/// <summary>
        /// Bluetooth connection constructor
        /// </summary>
        private BluetoothConnection(ConnectionInfo connectionInfo, SendReceiveOptions defaultSendReceiveOptions, BluetoothClient btClient)
            : base(connectionInfo, defaultSendReceiveOptions)
            if (btClient != null)
                this.btClient = btClient;

            dataBuffer = new byte[NetworkComms.InitialReceiveBufferSizeBytes];
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new instance of a UDP listener
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="sendReceiveOptions">The SendReceiveOptions to use with incoming data on this listener</param>
        /// <param name="applicationLayerProtocol">If enabled NetworkComms.Net uses a custom 
        /// application layer protocol to provide useful features such as inline serialisation, 
        /// transparent packet transmission, remote peer handshake and information etc. We strongly 
        /// recommend you enable the NetworkComms.Net application layer protocol.</param>
        /// <param name="udpOptions">The UDPOptions to use with this listener</param>
        /// <param name="allowDiscoverable">Determines if the newly created <see cref="ConnectionListenerBase"/> will be discoverable if <see cref="Tools.PeerDiscovery"/> is enabled.</param>
        public UDPConnectionListener(SendReceiveOptions sendReceiveOptions,
            ApplicationLayerProtocolStatus applicationLayerProtocol, 
            UDPOptions udpOptions, bool allowDiscoverable = false)
            :base(ConnectionType.UDP, sendReceiveOptions, applicationLayerProtocol, allowDiscoverable)
            if (applicationLayerProtocol == ApplicationLayerProtocolStatus.Disabled && udpOptions != UDPOptions.None)
                throw new ArgumentException("If the application layer protocol has been disabled the provided UDPOptions can only be UDPOptions.None.");

            UDPOptions = udpOptions;
        public void Receive(ref Msg msg, SendReceiveOptions options)
            LastOptions = options;

            byte[] bytes = m_frames.Dequeue();

            msg.InitGC(bytes, bytes.Length);

            if (m_frames.Count != 0)
        /// <summary>
        /// Create a TCP connection with the provided connectionInfo and sets the connection default SendReceiveOptions. If there is an existing connection that is returned instead.
        /// If a new connection is created it will be registered with NetworkComms and can be retrieved using <see cref="NetworkComms.GetExistingConnection(ConnectionInfo)"/> and overrides.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="connectionInfo">ConnectionInfo to be used to create connection</param>
        /// <param name="defaultSendReceiveOptions">The SendReceiveOptions which will be set as this connections defaults</param>
        /// <param name="establishIfRequired">If true will establish the TCP connection with the remote end point before returning</param>
        /// <returns>Returns a <see cref="TCPConnection"/></returns>
        public static TCPConnection GetConnection(ConnectionInfo connectionInfo, SendReceiveOptions defaultSendReceiveOptions, bool establishIfRequired = true)
            //Added conditional compilation so that GetConnection method usage is not ambiguous. 
            StreamSocket socket = null;
            return GetConnection(connectionInfo, defaultSendReceiveOptions, socket, establishIfRequired);
            TcpClient tcpClient = null;
            return GetConnection(connectionInfo, defaultSendReceiveOptions, tcpClient, establishIfRequired);
Exemplo n.º 5
        protected override bool XRecv(SendReceiveOptions flags, out Msg msg)
            //  Deallocate old content of the message.

            msg = null;
            if (m_pipe == null || (msg = m_pipe.Read ()) == null)
                return false;
            return true;
Exemplo n.º 6
        public static void Send([NotNull] this IOutgoingSocket socket, [NotNull] byte[] data, int length, SendReceiveOptions options)
            var msg = new Msg();

            Buffer.BlockCopy(data, 0, msg.Data, 0, length);

            socket.Send(ref msg, options);

