Exemplo n.º 1
 public ActionResult GetConnection()
         var getComp = db.companies.Where(c => c.CompanyID == 27).FirstOrDefault();
         getComp.LeadSourceCompanyID = 0;
     } catch (Exception any)
         SendUsEmail error = new SendUsEmail();
         error.sendError(any.ToString(), "Error MySQL Timeout");
     return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.OK));
Exemplo n.º 2
        public ActionResult verifyPayments()
                var getStripes = (from s in db.stripes
                                  join p in db.properties on s.PropertyID equals p.PropertyID
                                  join c in db.companies on p.CompanyID equals c.CompanyID
                                  where c.Active == 1
                                  select s).ToList();

                foreach (var stripe in getStripes)
                    // Villa Nueva for test

                    // Get Payments for a month date range
                    DateTime today         = DateTime.Now;
                    var      chargeService = new StripeChargeService();
                    StripeList <StripeCharge> chargeItems = chargeService.List(
                        new StripeChargeListOptions()
                        Limit   = 1000,
                        Created = new StripeDateFilter
                            GreaterThanOrEqual = today.AddMonths(-1),
                            LessThanOrEqual    = today

                    foreach (var item in chargeItems)
                        if (item.Refunded)
                            // Remove it from tenant ledger if there
                            int tenantID = 0;
                            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item.CustomerId))
                                var getStripeCustomer = db.stripe_customer.Where(x => x.StripeCustomer == item.CustomerId).FirstOrDefault();
                                if (getStripeCustomer != null)
                                    tenantID = (int)getStripeCustomer.TenantID;
                                TenantModel tm = new TenantModel();
                                tenantID = tm.getTenantID(item.Description);
                            double     amount = (double)item.Amount / 100;
                            SourceType source = item.Source.Type;
                            if (source.ToString() == "Card")
                                amount = (amount - 0.3) * 0.971;
                                double achAmount = amount * 0.008;
                                if (achAmount > 5)
                                    amount -= 5;
                                    amount -= achAmount;
                            amount = Math.Round(amount, 2);
                            Decimal paidAmount           = (decimal)amount;
                            var     getTenantTransaction = (from tt in db.tenanttransactions
                                                            where tt.TenantID == tenantID &&
                                                            tt.TenantTransactionDate == item.Created.Date &&
                                                            tt.TransactionAmount == paidAmount &&
                                                            (tt.Comment == "Tenant Payment - Online ACH Payment" || tt.Comment == "Tenant Payment - Online Tenant Credit Card Payment" || tt.Comment == "Tenant Payment via ACH" || tt.Comment == "Tenant Payment via Credit Card")
                                                            select tt).FirstOrDefault();

                            if (getTenantTransaction != null)
                                Decimal transactionAmount = getTenantTransaction.TransactionAmount;

                                // Send PM Email
                                var    getTenant = db.tenants.Where(x => x.TenantID == tenantID).FirstOrDefault();
                                var    getUnit   = db.units.Find(getTenant.UnitID);
                                Email  email     = new Email();
                                string ToEmail   = "";
                                ToEmail = email.getPropertyManagerEmail((int)getTenant.PropertyID);
                                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(ToEmail))
                                    ToEmail = email.getAdminEmail((int)getTenant.PropertyID);

                                string emailBody = "The payment of " + string.Format("{0:C}", transactionAmount) + " made on " + item.Created.Date.ToString("MM/dd/yyyy") + " was deleted from ";
                                emailBody += "tenant: " + getTenant.TenantFName + " " + getTenant.TenantLName + ". Unit: " + getUnit.UnitName + ".\n\n";
                                emailBody += "Reason: Refunded";
                                string subject = "Tenant Payment Refunded";

                                int checkRegisterID = getTenantTransaction.CheckRegisterID;
                                var getCR           = db.checkregisters.Find(checkRegisterID);
                                if (getCR != null)


                                email.sendEmail(ToEmail, "*****@*****.**", subject, emailBody);

