Exemplo n.º 1
        private SegmentInformation AllocateSegment(int size)
            byte *start = (byte *)Marshal.AllocHGlobal(size).ToPointer();
            byte *end   = start + size;

            var segment = new SegmentInformation {
                Start = start, Current = start, End = end, CanDispose = true


Exemplo n.º 2
        private void AllocateExternalSegment(int size)
            byte *start = (byte *)Marshal.AllocHGlobal(size).ToPointer();
            byte *end   = start + size;

            _externalCurrent = new SegmentInformation {
                Start = start, Current = start, End = end, CanDispose = true
            _externalAlignedSize = (sizeof(ByteStringStorage) + (sizeof(long) - sizeof(ByteStringStorage) % sizeof(long)));
            _externalCurrentLeft = (int)(_externalCurrent.End - _externalCurrent.Start) / _externalAlignedSize;

Exemplo n.º 3
        public static Texture CreateDummyHeightTextureDependentOnPixelPosition(SegmentInformation segmentInformation, float offset, float stepMultiplier)
            var tex = new Texture2D(240, 240, TextureFormat.RFloat, false);

            float[] rawTextureData = new float[tex.width * tex.height];
            for (int x = 0; x < tex.width; x++)
                for (int y = 0; y < tex.height; y++)
                    rawTextureData[x + y * tex.width] = offset + ((x + y * 4) / 400f) * stepMultiplier;


Exemplo n.º 4
        public ByteStringContext(int allocationBlockSize = DefaultAllocationBlockSizeInBytes)
            if (allocationBlockSize < MinBlockSizeInBytes)
                throw new ArgumentException($"It is not a good idea to allocate chunks of less than the {nameof(MinBlockSizeInBytes)} value of {MinBlockSizeInBytes}");

            this._allocationBlockSize = allocationBlockSize;

            this._wholeSegments = new List <SegmentInformation>();
            this._internalReadyToUseMemorySegments = new List <SegmentInformation>();

            this._internalReusableStringPool      = new Stack <IntPtr> [LogMinBlockSize];
            this._internalReusableStringPoolCount = new int[LogMinBlockSize];

            this._internalCurrent = AllocateSegment(allocationBlockSize);
            this._externalCurrent = AllocateSegment(allocationBlockSize);

            this._externalStringPool = new Stack <IntPtr>(64);

        public ActionResult <SegmentInformation> Get(string City1, string City2, string parcelType, int parcelWeight, bool signed)
            City1      = City1.ToLower();
            City2      = City2.ToLower();
            parcelType = parcelType.ToLower();
            DatabaseLookupController databaseLookup = new DatabaseLookupController();
            List <Edge>        allEdges             = databaseLookup.queryForMap().Value;
            List <string[]>    prices          = databaseLookup.queryForPricingData().Value;
            SegmentInformation newSeg          = new SegmentInformation();
            List <string>      formattedPrices = new List <string>();

            foreach (string[] price in prices)
                string formattedPrice = Convert.ToString(price.GetValue(1));
                formattedPrice.Replace(",", ".");

            foreach (Edge edge in allEdges)
                string startCity = edge.fromCity.name.ToLower();
                string endCity   = edge.toCity.name.ToLower();
                if (startCity.Equals(City1) || endCity.Equals(City1))
                    if (startCity.Equals(City2) || endCity.Equals(City2))
                        double priceOfDelivery      = 0;
                        Edge   edgeForDelivery      = edge;
                        int    nodesEdgeForDelivery = Convert.ToInt32(edgeForDelivery.node);
                        if (parcelType.Equals("standard"))
                            priceOfDelivery = Convert.ToDouble(formattedPrices[0]) * nodesEdgeForDelivery;
                        else if (parcelType.Equals("weapons"))
                            priceOfDelivery = Convert.ToDouble(formattedPrices[0]) * Convert.ToDouble(formattedPrices[2]) * nodesEdgeForDelivery;
                        else if (parcelType.Equals("live animals"))
                            priceOfDelivery = Convert.ToDouble(formattedPrices[0]) * Convert.ToDouble(formattedPrices[3]) * nodesEdgeForDelivery;
                        else if (parcelType.Equals("cautious parcels"))
                            priceOfDelivery = Convert.ToDouble(formattedPrices[0]) * Convert.ToDouble(formattedPrices[4]) * nodesEdgeForDelivery;
                        else if (parcelType.Equals("refrigerated goods"))
                            priceOfDelivery = Convert.ToDouble(formattedPrices[0]) * Convert.ToDouble(formattedPrices[5]) * nodesEdgeForDelivery;
                        if (parcelWeight > 40)
                            priceOfDelivery = 0;
                        int timeOfDelivery = 4 * nodesEdgeForDelivery;
                        newSeg.price = priceOfDelivery;
                        newSeg.time  = timeOfDelivery;
                        if (newSeg.price == 0)
                            newSeg.available = false;
                            newSeg.available = true;
            if (newSeg == null)
Exemplo n.º 6
        public void Release(ref ByteString value)
            Debug.Assert(value._pointer != null, "Pointer cannot be null. You have a defect in your code.");
            if (value._pointer == null)

            // We are releasing, therefore we should validate among other things if an immutable string changed and if we are the owners.

