//set single space
    private void SingleSpaceHighlight(int i, Vector2Int coords, SelectionSpace.Colors color)
        var space = SelectionSpaces[i];

    //highlight single space in tile footprint (not used for now because at the moment tiles dont have footprints)
    private void TileHighlight(Vector2Int coords, Puzzle.Tile tile)
        SelectionSpace.Colors color = SelectionSpace.Colors.White;

        var puzzle = this.Manager.PuzzleController.Puzzle;

        //if out of the board
        if (puzzle.OutOfBounds(coords) || !puzzle.IsFree(coords, tile))
            color = SelectionSpace.Colors.Red;

        SingleSpaceHighlight(0, coords, color);
    //highlight single space in footprint
    private void PieceFootprintHighlight(int i, Vector2Int boardCoords, Puzzle.Piece piece, Vector2Int offset = default)
        SelectionSpace.Colors color = SelectionSpace.Colors.White;

        var puzzle = this.Manager.PuzzleController.Puzzle;

        var coords = boardCoords + offset;

        if (puzzle.OutOfBounds(coords))
            color = SelectionSpace.Colors.Red;
        else if (!puzzle.IsFree(boardCoords, piece))
            var overlap = puzzle.GetPiece(coords);
            if (overlap != null && overlap != piece)
                color = SelectionSpace.Colors.Red;

        SingleSpaceHighlight(i, coords, color);