Exemplo n.º 1
 /// <summary>
 /// Throws a <see cref="GalleryServerPro.ErrorHandler.CustomExceptions.GallerySecurityException" /> if the user belonging to the
 /// specified <paramref name="roles" /> does not have at least one of the requested permissions for the specified album.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="securityRequest">Represents the permission or permissions being requested. Multiple actions can be specified by using
 /// a bitwise OR between them (example: <see cref="SecurityActions.AdministerSite" /> | <see cref="SecurityActions.AdministerGallery" />).
 /// If multiple actions are specified, the method is successful when the user has permission for at least one of the actions.</param>
 /// <param name="roles">A collection of Gallery Server roles to which the currently logged-on user belongs. This parameter is ignored
 /// for anonymous users (i.e. <paramref name="isAuthenticated"/>=false). The parameter may be null.</param>
 /// <param name="albumId">The album for which the requested permission applies.</param>
 /// <param name="galleryId">The ID for the gallery the user is requesting permission in. The <paramref name="albumId" /> must exist in
 /// this gallery. This parameter is not required <paramref name="securityRequest" /> is SecurityActions.AdministerSite (you can specify
 /// <see cref="int.MinValue" />).</param>
 /// <param name="isAuthenticated">A value indicating whether the current user is logged in. If true, the
 /// <paramref name="roles"/> parameter must be given the names of the roles for the current user. If
 /// <paramref name="isAuthenticated"/>=true and the <paramref name="roles"/> parameter
 /// is either null or an empty collection, this method thows a <see cref="GalleryServerPro.ErrorHandler.CustomExceptions.GallerySecurityException" /> exception.</param>
 /// <param name="isPrivateAlbum">A value indicating whether the album is hidden from anonymous users. This parameter is ignored for
 /// logged-on users.</param>
 /// <remarks>This method handles both anonymous and logged on users. Note that when <paramref name="isAuthenticated"/>=true, the <paramref name="isPrivateAlbum"/> parameter is
 /// ignored. When it is false, the <paramref name="roles"/> parameter is ignored.</remarks>
 /// <exception cref="GalleryServerPro.ErrorHandler.CustomExceptions.GallerySecurityException">Throw when the user does not have at least
 /// one of the requested permissions to the specified album.</exception>
 public static void ThrowIfUserNotAuthorized(SecurityActions securityRequest, IGalleryServerRoleCollection roles, int albumId, int galleryId, bool isAuthenticated, bool isPrivateAlbum)
     if (!(IsUserAuthorized(securityRequest, roles, albumId, galleryId, isAuthenticated, isPrivateAlbum, SecurityActionsOption.RequireOne)))
         throw new ErrorHandler.CustomExceptions.GallerySecurityException(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "You do not have permission '{0}' for album ID {1}.", securityRequest.ToString(), albumId));
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void PurgeCache(int albumId)
            IAlbum album = null;

                album = AlbumController.LoadAlbumInstance(albumId, false);

                // Get a list of all actions that require purging the cache. User must have one of these
                // permissions in order to purge the cache.
                const SecurityActions securityActions = SecurityActions.AddChildAlbum | SecurityActions.EditAlbum | SecurityActions.DeleteChildAlbum | SecurityActions.AddMediaObject | SecurityActions.EditMediaObject | SecurityActions.DeleteMediaObject;
                if (Utils.IsUserAuthorized(securityActions, albumId, album.GalleryId, album.IsPrivate))
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (album != null)
                    AppErrorController.LogError(ex, album.GalleryId);
Exemplo n.º 3
		/// <summary>
		/// Throws a <see cref="GalleryServerPro.ErrorHandler.CustomExceptions.GallerySecurityException" /> if the user does not have the appropriate 
		/// permission for the specified album.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="securityRequest">The requested permissions.</param>
		/// <param name="roles">A collection of Gallery Server roles to which the currently logged-on user belongs. This parameter is ignored
		/// for anonymous users (i.e. <paramref name="isAuthenticated"/>=false). The parameter may be null.</param>
		/// <param name="albumId">The album for which the requested permission applies.</param>
		/// <param name="isAuthenticated">A value indicating whether the current user is logged in. If true, the
		/// <paramref name="roles"/> parameter must be given the names of the roles for the current user. If 
		/// <paramref name="isAuthenticated"/>=true and the <paramref name="roles"/> parameter
		/// is either null or an empty collection, this method thows a <see cref="GalleryServerPro.ErrorHandler.CustomExceptions.GallerySecurityException" /> exception.</param>
		/// <param name="isPrivateAlbum">A value indicating whether the album is hidden from anonymous users. This parameter is ignored for
		/// logged-on users.</param>
		/// <remarks>This method handles both anonymous and logged on users. Note that when <paramref name="isAuthenticated"/>=true, the <paramref name="isPrivateAlbum"/> parameter is
		/// ignored. When it is false, the <paramref name="roles"/> parameter is ignored.</remarks>
		/// <exception cref="GalleryServerPro.ErrorHandler.CustomExceptions.GallerySecurityException">Throw when the user does not have 
		/// permission to the requested album.</exception>
		public static void ThrowIfUserNotAuthorized(SecurityActions securityRequest, IGalleryServerRoleCollection roles, int albumId, bool isAuthenticated, bool isPrivateAlbum)
			if (!(IsUserAuthorized(securityRequest, roles, albumId, isAuthenticated, isPrivateAlbum)))
				throw new GalleryServerPro.ErrorHandler.CustomExceptions.GallerySecurityException(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "You do not have permission '{0}' for album ID {1}.", securityRequest.ToString(), albumId));
Exemplo n.º 4
        /// <summary>
        /// Determine if the user has the appropriate permission for the specified album. The user may be anonymous or logged on.
        /// When the the user is logged on (i.e. <paramref name="isAuthenticated"/> = true), this method determines whether the user is authorized by
        /// validating that at least one role has the requested permission to the specified album. When the user is anonymous,
        /// the <paramref name="roles"/> parameter is ignored and instead the <paramref name="isPrivateAlbum"/> parameter is used.
        /// Anonymous users do not have any access to private albums. When the the user is logged on (i.e. <paramref name="isAuthenticated"/> = true),
        /// the <paramref name="roles"/> parameter must contain the roles belonging to the user.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="securityRequests">The requested permissions.</param>
        /// <param name="roles">A collection of Gallery Server roles to which the currently logged-on user belongs. This parameter is ignored
        /// for anonymous users (i.e. <paramref name="isAuthenticated"/>=false). The parameter may be null.</param>
        /// <param name="albumId">The album for which the requested permission applies.</param>
        /// <param name="isAuthenticated">A value indicating whether the current user is logged on. If true, the
        /// <paramref name="roles"/> parameter should contain the names of the roles for the current user. If <paramref name="isAuthenticated"/>=true
        /// and the <paramref name="roles"/> parameter is either null or an empty collection, this method returns false.</param>
        /// <param name="isPrivateAlbum">A value indicating whether the album is hidden from anonymous users. This parameter is ignored for
        /// logged-on users.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns true if the user has the requested permission; returns false if not.</returns>
        /// <remarks>This method handles both anonymous and logged on users. Note that when <paramref name="isAuthenticated"/>=true, the
        /// <paramref name="isPrivateAlbum"/> parameter is ignored. When it is false, the roles parameter is ignored.</remarks>
        public static bool IsUserAuthorized(SecurityActions securityRequests, IGalleryServerRoleCollection roles, int albumId, bool isAuthenticated, bool isPrivateAlbum)
            #region Validation

            if (isAuthenticated && ((roles == null) || (roles.Count == 0)))


            // Handle anonymous users.
            if (!isAuthenticated)
                return(IsAnonymousUserAuthorized(securityRequests, isPrivateAlbum));

            // If we get here we are dealing with an authenticated (logged on) user. Authorization for authenticated users is
            // given if the user is a member of at least one role that provides permission.
            if (SecurityActionEnumHelper.IsSingleSecurityAction(securityRequests))
                // Iterate through each GalleryServerRole. If at least one allows the action, return true. Note that the
                // AdministerSite security action, if granted, applies to all albums and allows all actions (except HideWatermark).
                foreach (IGalleryServerRole role in roles)
                    if (IsAuthenticatedUserAuthorized(securityRequests, role, albumId))
                // There are multiple security actions in securityRequest enum. User is authorized only if EVERY security request
                // is authorized.
                foreach (SecurityActions securityAction in SecurityActionEnumHelper.ParseSecurityAction(securityRequests))
                    // Iterate through each GalleryServerRole. If at least role allows the action, return true. Note that the
                    // AdministerSite security action, if granted, applies to all albums and allows all actions (except HideWatermark).
                    bool securityActionIsAuthorized = false;
                    foreach (IGalleryServerRole role in roles)
                        if (IsAuthenticatedUserAuthorized(securityAction, role, albumId))
                            securityActionIsAuthorized = true;
                    if (!securityActionIsAuthorized)
                // If we get to this point then every security request has been authorized, so we can authorize the entire request.
Exemplo n.º 5
        /// <summary>
        /// Extract information from the query string and assign to our class level variables. Return false if something goes wrong
        /// and the variables cannot be set. This will happen when the query string is in an unexpected format.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="queryString">The query string for the current request. Can be populated with HttpContext.Request.Url.Query.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns true if all relevant variables were assigned from the query string; returns false if there was a problem.</returns>
        private bool ExtractQueryStringParms(string queryString)
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(queryString))

            if (queryString.StartsWith("?", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                queryString = queryString.Remove(0, 1);

            foreach (string nameValuePair in queryString.Split(new char[] { '&' }))
                string[] nameOrValue = nameValuePair.Split(new char[] { '=' });
                switch (nameOrValue[0])
                case "aid":
                    int aid;
                    if (Int32.TryParse(nameOrValue[1], out aid))
                        _albumId = aid;

                case "secaction":
                    int secActionInt;
                    if (Int32.TryParse(nameOrValue[1], out secActionInt))
                        if (SecurityActionEnumHelper.IsValidSecurityAction((SecurityActions)secActionInt))
                            _securityAction = (SecurityActions)secActionInt; break;

                default: return(false);                        // Unexpected query string parm. Return false so execution is aborted.

Exemplo n.º 6
        private void ShowTreeview()
            rptr.Visible = false;

            tvUC.Visible = true;

            // Find out if the objects we are transferring consist of only media objects, only albums, or both.
            // We use this knowledge to set the RequiredSecurityPermission property on the treeview user control
            // so that only albums where the user has permission are available for selection.
            bool            hasAlbums       = false;
            bool            hasMediaObjects = false;
            SecurityActions securityActions = 0;

            foreach (string id in (string[])ViewState["ids"])
                if (id.StartsWith("a", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                    securityActions = (((int)securityActions == 0) ? SecurityActions.AddChildAlbum : securityActions | SecurityActions.AddChildAlbum);
                    hasAlbums       = true;
                if (id.StartsWith("m", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                    securityActions = (((int)securityActions == 0) ? SecurityActions.AddMediaObject : securityActions | SecurityActions.AddMediaObject);
                    hasMediaObjects = true;
                if (hasAlbums && hasMediaObjects)

            tvUC.RequiredSecurityPermissions = securityActions;

            if (UserCanAdministerSite || UserCanAdministerGallery)
                // Show all galleries the current user can administer. This allows them to move/copy objects between galleries.
                tvUC.RootAlbumPrefix = String.Concat(Resources.GalleryServerPro.Site_Gallery_Text, " '{GalleryDescription}': ");
                tvUC.Galleries       = UserController.GetGalleriesCurrentUserCanAdminister();

