/// <summary>
        /// Builds a strongly typed Entity Model based on a given DXA R2 Data Model.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="entityModel">The strongly typed Entity Model to build. Is <c>null</c> for the first Entity Model Builder in the pipeline.</param>
        /// <param name="entityModelData">The DXA R2 Data Model.</param>
        /// <param name="baseModelType">The base type for the Entity Model to build.</param>
        /// <param name="localization">The context <see cref="ILocalization"/>.</param>
        public virtual void BuildEntityModel(ref EntityModel entityModel, EntityModelData entityModelData, Type baseModelType, ILocalization localization)
            using (new Tracer(entityModel, entityModelData, baseModelType, localization))
                MvcData        mvcData        = CreateMvcData(entityModelData.MvcData, "Entity");
                SemanticSchema semanticSchema = SemanticMapping.GetSchema(entityModelData.SchemaId, localization);

                Type modelType = (baseModelType == null) ?
                                 ModelTypeRegistry.GetViewModelType(mvcData) :

                MappingData mappingData = new MappingData
                    SourceViewModel    = entityModelData,
                    ModelType          = modelType,
                    PropertyValidation = new Validation
                        MainSchema       = semanticSchema,
                        InheritedSchemas = GetInheritedSemanticSchemas(entityModelData, localization)
                    Fields         = entityModelData.Content,
                    MetadataFields = entityModelData.Metadata,
                    Localization   = localization

                entityModel = (EntityModel)CreateViewModel(mappingData);

                entityModel.Id      = entityModelData.Id;
                entityModel.MvcData = mvcData ?? entityModel.GetDefaultView(localization);
        /// <summary>
        /// Adds a predefined schema
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="schema">Schema</param>
        public void AddPredefinedSchema(SemanticSchema schema)
            var existing = GetSemanticSchema(schema.Id.ToString());

            if (existing != null)
            List <SemanticSchema> newSchemas = new List <SemanticSchema>(_semanticSchemas)

        protected virtual List <SemanticSchema> GetInheritedSemanticSchemas(ViewModelData pageModelData, ILocalization localization)
            List <SemanticSchema> schemas = new List <SemanticSchema>();

            if (pageModelData.ExtensionData != null && pageModelData.ExtensionData.ContainsKey("Schemas"))
                string[] ids = pageModelData.ExtensionData["Schemas"] as string[];
                if (ids != null && ids.Length > 0)
                    foreach (string inheritedSchemaId in ids)
                        SemanticSchema schema = SemanticMapping.GetSchema(inheritedSchemaId, localization);
                        if (schema == null)

        /// <summary>
        /// Class constructor
        /// </summary>
        static DocsLocalization()
            const string rootElementName      = "Topic";
            const string topicBodyFieldName   = "topicBody";
            const string topicTitleFieldName  = "topicTitle";
            const string coreVocabularyPrefix = "tri";

            using (new Tracer())
                // Predefined Topic schema that always has an ID of 1 (deployer adds this)
                SemanticSchema topicSchema = new SemanticSchema
                    Id          = 1,
                    RootElement = rootElementName,
                    Fields      = new List <SemanticSchemaField>
                        new SemanticSchemaField
                            Name         = topicBodyFieldName,
                            Path         = $"/{rootElementName}/{topicBodyFieldName}",
                            IsMultiValue = false,
                            Semantics    = new List <FieldSemantics>
                                new FieldSemantics {
                                    Prefix = coreVocabularyPrefix, Entity = rootElementName, Property = topicBodyFieldName
                            Fields = new List <SemanticSchemaField>()
                        new SemanticSchemaField
                            Name         = topicTitleFieldName,
                            Path         = $"/{rootElementName}/{topicTitleFieldName}",
                            IsMultiValue = false,
                            Semantics    = new List <FieldSemantics>
                                new FieldSemantics {
                                    Prefix = coreVocabularyPrefix, Entity = rootElementName, Property = topicTitleFieldName
                            Fields = new List <SemanticSchemaField>()
                    Semantics = new List <SchemaSemantics>
                        new FieldSemantics {
                            Prefix = coreVocabularyPrefix, Entity = rootElementName

                _semanticSchemas = new List <SemanticSchema>

                _semanticVocabs = new List <SemanticVocabulary>
                    new SemanticVocabulary {
                        Prefix = coreVocabularyPrefix, Vocab = Models.ViewModel.CoreVocabulary

                List <string> mediaPatterns = new List <string>
                _staticContentUrlPattern = string.Join("|", mediaPatterns);
Exemplo n.º 5
        private RichText ResolveRichText(XmlDocument doc, Localization localization)
            const string xlinkNamespaceUri = "http://www.w3.org/1999/xlink";

            XmlNamespaceManager nsmgr = new XmlNamespaceManager(doc.NameTable);

            nsmgr.AddNamespace("xhtml", "http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml");
            nsmgr.AddNamespace("xlink", xlinkNamespaceUri);