            if (value.IsExternal)
                // We release the pointer in the appropriate reuse pool.
                if (this._externalFastPoolCount < ExternalFastPoolSize)
                    // Release in the fast pool.
                    this._externalFastPool[this._externalFastPoolCount++] = new IntPtr(value._pointer);
                    this._externalStringPool.Push(new IntPtr(value._pointer));
                int reusablePoolIndex = GetPoolIndexForReuse(value._pointer->Size);

                if (value._pointer->Size <= MinBlockSizeInBytes)
                    Stack <IntPtr> pool = this._internalReusableStringPool[reusablePoolIndex];
                    if (pool == null)
                        pool = new Stack <IntPtr>();
                        this._internalReusableStringPool[reusablePoolIndex] = pool;

                    pool.Push(new IntPtr(value._pointer));
                else  // The released memory is big enough, we will just release it as a new segment.
                    byte *start = (byte *)value._pointer;
                    byte *end   = start + value._pointer->Size;

                    var segment = new SegmentInformation {
                        Start = start, Current = start, End = end, CanDispose = false

            // Setting the null key ensures that in between we can validate that no further deallocation
            // happens on this memory segment.
            value._pointer->Key = ByteStringStorage.NullKey;

            // Setting the length to zero ensures that the hash returns 0 and do not
            // fail with an AccessViolationException because there is garbage stored here.
            value._pointer->Length = 0;

            // WE WANT it to happen, no matter what.
            value._pointer = null;
Exemplo n.º 7
        private ByteString AllocateInternal(int length, ByteStringType type)
            Debug.Assert((type & ByteStringType.External) == 0, "This allocation routine is only for use with internal storage byte strings.");
            type &= ~ByteStringType.External; // We are allocating internal, so we will force it (even if we are checking for it in debug).

            int allocationSize = length + sizeof(ByteStringStorage);

            // This is even bigger than the configured allocation block size. There is no reason why we shouldn't
            // allocate it directly. When released (if released) this will be reused as a segment, ensuring that the context
            // could handle that.
            if (allocationSize > _allocationBlockSize)
                return(AllocateWholeSegment(length, type)); // We will pass the length because this is a whole allocated segment able to hold a length size ByteString.
            int reusablePoolIndex = GetPoolIndexForReuse(allocationSize);
            int allocationUnit    = Bits.NextPowerOf2(allocationSize);

            // The allocation unit is bigger than MinBlockSize (therefore it wont be 2^n aligned).
            // Then we will 64bits align the allocation.
            if (allocationUnit > MinBlockSizeInBytes)
                allocationUnit += sizeof(long) - allocationUnit % sizeof(long);

            // All allocation units are 32 bits aligned. If not we will have a performance issue.
            Debug.Assert(allocationUnit % sizeof(int) == 0);

            // If we can reuse... we retrieve those.
            if (allocationSize <= MinBlockSizeInBytes && _internalReusableStringPoolCount[reusablePoolIndex] != 0)
                // This is a stack because hotter memory will be on top.
                Stack <IntPtr> pool = _internalReusableStringPool[reusablePoolIndex];

                void *ptr = pool.Pop().ToPointer();

                return(Create(ptr, length, allocationUnit, type));
                int currentSizeLeft = _internalCurrent.SizeLeft;
                if (allocationUnit > currentSizeLeft) // This shouldn't happen that much, if it does you should increase your default allocation block.
                    SegmentInformation segment = null;

                    // We will try to find a hot segment with enough space if available.
                    // Older (colder) segments are at the front of the list. That's why we would start scanning backwards.
                    for (int i = _internalReadyToUseMemorySegments.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                        var segmentValue = _internalReadyToUseMemorySegments[i];
                        if (segmentValue.SizeLeft >= allocationUnit)
                            // Put the last where this one is (if it is the same, this is a no-op) and remove it from the list.
                            _internalReadyToUseMemorySegments[i] = _internalReadyToUseMemorySegments[_internalReadyToUseMemorySegments.Count - 1];
                            _internalReadyToUseMemorySegments.RemoveAt(_internalReadyToUseMemorySegments.Count - 1);

                            segment = segmentValue;

                    // If the size left is bigger than MinBlockSize, we release current as a reusable segment
                    if (currentSizeLeft > MinBlockSizeInBytes)
                        byte *start = _internalCurrent.Current;
                        byte *end   = start + currentSizeLeft;

                        _internalReadyToUseMemorySegments.Add(new SegmentInformation {
                            Start = start, Current = start, End = end, CanDispose = false
                    else if (currentSizeLeft > sizeof(ByteStringType) + MinReusableBlockSizeInBytes)
                        // The memory chunk left is big enough to make sense to reuse it.
                        reusablePoolIndex = GetPoolIndexForReservation(currentSizeLeft);

                        Stack <IntPtr> pool = this._internalReusableStringPool[reusablePoolIndex];
                        if (pool == null)
                            pool = new Stack <IntPtr>();
                            this._internalReusableStringPool[reusablePoolIndex] = pool;

                        pool.Push(new IntPtr(_internalCurrent.Current));

                    // Use the segment and if there is no segment available that matches the request, just get a new one.
                    this._internalCurrent = segment ?? AllocateSegment(_allocationBlockSize);

                var byteString = Create(_internalCurrent.Current, length, allocationUnit, type);
                _internalCurrent.Current += byteString._pointer->Size;

Exemplo n.º 8
 public void SegmentStateChange(SegmentInformation segmentInfo)
Exemplo n.º 9
 public void RemoveSegment(SegmentInformation segmentInfo)
Exemplo n.º 10
        public void AddSegment(SegmentInformation segmentInfo)
            var token = new SegmentGenerationProcessToken(SegmentGenerationProcessSituation.BeforeStartOfCreation, RequiredSegmentSituation.Filled);

            _executor.ExecuteSegmentAction(token, segmentInfo.SegmentAlignedPosition);