            IAlbum albumToSelect = this.GetAlbum();

            if (!IsUserAuthorized(SecurityActions.AddChildAlbum, albumToSelect))
                albumToSelect = AlbumController.GetHighestLevelAlbumWithAddPermission(hasAlbums, hasMediaObjects, GalleryId);

            if (albumToSelect == null)
Exemplo n.º 7
 /// <summary>
 /// Determines if the securityActions parameter is one of the defined enumerations or a valid combination of valid enumeration
 /// values (since <see cref="SecurityActions" /> is defined with the Flags attribute). <see cref="Enum.IsDefined" /> cannot be used since it does not return
 /// true when the enumeration contains more than one enum value. This method requires the <see cref="SecurityActions" /> enum to have a member
 /// All that contains every enum value ORed together.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="securityActions">A <see cref="SecurityActions" />. It may be a single value or some
 /// combination of valid enumeration values.</param>
 /// <returns>Returns true if securityActions is one of the defined items in the enumeration or is a valid combination of
 /// enumeration values; otherwise returns false.</returns>
 public static bool IsValidSecurityAction(SecurityActions securityActions)
     if ((securityActions != 0) && ((securityActions & SecurityActions.All) == securityActions))
Exemplo n.º 8
		/// <summary>
		/// Determine if the user has the appropriate permission for the specified album. The user may be anonymous or logged on. 
		/// When the the user is logged on (i.e. <paramref name="isAuthenticated"/> = true), this method determines whether the user is authorized by 
		/// validating that at least one role has the requested permission to the specified album. When the user is anonymous, 
		/// the <paramref name="roles"/> parameter is ignored and instead the <paramref name="isPrivateAlbum"/> parameter is used. 
		/// Anonymous users do not have any access to private albums. When the the user is logged on (i.e. <paramref name="isAuthenticated"/> = true),
		/// the <paramref name="roles"/> parameter must contain the roles belonging to the user.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="securityRequests">The requested permissions.</param>
		/// <param name="roles">A collection of Gallery Server roles to which the currently logged-on user belongs. This parameter is ignored
		/// for anonymous users (i.e. <paramref name="isAuthenticated"/>=false). The parameter may be null.</param>
		/// <param name="albumId">The album for which the requested permission applies.</param>
		/// <param name="isAuthenticated">A value indicating whether the current user is logged on. If true, the
		/// <paramref name="roles"/> parameter should contain the names of the roles for the current user. If <paramref name="isAuthenticated"/>=true 
		/// and the <paramref name="roles"/> parameter is either null or an empty collection, this method returns false.</param>
		/// <param name="isPrivateAlbum">A value indicating whether the album is hidden from anonymous users. This parameter is ignored for
		/// logged-on users.</param>
		/// <returns>Returns true if the user has the requested permission; returns false if not.</returns>
		/// <remarks>This method handles both anonymous and logged on users. Note that when <paramref name="isAuthenticated"/>=true, the 
		/// <paramref name="isPrivateAlbum"/> parameter is ignored. When it is false, the roles parameter is ignored.</remarks>
		public static bool IsUserAuthorized(SecurityActions securityRequests, IGalleryServerRoleCollection roles, int albumId, bool isAuthenticated, bool isPrivateAlbum)
			#region Validation

			if (isAuthenticated && ((roles == null) || (roles.Count == 0)))
				return false;


			// Handle anonymous users.
			if (!isAuthenticated)
				return IsAnonymousUserAuthorized(securityRequests, isPrivateAlbum);

			// If we get here we are dealing with an authenticated (logged on) user. Authorization for authenticated users is
			// given if the user is a member of at least one role that provides permission.
			if (SecurityActionEnumHelper.IsSingleSecurityAction(securityRequests))
				// Iterate through each GalleryServerRole. If at least one allows the action, return true. Note that the
				// AdministerSite security action, if granted, applies to all albums and allows all actions (except HideWatermark).
				foreach (IGalleryServerRole role in roles)
					if (IsAuthenticatedUserAuthorized(securityRequests, role, albumId))
						return true;
				return false;
				// There are multiple security actions in securityRequest enum. User is authorized only if EVERY security request
				// is authorized.
				foreach (SecurityActions securityAction in SecurityActionEnumHelper.ParseSecurityAction(securityRequests))
					// Iterate through each GalleryServerRole. If at least role allows the action, return true. Note that the
					// AdministerSite security action, if granted, applies to all albums and allows all actions (except HideWatermark).
					bool securityActionIsAuthorized = false;
					foreach (IGalleryServerRole role in roles)
						if (IsAuthenticatedUserAuthorized(securityAction, role, albumId))
							securityActionIsAuthorized = true;
					if (!securityActionIsAuthorized)
						return false;
				// If we get to this point then every security request has been authorized, so we can authorize the entire request.
				return true;
Exemplo n.º 9
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses the security action into one or more <see cref="SecurityActions"/>. Since the <see cref="SecurityActions" />
        /// enum has the Flags attribute and may contain a bitwise combination of more than one value, this function is useful
        /// in creating a list of the values that can be enumerated.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="securityActionsToParse">A <see cref="SecurityActions" />. It may be a single value or some
        /// combination of valid enumeration values.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns a list of <see cref="SecurityActions"/> that can be enumerated.</returns>
        public static IEnumerable <SecurityActions> ParseSecurityAction(SecurityActions securityActionsToParse)
            List <SecurityActions> securityActions = new List <SecurityActions>(2);

            foreach (SecurityActions securityActionIterator in Enum.GetValues(typeof(SecurityActions)))
                if ((securityActionsToParse & securityActionIterator) == securityActionIterator)

Exemplo n.º 10
        private static bool IsAnonymousUserAuthorized(SecurityActions securityRequests, bool isPrivateAlbum, int galleryId, SecurityActionsOption secActionsOption)
            // Anonymous user. Return true for viewing-related permission requests on PUBLIC albums; return false for all others.
            IGallerySettings gallerySettings = Factory.LoadGallerySetting(galleryId);

            if (SecurityActionEnumHelper.IsSingleSecurityAction(securityRequests))
                return(IsAnonymousUserAuthorizedForSingleSecurityAction(securityRequests, isPrivateAlbum, gallerySettings));
                return(IsAnonymousUserAuthorizedForMultipleSecurityActions(securityRequests, isPrivateAlbum, gallerySettings, secActionsOption));
Exemplo n.º 11
        private void ShowTreeview()
            rptr.Visible = false;

            tvUC.Visible = true;

            // Find out if the objects we are transferring consist of only media objects, only albums, or both.
            // We use this knowledge to set the RequiredSecurityPermission property on the treeview user control
            // so that only albums where the user has permission are available for selection.
            bool            hasAlbums       = false;
            bool            hasMediaObjects = false;
            SecurityActions securityActions = 0;

            foreach (string id in (string[])ViewState["ids"])
                if (id.StartsWith("a", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                    securityActions = (((int)securityActions == 0) ? SecurityActions.AddChildAlbum : securityActions | SecurityActions.AddChildAlbum);
                    hasAlbums       = true;
                if (id.StartsWith("m", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                    securityActions = (((int)securityActions == 0) ? SecurityActions.AddMediaObject : securityActions | SecurityActions.AddMediaObject);
                    hasMediaObjects = true;
                if (hasAlbums && hasMediaObjects)

            tvUC.RequiredSecurityPermissions = securityActions;

            IAlbum albumToSelect = this.GetAlbum();

            if (!IsUserAuthorized(SecurityActions.AddChildAlbum, albumToSelect))
                albumToSelect = AlbumController.GetHighestLevelAlbumWithAddPermission(hasAlbums, hasMediaObjects);

            if (albumToSelect == null)
Exemplo n.º 12
        private static bool IsAnonymousUserAuthorizedForSingleSecurityAction(SecurityActions securityRequests, bool isPrivateAlbum, IGallerySettings gallerySettings)
            bool isAuthorized = false;

            if ((securityRequests == SecurityActions.ViewAlbumOrMediaObject) && !isPrivateAlbum && gallerySettings.AllowAnonymousBrowsing)
                isAuthorized = true;

            if ((securityRequests == SecurityActions.ViewOriginalImage) && !isPrivateAlbum && gallerySettings.AllowAnonymousBrowsing && gallerySettings.AllowAnonymousHiResViewing)
                isAuthorized = true;

Exemplo n.º 13
 /// <summary>
 /// Determines if the specified value is a single, valid enumeration value. Since the <see cref="SecurityActions" /> enum has the
 /// Flags attribute and may contain a bitwise combination of more than one value, this function is useful in
 /// helping the developer decide if the enum value is just one value or it must be parsed into its constituent
 /// parts with the GalleryServerPro.Business.SecurityManager.ParseSecurityAction method.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="securityActions">A <see cref="SecurityActions" />. It may be a single value or some
 /// combination of valid enumeration values.</param>
 /// <returns>Returns true if securityAction is a valid, single bit flag; otherwise return false.</returns>
 public static bool IsSingleSecurityAction(SecurityActions securityActions)
     if (IsValidSecurityAction(securityActions) && (securityActions == SecurityActions.ViewAlbumOrMediaObject) ||
         (securityActions == SecurityActions.ViewOriginalImage) || (securityActions == SecurityActions.AddMediaObject) ||
         (securityActions == SecurityActions.AdministerSite) || (securityActions == SecurityActions.DeleteAlbum) ||
         (securityActions == SecurityActions.DeleteChildAlbum) || (securityActions == SecurityActions.DeleteMediaObject) ||
         (securityActions == SecurityActions.EditAlbum) || (securityActions == SecurityActions.EditMediaObject) ||
         (securityActions == SecurityActions.HideWatermark) || (securityActions == SecurityActions.Synchronize) ||
         (securityActions == SecurityActions.AddChildAlbum) || (securityActions == SecurityActions.AdministerGallery))
Exemplo n.º 14
        private bool IsUserAuthorized()
            // If no media object is specified, then return true (this happens for empty album thumbnails).
            if (MediaObject.Id == int.MinValue)

            SecurityActions requestedPermission = SecurityActions.ViewAlbumOrMediaObject;

            if ((this._displayType == DisplayObjectType.Original) && (MediaObject.MimeType.TypeCategory == MimeTypeCategory.Image))
                requestedPermission = SecurityActions.ViewOriginalImage;

            return(Utils.IsUserAuthorized(requestedPermission, RoleController.GetGalleryServerRolesForUser(), MediaObject.Parent.Id, GalleryId, MediaObject.IsPrivate));
Exemplo n.º 15
        private static bool IsAnonymousUserAuthorized(SecurityActions securityAction, bool isPrivateAlbum)
            // Anonymous user. Return true for viewing-related permission requests on PUBLIC albums; return false for all others.
            if (SecurityActionEnumHelper.IsSingleSecurityAction(securityAction))
                if ((securityAction == SecurityActions.ViewAlbumOrMediaObject) && !isPrivateAlbum)

                if ((securityAction == SecurityActions.ViewOriginalImage) && !isPrivateAlbum && ConfigManager.GetGalleryServerProConfigSection().Core.AllowAnonymousHiResViewing)
                // There are multiple security actions in securityAction enum. User is authorized only if EVERY security request
                // is authorized.
                bool isAuthorized = true;
                foreach (SecurityActions securityRequest in SecurityActionEnumHelper.ParseSecurityAction(securityAction))
                    bool securityActionIsAuthorized = false;

                    if ((securityRequest == SecurityActions.ViewAlbumOrMediaObject) && !isPrivateAlbum)
                        securityActionIsAuthorized = true;

                    if ((securityRequest == SecurityActions.ViewOriginalImage) && !isPrivateAlbum && ConfigManager.GetGalleryServerProConfigSection().Core.AllowAnonymousHiResViewing)
                        securityActionIsAuthorized = true;

                    if (!securityActionIsAuthorized)
                        isAuthorized = false;

Exemplo n.º 16
        private bool IsUserAuthorized()
            // If no media object is specified, then return true (this happens for empty album thumbnails).
            if ((ResourceType == MediaType.MediaObject) || (ResourceType == MediaType.MediaObjectWithWatermark))
                SecurityActions requestedPermission = SecurityActions.ViewAlbumOrMediaObject;

                if ((_displayType == DisplayObjectType.Original) && (MediaObject.MimeType.TypeCategory == MimeTypeCategory.Image))
                    requestedPermission = SecurityActions.ViewOriginalImage;

                return(Utils.IsUserAuthorized(requestedPermission, RoleController.GetGalleryServerRolesForUser(), MediaObject.Parent.Id, GalleryId, MediaObject.IsPrivate));
                return(true);                // Non-media object requests are always valid (i.e. default album thumbnails)
Exemplo n.º 17
        public string PurgeCache(int id)
            IAlbum album = null;

                album = AlbumController.LoadAlbumInstance(id, false);

