Exemplo n.º 1
        public async Task <ActionResult> SendNewsletter(HttpPostedFileBase recipient, string subject, string mailMessage, HttpPostedFileBase[] fileAttachments = null)
                // begin validations
                if (recipient == null)
                    throw new Exception("Recipient file must be uploaded");
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(subject))
                    throw new Exception("Subject is required");
                if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(mailMessage))
                    throw new Exception("Mail body is required");

                DataTable recipients = LoadExcelFile("recipient", "Recipients");
                if (recipients.Rows.Count == 0)
                    throw new Exception("At least one recipient is required.");
                if (!recipients.Columns.Contains("Email"))
                    throw new Exception("Column Email is required in the recipients file uploaded.");
                if (!recipients.Columns.Contains("Title"))
                    throw new Exception("Column Title is required in the recipients file uploaded.");
                if (!recipients.Columns.Contains("Name"))
                    throw new Exception("Column Name is required in the recipients file uploaded.");
                // end validations

                SendNewsletterCallResult result = new SendNewsletterCallResult();
                await DispatchEmailsAsync(result, recipients, subject, mailMessage, fileAttachments);

                if (result.NoOfFailedMessages > 0)
                    ViewBag.Message = string.Format($"{recipients.Rows.Count - result.NoOfFailedMessages} of {recipients.Rows.Count} email was sent. {result.NoOfFailedMessages} failed to deliver.");
                    ViewBag.Message = "Mail was sent to all recipients.";

            catch (Exception ex)
                ViewBag.Message = "Error: " + ex.Message;
Exemplo n.º 2
        private async Task <bool> DispatchEmailsAsync(SendNewsletterCallResult result, DataTable recipients, string subject, string mailMessage, HttpPostedFileBase[] fileAttachments = null)
            int      noOfEmailsProcessed = 0, noOfEmailsPerHour = int.Parse(ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["NoOfEmailsPerHour"].ToString());
            DateTime dt           = DateTime.Now;

            int noOfFailedMessages = 0;

            DataAccess dataAccess = new DataAccess(DataProvider.MsSQLServer, ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["AlertDataConnectionString"].ConnectionString);
            string     reference  = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();

            foreach (DataRow recipient in recipients.Rows)
                string email = recipient["Email"].ToString().Trim();
                if (IEIA.CommonUtil.RegexUtilities.IsValidEmail(email))
                    string mailBody   = string.Format($"Dear {recipient["Title"].ToString().Trim()} {recipient["Name"].ToString().Trim()},<br><br>{mailMessage}");
                    var    isMailSent = await SendEmailAsync(subject, mailBody, email, fileAttachments);

                    if (!isMailSent)

                    dataAccess.Execute("INSERT INTO MessageHistory (MessageType, Recipient, Message, Subject, IsSent, IsDelivered, Ref, ProviderID, UserName) VALUES ('E', @Recipient, @Message, @Subject, @IsSent, 0, @Ref, @ProviderID, @UserName)",
                                       new DataParam[] {
                        new DataParam("@Recipient", email),
                        new DataParam("@Message", mailBody),
                        new DataParam("@Subject", subject),
                        new DataParam("@IsSent", isMailSent),
                        new DataParam("@Ref", reference),
                        new DataParam("@ProviderID", 3),
                        new DataParam("@UserName", Session["userName"])


                TimeSpan span = DateTime.Now.Subtract(dt);
                if (span.Minutes <= 60 && noOfEmailsProcessed >= noOfEmailsPerHour)
                    System.Threading.Thread.Sleep(60 - span.Minutes);   // wait for the remaining time to 1 hour
                                                                        // reset the time and no of e-mails sent
                    dt = DateTime.Now;
                    noOfEmailsProcessed = 0;
            dataAccess = null;

            result.NoOfFailedMessages = noOfFailedMessages;
