences
                       .Select(x => x.MoveLayer);

            var grouped = sequenceYaml.AttractSequences
                          .Select(x => x.GroupLayer);

            var markup = sequenceYaml.AttractSequences
                         .Select(x => x.MarkupLayer);

            var scripted = sequenceYaml.AttractSequences
                           .Select(x => x.ScriptedText);

            var randomtxt = sequenceYaml.AttractSequences
                            .Select(x => x.RandomText);

            foreach (var group in grouped.Where(x => x != null))
                foreach (var item in group.Contents.Where(x => x.markup_layer != null))
                    if (item.markup_layer.TextList != null)

                    item.markup_layer.duration = null;
                    item.markup_layer.TextList = item.markup_layer.TextEntries.Select(x => x.TextLine).ToList();

                foreach (var item in group.Contents.Where(x => x.combo_layer != null))
                    if (item.combo_layer.TextList != null)

                    item.combo_layer.duration = null;
                    item.combo_layer.TextList = item.combo_layer.TextEntries.Select(x => x.TextLine).ToList();

                foreach (var item in group.Contents.Where(x => x.scripted_text_layer != null))
                    foreach (var item2 in item.scripted_text_layer.TextOptions)
                        item2.TextList = item2.TextEntries.Select(x => x.TextLine).ToList();

                //foreach (var item in group.Contents.Where(x => x.move_layer != null))
                //    if (item.move_layer.TextList != null)
                //        item.move_layer.TextList.Clear();

                //    item.move_layer.duration = null;
                //    item.move_layer.TextList = item.move_layer.TextEntries.Select(x => x.TextLine).ToList();

            var yamlFile = Path.Combine(GameFolder, YamlFiles[2]);

            //Assign markup  text lists
            foreach (var item in markup.Where(x => x != null))
                if (item.TextList != null)

                item.TextList = item.TextEntries.Select(x => x.TextLine).ToList();

            //Assign scripted text lists
            foreach (var item in scripted.Where(x => x != null))
                foreach (var item2 in item.TextOptions)
                    item2.TextList = item2.TextEntries.Select(x => x.TextLine).ToList();

            //Assign random text lists
            foreach (var item in randomtxt.Where(x => x != null))
                foreach (var item2 in item.TextOptions)
                    item2.TextList = item2.TextEntries.Select(x => x.TextLine).ToList();

            foreach (var item in combo.Where(x => x != null))
                if (item.TextList != null)

                item.TextList = item.TextEntries.Select(x => x.TextLine).ToList();

            //foreach (var item in move.Where(x => x != null))

            //    if (item.TextList != null)
            //        item.TextList.Clear();

            //    item.TextList = item.TextEntries.Select(x => x.TextLine).ToList();
            _skeletonGameSerializer.SerializeYaml(saveFile, sequenceYaml);
Exemplo n.º 2
 public SequenceYamlItemViewModel(string fileName, SequenceYaml sequenceYaml)
     Filename     = fileName;
     SequenceYaml = sequenceYaml;
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets the available sequences. A sequence contains all types, but only one type is set at a time. Get the sequence base value where not null in lists.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="attractYaml"></param>
        public void GetAvailableSequences(SequenceYaml attractYaml)

                foreach (var seq in attractYaml.AttractSequences)
                    var notNullSequence = (SequenceBase)typeof(Sequence)
                                          .GetProperties().Select(prop => prop.GetValue(seq, null))
                                          .Where(val => val != null).FirstOrDefault();

                    if (notNullSequence != null)
                        //Apply group layer
                        if (notNullSequence.GetType() == typeof(GroupLayer))
                            var group = notNullSequence as GroupLayer;
                            foreach (var item in group.Contents)
                                //notNullSequence.SeqType = item.SeqType;
                                if (item.markup_layer != null)
                                    item.SeqType = item.markup_layer.SeqType;
                                else if (item.animation_layer != null)
                                    item.SeqType = item.animation_layer.SeqType;
                                else if (item.text_layer != null)
                                    item.SeqType = item.text_layer.SeqType;
                                else if (item.combo_layer != null)
                                    item.SeqType = item.combo_layer.SeqType;
                                else if (item.move_layer != null)
                                    item.SeqType = item.move_layer.SeqType;
                                else if (item.scripted_text_layer != null)
                                    item.SeqType = item.scripted_text_layer.SeqType;
                                else if (item.particle_layer != null)
                                    item.SeqType = item.particle_layer.SeqType;

                                //Assign style name
                                item.SequenceName = item.SeqType + "SequenceStyle";

                        notNullSequence.SequenceName = notNullSequence.GetType().Name;
            catch (System.Exception)