                // Get a list of all actions that require purging the cache. User must have one of these
                // permissions in order to purge the cache.
                const SecurityActions securityActions = SecurityActions.AddChildAlbum | SecurityActions.EditAlbum | SecurityActions.DeleteChildAlbum | SecurityActions.AddMediaObject | SecurityActions.EditMediaObject | SecurityActions.DeleteMediaObject;

                if (!Utils.IsUserAuthorized(securityActions, id, album.GalleryId, album.IsPrivate, album.IsVirtualAlbum))
                    return("Insufficient permission for purging the cache.");

                return("Cache purged...");
            catch (Exception ex)
                if (album != null)
                    AppEventController.LogError(ex, album.GalleryId);

                throw new HttpResponseException(new HttpResponseMessage(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError)
                    Content      = Utils.GetExStringContent(ex),
                    ReasonPhrase = "Server Error"
Exemplo n.º 18
        private static bool IsAnonymousUserAuthorizedForMultipleSecurityActions(SecurityActions securityRequests, bool isPrivateAlbum, IGallerySettings gallerySettings, SecurityActionsOption secActionsOption)
            // There are multiple security actions in securityAction enum.  Iterate through each one and determine if the user
            // has permission for it.
            List <bool> authResults = new List <bool>();

            foreach (SecurityActions securityAction in SecurityActionEnumHelper.ParseSecurityAction(securityRequests))
                authResults.Add(IsAnonymousUserAuthorizedForSingleSecurityAction(securityAction, isPrivateAlbum, gallerySettings));

            if (secActionsOption == SecurityActionsOption.RequireAll)
                return(authResults.Count > 0 ? authResults.TrueForAll(delegate(bool value) { return value; }) : false);
            else if (secActionsOption == SecurityActionsOption.RequireOne)
                throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException("secActionsOption", (int)secActionsOption, typeof(SecurityActionsOption));
Exemplo n.º 19
        private bool IsUserAuthorized()
            // If no media object is specified, then return true (this happens for empty album thumbnails).
            if ((ResourceType == MediaType.MediaObject) || (ResourceType == MediaType.MediaObjectWithWatermark))
                SecurityActions requestedPermission = SecurityActions.ViewAlbumOrMediaObject;

                if ((_displayType == DisplayObjectType.Original))
                    var optFileDiffThanOriginal = !MediaObject.Original.FileName.Equals(MediaObject.Optimized.FileName, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

                    if (optFileDiffThanOriginal)
                        requestedPermission = SecurityActions.ViewOriginalMediaObject;

                return(Utils.IsUserAuthorized(requestedPermission, RoleController.GetGalleryServerRolesForUser(), MediaObject.Parent.Id, GalleryId, MediaObject.IsPrivate, ((IAlbum)MediaObject.Parent).IsVirtualAlbum));
                return(true);                // Non-media object requests are always valid (i.e. default album thumbnails)
Exemplo n.º 20
        /// <summary>
        /// Extract information from the query string and assign to our class level variables. Return false if something goes wrong
        /// and the variables cannot be set. This will happen when the query string is in an unexpected format.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="queryString">The query string for the current request. Can be populated with HttpContext.Request.Url.Query.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns true if all relevant variables were assigned from the query string; returns false if there was a problem.</returns>
        private bool ExtractQueryStringParms(string queryString)
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(queryString))

            if (queryString.StartsWith("?", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                queryString = queryString.Remove(0, 1);

            foreach (string nameValuePair in queryString.Split(new char[] { '&' }))
                string[] nameOrValue = nameValuePair.Split(new char[] { '=' });

                if (nameOrValue.Length < 2)

                switch (nameOrValue[0])
                case "id":
                    int aid;
                    if (Int32.TryParse(nameOrValue[1], out aid))
                        _albumId = aid;

                case "secaction":
                    int secActionInt;
                    if (Int32.TryParse(nameOrValue[1], out secActionInt))
                        if (SecurityActionEnumHelper.IsValidSecurityAction((SecurityActions)secActionInt))
                            _securityAction = (SecurityActions)secActionInt; break;

                case "sc":
                    bool showCheckbox;
                    if (Boolean.TryParse(nameOrValue[1], out showCheckbox))
                        _showCheckbox = showCheckbox;

                case "navurl":
                    _navigateUrl = Utils.UrlDecode(nameOrValue[1]).Trim();

                default: return(false); // Unexpected query string parm. Return false so execution is aborted.

Exemplo n.º 21
 /// <overloads>
 /// Determine if a user has permission to perform the requested action.
 /// </overloads>
 /// <summary>
 /// Determine whether the user belonging to the specified <paramref name="roles" /> has permission to perform at least one of the specified security 
 /// actions against the specified <paramref name="albumId" />. The user may be anonymous or logged on.
 /// When the the user is logged on (i.e. <paramref name="isAuthenticated"/> = true), this method determines whether the user is authorized by
 /// validating that at least one role has the requested permission to the specified album. When the user is anonymous,
 /// the <paramref name="roles"/> parameter is ignored and instead the <paramref name="isPrivateAlbum"/> parameter is used.
 /// Anonymous users do not have any access to private albums. When the the user is logged on (i.e. <paramref name="isAuthenticated"/> = true),
 /// the <paramref name="roles"/> parameter must contain the roles belonging to the user.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="securityRequests">Represents the permission or permissions being requested. Multiple actions can be specified by using
 /// a bitwise OR between them (example: <see cref="SecurityActions.AdministerSite" /> | <see cref="SecurityActions.AdministerGallery" />). 
 /// If multiple actions are specified, the method is successful if the user has permission for at least one of the actions. If you require 
 /// that all actions be satisfied to be successful, call one of the overloads that accept a <see cref="SecurityActionsOption" /> and 
 /// specify <see cref="SecurityActionsOption.RequireAll" />.</param>
 /// <param name="roles">A collection of Gallery Server roles to which the currently logged-on user belongs. This parameter is ignored
 /// 	for anonymous users (i.e. <paramref name="isAuthenticated"/>=false). The parameter may be null.</param>
 /// <param name="albumId">The album for which the requested permission applies. This parameter does not apply when the requested permission
 /// 	is <see cref="SecurityActions.AdministerSite" />.</param>
 /// <param name="galleryId">The ID for the gallery the user is requesting permission in. The <paramref name="albumId" /> must exist in this 
 /// gallery. This parameter is not required <paramref name="securityRequests" /> is SecurityActions.AdministerSite (you can specify 
 /// <see cref="int.MinValue" />).</param>
 /// <param name="isAuthenticated">A value indicating whether the current user is logged on. If true, the
 /// 	<paramref name="roles"/> parameter should contain the names of the roles for the current user. If <paramref name="isAuthenticated"/>=true
 /// 	and the <paramref name="roles"/> parameter is either null or an empty collection, this method returns false.</param>
 /// <param name="isPrivateAlbum">A value indicating whether the album is hidden from anonymous users. This parameter is ignored for
 /// 	logged-on users.</param>
 /// <param name="isVirtualAlbum">if set to <c>true</c> the album is a virtual album.</param>		/// 
 /// <returns>
 /// Returns true if the user has the requested permission; returns false if not.
 /// </returns>
 /// <remarks>This method handles both anonymous and logged on users. Note that when <paramref name="isAuthenticated"/>=true, the
 /// <paramref name="isPrivateAlbum"/> parameter is ignored. When it is false, the <paramref name="roles" /> parameter is ignored.</remarks>
 public static bool IsUserAuthorized(SecurityActions securityRequests, IGalleryServerRoleCollection roles, int albumId, int galleryId, bool isAuthenticated, bool isPrivateAlbum, bool isVirtualAlbum)
     return IsUserAuthorized(securityRequests, roles, albumId, galleryId, isAuthenticated, isPrivateAlbum, SecurityActionsOption.RequireOne, isVirtualAlbum);
Exemplo n.º 22
        private static bool IsAnonymousUserAuthorizedForMultipleSecurityActions(SecurityActions securityRequests, bool isPrivateAlbum, IGallerySettings gallerySettings, SecurityActionsOption secActionsOption)
            // There are multiple security actions in securityAction enum.  Iterate through each one and determine if the user
            // has permission for it.
            List<bool> authResults = new List<bool>();
            foreach (SecurityActions securityAction in SecurityActionEnumHelper.ParseSecurityAction(securityRequests))
                authResults.Add(IsAnonymousUserAuthorizedForSingleSecurityAction(securityAction, isPrivateAlbum, gallerySettings));

            if (secActionsOption == SecurityActionsOption.RequireAll)
                return (authResults.Count > 0 ? authResults.TrueForAll(delegate(bool value) { return value; }) : false);
            else if (secActionsOption == SecurityActionsOption.RequireOne)
                return authResults.Contains(true);
                throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException("secActionsOption", (int)secActionsOption, typeof(SecurityActionsOption));
Exemplo n.º 23
        /// <summary>
        /// Determine whether the user belonging to the specified <paramref name="roles" /> has permission to perform all of the specified security
        /// actions against the specified <paramref name="albumId" />. The user may be anonymous or logged on.
        /// When the the user is logged on (i.e. <paramref name="isAuthenticated" /> = true), this method determines whether the user is authorized by
        /// validating that at least one role has the requested permission to the specified album. When the user is anonymous,
        /// the <paramref name="roles" /> parameter is ignored and instead the <paramref name="isPrivateAlbum" /> parameter is used.
        /// Anonymous users do not have any access to private albums. When the the user is logged on (i.e. <paramref name="isAuthenticated" /> = true),
        /// the <paramref name="roles" /> parameter must contain the roles belonging to the user.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="securityRequests">Represents the permission or permissions being requested. Multiple actions can be specified by using
        /// a bitwise OR between them (example: <see cref="SecurityActions.AdministerSite" /> | <see cref="SecurityActions.AdministerGallery" />).
        /// If multiple actions are specified, use <paramref name="secActionsOption" /> to specify whether all of the actions must be satisfied
        /// to be successful or only one item must be satisfied.</param>
        /// <param name="roles">A collection of Gallery Server roles to which the currently logged-on user belongs. This parameter is ignored
        /// for anonymous users (i.e. <paramref name="isAuthenticated" />=false). The parameter may be null.</param>
        /// <param name="albumId">The album for which the requested permission applies. This parameter does not apply when the requested permission
        /// is <see cref="SecurityActions.AdministerSite" /> or <see cref="SecurityActions.AdministerGallery" />.</param>
        /// <param name="galleryId">The ID for the gallery the user is requesting permission in. The <paramref name="albumId" /> must exist in this
        /// gallery. This parameter is not required <paramref name="securityRequests" /> is SecurityActions.AdministerSite (you can specify
        /// <see cref="int.MinValue" />).</param>
        /// <param name="isAuthenticated">A value indicating whether the current user is logged on. If true, the
        /// <paramref name="roles" /> parameter should contain the names of the roles for the current user. If <paramref name="isAuthenticated" />=true
        /// and the <paramref name="roles" /> parameter is either null or an empty collection, this method returns false.</param>
        /// <param name="isPrivateAlbum">A value indicating whether the album is hidden from anonymous users. This parameter is ignored for
        /// logged-on users.</param>
        /// <param name="secActionsOption">Specifies whether the user must have permission for all items in <paramref name="securityRequests" />
        /// to be successful or just one. This parameter defaults to SecurityActionsOption.RequireAll when not specified, and is applicable only
        /// when <paramref name="securityRequests" /> contains more than one item.</param>
        /// <param name="isVirtualAlbum">if set to <c>true</c> the album is a virtual album.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// Returns true if the user has the requested permission; returns false if not.
        /// </returns>
        /// <exception cref="System.ArgumentOutOfRangeException"></exception>
        /// <exception cref="System.ComponentModel.InvalidEnumArgumentException"></exception>
        /// <remarks>
        /// This method handles both anonymous and logged on users. Note that when <paramref name="isAuthenticated" />=true, the
        /// <paramref name="isPrivateAlbum" /> parameter is ignored. When it is false, the <paramref name="roles" /> parameter is ignored.
        /// </remarks>
        public static bool IsUserAuthorized(SecurityActions securityRequests, IGalleryServerRoleCollection roles, int albumId, int galleryId, bool isAuthenticated, bool isPrivateAlbum, SecurityActionsOption secActionsOption, bool isVirtualAlbum)
            #region Validation

            if (isAuthenticated && !isVirtualAlbum && ((roles == null) || (roles.Count == 0)))
                return false;

            var userIsRequestingSysAdminPermission = (securityRequests & SecurityActions.AdministerSite) == SecurityActions.AdministerSite;
            var userIsRequestingGalleryAdminPermission = (securityRequests & SecurityActions.AdministerGallery) == SecurityActions.AdministerGallery;

            if (galleryId == int.MinValue)
                var isMoreThanOnePermissionRequest = !SecurityActionEnumHelper.IsSingleSecurityAction(securityRequests);
                if (isMoreThanOnePermissionRequest || !userIsRequestingSysAdminPermission)
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("galleryId", String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "A valid gallery ID must be specified. Instead, the value was {0}.", galleryId));


            if (isVirtualAlbum && (!userIsRequestingSysAdminPermission && !userIsRequestingGalleryAdminPermission))
                return true; // Virtual albums are always allowed, but only for non-admin requests. This feels hacky and non-intuitive; should try to improve someday