            // Process/resolve hyperlinks with XLink attributes
            ILinkResolver linkResolver = SiteConfiguration.LinkResolver;

            foreach (XmlElement linkElement in doc.SelectNodes("//a[@xlink:href]", nsmgr))
                // DD4T BinaryPublisher may have resolved a href attribute already (for links to MM Components)
                string linkUrl = linkElement.GetAttribute("href");
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(linkUrl))
                    // No href attribute found. Apparently the XLink refers to a regular Component; we resolve it to a URL here.
                    string tcmUri = linkElement.GetAttribute("href", xlinkNamespaceUri);
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(tcmUri))
                        // Try to resolve directly to Binary content of MM Component.
                        linkUrl = linkResolver.ResolveLink(tcmUri, resolveToBinary: true);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(linkUrl))
                    // The link was resolved; set HTML href attribute
                    linkElement.SetAttribute("href", linkUrl);
                    ApplyHashIfApplicable(linkElement, localization);

                    // Remove all XLink and data- attributes
                    IEnumerable <XmlAttribute> attributesToRemove = linkElement.Attributes.Cast <XmlAttribute>()
                                                                    .Where(a => a.NamespaceURI == xlinkNamespaceUri || a.LocalName == "xlink" || a.LocalName.StartsWith("data-")).ToArray();
                    foreach (XmlAttribute attr in attributesToRemove)
                    // The link was not resolved; remove the hyperlink.
                    XmlNode parentNode = linkElement.ParentNode;
                    foreach (XmlNode childNode in linkElement.ChildNodes)
                        parentNode.InsertBefore(childNode, linkElement);

            // Resolve embedded media items
            List <EntityModel> embeddedEntities = new List <EntityModel>();

            foreach (XmlElement imgElement in doc.SelectNodes("//img[@data-schemaUri]", nsmgr))
                string[]       schemaTcmUriParts = imgElement.GetAttribute("data-schemaUri").Split('-');
                SemanticSchema semanticSchema    = SemanticMapping.GetSchema(schemaTcmUriParts[1], localization);

                // The semantic mapping may resolve to a more specific model type than specified here (e.g. YouTubeVideo instead of just MediaItem)
                Type      modelType = semanticSchema.GetModelTypeFromSemanticMapping(typeof(MediaItem));
                MediaItem mediaItem = (MediaItem)modelType.CreateInstance();
                if (mediaItem.MvcData == null)
                    // In DXA 1.1 MediaItem.ReadFromXhtmlElement was expected to set MvcData.
                    // In DXA 1.2 this should be done in a GetDefaultView override (which is also used for other embedded Entities)
                    mediaItem.MvcData = mediaItem.GetDefaultView(localization);

                // Replace img element with marker XML processing instruction
                    doc.CreateProcessingInstruction(EmbeddedEntityProcessingInstructionName, String.Empty),

            // Split the XHTML into fragments based on marker XML processing instructions.
            string xhtml = doc.DocumentElement.InnerXml;
            IList <IRichTextFragment> richTextFragments = new List <IRichTextFragment>();
            int lastFragmentIndex = 0;
            int i = 0;

            foreach (Match embeddedEntityMatch in EmbeddedEntityProcessingInstructionRegex.Matches(xhtml))
                int embeddedEntityIndex = embeddedEntityMatch.Index;
                if (embeddedEntityIndex > lastFragmentIndex)
                    richTextFragments.Add(new RichTextFragment(xhtml.Substring(lastFragmentIndex, embeddedEntityIndex - lastFragmentIndex)));
                lastFragmentIndex = embeddedEntityIndex + embeddedEntityMatch.Length;
            if (lastFragmentIndex < xhtml.Length)
                // Final text fragment
                richTextFragments.Add(new RichTextFragment(xhtml.Substring(lastFragmentIndex)));

            return(new RichText(richTextFragments));
        protected virtual RegionModel CreateRegionModel(RegionModelData regionModelData, ILocalization localization)
            MvcData mvcData         = CreateMvcData(regionModelData.MvcData, "Region");
            Type    regionModelType = ModelTypeRegistry.GetViewModelType(mvcData);

            RegionModel result = (RegionModel)regionModelType.CreateInstance(regionModelData.Name);

            result.ExtensionData = regionModelData.ExtensionData;
            result.HtmlClasses   = regionModelData.HtmlClasses;
            result.MvcData       = mvcData;
            result.XpmMetadata   = localization.IsXpmEnabled ? regionModelData.XpmMetadata : null;
            result.SchemaId      = regionModelData.SchemaId;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(regionModelData.SchemaId))
                SemanticSchema semanticSchema = SemanticMapping.GetSchema(regionModelData.SchemaId, localization);

                Type modelType = ModelTypeRegistry.GetViewModelType(mvcData);

