Exemplo n.º 1
        public SegmentLink(int id, int segment1, SegmentEndpoint ep1, int segment2, SegmentEndpoint ep2)
            Trace.Assert(segment1 <= segment2);
            Trace.Assert(segment1 != segment2 || ep1 != ep2);

            Id       = id;
            Segment1 = segment1;
            Ep1      = ep1;
            Segment2 = segment2;
            Ep2      = ep2;
Exemplo n.º 2
        private static void CreateLinksForSegmentEndpoint(List <SegmentLink> segmentLinks, QuadTree quadTree, Segment seg, SegmentEndpoint ep, float range, float maxAngle, float warningAngle)
            var point = seg.GetEndpoint(ep);

            // Get a list of (segment, endpoint) tuples around point of interest
            // TODO: also implement a warningRange akin to warningAngle
            var candidates = quadTree.FindSegmentEndpointsNear(point, range);

            var maxCosine     = Math.Cos(maxAngle);
            var warningCosine = Math.Cos(warningAngle);

            foreach (var(candiSeg, candiEp) in candidates)
                var linkId = 1 + segmentLinks.Count;

                // Only add if candidate ID precedes segment ID -- this prevents adding everything twice
                // We're also not interested in cases where (seg1, ep1) == (seg2, ep2)
                if (seg.Id < candiSeg.Id)
                    // TODO: we could also check 1st-order continuity (tangent)

                    var tangent1 = seg.GetEndpointTangent(ep, true);
                    var tangent2 = candiSeg.GetEndpointTangent(candiEp, false);

                    // Angle too great?
                    var dot = Vector3.Dot(tangent1, tangent2);
                    if (dot < maxCosine)
                        // ...but within warning area?
                        if (dot > warningCosine)
                            Console.WriteLine($"Warning: angle between segments {seg.Id}, {candiSeg.Id} too large: {Math.Acos(dot) * 180.0f / Math.PI:F1} deg > {maxAngle * 180.0f / Math.PI:F1} deg");

                        // Reject pair of segments on basis of too great angle

                    segmentLinks.Add(new SegmentLink(linkId, seg.Id, ep, candiSeg.Id, candiEp));
Exemplo n.º 3
 public (Station station, StationStop stop, float distance, TrajectorySegment[] plan)? FindNearestStationAlongTrack(int segmentId, float t,
                                                                                                                    SegmentEndpoint dir, int?excludedStationId, bool verbose)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Exemplo n.º 4
 public SegmentLink[] FindConnectingSegments(int segmentId, SegmentEndpoint ep)
     throw new NotImplementedException();
Exemplo n.º 5
 // constructors
 /// <summary>Creates a new instance of this structure.</summary>
 /// <param name="segment">The segment this connection points to, or a null reference.</param>
 /// <param name="endpoint">The endpoint of the segment this connection points to, or SegmentEndpoint.Invalid.</param>
 public SegmentConnection(Segment segment, SegmentEndpoint endpoint)
     this.Segment = segment;
     this.Endpoint = endpoint;
Exemplo n.º 6
 public Vector3 GetEndpoint(SegmentEndpoint ep)
     return(ep switch {
         SegmentEndpoint.Start => ControlPoints[0],
         SegmentEndpoint.End => ControlPoints[^ 1]
Exemplo n.º 7
 public static float DistanceToEndpoint(this Segment segment, float t, SegmentEndpoint toEp)
     return(toEp switch {
         SegmentEndpoint.Start => segment.GetLength() * t,
         SegmentEndpoint.End => segment.GetLength() * (1 - t),
Exemplo n.º 8
        public RoutePlan?PlanRoute(int originSegmentId, float originT, SegmentEndpoint originDirection,
                                   int destinationSegmentId, float destinationT)
            // TODO: handle degenerate case where origin == destination

            int MAX_ITERATIONS = 1_000;

            Console.WriteLine($"PlanRoute(({originSegmentId},{originT}->{originDirection}) ==> ({destinationSegmentId}, {destinationT}))");

            Segment originSegment = _network.GetSegmentById(originSegmentId);


            Segment destinationSegment = _network.GetSegmentById(destinationSegmentId);
            var     destinationPoint   = destinationSegment.GetPoint(destinationT);

            // Create priority queue for A* algorithm
            var queue = new SimplePriorityQueue <RoutePoint>();
            var added = new HashSet <(int, SegmentEndpoint)>();

            // Find and insert segments connected directly to origin segment

            float initialCost   = originSegment.DistanceToEndpoint(originT, originDirection);
            float heuristicCost = (originSegment.GetEndpoint(originDirection) - destinationPoint).Length();

            var candidates = _network.FindConnectingSegments(originSegmentId, originDirection);

            foreach (var c in candidates)
                if (c.Segment1 != originSegmentId)
                    queue.Enqueue(new RoutePoint {
                        Previous  = null, ChainLength = 1,
                        SegmentId = c.Segment1, EntryEp = c.Ep1, CostToReach = initialCost
                    }, initialCost + heuristicCost);
                    added.Add((c.Segment1, c.Ep1));
                    queue.Enqueue(new RoutePoint {
                        Previous  = null, ChainLength = 1,
                        SegmentId = c.Segment2, EntryEp = c.Ep2, CostToReach = initialCost
                    }, initialCost + heuristicCost);
                    added.Add((c.Segment2, c.Ep2));

            // Now descend into the priority queue and look for a way towards the goal

            for (int iteration = 0; queue.Count != 0; iteration++)
                var candidate = queue.Dequeue();
                var segment   = _network.GetSegmentById(candidate.SegmentId);

                if (!segment.CanEnterFrom(candidate.EntryEp))

                candidate.segmentLength = segment.GetLength();
                //Console.WriteLine($"Try ({candidate.SegmentId}, {candidate.EntryEp})");

                if (candidate.SegmentId == destinationSegmentId)
                    // Found a path
                    float totalCost = candidate.CostToReach + segment.DistanceToEndpoint(destinationT, candidate.EntryEp);

                    if (ExtraVerbosity)
                        Console.WriteLine($"PlanRoute finished after {iteration} iterations");
                        Console.WriteLine($"Now displaying {candidate.ChainLength}-element path starting from (Segment={originSegmentId} Pos={originSegment.GetPoint(originT)})");
                        Console.WriteLine($" - {originSegment.DistanceToEndpoint(originT, originDirection),6:F2}m in origin segment {originSegmentId} from t={originT} to {originDirection}");


                        Console.WriteLine($" - {segment.DistanceToEndpoint(destinationT, candidate.EntryEp),6:F2}m in destination segment {destinationSegmentId} from {candidate.EntryEp} to t={destinationT}");
                        Console.WriteLine($"Total cost: {totalCost}");

                    var plan = new RoutePlan {
                        route = new (int, SegmentEndpoint, float, float)[candidate.ChainLength], totalCost = totalCost
Exemplo n.º 9
 public (int, SegmentEndpoint)? GetPreferredContinuationSegment(int fromSegmentId, SegmentEndpoint fromEp)
     return(_tractionController.GetPreferredContinuationSegment(fromSegmentId, fromEp));