            // Handle anonymous users.
            if (!isAuthenticated)
                return IsAnonymousUserAuthorized(securityRequests, isPrivateAlbum, galleryId, secActionsOption);

            // If we get here we are dealing with an authenticated (logged on) user. Authorization for authenticated users is
            // given if the user is a member of at least one role that provides permission.
            if (SecurityActionEnumHelper.IsSingleSecurityAction(securityRequests))
                // Iterate through each GalleryServerRole. If at least one allows the action, return true. Note that the
                // AdministerSite security action, if granted, applies to all albums and allows all actions (except HideWatermark).
                foreach (IGalleryServerRole role in roles)
                    if (IsAuthenticatedUserAuthorized(securityRequests, role, albumId, galleryId))
                        return true;
                return false;
                // There are multiple security actions in securityRequest enum. Iterate through each one and determine if the user
                // has permission for it.
                List<bool> authResults = new List<bool>();
                foreach (SecurityActions securityAction in SecurityActionEnumHelper.ParseSecurityAction(securityRequests))
                    // Iterate through each role. If at least one role allows the action, permission is granted.
                    foreach (IGalleryServerRole role in roles)
                        bool authResult = IsAuthenticatedUserAuthorized(securityAction, role, albumId, galleryId);


                        if (authResult)
                            break; // We found a role that provides permission, so no need to check the other roles. Just move on to the next security request.

                // Determine the return value based on what the calling method wanted.
                if (secActionsOption == SecurityActionsOption.RequireAll)
                    return (authResults.Count > 0 ? authResults.TrueForAll(delegate(bool value) { return value; }) : false);
                else if (secActionsOption == SecurityActionsOption.RequireOne)
                    return authResults.Contains(true);
                    throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException("secActionsOption", (int)secActionsOption, typeof(SecurityActionsOption));
Exemplo n.º 24
 /// <summary>
 /// Determine whether user has permission to perform at least one of the specified security actions. Un-authenticated users (anonymous users) are
 /// always considered NOT authorized (that is, this method returns false) except when the requested security action is
 /// <see cref="SecurityActions.ViewAlbumOrMediaObject" /> or <see cref="SecurityActions.ViewOriginalImage" />, 
 /// since Gallery Server is configured by default to allow anonymous viewing access but it does not allow anonymous editing of 
 /// any kind. This method will continue to work correctly if the webmaster configures Gallery Server to require users to log 
 /// in in order to view objects, since at that point there will be no such thing as un-authenticated users, and the standard 
 /// gallery server role functionality applies.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="securityActions">Represents the permission or permissions being requested. Multiple actions can be specified by using 
 /// a bitwise OR between them (example: <see cref="SecurityActions.AdministerSite" /> | <see cref="SecurityActions.AdministerGallery" />). 
 /// If multiple actions are specified, the method is successful if the user has permission for at least one of the actions.</param>
 /// <param name="albumId">The album ID to which the security action applies.</param>
 /// <param name="galleryId">The ID for the gallery the user is requesting permission in. The <paramref name="albumId" /> must exist 
 /// in this gallery.</param>
 /// <param name="isPrivate">Indicates whether the specified album is private (hidden from anonymous users). The parameter
 /// 	is ignored for logged on users.</param>
 /// <returns>
 /// Returns true when the user is authorized to perform the specified security action against the specified album;
 /// otherwise returns false.
 /// </returns>
 internal bool IsUserAuthorized(SecurityActions securityActions, int albumId, int galleryId, bool isPrivate)
     return Utils.IsUserAuthorized(securityActions, GetGalleryServerRolesForUser(), albumId, galleryId, isPrivate);
Exemplo n.º 25
		/// <summary>
		/// Determine whether user has permission to perform the specified security action against the specified album. If no album 
		/// is specified, then the current album (as returned by GetAlbum()) is used. Un-authenticated users (anonymous users) are 
		/// always considered NOT authorized (that is, this method returns false) except when the requested security action is 
		/// ViewAlbumOrMediaObject or ViewOriginalImage, since Gallery Server is configured by default to allow anonymous viewing access
		/// but it does not allow anonymous editing of any kind. This method behaves similarly to CheckUserSecurity()
		/// except that it returns true or false instead of throwing an exception when the user is not authorized.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="securityAction">The security action represents the action being carried out by the web page.</param>
		/// <returns>Returns true when the user is authorized to perform the specified security action; otherwise returns false.</returns>
		public bool IsUserAuthorized(SecurityActions securityAction)
			return Util.IsUserAuthorized(securityAction, GetGalleryServerRolesForUser(), this.AlbumId, this.GetAlbum().IsPrivate);
Exemplo n.º 26
		/// <summary>
		/// Determine whether user has permission to perform the specified security action. Un-authenticated users (anonymous users) are 
		/// always considered NOT authorized (that is, this method returns false) except when the requested security action is 
		/// ViewAlbumOrMediaObject or ViewOriginalImage, since Gallery Server is configured by default to allow anonymous viewing access
		/// but it does not allow anonymous editing of any kind. This method will continue to work correctly if the webmaster configures
		/// Gallery Server to require users to log in in order to view objects, since at that point there will be no such thing as 
		/// un-authenticated users, and the standard gallery server role functionality applies. This method behaves similarly to CheckUserSecurity()
		/// except that it returns true or false instead of throwing an exception when the user is not authorized.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="securityActions">The security action represents the action being carried out by the web page.</param>
		/// <param name="albumId">The album ID to which the security action applies.</param>
		/// <param name="isPrivate">Indicates whether the specified album is private (hidden from anonymous users). The parameter
		/// is ignored for logged on users.</param>
		/// <returns>Returns true when the user is authorized to perform the specified security action against the specified album;
		/// otherwise returns false.</returns>
		internal static bool IsUserAuthorized(SecurityActions securityActions, int albumId, bool isPrivate)
			return IsUserAuthorized(securityActions, RoleController.GetGalleryServerRolesForUser(), albumId, isPrivate);
Exemplo n.º 27
        /// <summary>
        /// Extract information from the query string and assign to our class level variables. Return false if something goes wrong
        /// and the variables cannot be set. This will happen when the query string is in an unexpected format.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="queryString">The query string for the current request. Can be populated with HttpContext.Request.Url.Query.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns true if all relevant variables were assigned from the query string; returns false if there was a problem.</returns>
        private bool ExtractQueryStringParms(string queryString)
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(queryString))

            if (queryString.StartsWith("?", StringComparison.Ordinal))
                queryString = queryString.Remove(0, 1);

            // id=0&gid=all&secaction=6&sc=false&navurl=&levels=2&includealbum=true&idtoselect%5B%5D=220&idtoselect%5B%5D=99
            foreach (string nameValuePair in queryString.Split(new char[] { '&' }))
                string[] nameOrValue = nameValuePair.Split(new char[] { '=' });

                if (nameOrValue.Length < 2)

                switch (Utils.UrlDecode(nameOrValue[0]))
                case "id":
                    int aid;
                    if (Int32.TryParse(nameOrValue[1], out aid))
                        _albumId = aid;

                case "gid":
                    int gid;
                    if (Int32.TryParse(nameOrValue[1], out gid))
                        _galleries = new GalleryCollection()
                    else if (Utils.UrlDecode(nameOrValue[1]).Trim() == "all")
                        _galleries = UserController.GetGalleriesCurrentUserCanAdminister();

                case "secaction":
                    int secActionInt;
                    if (Int32.TryParse(nameOrValue[1], out secActionInt))
                        if (SecurityActionEnumHelper.IsValidSecurityAction((SecurityActions)secActionInt))
                            _securityAction = (SecurityActions)secActionInt; break;

                case "sc":
                    bool showCheckbox;
                    if (Boolean.TryParse(nameOrValue[1], out showCheckbox))
                        _showCheckbox = showCheckbox;

                case "navurl":
                    _navigateUrl = Utils.UrlDecode(nameOrValue[1]).Trim();

                case "levels":
                    int numLevels;
                    if (Int32.TryParse(nameOrValue[1], out numLevels))
                        _numberOfLevels = numLevels;

                case "includealbum":
                    bool includeAlbum;
                    if (Boolean.TryParse(nameOrValue[1], out includeAlbum))
                        _includeAlbum = includeAlbum;

                case "idtoselect":
                case "idtoselect[]":
                    int idToSelect;
                    if (Int32.TryParse(nameOrValue[1], out idToSelect))

                default: return(false); // Unexpected query string parm. Return false so execution is aborted.