        /// <summary>
        /// Create a new connection object
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="connectionInfo">ConnectionInfo corresponding to the new connection</param>
        /// <param name="defaultSendReceiveOptions">The SendReceiveOptions which should be used as connection defaults</param>
        protected Connection(ConnectionInfo connectionInfo, SendReceiveOptions defaultSendReceiveOptions)
            //If the application layer protocol is disabled the serialiser must be NullSerializer
            //and no data processors are allowed.
            if (connectionInfo.ApplicationLayerProtocol == ApplicationLayerProtocolStatus.Disabled)
                if (defaultSendReceiveOptions.Options.ContainsKey("ReceiveConfirmationRequired"))
                    throw new ArgumentException("Attempted to create an unmanaged connection when the provided send receive" +
                        " options specified the ReceiveConfirmationRequired option. Please provide compatible send receive options in order to successfully" +
                        " instantiate this unmanaged connection.", "defaultSendReceiveOptions");

                if (defaultSendReceiveOptions.DataSerializer != DPSManager.GetDataSerializer<NullSerializer>())
                    throw new ArgumentException("Attempted to create an unmanaged connection when the provided send receive" +
                        " options serialiser was not NullSerializer. Please provide compatible send receive options in order to successfully" +
                        " instantiate this unmanaged connection.", "defaultSendReceiveOptions");

                if (defaultSendReceiveOptions.DataProcessors.Count > 0)
                    throw new ArgumentException("Attempted to create an unmanaged connection when the provided send receive" +
                        " options contains data processors. Data processors may not be used with unmanaged connections." +
                        " Please provide compatible send receive options in order to successfully instantiate this unmanaged connection.", "defaultSendReceiveOptions");

            SendTimesMSPerKBCache = new CommsMath();            
            packetBuilder = new PacketBuilder();

            //Initialise the sequence counter using the global value
            //Subsequent values on this connection are guaranteed to be sequential
            packetSequenceCounter = Interlocked.Increment(ref NetworkComms.totalPacketSendCount);

            ConnectionInfo = connectionInfo;

            if (defaultSendReceiveOptions != null)
                ConnectionDefaultSendReceiveOptions = defaultSendReceiveOptions;
                ConnectionDefaultSendReceiveOptions = NetworkComms.DefaultSendReceiveOptions;

            //Add any listener specific packet handlers if required
            if (connectionInfo.ConnectionListener != null)

            if (NetworkComms.commsShutdown) throw new ConnectionSetupException("Attempting to create new connection after global NetworkComms.Net shutdown has been initiated.");

            if (ConnectionInfo.ConnectionType == ConnectionType.Undefined || ConnectionInfo.RemoteEndPoint == null)
                throw new ConnectionSetupException("ConnectionType and RemoteEndPoint must be defined within provided ConnectionInfo.");

            //If a connection already exists with this info then we can throw an exception here to prevent duplicates
            if (NetworkComms.ConnectionExists(connectionInfo.RemoteEndPoint, connectionInfo.LocalEndPoint, connectionInfo.ConnectionType, connectionInfo.ApplicationLayerProtocol))
                throw new ConnectionSetupException("A " + connectionInfo.ConnectionType.ToString() + " connection already exists with info " + connectionInfo);

            //We add a reference in the constructor to ensure any duplicate connection problems are picked up here
        /// <summary>
        /// Initialise a new PriorityQueueItem
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="priority"></param>
        /// <param name="connection"></param>
        /// <param name="packetHeader"></param>
        /// <param name="dataStream"></param>
        /// <param name="sendReceiveOptions"></param>
        public PriorityQueueItem(QueueItemPriority priority, Connection connection, PacketHeader packetHeader, MemoryStream dataStream, SendReceiveOptions sendReceiveOptions)
            if (connection == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("connection", "Provided Connection parameter cannot be null.");
            if (packetHeader == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("packetHeader", "Provided PacketHeader parameter cannot be null.");
            if (dataStream == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("dataStream", "Provided MemoryStream parameter cannot be null.");
            if (sendReceiveOptions == null) throw new ArgumentNullException("sendReceiveOptions", "Provided sendReceiveOptions cannot be null.");

            this.Priority = priority;
            this.Connection = connection;
            this.PacketHeader = packetHeader;
            this.DataStream = dataStream;
            this.SendReceiveOptions = sendReceiveOptions;
        /// <summary>
        /// Internal <see cref="BluetoothConnection"/> creation which hides the necessary internal calls
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="connectionInfo">ConnectionInfo to be used to create connection</param>
        /// <param name="defaultSendReceiveOptions">Connection default SendReceiveOptions</param>
        /// <param name="btClient">If this is an incoming connection we will already have access to the btClient, otherwise use null</param>
        /// <param name="establishIfRequired">Establish during create if true</param>
        /// <returns>An existing connection or a new one</returns>
        internal static BluetoothConnection GetConnection(ConnectionInfo connectionInfo, SendReceiveOptions defaultSendReceiveOptions, BluetoothClient btClient, bool establishIfRequired = true)
            connectionInfo.ConnectionType = ConnectionType.Bluetooth;

            //If we have a tcpClient at this stage we must be server side
            if (btClient != null) connectionInfo.ServerSide = true;

            bool newConnection = false;
            BluetoothConnection connection;

            lock (NetworkComms.globalDictAndDelegateLocker)
                List<Connection> existingConnections = NetworkComms.GetExistingConnection(connectionInfo.RemoteEndPoint, connectionInfo.LocalEndPoint, connectionInfo.ConnectionType, connectionInfo.ApplicationLayerProtocol);

                //Check to see if a connection already exists, if it does return that connection, if not return a new one
                if (existingConnections.Count > 0)
                    if (NetworkComms.LoggingEnabled)
                        NetworkComms.Logger.Trace("Attempted to create new BluetoothConnection to connectionInfo='" + connectionInfo + "' but there is an existing connection. Existing connection will be returned instead.");

                    establishIfRequired = false;
                    connection = (BluetoothConnection)existingConnections[0];
                    if (NetworkComms.LoggingEnabled)
                        NetworkComms.Logger.Trace("Creating new BluetoothConnection to connectionInfo='" + connectionInfo + "'." + (establishIfRequired ? " Connection will be established." : " Connection will not be established."));

                    if (connectionInfo.ConnectionState == ConnectionState.Establishing)
                        throw new ConnectionSetupException("Connection state for connection " + connectionInfo + " is marked as establishing. This should only be the case here due to a bug.");

                    //If an existing connection does not exist but the info we are using suggests it should we need to reset the info
                    //so that it can be reused correctly. This case generally happens when using NetworkComms.Net in the format 
                    //TCPConnection.GetConnection(info).SendObject(packetType, objToSend);
                    if (connectionInfo.ConnectionState == ConnectionState.Established || connectionInfo.ConnectionState == ConnectionState.Shutdown)

                    //We add a reference to networkComms for this connection within the constructor
                    connection = new BluetoothConnection(connectionInfo, defaultSendReceiveOptions, btClient);
                    newConnection = true;

            if (newConnection && establishIfRequired) connection.EstablishConnection();
            else if (!newConnection) connection.WaitForConnectionEstablish(NetworkComms.ConnectionEstablishTimeoutMS);

            if (!NetworkComms.commsShutdown) TriggerConnectionKeepAliveThread();

            return connection;
        public static byte[] Receive([NotNull] this IReceivingSocket socket, SendReceiveOptions options, out bool hasMore)
            var msg = new Msg();

            socket.Receive(ref msg, options);

            var data = msg.CloneData();

            hasMore = msg.HasMore;


            return data;
Exemplo n.º 11
        /// <summary>
        /// Transmit a string-message of data over this socket. The string will be encoded into bytes using the specified Encoding.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="socket">the IOutgoingSocket to transmit on</param>
        /// <param name="message">a string containing the message to send</param>
        /// <param name="encoding">the Encoding to use when converting the message-string into bytes</param>
        /// <param name="options">use this to specify which of the DontWait and SendMore flags to set</param>
        public static void Send([NotNull] this IOutgoingSocket socket, [NotNull] string message, [NotNull] Encoding encoding, SendReceiveOptions options)
            var msg = new Msg();

            // Count the number of bytes required to encode the string.
            // Note that non-ASCII strings may not have an equal number of characters
            // and bytes. The encoding must be queried for this answer.
            // With this number, request a buffer from the pool.

            // Encode the string into the buffer
            encoding.GetBytes(message, 0, message.Length, msg.Data, 0);

            socket.Send(ref msg, options);

Exemplo n.º 12
        private TCPConnection(ConnectionInfo connectionInfo, SendReceiveOptions defaultSendReceiveOptions, TcpClient tcpClient, SSLOptions sslOptions)
            : base(connectionInfo, defaultSendReceiveOptions)
            if (connectionInfo.ConnectionType != ConnectionType.TCP)
                throw new ArgumentException("Provided connectionType must be TCP.", "connectionInfo");

            dataBuffer = new byte[NetworkComms.InitialReceiveBufferSizeBytes];

            //We don't guarantee that the tcpClient has been created yet
            if (socket != null) this.socket = socket;
            if (tcpClient != null) this.tcpClient = tcpClient;
            this.SSLOptions = sslOptions;
Exemplo n.º 13
 // Sending functions.
 public static void Send(SocketBase s, String str, SendReceiveOptions flags)
     byte[] data = Encoding.ASCII.GetBytes(str);
     Send(s, data, data.Length, flags);
Exemplo n.º 14
 public static void Send(SocketBase s, Msg msg, SendReceiveOptions flags)
     SendMsg(s, msg, flags);
Exemplo n.º 15
 public override void Receive(ref Msg msg, SendReceiveOptions options)
     throw new NotSupportedException("PublisherSocket doesn't support receiving");
        /// <summary>
        /// Internal <see cref="TCPConnection"/> creation which hides the necessary internal calls
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="connectionInfo">ConnectionInfo to be used to create connection</param>
        /// <param name="defaultSendReceiveOptions">Connection default SendReceiveOptions</param>
        /// <param name="tcpClient">If this is an incoming connection we will already have access to the tcpClient, otherwise use null</param>
        /// <param name="establishIfRequired">Establish during create if true</param>
        /// <param name="sslOptions">SSL options that will be used with this connection.</param>
        /// <returns>An existing connection or a new one</returns>
        internal static TCPConnection GetConnection(ConnectionInfo connectionInfo, SendReceiveOptions defaultSendReceiveOptions, TcpClient tcpClient, bool establishIfRequired, SSLOptions sslOptions = null)
            connectionInfo.ConnectionType = ConnectionType.TCP;

            //If we have a tcpClient at this stage we must be server side
            if (socket != null)
                connectionInfo.ServerSide = true;
            if (tcpClient != null)
                connectionInfo.ServerSide = true;
            if (sslOptions == null)
                sslOptions = new SSLOptions();

            //Set default connection options if none have been provided
            if (defaultSendReceiveOptions == null)
                defaultSendReceiveOptions = NetworkComms.DefaultSendReceiveOptions;

            bool          newConnection = false;
            TCPConnection connection;

            lock (NetworkComms.globalDictAndDelegateLocker)
                List <Connection> existingConnections = NetworkComms.GetExistingConnection(connectionInfo.RemoteIPEndPoint, connectionInfo.LocalIPEndPoint, connectionInfo.ConnectionType, connectionInfo.ApplicationLayerProtocol);

                //Check to see if a connection already exists, if it does return that connection, if not return a new one
                if (existingConnections.Count > 0)
                    if (NetworkComms.LoggingEnabled)
                        NetworkComms.Logger.Trace("Attempted to create new TCPConnection to connectionInfo='" + connectionInfo + "' but there is an existing connection. Existing connection will be returned instead.");

                    establishIfRequired = false;
                    connection          = (TCPConnection)existingConnections[0];
                    if (NetworkComms.LoggingEnabled)
                        NetworkComms.Logger.Trace("Creating new TCPConnection to connectionInfo='" + connectionInfo + "'." + (establishIfRequired ? " Connection will be established." : " Connection will not be established."));

                    if (connectionInfo.ConnectionState == ConnectionState.Establishing)
                        throw new ConnectionSetupException("Connection state for connection " + connectionInfo + " is marked as establishing. This should only be the case here due to a bug.");

                    //If an existing connection does not exist but the info we are using suggests it should we need to reset the info
                    //so that it can be reused correctly. This case generally happens when using Comms in the format
                    //TCPConnection.GetConnection(info).SendObject(packetType, objToSend);
                    if (connectionInfo.ConnectionState == ConnectionState.Established || connectionInfo.ConnectionState == ConnectionState.Shutdown)

                    //We add a reference to networkComms for this connection within the constructor
                    connection = new TCPConnection(connectionInfo, defaultSendReceiveOptions, socket);
                    connection = new TCPConnection(connectionInfo, defaultSendReceiveOptions, tcpClient, sslOptions);
                    newConnection = true;

            if (newConnection && establishIfRequired)
            else if (!newConnection)

            if (!NetworkComms.commsShutdown)

Exemplo n.º 17
 public override void Send(byte[] data, int length, SendReceiveOptions options)
     throw new NotSupportedException("Subscriber socket doesn't support sending");
Exemplo n.º 18
        protected override bool XSend(ref Msg msg, SendReceiveOptions flags)
            //  If this is the first part of the message it's the ID of the
            //  peer to send the message to.
            if (!m_moreOut)
                Debug.Assert(m_currentOut == null);

                //  If we have malformed message (prefix with no subsequent message)
                //  then just silently ignore it.
                //  TODO: The connections should be killed instead.
                if (msg.HasMore)
                    m_moreOut = true;

                    //  Find the pipe associated with the identity stored in the prefix.
                    //  If there's no such pipe just silently ignore the message, unless
                    //  mandatory is set.

                    byte[] identity = msg.Data;

                    if (msg.Size != msg.Data.Length)
                        identity = new byte[msg.Size];
                        Buffer.BlockCopy(msg.Data, 0, identity, 0, msg.Size);

                    Outpipe op;

                    if (m_outpipes.TryGetValue(identity, out op))
                        m_currentOut = op.Pipe;
                        if (!m_currentOut.CheckWrite())
                            op.Active    = false;
                            m_currentOut = null;
                            if (m_mandatory)
                                m_moreOut = false;
                    else if (m_mandatory)
                        m_moreOut = false;
                        throw new HostUnreachableException();

                //  Detach the message from the data buffer.


            if (m_options.RawSocket)

            //  Check whether this is the last part of the message.
            m_moreOut = msg.HasMore;

            //  Push the message into the pipe. If there's no out pipe, just drop it.
            if (m_currentOut != null)
                // Close the remote connection if user has asked to do so
                // by sending zero length message.
                // Pending messages in the pipe will be dropped (on receiving term- ack)
                if (m_rawSocket && msg.Size == 0)
                    m_currentOut = null;

                bool ok = m_currentOut.Write(ref msg);
                if (!ok)
                    m_currentOut = null;
                else if (!m_moreOut)
                    m_currentOut = null;

            //  Detach the message from the data buffer.

Exemplo n.º 19
 public static string ReceiveString([NotNull] this IReceivingSocket socket, [NotNull] Encoding encoding, SendReceiveOptions options)
     bool hasMore;
     return socket.ReceiveString(encoding, options, out hasMore);
Exemplo n.º 20
        // Send multiple messages.
        // If flag bit ZMQ_SNDMORE is set the vector is treated as
        // a single multi-part message, i.e. the last message has
        // ZMQ_SNDMORE bit switched off.
        public void SendIOv(SocketBase s, byte[][] a, int count, SendReceiveOptions flags)
            if (s == null || !s.CheckTag())
                throw NetMQException.Create(ErrorCode.EFAULT);
            Msg msg;

            for (int i = 0; i < count; ++i)
                msg = new Msg(a[i]);
                if (i == count - 1)
                    flags = flags & ~SendReceiveOptions.SendMore;
                SendMsg(s, msg, flags);

Exemplo n.º 21
        public static string ReceiveString([NotNull] this IReceivingSocket socket, [NotNull] Encoding encoding, SendReceiveOptions options, out bool hasMore)
            if (encoding == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("encoding");

            var msg = new Msg();

            socket.Receive(ref msg, options);

            hasMore = msg.HasMore;

            string data = msg.Size > 0
                ? encoding.GetString(msg.Data, msg.Offset, msg.Size)
                : string.Empty;

            return data;
Exemplo n.º 22
 /// <summary>
 /// Initialise a new PacketTypeUnwrapper
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="packetTypeStr">The packet type of this unwrapper</param>
 /// <param name="options">The SendReceiveOptions to use with this unwrapper</param>
 public PacketTypeUnwrapper(string packetTypeStr, SendReceiveOptions options)
     this.packetTypeStr = packetTypeStr;
     this.Options       = options;
Exemplo n.º 23
        protected override bool XRecv(SendReceiveOptions flags, ref Msg msg)
            if (m_prefetched)
                if (!m_identitySent)
                    msg.Move(ref m_prefetchedId);
                    m_identitySent = true;
                    msg.Move(ref m_prefetchedMsg);
                    m_prefetched = false;
                m_moreIn = msg.HasMore;

