Exemplo n.º 1
        public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)
            IDependencyGraphFactory dependencyGraphFactory = new DependencyGraphFactory();
            ISegmenterFactory       segmenterFactory       = new SegmenterFactory(dependencyGraphFactory);
            IConfiguration          config = new DefaultValueConfiguration();
            IBuilder builder = new Builder(dependencyGraphFactory, segmenterFactory, config);

            var uiPath = new PathString("/ui");

            builder.Register(new Router(config, dependencyGraphFactory))
            .AddRoute("ui", c => c.Request.Path.StartsWithSegments(uiPath))

            builder.Register(new OutputCache())
            .ConfigureWith(config, "/ui/outputCache");

            builder.Register(new TestMiddleware2())
            .ConfigureWith(config, "/ui/versioning");

            builder.Register(new TestMiddleware2())
            .ConfigureWith(config, "/ui/dart");

            builder.Register(new TestMiddleware2())
            .ConfigureWith(config, "/ui/less");

            builder.Register(new TestMiddleware3()).
            As("Static files")
            .ConfigureWith(config, "/ui/staticFiles");

            builder.Register(new TestMiddleware1())
            .As("Route visualizer")
            .ConfigureWith(config, "/ui/visualizer");

Exemplo n.º 2
        public void Configuration(IAppBuilder app)
            // This demonstrates how you would configure the builder without using IoC
            // There are other startup examples in this project that demonstrate the IoC version
            IDependencyGraphFactory dependencyGraphFactory = new DependencyGraphFactory();
            ISegmenterFactory       segmenterFactory       = new SegmenterFactory(dependencyGraphFactory);
            IBuilder       builder       = new Builder(dependencyGraphFactory, segmenterFactory);
            IConfiguration configuration = new DefaultValueConfiguration();

            // Note that the middleware components below can be registerd with the builder
            // in any order. The builder will resolve dependencies and add middleware into
            // the OWIN pipeline so that all dependencies are satisfied. If there are
            // circular dependencies an exception will be thrown.

            // This middleware is built to run at the front of the Owin pipeline
            // so not much more to set up here.
            builder.Register(new ReportExceptions());

            // Configure different 404 behaviours for different routes.
            // Note that NotFoundError middleware is built to run at the end of the Owin
            // pipeline after all other middleware. If no other middleware handled the
            // request then it returns a 404 response.
            builder.Register(new NotFoundError())
            .ConfigureWith(configuration, "/owin/notFound/api");

            builder.Register(new NotFoundError())
            .ConfigureWith(configuration, "/owin/notFound/ui");

            builder.Register(new NotFoundError())
            .ConfigureWith(configuration, "/owin/notFound/staticFiles");

            builder.Register(new NotFoundError())
            .ConfigureWith(configuration, "/owin/notFound/invalid");

            // This says that we want to use forms based identification, that
            // we will refer to it by the name 'loginId', and it will
            // only be configured for the 'secure' route. This also defines
            // the configureation mechanism and specifies where to get config
            // for this instance in the config file.
            builder.Register(new FormsIdentification())
            .ConfigureWith(configuration, "/owin/auth/forms")

            // This says that we want to use certificate based identification, that
            // we will refer to it by the name 'certificateId'.
            builder.Register(new CertificateIdentification())
            .ConfigureWith(configuration, "/owin/auth/cert");

            // This specifies the mechanism we want to use to store session.
            // We don't need to specify anything else because each middleware knows
            // already whether it needs session or not and the builder will ensure
            // that session is included in the pipeline before anything that needs it.
            builder.Register(new InProcessSession())
            .ConfigureWith(configuration, "/owin/session");

            // This configures a routing element that will split the OWIN pipeline into
            // two routes. There is a 'ui' route that has forms based authentication and
            // template based rendering. There is an 'api' route that has certifcate based
            // authentication and REST service rendering.
            // Since this router does not have any route dependencies it will run directly
            // off the incomming request.
            builder.Register(new Router(dependencyGraphFactory))
            .AddRoute("ui", context => context.Request.Path.Value.EndsWith(".aspx"))
            .AddRoute("staticFiles", context =>
                var path = context.Request.Path.Value;
                var fileExtensionIndex = path.LastIndexOf('.');
                if (fileExtensionIndex < 0)

                var fileExtension = path.Substring(fileExtensionIndex).ToLower();
                if (fileExtension == ".html")
                if (fileExtension == ".css")
                if (fileExtension == ".js")
                if (fileExtension == ".jpg")
                if (fileExtension == ".png")
            .AddRoute("api", context => context.Request.Path.Value.StartsWith("/api/"))
            .AddRoute("invalid", context => true);

            // This configures another routing split that divides the 'ui' route into
            // 'secure' and 'public' routes.
            builder.Register(new Router(dependencyGraphFactory))
            .AddRoute("secure", context => context.Request.Path.Value.StartsWith("/secure"))
            .AddRoute("public", context => true)

            // This specifies that we want to use the template page rendering
            // middleware and that it should run on both the "public" route and
            // the "secure" route. This creates a join bewteen the routes.
            builder.Register(new TemplatePageRendering())
            .ConfigureWith(configuration, "/owin/templates");

            // This specifies that we want to use the REST service mapper on the 'api' route
            // and that it should run after the 'certificateId' middleware
            builder.Register(new RestServiceMapper())
            .ConfigureWith(configuration, "/owin/rest");

            // This statement will add all of the middleware registered with the builder into
            // the OWIN pipeline. The builder will add middleware to the pipeline in an order
            // that ensures all dependencies are met.
            // The builder will also create splits in the OWIN pipeline where there are routing
            // components configured, and joins where middleware has a dependency on multiple
            // routes.
            // If you want to see exactly how the Owin pipeline got built, there is a
            // PipelineVisualizer middleware in the OwinFramework.Middleware package that you
            // can add to your configuraton. This middleware will return an SVG vizualization
            // of the pipeline including configurations and analytics.

            // Anything that you do with the builder after this point will have no effect on
            // to Owin pipeline which has already been built.