Exemplo n.º 28
 /// <summary>
 /// Check to ensure user has permission to perform the specified security actions against the current album (identified in 
 /// <see cref="GetAlbumId()" />). Throw a <see cref="GallerySecurityException"/>
 /// if the permission isn't granted to the logged on user. When multiple security actions are passed, use 
 /// <paramref name="secActionsOption" /> to specify whether all of the actions must be satisfied to be successful or only one item
 /// must be satisfied. Un-authenticated users (anonymous users) are always considered NOT authorized (that is, this method 
 /// returns false) except when the requested security action is <see cref="SecurityActions.ViewAlbumOrMediaObject"/> or 
 /// <see cref="SecurityActions.ViewOriginalMediaObject"/>, since Gallery Server is configured by default to allow anonymous viewing access 
 /// but it does not allow anonymous editing of any kind. This method behaves similarly to 
 /// <see cref="IsUserAuthorized(SecurityActions, SecurityActionsOption)"/> except that 
 /// it throws an exception instead of returning false when the user is not authorized.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="securityActions">Represents the permission or permissions being requested. Multiple actions can be specified by using
 /// a bitwise OR between them (example: <see cref="SecurityActions.AdministerSite" /> | <see cref="SecurityActions.AdministerGallery" />). 
 /// If multiple actions are specified, use <paramref name="secActionsOption" /> to specify whether all of the actions must be satisfied 
 /// to be successful or only one item must be satisfied.</param>
 /// <param name="secActionsOption">Specifies whether the user must have permission for all items in <paramref name="securityActions" />
 /// to be successful or just one. This parameter is applicable only when <paramref name="securityActions" /> contains more than one item.</param>
 /// <exception cref="GalleryServerPro.Events.CustomExceptions.GallerySecurityException">Thrown when the logged on user
 /// does not belong to a role that authorizes the specified security action, or if an anonymous user is requesting any permission
 /// other than a viewing-related permission (i.e., <see cref="SecurityActions.ViewAlbumOrMediaObject"/> or
 /// <see cref="SecurityActions.ViewOriginalMediaObject"/>).</exception>
 public void CheckUserSecurity(SecurityActions securityActions, SecurityActionsOption secActionsOption)
     if (!Utils.IsUserAuthorized(securityActions, GetGalleryServerRolesForUser(), this.GetAlbumId(), this.GalleryId, this.GetAlbum().IsPrivate, secActionsOption, this.GetAlbum().IsVirtualAlbum))
         if (this.IsAnonymousUser)
             throw new GallerySecurityException(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "Anonymous user does not have permission '{0}' for album ID {1}.", securityActions.ToString(), this.GetAlbumId()));
             throw new GallerySecurityException(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "User '{0}' does not have permission '{1}' for album ID {2}.", Utils.UserName, securityActions.ToString(), this.GetAlbumId()));
Exemplo n.º 29
        /// <summary>
        /// Determine whether the user belonging to the specified <paramref name="roles" /> has permission to perform all of the specified security
        /// actions against the specified <paramref name="albumId" />. The user may be anonymous or logged on.
        /// When the the user is logged on (i.e. <paramref name="isAuthenticated"/> = true), this method determines whether the user is authorized by
        /// validating that at least one role has the requested permission to the specified album. When the user is anonymous,
        /// the <paramref name="roles"/> parameter is ignored and instead the <paramref name="isPrivateAlbum"/> parameter is used.
        /// Anonymous users do not have any access to private albums. When the the user is logged on (i.e. <paramref name="isAuthenticated"/> = true),
        /// the <paramref name="roles"/> parameter must contain the roles belonging to the user.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="securityRequests">Represents the permission or permissions being requested. Multiple actions can be specified by using
        /// a bitwise OR between them (example: <see cref="SecurityActions.AdministerSite" /> | <see cref="SecurityActions.AdministerGallery" />).
        /// If multiple actions are specified, use <paramref name="secActionsOption" /> to specify whether all of the actions must be satisfied
        /// to be successful or only one item must be satisfied.</param>
        /// <param name="roles">A collection of Gallery Server roles to which the currently logged-on user belongs. This parameter is ignored
        ///     for anonymous users (i.e. <paramref name="isAuthenticated"/>=false). The parameter may be null.</param>
        /// <param name="albumId">The album for which the requested permission applies. This parameter does not apply when the requested permission
        ///     is <see cref="SecurityActions.AdministerSite" /> or <see cref="SecurityActions.AdministerGallery" />.</param>
        /// <param name="galleryId">The ID for the gallery the user is requesting permission in. The <paramref name="albumId" /> must exist in this
        /// gallery. This parameter is not required <paramref name="securityRequests" /> is SecurityActions.AdministerSite (you can specify
        /// <see cref="int.MinValue" />).</param>
        /// <param name="isAuthenticated">A value indicating whether the current user is logged on. If true, the
        ///     <paramref name="roles"/> parameter should contain the names of the roles for the current user. If <paramref name="isAuthenticated"/>=true
        ///     and the <paramref name="roles"/> parameter is either null or an empty collection, this method returns false.</param>
        /// <param name="isPrivateAlbum">A value indicating whether the album is hidden from anonymous users. This parameter is ignored for
        ///     logged-on users.</param>
        /// <param name="secActionsOption">Specifies whether the user must have permission for all items in <paramref name="securityRequests" />
        /// to be successful or just one. This parameter defaults to SecurityActionsOption.RequireAll when not specified, and is applicable only
        /// when <paramref name="securityRequests" /> contains more than one item.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// Returns true if the user has the requested permission; returns false if not.
        /// </returns>
        /// <remarks>This method handles both anonymous and logged on users. Note that when <paramref name="isAuthenticated"/>=true, the
        /// <paramref name="isPrivateAlbum"/> parameter is ignored. When it is false, the <paramref name="roles" /> parameter is ignored.</remarks>
        public static bool IsUserAuthorized(SecurityActions securityRequests, IGalleryServerRoleCollection roles, int albumId, int galleryId, bool isAuthenticated, bool isPrivateAlbum, SecurityActionsOption secActionsOption)
            #region Validation

            if (isAuthenticated && ((roles == null) || (roles.Count == 0)))

            if (galleryId == int.MinValue)
                bool isMoreThanOnePermissionRequest     = !SecurityActionEnumHelper.IsSingleSecurityAction(securityRequests);
                bool userIsRequestingSysAdminPermission = (securityRequests == SecurityActions.AdministerSite);
                if (isMoreThanOnePermissionRequest || !userIsRequestingSysAdminPermission)
                    throw new ArgumentOutOfRangeException("galleryId", String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "A valid gallery ID must be specified. Instead, the value was {0}.", galleryId));


            // Handle anonymous users.
            if (!isAuthenticated)
                return(IsAnonymousUserAuthorized(securityRequests, isPrivateAlbum, galleryId, secActionsOption));

            // If we get here we are dealing with an authenticated (logged on) user. Authorization for authenticated users is
            // given if the user is a member of at least one role that provides permission.
            if (SecurityActionEnumHelper.IsSingleSecurityAction(securityRequests))
                // Iterate through each GalleryServerRole. If at least one allows the action, return true. Note that the
                // AdministerSite security action, if granted, applies to all albums and allows all actions (except HideWatermark).
                foreach (IGalleryServerRole role in roles)
                    if (IsAuthenticatedUserAuthorized(securityRequests, role, albumId, galleryId))
                // There are multiple security actions in securityRequest enum. Iterate through each one and determine if the user
                // has permission for it.
                List <bool> authResults = new List <bool>();
                foreach (SecurityActions securityAction in SecurityActionEnumHelper.ParseSecurityAction(securityRequests))
                    // Iterate through each role. If at least one role allows the action, permission is granted.
                    foreach (IGalleryServerRole role in roles)
                        bool authResult = IsAuthenticatedUserAuthorized(securityAction, role, albumId, galleryId);


                        if (authResult)
                            break;                             // We found a role that provides permission, so no need to check the other roles. Just move on to the next security request.

                // Determine the return value based on what the calling method wanted.
                if (secActionsOption == SecurityActionsOption.RequireAll)
                    return(authResults.Count > 0 ? authResults.TrueForAll(delegate(bool value) { return value; }) : false);
                else if (secActionsOption == SecurityActionsOption.RequireOne)
                    throw new InvalidEnumArgumentException("secActionsOption", (int)secActionsOption, typeof(SecurityActionsOption));
Exemplo n.º 30
 private static bool IsAnonymousUserAuthorizedForSingleSecurityAction(SecurityActions securityRequests, bool isPrivateAlbum, IGallerySettings gallerySettings)
     return((securityRequests == SecurityActions.ViewAlbumOrMediaObject) && !isPrivateAlbum && gallerySettings.AllowAnonymousBrowsing ||
            (securityRequests == SecurityActions.ViewOriginalMediaObject) && !isPrivateAlbum && gallerySettings.AllowAnonymousBrowsing && gallerySettings.EnableAnonymousOriginalMediaObjectDownload);
Exemplo n.º 31
		/// <summary>
		/// Determine whether user has permission to perform the specified security action against the specified album. If no album 
		/// is specified, then the current album (as returned by GetAlbum()) is used. Un-authenticated users (anonymous users) are 
		/// always considered NOT authorized (that is, this method returns false) except when the requested security action is 
		/// ViewAlbumOrMediaObject or ViewOriginalImage, since Gallery Server is configured by default to allow anonymous viewing access
		/// but it does not allow anonymous editing of any kind. This method behaves similarly to CheckUserSecurity()
		/// except that it returns true or false instead of throwing an exception when the user is not authorized.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="securityAction">The security action represents the action being carried out by the web page.</param>
		/// <param name="album">The album for which the security check is to be applied.</param>
		/// <returns>Returns true when the user is authorized to perform the specified security action; otherwise returns false.</returns>
		public bool IsUserAuthorized(SecurityActions securityAction, IAlbum album)
			return Util.IsUserAuthorized(securityAction, GetGalleryServerRolesForUser(), album.Id, album.IsPrivate);
Exemplo n.º 32
		private static bool IsAnonymousUserAuthorized(SecurityActions securityAction, bool isPrivateAlbum)
			// Anonymous user. Return true for viewing-related permission requests on PUBLIC albums; return false for all others.
			if (SecurityActionEnumHelper.IsSingleSecurityAction(securityAction))
				if ((securityAction == SecurityActions.ViewAlbumOrMediaObject) && !isPrivateAlbum)
					return true;

				if ((securityAction == SecurityActions.ViewOriginalImage) && !isPrivateAlbum && ConfigManager.GetGalleryServerProConfigSection().Core.AllowAnonymousHiResViewing)
					return true;
				// There are multiple security actions in securityAction enum. User is authorized only if EVERY security request
				// is authorized.
				bool isAuthorized = true;
				foreach (SecurityActions securityRequest in SecurityActionEnumHelper.ParseSecurityAction(securityAction))
					bool securityActionIsAuthorized = false;

					if ((securityRequest == SecurityActions.ViewAlbumOrMediaObject) && !isPrivateAlbum)
						securityActionIsAuthorized = true;

					if ((securityRequest == SecurityActions.ViewOriginalImage) && !isPrivateAlbum && ConfigManager.GetGalleryServerProConfigSection().Core.AllowAnonymousHiResViewing)
						securityActionIsAuthorized = true;

					if (!securityActionIsAuthorized)
						isAuthorized = false;
				return isAuthorized;

			return false;
Exemplo n.º 33
 /// <summary>
 /// Determine whether user has permission to perform the specified security actions against the current album (identified in 
 /// <see cref="GetAlbumId()" />). When multiple security actions are passed, use 
 /// <paramref name="secActionsOption" /> to specify whether all of the actions must be satisfied to be successful or only one item
 /// must be satisfied. Un-authenticated users (anonymous users) are always considered NOT authorized (that 
 /// is, this method returns false) except when the requested security action is <see cref="SecurityActions.ViewAlbumOrMediaObject" /> 
 /// or <see cref="SecurityActions.ViewOriginalImage" />, since Gallery Server is configured by default to allow anonymous viewing 
 /// access but it does not allow anonymous editing of any kind.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="securityActions">Represents the permission or permissions being requested. Multiple actions can be specified by using
 /// a bitwise OR between them (example: <see cref="SecurityActions.AdministerSite" /> | <see cref="SecurityActions.AdministerGallery" />). 
 /// If multiple actions are specified, use <paramref name="secActionsOption" /> to specify whether all of the actions must be satisfied 
 /// to be successful or only one item must be satisfied. This parameter is applicable only when <paramref name="securityActions" /> 
 /// contains more than one item.</param>
 /// <param name="secActionsOption">Specifies whether the user must have permission for all items in <paramref name="securityActions" />
 /// to be successful or just one.</param>
 /// <returns>Returns true when the user is authorized to perform the specified security action; otherwise returns false.</returns>
 public bool IsUserAuthorized(SecurityActions securityActions, SecurityActionsOption secActionsOption)
     return Utils.IsUserAuthorized(securityActions, GetGalleryServerRolesForUser(), this.GetAlbumId(), this.GalleryId, this.GetAlbum().IsPrivate, secActionsOption);
Exemplo n.º 34
		/// <summary>
		/// Determine whether user has permission to perform the specified security action. Un-authenticated users (anonymous users) are 
		/// always considered NOT authorized (that is, this method returns false) except when the requested security action is 
		/// ViewAlbumOrMediaObject or ViewOriginalImage, since Gallery Server is configured by default to allow anonymous viewing access
		/// but it does not allow anonymous editing of any kind. This method will continue to work correctly if the webmaster configures
		/// Gallery Server to require users to log in in order to view objects, since at that point there will be no such thing as 
		/// un-authenticated users, and the standard gallery server role functionality applies. This method behaves similarly to CheckUserSecurity()
		/// except that it returns true or false instead of throwing an exception when the user is not authorized.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="securityActions">The security action represents the action being carried out by the web page.</param>
		/// <param name="roles">A collection of Gallery Server roles to which the currently logged-on user belongs.</param>
		/// <param name="albumId">The album ID to which the security action applies.</param>
		/// <param name="isPrivate">Indicates whether the specified album is private (hidden from anonymous users). The parameter
		/// is ignored for logged on users.</param>
		/// <returns>Returns true when the user is authorized to perform the specified security action against the specified album;
		/// otherwise returns false.</returns>
		internal static bool IsUserAuthorized(SecurityActions securityActions, IGalleryServerRoleCollection roles, int albumId, bool isPrivate)
			return Util.IsUserAuthorized(securityActions, roles, albumId, isPrivate);
Exemplo n.º 35
        /// <summary>
        /// Determine whether user has permission to perform the specified security action against the specified album. If no album 
        /// is specified, then the current album (as returned by GetAlbum()) is used. Un-authenticated users (anonymous users) are 
        /// always considered NOT authorized (that is, this method returns false) except when the requested security action is 
        /// ViewAlbumOrMediaObject or ViewOriginalImage, since Gallery Server is configured by default to allow anonymous viewing access
        /// but it does not allow anonymous editing of any kind.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="securityActions">Represents the permission or permissions being requested. Multiple actions can be specified by using
        /// a bitwise OR between them (example: <see cref="SecurityActions.AdministerSite" /> | <see cref="SecurityActions.AdministerGallery" />). 
        /// If multiple actions are specified, use <paramref name="secActionsOption" /> to specify whether all of the actions must be satisfied 
        /// to be successful or only one item must be satisfied.</param>
        /// <param name="album">The album for which the security check is to be applied.</param>
        /// <param name="secActionsOption">Specifies whether the user must have permission for all items in <paramref name="securityActions" />
        /// to be successful or just one. This parameter is applicable only when <paramref name="securityActions" /> contains more than one item.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns true when the user is authorized to perform the specified security action; otherwise returns false.</returns>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Thrown when <paramref name="album" /> is null.</exception>
        public bool IsUserAuthorized(SecurityActions securityActions, IAlbum album, SecurityActionsOption secActionsOption)
            if (album == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("album");