                SendUsEmail emailOK = new SendUsEmail();
                emailOK.sendAlert("Just run Verify payments", "Verify Payments");
                return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.OK));
            } catch (Exception any)
                SendUsEmail email = new SendUsEmail();
                email.sendError(any.ToString(), "Error Verify Refunded Payments");
                return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest));
Exemplo n.º 3
        public ActionResult UpdateVacantUnits()
                var  getPostVacancies = db.postvacancies.Where(x => x.AutoPostVacancies == 1 || x.AutoRemoveNonVacancies == 1).ToList();
                bool sendData         = true;

                foreach (var post in getPostVacancies)
                    PostData dataPost = new PostData();
                    dataPost.PropertyID = post.PropertyID;
                    if (post.AutoPostVacancies == 1 && post.AutoRemoveNonVacancies == 1)
                        // Get only vacant units
                        var        getUnits = db.units.Where(x => x.PropertyID == post.PropertyID && x.Occupied == 0).ToList();
                        List <int> units    = new List <int>();
                        foreach (var unit in getUnits)
                        dataPost.Units = units;
                    else if (post.AutoPostVacancies == 1 && post.AutoRemoveNonVacancies == 0)
                        // Update vacant units
                        var getUnits = (from u in db.units
                                        where u.PostToVacancies == 1 || u.Occupied == 0
                                        select u).ToList();
                        List <int> units = new List <int>();
                        foreach (var unit in getUnits)
                        dataPost.Units = units;
                    else if (post.AutoPostVacancies == 0 && post.AutoRemoveNonVacancies == 1)
                        // Update vacant units
                        var getUnits = (from u in db.units
                                        where u.PostToVacancies == 1 && u.Occupied == 0
                                        select u).ToList();
                        List <int> units = new List <int>();
                        foreach (var unit in getUnits)
                        dataPost.Units = units;
                        sendData = false;

                    if (sendData)
                        // Send to apartments.com | apartmentFinder | apartamentos.com (Spanish) | apartmenthomeliving
                        var        json    = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dataPost);
                        var        content = new StringContent(json, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
                        HttpClient client  = new HttpClient();
                        client.BaseAddress = new Uri(apartmentsComURL);
                        var result = client.PostAsync("", content).Result;

                        // Send to RentJungle
                        var        jsonRentJungle    = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dataPost);
                        var        contentRentJungle = new StringContent(jsonRentJungle, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
                        HttpClient clientRentJungle  = new HttpClient();
                        clientRentJungle.BaseAddress = new Uri(rentJungleURl);
                        var resultRentJungle = clientRentJungle.PostAsync("", contentRentJungle).Result;

                return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.OK));
            } catch (Exception any)
                SendUsEmail email = new SendUsEmail();
                email.sendError(any.ToString(), "Error Weekly Post Vacancies");
                return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError));
Exemplo n.º 4
        public ActionResult PostVacancies()
                var getPostVacancies = db.postvacancies.Where(x => x.UnitsUpdated == 1).ToList();

                foreach (var post in getPostVacancies)
                    // Post to apartments.com (CoStar)
                    PostData dataPost = new PostData();
                    dataPost.PropertyID = post.PropertyID;
                    var        getUnits = db.units.Where(x => x.PropertyID == post.PropertyID && x.PostToVacancies == 1).ToList();
                    List <int> units    = new List <int>();
                    foreach (var unit in getUnits)
                    dataPost.Units = units;

                    // Send to apartments.com | apartmentFinder | apartamentos.com (Spanish) | apartmenthomeliving
                    var        json    = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dataPost);
                    var        content = new StringContent(json, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
                    HttpClient client  = new HttpClient();
                    client.BaseAddress = new Uri(apartmentsComURL);
                    var result = client.PostAsync("", content).Result;

                    // Send to RentJungle
                    var        jsonRentJungle    = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dataPost);
                    var        contentRentJungle = new StringContent(jsonRentJungle, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
                    HttpClient clientRentJungle  = new HttpClient();
                    clientRentJungle.BaseAddress = new Uri(rentJungleURl);
                    var resultRentJungle = clientRentJungle.PostAsync("", contentRentJungle).Result;

                    // Send to Oodle
                    var        jsonOodle    = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dataPost);
                    var        contentOodle = new StringContent(jsonOodle, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
                    HttpClient clientOodle  = new HttpClient();
                    clientOodle.BaseAddress = new Uri(oodleURL);
                    var resultOodle = clientOodle.PostAsync("", contentOodle).Result;

                    // Send to Zumper
                    var        jsonZumper    = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dataPost);
                    var        contentZumper = new StringContent(jsonZumper, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
                    HttpClient clientZumper  = new HttpClient();
                    clientZumper.BaseAddress = new Uri(zumperURL);
                    var resultZumper = clientZumper.PostAsync("", contentZumper).Result;