            Pipe[] pipe = new Pipe[1];

            bool isMessageAvailable = m_fairQueueing.RecvPipe(pipe, ref msg);

            //  It's possible that we receive peer's identity. That happens
            //  after reconnection. The current implementation assumes that
            //  the peer always uses the same identity.
            while (isMessageAvailable && msg.IsIdentity)
                isMessageAvailable = m_fairQueueing.RecvPipe(pipe, ref msg);

            if (!isMessageAvailable)

            Debug.Assert(pipe[0] != null);

            //  If we are in the middle of reading a message, just return the next part.
            if (m_moreIn)
                m_moreIn = msg.HasMore;
                //  We are at the beginning of a message.
                //  Keep the message part we have in the prefetch buffer
                //  and return the ID of the peer instead.
                m_prefetchedMsg.Move(ref msg);

                m_prefetched = true;

                byte[] identity = pipe[0].Identity;
                msg.Put(identity, 0, identity.Length);

                m_identitySent = true;

 /// <summary>
 /// Create a TCP connection with the provided connectionInfo and sets the connection default SendReceiveOptions. If there is an existing connection that is returned instead.
 /// If a new connection is created it will be registered with NetworkComms and can be retrieved using <see cref="NetworkComms.GetExistingConnection(ConnectionInfo)"/> and overrides.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="connectionInfo">ConnectionInfo to be used to create connection</param>
 /// <param name="defaultSendReceiveOptions">The SendReceiveOptions which will be set as this connections defaults</param>
 /// <param name="sslOptions">SSLOptions to use with this connection</param>
 /// <param name="establishIfRequired">If true will establish the TCP connection with the remote end point before returning</param>
 /// <returns>Returns a <see cref="TCPConnection"/></returns>
 public static TCPConnection GetConnection(ConnectionInfo connectionInfo, SendReceiveOptions defaultSendReceiveOptions, SSLOptions sslOptions, bool establishIfRequired = true)
     return(GetConnection(connectionInfo, defaultSendReceiveOptions, null, establishIfRequired, sslOptions));
 /// <summary>
 /// Internal <see cref="TCPConnection"/> creation which hides the necessary internal calls
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="connectionInfo">ConnectionInfo to be used to create connection</param>
 /// <param name="defaultSendReceiveOptions">Connection default SendReceiveOptions</param>
 /// <param name="socket">If this is an incoming connection we will already have access to the socket, otherwise use null</param>
 /// <param name="establishIfRequired">Establish during create if true</param>
 /// <returns>An existing connection or a new one</returns>
 internal static TCPConnection GetConnection(ConnectionInfo connectionInfo, SendReceiveOptions defaultSendReceiveOptions, StreamSocket socket, bool establishIfRequired)
Exemplo n.º 26
        public static void Send(SocketBase s, byte[] buf, int len, SendReceiveOptions flags)
            if (s == null || !s.CheckTag())
                throw NetMQException.Create(ErrorCode.EFAULT);

            Msg msg = new Msg(len);
            msg.Put(buf, 0, len);

            SendMsg(s, msg, flags);
Exemplo n.º 27
        protected override bool XSend(Msg msg, SendReceiveOptions flags)
            //  If we are in the middle of receiving a request, we cannot send reply.
            if (!m_sendingReply) {
                throw NetMQException.Create("Cannot send another reply",ErrorCode.EFSM);

            bool more = msg.HasMore;

            //  Push message to the reply pipe.
            bool isMessageSent = base.XSend (msg, flags);

            if (!isMessageSent)
                return false;
            //  If the reply is complete flip the FSM back to request receiving state.
            else if (!more)
                m_sendingReply = false;

            return true;
Exemplo n.º 28
        // Receive a multi-part message
        // Receives up to *count_ parts of a multi-part message.
        // Sets *count_ to the actual number of parts read.
        // ZMQ_RCVMORE is set to indicate if a complete multi-part message was read.
        // Returns number of message parts read, or -1 on error.
        // Note: even if -1 is returned, some parts of the message
        // may have been read. Therefore the client must consult
        // *count_ to retrieve message parts successfully read,
        // even if -1 is returned.
        // The iov_base* buffers of each iovec *a_ filled in by this
        // function may be freed using free().
        // Implementation note: We assume zmq::msg_t buffer allocated
        // by zmq::recvmsg can be freed by free().
        // We assume it is safe to steal these buffers by simply
        // not closing the zmq::msg_t.
        public int RecvIOv(SocketBase s, byte[][] a, int count, SendReceiveOptions flags)
            if (s == null || !s.CheckTag())
                throw NetMQException.Create(ErrorCode.EFAULT);

            int nread = 0;
            bool recvmore = true;

            for (int i = 0; recvmore && i < count; ++i)
                // Cheat! We never close any msg
                // because we want to steal the buffer.
                Msg msg = RecvMsg(s, flags);
                if (msg == null)
                    nread = -1;