            return Utils.IsUserAuthorized(securityActions, GetGalleryServerRolesForUser(), album.Id, album.GalleryId, album.IsPrivate, secActionsOption);
Exemplo n.º 36
        /// <summary>
        /// Check to ensure user has permission to perform the specified security actions for the specified <paramref name="album" />. 
        /// Throw a <see cref="GallerySecurityException" /> if the permission isn't granted to the logged on user. When multiple 
        /// security actions are passed, use <paramref name="secActionsOption" /> to specify whether all of the actions must be 
        /// satisfied to be successful or only one item must be satisfied. Un-authenticated users (anonymous users) are always 
        /// considered NOT authorized (that is, this method returns false) except when the requested security action is 
        /// <see cref="SecurityActions.ViewAlbumOrMediaObject"/> or <see cref="SecurityActions.ViewOriginalImage"/>, since Gallery 
        /// Server is configured by default to allow anonymous viewing access but it does not allow anonymous editing of any kind. 
        /// This method behaves similarly to <see cref="IsUserAuthorized(SecurityActions, IAlbum, SecurityActionsOption)"/> except 
        /// that it throws an exception instead of returning false when the user is not authorized.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="securityActions">Represents the permission or permissions being requested. Multiple actions can be specified by using
        /// a bitwise OR between them (example: <see cref="SecurityActions.AdministerSite" /> | <see cref="SecurityActions.AdministerGallery" />). 
        /// If multiple actions are specified, use <paramref name="secActionsOption" /> to specify whether all of the actions must be satisfied 
        /// to be successful or only one item must be satisfied.</param>
        /// <param name="album">The album for which the security check is to be applied.</param>
        /// <param name="secActionsOption">Specifies whether the user must have permission for all items in <paramref name="securityActions" />
        /// to be successful or just one. This parameter is applicable only when <paramref name="securityActions" /> contains more than one item.</param>
        /// <exception cref="GalleryServerPro.ErrorHandler.CustomExceptions.GallerySecurityException">Thrown when the logged on user
        /// does not belong to a role that authorizes the specified security action, or if an anonymous user is requesting any permission
        /// other than a viewing-related permission (i.e., <see cref="SecurityActions.ViewAlbumOrMediaObject"/> or
        /// <see cref="SecurityActions.ViewOriginalImage"/>).</exception>
        /// <exception cref="ArgumentNullException">Thrown when <paramref name="album" /> is null.</exception>
        public void CheckUserSecurity(SecurityActions securityActions, IAlbum album, SecurityActionsOption secActionsOption)
            if (album == null)
                throw new ArgumentNullException("album");

            if (!Utils.IsUserAuthorized(securityActions, GetGalleryServerRolesForUser(), album.Id, album.GalleryId, album.IsPrivate, secActionsOption))
                if (this.IsAnonymousUser)
                    throw new GallerySecurityException(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "Anonymous user does not have permission '{0}' for album ID {1}.", securityActions.ToString(), album.Id));
                    throw new GallerySecurityException(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "User '{0}' does not have permission '{1}' for album ID {2}.", Utils.UserName, securityActions.ToString(), album.Id));
Exemplo n.º 37
		/// <summary>
		/// Check to ensure user has permission to perform the specified security action. Throw a 
		/// GalleryServerPro.ErrorHandler.CustomExceptions.GallerySecurityException if the 
		/// permission isn't granted to the logged on user. Un-authenticated users (anonymous users) are always considered 
		/// NOT authorized (that is, this method returns false) except when the requested security action is ViewAlbumOrMediaObject 
		/// or ViewOriginalImage, since Gallery Server is configured by default to allow anonymous viewing access but it does 
		/// not allow anonymous editing of any kind. This method behaves similarly to IsUserAuthorized() except that it throws an
		/// exception instead of returning false when the user is not authorized.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="securityActions">The security action represents the action being carried out by the web page.</param>
		/// <param name="album">The album for which the security check is to be applied.</param>
		/// <exception cref="GalleryServerPro.ErrorHandler.CustomExceptions.GallerySecurityException">Thrown when the logged on user 
		/// does not belong to a role that authorizes the specified security action, or if an anonymous user is requesting any permission 
		/// other than a viewing-related permission (i.e., SecurityActions.ViewAlbumOrMediaObject or SecurityActions.ViewOriginalImage).</exception>
		public void CheckUserSecurity(SecurityActions securityActions, IAlbum album)
			if (!Util.IsUserAuthorized(securityActions, GetGalleryServerRolesForUser(), album.Id, album.IsPrivate))
				if (this.IsAnonymousUser)
					throw new GalleryServerPro.ErrorHandler.CustomExceptions.GallerySecurityException(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "Anonymous user does not have permission '{0}' for album ID {1}.", securityActions.ToString(), album.Id));
					throw new GalleryServerPro.ErrorHandler.CustomExceptions.GallerySecurityException(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "User '{0}' does not have permission '{1}' for album ID {2}.", Util.UserName, securityActions.ToString(), album.Id));
Exemplo n.º 38
 /// <summary>
 /// Determine whether user has permission to perform at least one of the specified security actions against the specified <paramref name="album" />. 
 /// Un-authenticated users (anonymous users) are always considered NOT authorized (that is, this method returns false) except 
 /// when the requested security action is <see cref="SecurityActions.ViewAlbumOrMediaObject" /> or 
 /// <see cref="SecurityActions.ViewOriginalImage" />, since Gallery Server is configured by default to allow anonymous viewing access 
 /// but it does not allow anonymous editing of any kind.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="securityActions">Represents the permission or permissions being requested. Multiple actions can be specified by using 
 /// a bitwise OR between them (example: <see cref="SecurityActions.AdministerSite" /> | <see cref="SecurityActions.AdministerGallery" />). 
 /// If multiple actions are specified, the method is successful if the user has permission for at least one of the actions. If you require 
 /// that all actions be satisfied to be successful, call one of the overloads that accept a <see cref="SecurityActionsOption" /> and 
 /// specify <see cref="SecurityActionsOption.RequireAll" />.</param>
 /// <param name="album">The album for which the security check is to be applied.</param>
 /// <returns>Returns true when the user is authorized to perform the specified security action; otherwise returns false.</returns>
 public bool IsUserAuthorized(SecurityActions securityActions, IAlbum album)
     return IsUserAuthorized(securityActions, album, SecurityActionsOption.RequireOne);
Exemplo n.º 39
        /// <summary>
        /// Parses the security action into one or more <see cref="SecurityActions"/>. Since the <see cref="SecurityActions" />
        /// enum has the Flags attribute and may contain a bitwise combination of more than one value, this function is useful
        /// in creating a list of the values that can be enumerated.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="securityActionsToParse">A <see cref="SecurityActions" />. It may be a single value or some
        /// combination of valid enumeration values.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns a list of <see cref="SecurityActions"/> that can be enumerated.</returns>
        public static System.Collections.Generic.List <SecurityActions> ParseSecurityAction(SecurityActions securityActionsToParse)
            System.Collections.Generic.List <SecurityActions> securityActions = new System.Collections.Generic.List <SecurityActions>(2);

            foreach (SecurityActions securityActionIterator in Enum.GetValues(typeof(SecurityActions)))
                if ((securityActionsToParse & securityActionIterator) == securityActionIterator)

Exemplo n.º 40
        /// <summary>
        /// Determine whether user has permission to perform at least one of the specified security actions. Un-authenticated users (anonymous users) are
        /// always considered NOT authorized (that is, this method returns false) except when the requested security action is
        /// <see cref="SecurityActions.ViewAlbumOrMediaObject" /> or <see cref="SecurityActions.ViewOriginalImage" />, 
        /// since Gallery Server is configured by default to allow anonymous viewing access but it does not allow anonymous editing of 
        /// any kind. This method will continue to work correctly if the webmaster configures Gallery Server to require users to log 
        /// in in order to view objects, since at that point there will be no such thing as un-authenticated users, and the standard 
        /// gallery server role functionality applies.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="securityActions">Represents the permission or permissions being requested. Multiple actions can be specified by using 
        /// 	a bitwise OR between them (example: <see cref="SecurityActions.AdministerSite" /> | <see cref="SecurityActions.AdministerGallery" />). 
        /// 	If multiple actions are specified, the method is successful if the user has permission for at least one of the actions.</param>
        /// <param name="albumId">The album ID to which the security action applies.</param>
        /// <param name="galleryId">The ID for the gallery the user is requesting permission in. The <paramref name="albumId" /> must exist 
        /// 	in this gallery.</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// Returns true when the user is authorized to perform the specified security action against the specified album;
        /// otherwise returns false.
        /// </returns>
        /// <exception cref="NotSupportedException">Thrown when <paramref name="securityActions" /> is <see cref="SecurityActions.ViewAlbumOrMediaObject" /> 
        /// or <see cref="SecurityActions.ViewOriginalImage" /> and the user is anonymous (not logged on).</exception>
        internal bool IsUserAuthorized(SecurityActions securityActions, int albumId, int galleryId)
            if (((securityActions == SecurityActions.ViewAlbumOrMediaObject) || (securityActions == SecurityActions.ViewOriginalImage))
                    && (!Utils.IsAuthenticated))
                throw new NotSupportedException("Wrong method call: You must call the overload of GalleryPage.IsUserAuthorized that has the isPrivate parameter when the security action is ViewAlbumOrMediaObject or ViewOriginalImage and the user is anonymous (not logged on).");

            return IsUserAuthorized(securityActions, albumId, galleryId, false);
Exemplo n.º 41
        private static IAlbum LoadRootAlbumForLoggedOnUser(int galleryId, SecurityActions permissions, IEnumerable<IGalleryServerRole> roles)
            // Step 1: Compile a list of album IDs having the requested permissions.
            List<int> allAlbumIds = GetAlbumIdsHavingRequestedPermissionsInRoles(galleryId, permissions, roles);

            // Step 2: Convert previous list to contain ONLY top-level albums.
            List<int> rootAlbumIds = RemoveNestedAlbumIds(allAlbumIds);

