public void SeleniumShowChromeRightClickError()
            var selenium = new Selenium();

            // Chrome cannot interact with context menus. Workaround is using native sendkeys, but we don't want to go there.
            // This test tries to select all in the context meny and then press delete. It just presses delete instead, so the
            // field doesn't get empty. If this test would fail, right click would work
            const string textboxLocator = "id:text1";

            Assert.IsTrue(selenium.Open(EndToEndTest.CreateTestPageUri()), "Open page");
            Assert.IsTrue(selenium.WaitUntilTitleMatches("Selenium Fixture Test Page"));
            Assert.IsTrue(selenium.RightClickElement(textboxLocator), "Show context menu");
            Selenium.WaitSeconds(0.2); // allow dropdown to expand
            const string selectAllInContextMenuSequence = "{DOWN}a";

            selenium.SendKeysToElement(new KeyConverter(selectAllInContextMenuSequence).ToSeleniumFormat,
            selenium.SendKeysToElement("{DELETE}", textboxLocator);
            Assert.IsFalse(string.IsNullOrEmpty(selenium.AttributeOfElement("value", textboxLocator)),
                           "text 1 is empty");