                MappingData mappingData = new MappingData
                    SourceViewModel    = regionModelData,
                    ModelType          = modelType,
                    PropertyValidation = new Validation
                        MainSchema       = semanticSchema,
                        InheritedSchemas = GetInheritedSemanticSchemas(regionModelData, localization)
                    Fields         = null,
                    MetadataFields = regionModelData.Metadata,
                    Localization   = localization
                MapSemanticProperties(result, mappingData);

            if (regionModelData.Regions != null)
                IEnumerable <RegionModel> nestedRegionModels = regionModelData.Regions.Select(data => CreateRegionModel(data, localization));
                result.IsVolatile |= result.Regions.Any(region => region.IsVolatile);

            if (regionModelData.Entities != null)
                foreach (EntityModelData entityModelData in regionModelData.Entities)
                    EntityModel entityModel;
                        entityModel = ModelBuilderPipeline.CreateEntityModel(entityModelData, null, localization);
                        // indicate to region model that this region is potentially volatile if it contains a volatile entity
                        result.IsVolatile |= entityModel.IsVolatile;
                        entityModel.MvcData.RegionName = regionModelData.Name;
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        // If there is a problem mapping an Entity, we replace it with an ExceptionEntity which holds the error details and carry on.
                        entityModel = new ExceptionEntity(ex);

 /// <summary>
 /// Adds a predefined schema
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="schema">Schema</param>
 public void AddPredefinedSchema(SemanticSchema schema)
 => _mappingsManager.AddPredefinedSchema(schema);
Exemplo n.º 8
        /// <summary>
        /// Builds a strongly typed Page Model from a given DXA R2 Data Model.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="pageModel">The strongly typed Page Model to build. Is <c>null</c> for the first Page Model Builder in the pipeline.</param>
        /// <param name="pageModelData">The DXA R2 Data Model.</param>
        /// <param name="includePageRegions">Indicates whether Include Page Regions should be included.</param>
        /// <param name="localization">The context <see cref="ILocalization"/>.</param>
        public virtual void BuildPageModel(ref PageModel pageModel, PageModelData pageModelData, bool includePageRegions, Localization localization)
            using (new Tracer(pageModel, pageModelData, includePageRegions, localization))
                MvcData mvcData   = CreateMvcData(pageModelData.MvcData, "Page");
                Type    modelType = ModelTypeRegistry.GetViewModelType(mvcData);

                if (modelType == typeof(PageModel))
                    // Standard Page Model.
                    pageModel = new PageModel(pageModelData.Id)
                        ExtensionData = pageModelData.ExtensionData,
                        HtmlClasses   = pageModelData.HtmlClasses,
                        XpmMetadata   = localization.IsXpmEnabled ? pageModelData.XpmMetadata : null,
                    // Custom Page Model
                    List <SemanticSchema> inheritedSemanticSchemas = GetInheritedSemanticSchemas(pageModelData, localization);
                    SemanticSchema        mainSemanticSchema       = (pageModelData.SchemaId != null) ? SemanticMapping.GetSchema(pageModelData.SchemaId, localization) : inheritedSemanticSchemas.FirstOrDefault();

                    if (mainSemanticSchema == null)
                        // Custom Page Model, but no custom metadata.
                        pageModel = (PageModel)modelType.CreateInstance(pageModelData.Id);
                        pageModel.ExtensionData = pageModelData.ExtensionData;
                        pageModel.HtmlClasses   = pageModelData.HtmlClasses;
                        pageModel.XpmMetadata   = localization.IsXpmEnabled ? pageModelData.XpmMetadata : null;
                        // Custom Page Model with custom metadata; do full-blown model mapping.
                        MappingData mappingData = new MappingData
                            SourceViewModel    = pageModelData,
                            ModelId            = pageModelData.Id,
                            ModelType          = modelType,
                            PropertyValidation = new Validation
                                MainSchema       = mainSemanticSchema,
                                InheritedSchemas = inheritedSemanticSchemas
                            MetadataFields = pageModelData.Metadata,
                            Localization   = localization
                        pageModel = (PageModel)CreateViewModel(mappingData);

                pageModel.MvcData = mvcData;
                pageModel.Meta    = pageModelData.Meta ?? new Dictionary <string, string>();
                pageModel.Title   = PostProcessPageTitle(pageModelData, localization); // TODO TSI-2210: This should eventually be done in Model Service.
                pageModel.Url     = pageModelData.UrlPath;
                string pageContextId = pageModel.Id;
                if (pageModelData.Regions != null)
                    IEnumerable <RegionModelData> regions = includePageRegions ? pageModelData.Regions : pageModelData.Regions.Where(r => r.IncludePageId == null);
                    pageModel.Regions.UnionWith(regions.Select(data =>
                        SetPageContextId(data, pageContextId);
                        return(CreateRegionModel(data, localization));
                    pageModel.IsVolatile |= pageModel.Regions.Any(region => region.IsVolatile);