            // Step 3: Package results into an album container. If there is only one viewable root album, then just create an instance of that album.
            // Otherwise, create a virtual root album to contain the multiple viewable albums.
            IAlbum rootAlbum = null;
                if (rootAlbumIds.Count == 1)
                    rootAlbum = LoadAlbumInstance(rootAlbumIds[0], true);
                    // Create virtual album to serve as a container for the child albums the user has permission to view.
                    rootAlbum = CreateEmptyAlbumInstance(galleryId);
                    rootAlbum.IsVirtualAlbum = true;
                    rootAlbum.Title = Resources.Virtual_Album_Title;
                    foreach (int albumId in rootAlbumIds)
                        rootAlbum.Add(LoadAlbumInstance(albumId, false));
                if (rootAlbum != null)


            return rootAlbum;
Exemplo n.º 42
        private static bool IsAnonymousUserAuthorizedForSingleSecurityAction(SecurityActions securityRequests, bool isPrivateAlbum, IGallerySettings gallerySettings)
            bool isAuthorized = false;

            if ((securityRequests == SecurityActions.ViewAlbumOrMediaObject) && !isPrivateAlbum && gallerySettings.AllowAnonymousBrowsing)
                isAuthorized = true;

            if ((securityRequests == SecurityActions.ViewOriginalImage) && !isPrivateAlbum && gallerySettings.AllowAnonymousBrowsing && gallerySettings.AllowAnonymousHiResViewing)
                isAuthorized = true;

            return isAuthorized;
Exemplo n.º 43
 /// <overloads>
 /// Determine if a user has permission to perform the requested action.
 /// </overloads>
 /// <summary>
 /// Determine whether the user belonging to the specified <paramref name="roles" /> has permission to perform at least one of the specified security
 /// actions against the specified <paramref name="albumId" />. The user may be anonymous or logged on.
 /// When the the user is logged on (i.e. <paramref name="isAuthenticated"/> = true), this method determines whether the user is authorized by
 /// validating that at least one role has the requested permission to the specified album. When the user is anonymous,
 /// the <paramref name="roles"/> parameter is ignored and instead the <paramref name="isPrivateAlbum"/> parameter is used.
 /// Anonymous users do not have any access to private albums. When the the user is logged on (i.e. <paramref name="isAuthenticated"/> = true),
 /// the <paramref name="roles"/> parameter must contain the roles belonging to the user.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="securityRequests">Represents the permission or permissions being requested. Multiple actions can be specified by using
 /// a bitwise OR between them (example: <see cref="SecurityActions.AdministerSite" /> | <see cref="SecurityActions.AdministerGallery" />).
 /// If multiple actions are specified, the method is successful if the user has permission for at least one of the actions. If you require
 /// that all actions be satisfied to be successful, call one of the overloads that accept a <see cref="SecurityActionsOption" /> and
 /// specify <see cref="SecurityActionsOption.RequireAll" />.</param>
 /// <param name="roles">A collection of Gallery Server roles to which the currently logged-on user belongs. This parameter is ignored
 ///     for anonymous users (i.e. <paramref name="isAuthenticated"/>=false). The parameter may be null.</param>
 /// <param name="albumId">The album for which the requested permission applies. This parameter does not apply when the requested permission
 ///     is <see cref="SecurityActions.AdministerSite" />.</param>
 /// <param name="galleryId">The ID for the gallery the user is requesting permission in. The <paramref name="albumId" /> must exist in this
 /// gallery. This parameter is not required <paramref name="securityRequests" /> is SecurityActions.AdministerSite (you can specify
 /// <see cref="int.MinValue" />).</param>
 /// <param name="isAuthenticated">A value indicating whether the current user is logged on. If true, the
 ///     <paramref name="roles"/> parameter should contain the names of the roles for the current user. If <paramref name="isAuthenticated"/>=true
 ///     and the <paramref name="roles"/> parameter is either null or an empty collection, this method returns false.</param>
 /// <param name="isPrivateAlbum">A value indicating whether the album is hidden from anonymous users. This parameter is ignored for
 ///     logged-on users.</param>
 /// <returns>
 /// Returns true if the user has the requested permission; returns false if not.
 /// </returns>
 /// <remarks>This method handles both anonymous and logged on users. Note that when <paramref name="isAuthenticated"/>=true, the
 /// <paramref name="isPrivateAlbum"/> parameter is ignored. When it is false, the <paramref name="roles" /> parameter is ignored.</remarks>
 public static bool IsUserAuthorized(SecurityActions securityRequests, IGalleryServerRoleCollection roles, int albumId, int galleryId, bool isAuthenticated, bool isPrivateAlbum)
     return(IsUserAuthorized(securityRequests, roles, albumId, galleryId, isAuthenticated, isPrivateAlbum, SecurityActionsOption.RequireOne));
Exemplo n.º 44
        private static bool IsAnonymousUserAuthorized(SecurityActions securityRequests, bool isPrivateAlbum, int galleryId, SecurityActionsOption secActionsOption)
            // Anonymous user. Return true for viewing-related permission requests on PUBLIC albums; return false for all others.
            IGallerySettings gallerySettings = Factory.LoadGallerySetting(galleryId);

            if (SecurityActionEnumHelper.IsSingleSecurityAction(securityRequests))
                return IsAnonymousUserAuthorizedForSingleSecurityAction(securityRequests, isPrivateAlbum, gallerySettings);
                return IsAnonymousUserAuthorizedForMultipleSecurityActions(securityRequests, isPrivateAlbum, gallerySettings, secActionsOption);
Exemplo n.º 45
        private static IAlbum LoadRootAlbumForAnonymousUser(int galleryId, SecurityActions permissions)
            IAlbum rootAlbum = null;

            // Anonymous user, not logged on. Get root album as long as it is public.
            IAlbum tmpRootAlbum = Factory.LoadRootAlbumInstance(galleryId);
            if (SecurityManager.IsUserAuthorized(permissions, null, tmpRootAlbum.Id, galleryId, false, tmpRootAlbum.IsPrivate, SecurityActionsOption.RequireOne))
                rootAlbum = tmpRootAlbum;

            if (rootAlbum == null)
                    // The user is not logged on and the root album is private or does not have the required permission, so create an empty album.
                    rootAlbum = Factory.CreateEmptyAlbumInstance(galleryId);
                    rootAlbum.IsVirtualAlbum = true;
                    rootAlbum.Title = Resources.Virtual_Album_Title;
                    if (rootAlbum != null)

                return rootAlbum;

            return rootAlbum;
Exemplo n.º 46
 private static bool IsAnonymousUserAuthorizedForSingleSecurityAction(SecurityActions securityRequests, bool isPrivateAlbum, IGallerySettings gallerySettings)
     return (securityRequests == SecurityActions.ViewAlbumOrMediaObject) && !isPrivateAlbum && gallerySettings.AllowAnonymousBrowsing ||
         (securityRequests == SecurityActions.ViewOriginalMediaObject) && !isPrivateAlbum && gallerySettings.AllowAnonymousBrowsing && gallerySettings.EnableAnonymousOriginalMediaObjectDownload;
Exemplo n.º 47
 /// <summary>
 /// Throw exception if user does not have permission to move the specified gallery object out of the current album.
 /// Moving an album or media object means we are essentially deleting it from the source album, so make sure user has
 /// the appropriate delete permission for the current album. Does not validate user has permission to add objects to
 /// destination album. Assumes each gallery object is contained in the current album as retrieved by GspPage.GetAlbum().
 /// No validation is performed if we are copying since no special permissions are needed for copying (except a check
 /// on the destination album, which we do elsewhere).
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="galleryObjectToMoveOrCopy">The album or media object to move or copy.</param>
 /// <param name="securityActions">The security permission to validate.</param>
 /// <exception cref="GalleryServerPro.ErrorHandler.CustomExceptions.GallerySecurityException">Thrown when the logged on
 /// user does not belong to a role that authorizes the specified security action.</exception>
 private void ValidateSecurityForAlbumOrMediaObject(IGalleryObject galleryObjectToMoveOrCopy, SecurityActions securityActions)
     if (this.TransType == TransferType.Move)
         if (!IsUserAuthorized(securityActions, galleryObjectToMoveOrCopy.Id))
             throw new GalleryServerPro.ErrorHandler.CustomExceptions.GallerySecurityException(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "User '{0}' does not have permission '{1}' for album ID {2}.", Util.UserName, securityActions.ToString(), galleryObjectToMoveOrCopy.Id));
Exemplo n.º 48
		/// <summary>
		/// Determine whether user has permission to perform the specified security action. Un-authenticated users (anonymous users) are 
		/// always considered NOT authorized (that is, this method returns false) except when the requested security action is 
		/// ViewAlbumOrMediaObject or ViewOriginalImage, since Gallery Server is configured by default to allow anonymous viewing access
		/// but it does not allow anonymous editing of any kind. This method will continue to work correctly if the webmaster configures
		/// Gallery Server to require users to log in in order to view objects, since at that point there will be no such thing as 
		/// un-authenticated users, and the standard gallery server role functionality applies. This method behaves similarly to CheckUserSecurity()
		/// except that it returns true or false instead of throwing an exception when the user is not authorized.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="securityActions">The security action represents the action being carried out by the web page.</param>
		/// <param name="roles">A collection of Gallery Server roles to which the currently logged-on user belongs. This parameter is ignored
		/// for anonymous users. The parameter may be null.</param>
		/// <param name="albumId">The album ID to which the security action applies.</param>
		/// <param name="isPrivate">Indicates whether the specified album is private (hidden from anonymous users). The parameter
		/// is ignored for logged on users.</param>
		/// <returns>Returns true when the user is authorized to perform the specified security action against the specified album;
		/// otherwise returns false.</returns>
		public static bool IsUserAuthorized(SecurityActions securityActions, IGalleryServerRoleCollection roles, int albumId, bool isPrivate)
			return SecurityManager.IsUserAuthorized(securityActions, roles, albumId, Util.IsAuthenticated, isPrivate);
		/// <summary>
		/// Throw exception if user does not have permission to move the specified gallery object out of the current album.
		/// Moving an album or media object means we are essentially deleting it from the source album, so make sure user has 
		/// the appropriate delete permission for the current album. Does not validate user has permission to add objects to 
		/// destination album. Assumes each gallery object is contained in the current album as retrieved by GspPage.GetAlbum().
		/// No validation is performed if we are copying since no special permissions are needed for copying (except a check 
		/// on the destination album, which we do elsewhere).
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="galleryObjectToMoveOrCopy">The album or media object to move or copy.</param>
		/// <param name="securityActions">The security permission to validate.</param>
		/// <exception cref="GalleryServerPro.ErrorHandler.CustomExceptions.GallerySecurityException">Thrown when the logged on 
		/// user does not belong to a role that authorizes the specified security action.</exception>
		private void ValidateSecurityForAlbumOrMediaObject(IGalleryObject galleryObjectToMoveOrCopy, SecurityActions securityActions)
			if (this.TransType == TransferType.Move)
				if (!IsUserAuthorized(securityActions, galleryObjectToMoveOrCopy.Id, this.GalleryId))
					throw new GallerySecurityException(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "User '{0}' does not have permission '{1}' for album ID {2}.", Utils.UserName, securityActions, galleryObjectToMoveOrCopy.Id));
Exemplo n.º 50
        /// <summary>
        /// Extract information from the query string and assign to our class level variables. Return false if something goes wrong
        /// and the variables cannot be set. This will happen when the query string is in an unexpected format.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="queryString">The query string for the current request. Can be populated with HttpContext.Request.Url.Query.</param>
        /// <returns>Returns true if all relevant variables were assigned from the query string; returns false if there was a problem.</returns>
        private bool ExtractQueryStringParms(string queryString)
            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(queryString)) return false;

              if (queryString.StartsWith("?", StringComparison.Ordinal)) queryString = queryString.Remove(0, 1);

              foreach (string nameValuePair in queryString.Split(new char[] { '&' }))
            string[] nameOrValue = nameValuePair.Split(new char[] { '=' });

            if (nameOrValue.Length < 2)
              return false;

            switch (nameOrValue[0])
              case "id":
              int aid;
              if (Int32.TryParse(nameOrValue[1], out aid))
                _albumId = aid;
                return false;
              case "secaction":
              int secActionInt;
              if (Int32.TryParse(nameOrValue[1], out secActionInt))
                if (SecurityActionEnumHelper.IsValidSecurityAction((SecurityActions)secActionInt))
                  _securityAction = (SecurityActions)secActionInt; break;
                  return false;
                return false;
              case "sc":
              bool showCheckbox;
              if (Boolean.TryParse(nameOrValue[1], out showCheckbox))
                _showCheckbox = showCheckbox;
                return false;
              case "navurl":
              _navigateUrl = Utils.UrlDecode(nameOrValue[1]).Trim();
              default: return false; // Unexpected query string parm. Return false so execution is aborted.

