Exemplo n.º 1
    public void ConvertToPostGrads()
        while (attackingUnits >= 15)
            attackingUnits -= 15;
        mode = 1;                                                                                               //After sorting out units and owners
        Renderer renderer = attackingSector.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer> ();
        Color    color;

        color   = renderer.material.color;                                              //Update the transparency of the attacking sector to be semi-transparent
        color.a = 0.5f;
        renderer.material.color = color;

        gameInstructions.text = "Pick a sector to attack with...";         //Update instructions to show user next step
Exemplo n.º 2
    /* The field 'GameObject Sector' has been refactored to 'Section sector'
    void SelectSector(Section sector)
        switch (mode)
        case 1:                                                                                 //If this is the first sector that has been picked

            attackingSector = sector;                                                           //store the gameobject in attacking sector
            mode            = 2;                                                                //update the mode to 2...where users should enter number of units they intend to move/attack with

            inputFieldObject.SetActive(true);                                                   //Enable (and show) the input field
            goButton.SetActive(true);                                                           //submit button
            backButton.SetActive(true);                                                         //and undo button


        case 3:                                                                                         //If this is the second sector that has been picked

            /* For clarity, the variable 'ValidOp' was renamed to
             * 'sectorIsAdjacentToAttackingSector'
            bool sectorIsAdjacentToAttackingSector = false;                                                     //Check if the second sector clicked is neighbouring the first sector clicked

            foreach (Section G in sectorsAdjacentToAttackingSector)
                if (sector == G)
                    sectorIsAdjacentToAttackingSector = true;

            if (sectorIsAdjacentToAttackingSector)                                                                      //If it is

                defendingSector = sector;                                               //update defending sector to the second sector clicked

                if (defendingPlayer != attackingPlayer)                                 //check if it is a friendly sector

                    if (attackingUnits < (defendingUnits * 0.66))                               //check if attacking units are less than 2/3 of the defending (unfriendly) units and if they are

                        riskyMovePopup.BroadcastMessage("SetAttackingUnits", attackingUnits);   //send details to a popup checking this is the move users meant to make
                        riskyMovePopup.BroadcastMessage("SetDefendingUnits", defendingUnits);
                        riskyMovePopup.BroadcastMessage("Open");                                //and open the popup
                    else                                                                        //If the attacking units are more than 2/3 of the defending units
                        ResolveConflict();                                                      //call the function to resolve the conflict
                    ResolveConflict();                                                                                  //Friendly section to friendly section movement
            else                             //If the second sector is not a neighbour of the first
                attackingSector.Flash();     //make the neighbouring sectors of the first sector flash, to remind the users where they can move units to


        case 4:
            sectorIsAdjacentToAttackingSector = false;                                                                  //Check if the second sector clicked is neighbouring the first sector clicked

            foreach (Section G in sectorsAdjacentToAttackingSector)
                if (sector == G)
                    sectorIsAdjacentToAttackingSector = true;

            if (sectorIsAdjacentToAttackingSector)                                                                              //If it is

                defendingSector = sector;                                                               //update defending sector to the second sector clicked

                if (defendingPlayer != attackingPlayer)                                                 //check if it is a friendly sector
                    while ((nextPostgrads > 0) & (movingPostgrads > 0))
                        nextPostgrads   -= 1;
                        movingPostgrads -= 1;
            else                                         //If the second sector is not a neighbour of the first
                attackingSector.Flash();                 //make the neighbouring sectors of the first sector flash, to remind the users where they can move units to
            mode = 1;                                    //After sorting out units and owners
            Renderer renderer = attackingSector.GetComponent <SpriteRenderer> ();
            Color    color;
            color   = renderer.material.color;                                                  //Update the transparency of the attacking sector to be semi-transparent
            color.a = 0.5f;
            renderer.material.color = color;

            gameInstructions.text = "Pick a sector to attack with...";             //Update instructions to show user next step