                // Cheat: acquire zmq_msg buffer.
                a[i] = msg.Data;

                // Assume zmq_socket ZMQ_RVCMORE is properly set.
                recvmore = msg.HasMore;
            return nread;
Exemplo n.º 29
        protected override bool XRecv(SendReceiveOptions flags, out Msg msg)
            bool isMessageAvailable;

            //  If we are in middle of sending a reply, we cannot receive next request.
            if (m_sendingReply) {
                throw NetMQException.Create("Cannot receive another request",ErrorCode.EFSM);
                throw new InvalidOperationException();

            //  First thing to do when receiving a request is to copy all the labels
            //  to the reply pipe.
            if (m_requestBegins)
                while (true) {
                    isMessageAvailable = base.XRecv (flags, out msg);

                    if (!isMessageAvailable)
                        return false;
                    else if (msg == null)
                        return true;

                    if (msg.HasMore) {
                        //  Empty message part delimits the traceback stack.
                        bool bottom = (msg.Size == 0);

                        //  Push it to the reply pipe.
                        isMessageAvailable = base.XSend(msg, flags);
                            return false;

                        if (bottom)
                    } else {
                        //  If the traceback stack is malformed, discard anything
                        //  already sent to pipe (we're at end of invalid message).
                m_requestBegins = false;

            //  Get next message part to return to the user.
            isMessageAvailable = base.XRecv(flags, out msg);

            if (!isMessageAvailable)
                return false;
            else if (msg == null)
                return true;

            //  If whole request is read, flip the FSM to reply-sending state.
            if (!msg.HasMore) {
                m_sendingReply = true;
                m_requestBegins = true;

            return true;
Exemplo n.º 30
 private static void SendMsg(SocketBase s, Msg msg, SendReceiveOptions flags)
     s.Send(msg, flags);
Exemplo n.º 31
 public override void Send(ref Msg msg, SendReceiveOptions options)
     throw new NotSupportedException("Subscriber socket doesn't support sending");
Exemplo n.º 32
 protected internal override Msg ReceiveInternal(SendReceiveOptions options, out bool hasMore)
     throw new NotSupportedException("Push socket doesn't support receiving");
Exemplo n.º 33
        // Receiving functions.
        public static Msg Recv(SocketBase s, SendReceiveOptions flags)
            if (s == null || !s.CheckTag())
                throw NetMQException.Create(ErrorCode.EFAULT);
            Msg msg = RecvMsg(s, flags);
            if (msg == null)
                return null;

            //  At the moment an oversized message is silently truncated.
            //  TODO: Build in a notification mechanism to report the overflows.
            //int to_copy = nbytes < len_ ? nbytes : len_;

            return msg;
Exemplo n.º 34
        protected override bool XSend(Msg msg, SendReceiveOptions flags)
            if (m_pipe == null || !m_pipe.Write (msg))
                return false;

            if ((flags & SendReceiveOptions.SendMore) == 0)
                m_pipe.Flush ();

            //  Detach the original message from the data buffer.
            return true;
Exemplo n.º 35
 public static Msg RecvMsg(SocketBase s, SendReceiveOptions flags)
     return s.Recv(flags);
Exemplo n.º 36
 public static string ReceiveString([NotNull] this IReceivingSocket socket, SendReceiveOptions options, out bool hasMore)
     return socket.ReceiveString(Encoding.ASCII, options, out hasMore);
Exemplo n.º 37
        public static void Send(this IOutgoingSocket socket, byte[] data, int length, SendReceiveOptions options)
            var msg = new Msg();


            Buffer.BlockCopy(data, 0, msg.Data, 0, length);

            socket.Send(ref msg, options);