              return true;
Exemplo n.º 51
 /// <overloads>
 /// Throw a <see cref="GallerySecurityException" /> if the current user does not have the permission to perform the requested action.
 /// </overloads>
 /// <summary>
 /// Check to ensure user has permission to perform at least one of the specified security actions against the current album 
 /// (identified in <see cref="GetAlbumId()" />). Throw a <see cref="GallerySecurityException" />
 /// if the permission isn't granted to the logged on user. Un-authenticated users (anonymous users) are always considered 
 /// NOT authorized (that is, this method returns false) except when the requested security action is <see cref="SecurityActions.ViewAlbumOrMediaObject" /> 
 /// or <see cref="SecurityActions.ViewOriginalImage" />, since Gallery Server is configured by default to allow anonymous viewing access but it does 
 /// not allow anonymous editing of any kind. This method behaves similarly to <see cref="IsUserAuthorized(SecurityActions)" /> except that it throws an
 /// exception instead of returning false when the user is not authorized.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="securityActions">Represents the permission or permissions being requested. Multiple actions can be specified by using 
 /// a bitwise OR between them (example: <see cref="SecurityActions.AdministerSite" /> | <see cref="SecurityActions.AdministerGallery" />).
 /// If multiple actions are specified, the method is successful if the user has permission for at least one of the actions. If you require 
 /// that all actions be satisfied to be successful, call one of the overloads that accept a <see cref="SecurityActionsOption" /> and 
 /// specify <see cref="SecurityActionsOption.RequireAll" />.</param>
 /// <exception cref="GalleryServerPro.ErrorHandler.CustomExceptions.GallerySecurityException">Thrown when the logged on user 
 /// does not belong to a role that authorizes the specified security action, or if an anonymous user is requesting any permission 
 /// other than a viewing-related permission (i.e., <see cref="SecurityActions.ViewAlbumOrMediaObject" /> or 
 /// <see cref="SecurityActions.ViewOriginalImage" />).</exception>
 public void CheckUserSecurity(SecurityActions securityActions)
     CheckUserSecurity(securityActions, SecurityActionsOption.RequireOne);
Exemplo n.º 52
		private static bool IsAuthenticatedUserAuthorized(SecurityActions securityRequest, IGalleryServerRole role, int albumId)
			if ((role.AllowAdministerSite) && (securityRequest != SecurityActions.HideWatermark))
				// Administer permissions imply permissions to carry out all other actions, except for hide watermark, which is more of 
				// a preference assigned to the user.
				return true;

			switch (securityRequest)
				case SecurityActions.AdministerSite: if (role.AllowAdministerSite) return true; break;
				case SecurityActions.ViewAlbumOrMediaObject: if (role.AllowViewAlbumOrMediaObject && role.AllAlbumIds.Contains(albumId)) return true; break;
				case SecurityActions.ViewOriginalImage: if (role.AllowViewOriginalImage && role.AllAlbumIds.Contains(albumId)) return true; break;
				case SecurityActions.AddChildAlbum: if (role.AllowAddChildAlbum && role.AllAlbumIds.Contains(albumId)) return true; break;
				case SecurityActions.AddMediaObject: if (role.AllowAddMediaObject && role.AllAlbumIds.Contains(albumId)) return true; break;
				case SecurityActions.DeleteAlbum:
						// It is OK to delete the album if the AllowDeleteChildAlbum permission is true and one of the following is true:
						// 1. The album is the root album and its ID is in the list of targeted albums (Note that we never actually delete the root album.
						//    Instead, we delete all objects within the album. But the idea of deleting the top level album to clear out all objects in the
						//    gallery is useful to the user.)
						// 2. The album is not the root album and its parent album's ID is in the list of targeted albums.
						if (role.AllowDeleteChildAlbum)
							IAlbum album = Factory.LoadAlbumInstance(albumId, false);
							if (album.IsRootAlbum)
								if (role.AllAlbumIds.Contains(album.Id)) return true; break;
								if (role.AllAlbumIds.Contains(album.Parent.Id)) return true; break;
				case SecurityActions.DeleteChildAlbum: if (role.AllowDeleteChildAlbum && role.AllAlbumIds.Contains(albumId)) return true; break;
				case SecurityActions.DeleteMediaObject: if (role.AllowDeleteMediaObject && role.AllAlbumIds.Contains(albumId)) return true; break;
				case SecurityActions.EditAlbum: if (role.AllowEditAlbum && role.AllAlbumIds.Contains(albumId)) return true; break;
				case SecurityActions.EditMediaObject: if (role.AllowEditMediaObject && role.AllAlbumIds.Contains(albumId)) return true; break;
				case SecurityActions.HideWatermark: if (role.HideWatermark && role.AllAlbumIds.Contains(albumId)) return true; break;
				case SecurityActions.Synchronize: if (role.AllowSynchronize && role.AllAlbumIds.Contains(albumId)) return true; break;
				default: throw new GalleryServerPro.ErrorHandler.CustomExceptions.BusinessException(string.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "The IsUserAuthorized function is not designed to handle the {0} SecurityActions. It must be updated by a developer.", securityRequest.ToString()));
			return false;
Exemplo n.º 53
 /// <summary>
 /// Check to ensure user has permission to perform at least one of the specified security actions for the specified <paramref name="album" />. 
 /// Throw a <see cref="GallerySecurityException" /> if the permission isn't granted to the logged on user. Un-authenticated users 
 /// (anonymous users) are always considered NOT authorized (that is, this method returns false) except when the requested security 
 /// action is <see cref="SecurityActions.ViewAlbumOrMediaObject" /> or <see cref="SecurityActions.ViewOriginalImage" />, since 
 /// Gallery Server is configured by default to allow anonymous viewing access but it does not allow anonymous editing of any kind. 
 /// This method behaves similarly to <see cref="IsUserAuthorized(SecurityActions, IAlbum)" /> except that it throws an exception 
 /// instead of returning false when the user is not authorized.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="securityActions">Represents the permission or permissions being requested. Multiple actions can be specified by using 
 /// a bitwise OR between them (example: <see cref="SecurityActions.AdministerSite" /> | <see cref="SecurityActions.AdministerGallery" />). 
 /// If multiple actions are specified, the method is successful if the user has permission for at least one of the actions. If you require 
 /// that all actions be satisfied to be successful, call one of the overloads that accept a <see cref="SecurityActionsOption" /> and 
 /// specify <see cref="SecurityActionsOption.RequireAll" />.</param>
 /// <param name="album">The album for which the security check is to be applied.</param>
 /// <exception cref="GalleryServerPro.ErrorHandler.CustomExceptions.GallerySecurityException">Thrown when the logged on user
 /// does not belong to a role that authorizes the specified security action, or if an anonymous user is requesting any permission
 /// other than a viewing-related permission (i.e., <see cref="SecurityActions.ViewAlbumOrMediaObject"/> or
 /// <see cref="SecurityActions.ViewOriginalImage"/>).</exception>
 public void CheckUserSecurity(SecurityActions securityActions, IAlbum album)
     CheckUserSecurity(securityActions, album, SecurityActionsOption.RequireOne);
Exemplo n.º 54
        private static bool IsAuthenticatedUserAuthorized(SecurityActions securityRequest, IGalleryServerRole role, int albumId, int galleryId)
            if (role.AllowAdministerSite && (securityRequest != SecurityActions.HideWatermark))
                // Administer permissions imply permissions to carry out all other actions, except for hide watermark, which is more of
                // a preference assigned to the user.

            switch (securityRequest)
            case SecurityActions.AdministerSite: if (role.AllowAdministerSite)

            case SecurityActions.AdministerGallery: if (role.AllowAdministerGallery && (role.Galleries.FindById(galleryId) != null))

            case SecurityActions.ViewAlbumOrMediaObject: if (role.AllowViewAlbumOrMediaObject && role.AllAlbumIds.Contains(albumId))

            case SecurityActions.ViewOriginalImage: if (role.AllowViewOriginalImage && role.AllAlbumIds.Contains(albumId))

            case SecurityActions.AddChildAlbum: if (role.AllowAddChildAlbum && role.AllAlbumIds.Contains(albumId))

            case SecurityActions.AddMediaObject: if (role.AllowAddMediaObject && role.AllAlbumIds.Contains(albumId))

            case SecurityActions.DeleteAlbum:
                // It is OK to delete the album if the AllowDeleteChildAlbum permission is true and one of the following is true:
                // 1. The album is the root album and its ID is in the list of targeted albums (Note that we never actually delete the root album.
                //    Instead, we delete all objects within the album. But the idea of deleting the top level album to clear out all objects in the
                //    gallery is useful to the user.)
                // 2. The album is not the root album and its parent album's ID is in the list of targeted albums.
                if (role.AllowDeleteChildAlbum)
                    IAlbum album = Factory.LoadAlbumInstance(albumId, false);
                    if (album.IsRootAlbum)
                        if (role.AllAlbumIds.Contains(album.Id))
                        if (role.AllAlbumIds.Contains(album.Parent.Id))

            case SecurityActions.DeleteChildAlbum: if (role.AllowDeleteChildAlbum && role.AllAlbumIds.Contains(albumId))

            case SecurityActions.DeleteMediaObject: if (role.AllowDeleteMediaObject && role.AllAlbumIds.Contains(albumId))

            case SecurityActions.EditAlbum: if (role.AllowEditAlbum && role.AllAlbumIds.Contains(albumId))

            case SecurityActions.EditMediaObject: if (role.AllowEditMediaObject && role.AllAlbumIds.Contains(albumId))

            case SecurityActions.HideWatermark: if (role.HideWatermark && role.AllAlbumIds.Contains(albumId))

            case SecurityActions.Synchronize: if (role.AllowSynchronize && role.AllAlbumIds.Contains(albumId))

            default: throw new GalleryServerPro.ErrorHandler.CustomExceptions.BusinessException(String.Format(CultureInfo.CurrentCulture, "The IsUserAuthorized function is not designed to handle the {0} SecurityActions. It must be updated by a developer.", securityRequest.ToString()));
Exemplo n.º 55
		/// <summary>
		/// Determine whether user has permission to perform the specified security action. Un-authenticated users (anonymous users) are 
		/// always considered NOT authorized (that is, this method returns false) except when the requested security action is 
		/// ViewAlbumOrMediaObject or ViewOriginalImage, since Gallery Server is configured by default to allow anonymous viewing access
		/// but it does not allow anonymous editing of any kind. This method will continue to work correctly if the webmaster configures
		/// Gallery Server to require users to log in in order to view objects, since at that point there will be no such thing as 
		/// un-authenticated users, and the standard gallery server role functionality applies. This method behaves similarly to CheckUserSecurity()
		/// except that it returns true or false instead of throwing an exception when the user is not authorized.
		/// </summary>
		/// <param name="securityActions">The security action represents the action being carried out by the web page.</param>
		/// <param name="albumId">The album ID to which the security action applies.</param>
		/// <returns>Returns true when the user is authorized to perform the specified security action against the specified album;
		/// otherwise returns false.</returns>
		internal static bool IsUserAuthorized(SecurityActions securityActions, int albumId)
			if (((securityActions == SecurityActions.ViewAlbumOrMediaObject) || (securityActions == SecurityActions.ViewOriginalImage))
			    && (!Util.IsAuthenticated))
				throw new System.NotSupportedException("Wrong method call: You must call the overload of GspPage.IsUserAuthorized that has the isPrivate parameter when the security action is ViewAlbumOrMediaObject or ViewOriginalImage and the user is anonymous (not logged on).");

			return IsUserAuthorized(securityActions, RoleController.GetGalleryServerRolesForUser(), albumId, false);