                    // Send to Sublet

                     * var jsonSublet = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dataPost);
                     * var contentSublet = new StringContent(jsonSublet, Encoding.UTF8, "application/json");
                     * HttpClient clientSublet = new HttpClient();
                     * clientSublet.BaseAddress = new Uri(subletURL);
                     * var resultSublet = clientSublet.PostAsync("", contentSublet).Result;

                    post.UnitsUpdated = 0;

                return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.OK));
            } catch (Exception any)
                SendUsEmail email = new SendUsEmail();
                email.sendError(any.ToString(), "Error Daily Post Vacancies");
                return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError));
Exemplo n.º 5
        public ActionResult chargeTenants()
                DateTime dt = DateTime.Now;
                int      d  = dt.Day;

                // get properties
                var getProperties = (from p in db.properties
                                     join c in db.companies on p.CompanyID equals c.CompanyID
                                     join pe in db.properties_exclude on p.PropertyID equals pe.PropertyID
                                     where p.Active == 0 && c.Active == 1 &&
                                     p.PropertyID != 9 && p.PropertyID != 1 &&
                                     pe.AutoBill != '2'
                                     select p).ToList();
                foreach (var prop in getProperties)
                    // Check if first day of month to apply rental charges
                    if (d == 1)
                        int     tenantCount  = 0;
                        decimal amountCount  = 0;
                        int     emailCount   = 0;
                        int     messageCount = 0;

                        // get tenants
                        var getProspects = (from t in db.tenants
                                            join p in db.properties on t.PropertyID equals p.PropertyID
                                            join tt in db.tenanttransactions on t.TenantID equals tt.TenantID into ps
                                            from tt in ps.DefaultIfEmpty()
                                            select new { t = t, p = p, tt = tt })
                                           .Where(x => (x.t.PropertyID == prop.PropertyID) && (x.t.Prospect == 2))
                                           .GroupBy(x => x.t.TenantID)
                                           .Select(x => new
                            tenantID                = x.Key,
                            tenantFirstName         = x.FirstOrDefault().t.TenantFName,
                            tenantLastName          = x.FirstOrDefault().t.TenantLName,
                            rentalAmount            = x.FirstOrDefault().t.RentalAmount,
                            petRent                 = x.FirstOrDefault().t.PetRent,
                            houseingAmount          = x.FirstOrDefault().t.HousingAmount,
                            utilityCharge           = x.FirstOrDefault().t.UtilityCharge,
                            tvCharge                = x.FirstOrDefault().t.TVCharge,
                            sercurityDeposit        = x.FirstOrDefault().t.SecurityDeposit,
                            hoaFee                  = x.FirstOrDefault().t.HousingAmount,
                            parkingCharge           = x.FirstOrDefault().t.ParkingCharge,
                            storageCharge           = x.FirstOrDefault().t.StorageCharge,
                            concessionAmount        = x.FirstOrDefault().t.ConcessionAmount,
                            concessionReason        = x.FirstOrDefault().t.ConcessionReason,
                            tenantEmail             = x.FirstOrDefault().t.TenantEmail,
                            tenantPhone             = x.FirstOrDefault().t.TenantPhone,
                            tenantCellPhoneProvider = x.FirstOrDefault().t.CellPhoneProviderID,
                            tenantMoveInDate        = x.FirstOrDefault().t.MoveInDate,
                            propertyID              = x.FirstOrDefault().p.PropertyID,
                            propertyName            = x.FirstOrDefault().p.PropertyName,
                            totalDebit              = x.Where(y => (y.tt.TransactionTypeID == 1) && (y.tt.ChargeTypeID != 6) && (y.tt.TenantTransactionDate <= DateTime.Now)).Sum(y => y.tt.TransactionAmount),
                            housingDebit            = x.Where(y => (y.tt.TransactionTypeID == 1) && (y.tt.ChargeTypeID == 6) && (y.tt.TenantTransactionDate <= DateTime.Now)).Sum(y => y.tt.TransactionAmount),
                            totalCredit             = x.Where(y => (y.tt.TransactionTypeID == 2) && (y.tt.ChargeTypeID != 6) && (y.tt.TenantTransactionDate <= DateTime.Now)).Sum(y => y.tt.TransactionAmount),
                            housingCredit           = x.Where(y => (y.tt.TransactionTypeID == 2) && (y.tt.ChargeTypeID == 6) && (y.tt.TenantTransactionDate <= DateTime.Now)).Sum(y => y.tt.TransactionAmount),

                return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.OK));
            } catch (Exception any)
                SendUsEmail email = new SendUsEmail();
                email.sendError(any.ToString(), "Error Processing Charge Tenants CRON Job");
                return(new HttpStatusCodeResult(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest));