/// <summary>
        /// 商品列表
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="model"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public JsonResult List(SearchSP_ProductCommentModel model)
            //SearchAC_OperateLogModel logmodel = new SearchAC_OperateLogModel();
            model.PagedIndex = model.PagedIndex == 0 ? 0 : model.PagedIndex;
            model.PagedSize  = model.PagedSize == 0 ? 10 : model.PagedSize;
            model.LanguageID = ACultureHelper.GetLanguageID;

            int total = 0;
            var result = this._sp_ProductCommentService.GetSP_ProductCommentList(model);
            List <SP_ProductCommentModel> ds = result.Data;
            var data = new
                rows  = ds,
                total = result.Data.TotalCount,

            return(Json(data, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet));
        /// <summary>
        /// 商品加载数据
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="id"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public ActionResult Create(long?id)
            SP_ProductCommentModel model = new SP_ProductCommentModel();

            if (id.HasValue)
                SearchSP_ProductCommentModel smodel = new SearchSP_ProductCommentModel();
                smodel.ProductCommentId = id.Value;
                smodel.PagedIndex       = 0;
                smodel.PagedSize        = 100;

                List <SP_ProductCommentModel> List = this._sp_ProductCommentService.GetSP_ProductCommentList(smodel).Data;

                if (List != null && List.Count > 0)
                    model = List[0];
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取商品评论列表
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parentId"></param>
        /// <returns>商品评论列表</returns>
        public ResultModel GetSP_ProductCommentList(SearchSP_ProductCommentModel model)
            var tb = base._database.Db.SP_ProductComment;

            var where = new SimpleExpression(1, 1, SimpleExpressionType.Equal);

            if (model.OrderId != 0)
                where = new SimpleExpression(where, tb.OrderId == model.OrderId, SimpleExpressionType.And);
            if (model.UserID != 0)
                where = new SimpleExpression(where, tb.UserID == model.UserID, SimpleExpressionType.And);
            if (model.ProductId != null && model.ProductId != 0)
                where = new SimpleExpression(where, tb.ProductId == model.ProductId, SimpleExpressionType.And);
            if (model.CheckBy != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.CheckBy.Trim()))
                where = new SimpleExpression(where, tb.CheckBy.Like("%" + model.CheckBy + "%"), SimpleExpressionType.And);
            if (model.Phone != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Phone))
                where = new SimpleExpression(where, _database.Db.YH_User.Phone.Like("%" + model.Phone + "%"), SimpleExpressionType.And);

            if (model.Email != null && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.Email.Trim()))
                where = new SimpleExpression(where, _database.Db.YH_User.Email.Like("%" + model.Email + "%"), SimpleExpressionType.And);

            if (model.BeginCommentDT != null)
                where = new SimpleExpression(where, tb.CommentDT >= model.BeginCommentDT, SimpleExpressionType.And);

            if (model.EndCommentDT != null)
                //评论结束 时间
                where = new SimpleExpression(where, tb.CommentDT < model.EndCommentDT, SimpleExpressionType.And);

            if (model.BeginCheckDT != null)
                where = new SimpleExpression(where, tb.CheckDT >= model.BeginCheckDT, SimpleExpressionType.And);

            if (model.EndCheckDT != null)
                where = new SimpleExpression(where, tb.CheckDT < model.EndCheckDT, SimpleExpressionType.And);

            if (model.CheckStatus != 0)
                where = new SimpleExpression(where, tb.CheckStatus == model.CheckStatus, SimpleExpressionType.And);

            if (model.LanguageID > 0)
                where = new SimpleExpression(where, _database.Db.Product_Lang.LanguageID == model.LanguageID, SimpleExpressionType.And);

            if (model.ProductCommentId > 0)
                where = new SimpleExpression(where, tb.ProductCommentId == model.ProductCommentId, SimpleExpressionType.And);
            // 1:好评;2:中评;3:差评
            if (model.typeLevel != null && model.typeLevel.HasValue)
                switch (model.typeLevel.Value)
                case 1:
                    where = new SimpleExpression(where, tb.CommentLevel >= 4, SimpleExpressionType.And);

                case 2:
                    where = new SimpleExpression(where, tb.CommentLevel >= 2 && tb.CommentLevel < 4, SimpleExpressionType.And);

                case 3:
                    where = new SimpleExpression(where, tb.CommentLevel >= 0 && tb.CommentLevel < 2, SimpleExpressionType.And);


            dynamic cl;
            dynamic pc;

            var query = tb
                        .LeftJoin(_database.Db.Product_Lang, out cl)
                        .On(_database.Db.Product_Lang.ProductId == tb.ProductId)
                        .LeftJoin(_database.Db.YH_User, out pc)
                        .On(_database.Db.YH_User.UserID == tb.UserID)



                pc.Phone,     //商品评价人显示手机号

            var result = new ResultModel()
                Data = new SimpleDataPagedList <SP_ProductCommentModel>(query, model.PagedIndex, model.PagedSize)

        /// <summary>
        /// 获取商品评论列表
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parentId"></param>
        /// <returns>商品评论列表</returns>
        public ResultModel GetProductCommentList(SearchSP_ProductCommentModel model)
            StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();

            builder.Append(" where 1=1");
            if (model.OrderId != 0)
                builder.Append(" and tb.OrderId=" + model.OrderId.ToString());
            if (model.UserID != 0)
                builder.Append(" and tb.UserID=" + model.UserID.ToString());
            if (model.ProductId != null && model.ProductId != 0)
                builder.Append(" and tb.ProductId=" + model.ProductId.ToString());
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.CheckBy))
                builder.Append(" and tb.CheckBy like '%" + model.CheckBy.Replace("'", "''") + "%'");
            if (model.BeginCommentDT != null)
                builder.Append(" and tb.CommentDT>='" + model.BeginCommentDT.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'");
            if (model.EndCommentDT != null)
                builder.Append(" and tb.CommentDT<'" + model.EndCommentDT.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'");
            if (model.BeginCheckDT != null)
                builder.Append(" and tb.CheckDT>='" + model.BeginCheckDT.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'");
            if (model.EndCheckDT != null)
                builder.Append(" and tb.CheckDT<'" + model.EndCheckDT.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'");
            if (model.CheckStatus != 0)
                builder.Append(" and tb.CheckStatus=" + model.CheckStatus.ToString());
            if (model.LanguageID > 0)
                builder.Append(" and c1.LanguageID=" + model.LanguageID.ToString());
            if (model.ProductCommentId > 0)
                builder.Append(" and tb.ProductCommentId=" + model.ProductCommentId.ToString());
            if (model.CommentLevel > 0)
                if (model.CommentLevel == 1)
                    builder.Append(" and tb.CommentLevel > 3");
                if (model.CommentLevel == 2)
                    builder.Append(" and tb.CommentLevel <= 3 and tb.CommentLevel >= 2");
                if (model.CommentLevel == 3)
                    builder.Append(" and tb.CommentLevel <= 1");

            string startindex = (model.PagedIndex * model.PagedSize + 1).ToString();
            string endindex   = ((model.PagedIndex + 1) * model.PagedSize).ToString();

            string sql = @"select ProductCommentId,OrderId,UserID,ProductId,CommentLevel,CommentContent,IsAnonymous,ReplyBy,ReplyDT,ReplyContent,CheckBy,Email,HeadImageUrl,
                            CheckStatus,CheckDT,CommentDT,ProductName,Account,Phone,PicUrl,(case when row between " + startindex + " and " + endindex + " then " +
                         @"stuff((select ','+convert(varchar(10),Labels) from SP_ProductComment_Labels where ProductCommentId = x.ProductCommentId for xml path('')),1,1,'') else 0 end) as LablesStr
                           from (select row_number() over(order by tb.CommentDT desc) as row,tb.*,c1.ProductName,pc.Account,pc.Phone,pp.PicUrl,pc.Email,pc.HeadImageUrl from 
                          SP_ProductComment tb left join Product_Lang c1 on c1.ProductId = tb.ProductId left join ProductPic pp on pp.ProductId = tb.ProductId and pp.Flag=1 left join YH_User pc on pc.UserID = tb.UserID " +
                         builder.ToString() + ") x";

            List <dynamic>             res  = this._database.RunSqlQuery(x => x.ToResultSets(sql))[0];
            List <ProductCommentModel> list = res.Skip(model.PagedIndex * model.PagedSize).Take(model.PagedSize).ToEntity <ProductCommentModel>();

            return(new ResultModel()
                Data = list

            #region del by liujc

             * var query = tb
             *  .Query()
             *  .LeftJoin(cl)
             *  .On(cl.ProductId == tb.ProductId)
             *  .LeftJoin(pp)
             *  .On(pp.ProductId == tb.ProductId)
             *  .LeftJoin(pc)
             *  .On(pc.UserID == tb.UserID)
             *  .Select(
             *      tb.ProductCommentId,tb.OrderId,tb.UserID,tb.ProductId,tb.CommentLevel,tb.CommentContent,tb.IsAnonymous,tb.ReplyBy,tb.ReplyDT,tb.ReplyContent,tb.CheckBy,
             *      tb.CheckStatus,tb.CheckDT,tb.CommentDT,cl.ProductName,pc.Account,pc.Phone, //商品评价人显示手机号
             *      pp.PicUrl
             *  ).
             *  With(base._database.Db.SP_ProductComment.SP_ProductComment_Labels).
             *  Where(base._database.Db.SP_ProductComment.SP_ProductComment_Labels.ProductCommentId == base._database.Db.SP_ProductComment.ProductId)
             *  .Where(where)
             *  .OrderByCommentDTDescending();
             * var tb = base._database.Db.SP_ProductComment;
             * var cl = base._database.Db.Product_Lang;
             * var pp = base._database.Db.ProductPic;
             * var pc = base._database.Db.YH_User;
             * //var where = new SimpleExpression(1, 1, SimpleExpressionType.Equal);
             * //图片
             * var where = new SimpleExpression(pp.Flag, 1, SimpleExpressionType.Equal);
             * //dynamic cl;
             * //dynamic pc;
             * //dynamic pp;
             * if (model.OrderId != 0)
             * {
             *  //订单ID
             *  where = new SimpleExpression(where, tb.OrderId == model.OrderId, SimpleExpressionType.And);
             * }
             * if (model.UserID != 0)
             * {
             *  //用户ID
             *  where = new SimpleExpression(where, tb.UserID == model.UserID, SimpleExpressionType.And);
             * }
             * if (model.ProductId != null && model.ProductId != 0)
             * {
             *  //商品id
             *  where = new SimpleExpression(where, tb.ProductId == model.ProductId, SimpleExpressionType.And);
             * }
             * if (model.CheckBy != null && string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.CheckBy))
             * {
             *  //审核人名称
             *  where = new SimpleExpression(where, tb.CheckBy.Like("%" + model.CheckBy + "%"), SimpleExpressionType.And);
             * }
             * if (model.BeginCommentDT != null)
             * {
             *  //评论开始时间
             *  where = new SimpleExpression(where, tb.CommentDT >= model.BeginCommentDT, SimpleExpressionType.And);
             * }
             * if (model.EndCommentDT != null)
             * {
             *  //评论结束 时间
             *  where = new SimpleExpression(where, tb.CommentDT < model.EndCommentDT, SimpleExpressionType.And);
             * }
             * if (model.BeginCheckDT != null)
             * {
             *  //开始审核时间
             *  where = new SimpleExpression(where, tb.CheckDT >= model.BeginCheckDT, SimpleExpressionType.And);
             * }
             * if (model.EndCheckDT != null)
             * {
             *  //结束审核时间
             *  where = new SimpleExpression(where, tb.CheckDT < model.EndCheckDT, SimpleExpressionType.And);
             * }
             * if (model.CheckStatus != 0)
             * {
             *  //审核状态
             *  where = new SimpleExpression(where, tb.CheckStatus == model.CheckStatus, SimpleExpressionType.And);
             * }
             * if (model.LanguageID > 0)
             * {
             *  //语言
             *  where = new SimpleExpression(where, cl.LanguageID == model.LanguageID, SimpleExpressionType.And);
             * }
             * if (model.ProductCommentId > 0)
             * {
             *  //评论ID
             *  where = new SimpleExpression(where, tb.ProductCommentId == model.ProductCommentId, SimpleExpressionType.And);
             * }
             * if (model.CommentLevel > 0)
             * {
             *  //评价等级(0全部,1好评,2中评,3差评)
             *  if (model.CommentLevel == 1)
             *  {
             *      where = new SimpleExpression(where, tb.CommentLevel > 3, SimpleExpressionType.And);
             *  }
             *  if (model.CommentLevel == 2)
             *  {
             *      where = new SimpleExpression(where, tb.CommentLevel <= 3, SimpleExpressionType.And);
             *      where = new SimpleExpression(where, tb.CommentLevel >= 2, SimpleExpressionType.And);
             *  }
             *  if (model.CommentLevel == 3)
             *  {
             *      where = new SimpleExpression(where, tb.CommentLevel <= 1, SimpleExpressionType.And);
             *  }
             * }
             * var query = tb
             *  .Query()
             *  .LeftJoin(cl)
             *  .On(cl.ProductId == tb.ProductId)
             *  .LeftJoin(pp)
             *  .On(pp.ProductId == tb.ProductId)
             *  .LeftJoin(pc)
             *  .On(pc.UserID == tb.UserID)
             *  .Select(
             *      tb.ProductCommentId,tb.OrderId,tb.UserID,tb.ProductId,tb.CommentLevel,tb.CommentContent,tb.IsAnonymous,tb.ReplyBy,tb.ReplyDT,tb.ReplyContent,tb.CheckBy,
             *      tb.CheckStatus,tb.CheckDT,tb.CommentDT,cl.ProductName,pc.Account,pc.Phone, //商品评价人显示手机号
             *      pp.PicUrl
             *  ).
             *  .Where(where)
             *  .OrderByCommentDTDescending();
             * var result = new ResultModel()
             * {
             *  Data = new SimpleDataPagedList<ProductCommentModel>(query, model.PagedIndex, model.PagedSize)
             * };
             * return result;
             * */
        /// <summary>
        /// 获取商品评论列表
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="parentId"></param>
        /// <returns>商品评论列表</returns>
        public ResultModel GetProductCommentList(SearchSP_ProductCommentModel model, out int TotalCnt)
            StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder();

            builder.Append(" where 1=1");
            if (model.OrderId != 0)
                builder.Append(" and tb.OrderId=" + model.OrderId.ToString());
            if (model.UserID != 0)
                builder.Append(" and tb.UserID=" + model.UserID.ToString());
            if (model.ProductId != null && model.ProductId != 0)
                builder.Append(" and tb.ProductId=" + model.ProductId.ToString());
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(model.CheckBy))
                builder.Append(" and tb.CheckBy like '%" + model.CheckBy.Replace("'", "''") + "%'");
            if (model.BeginCommentDT != null)
                builder.Append(" and tb.CommentDT>='" + model.BeginCommentDT.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'");
            if (model.EndCommentDT != null)
                builder.Append(" and tb.CommentDT<'" + model.EndCommentDT.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'");
            if (model.BeginCheckDT != null)
                builder.Append(" and tb.CheckDT>='" + model.BeginCheckDT.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'");
            if (model.EndCheckDT != null)
                builder.Append(" and tb.CheckDT<'" + model.EndCheckDT.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd") + "'");
            if (model.CheckStatus != 0)
                builder.Append(" and tb.CheckStatus=" + model.CheckStatus.ToString());
            if (model.LanguageID > 0)
                builder.Append(" and c1.LanguageID=" + model.LanguageID.ToString());
            if (model.ProductCommentId > 0)
                builder.Append(" and tb.ProductCommentId=" + model.ProductCommentId.ToString());
            if (model.CommentLevel > 0)
                if (model.CommentLevel == 1)
                    builder.Append(" and tb.CommentLevel > 3");
                if (model.CommentLevel == 2)
                    builder.Append(" and tb.CommentLevel <= 3 and tb.CommentLevel >= 2");
                if (model.CommentLevel == 3)
                    builder.Append(" and tb.CommentLevel <= 1");

            string startindex = (model.PagedIndex * model.PagedSize + 1).ToString();
            string endindex   = ((model.PagedIndex + 1) * model.PagedSize).ToString();

            string sql = @"select ProductCommentId,OrderId,UserID,ProductId,CommentLevel,CommentContent,IsAnonymous,ReplyBy,ReplyDT,ReplyContent,CheckBy,Email,HeadImageUrl,
                            CheckStatus,CheckDT,CommentDT,ProductName,Account,Phone,PicUrl,(case when row between " + startindex + " and " + endindex + " then " +
                         @"stuff((select ','+convert(varchar(10),Labels) from SP_ProductComment_Labels where ProductCommentId = x.ProductCommentId for xml path('')),1,1,'') else null end) as LablesStr
                           from (select row_number() over(order by tb.CommentDT desc) as row,tb.*,c1.ProductName,pc.Account,pc.Phone,pp.PicUrl,pc.Email,pc.HeadImageUrl from 
                          SP_ProductComment tb left join Product_Lang c1 on c1.ProductId = tb.ProductId left join ProductPic pp on pp.ProductId = tb.ProductId and pp.Flag=1 left join YH_User pc on pc.UserID = tb.UserID " +
                         builder.ToString() + ") x";

            List <dynamic>             res  = this._database.RunSqlQuery(x => x.ToResultSets(sql))[0];
            List <ProductCommentModel> list = res.Skip(model.PagedIndex * model.PagedSize).Take(model.PagedSize).ToEntity <ProductCommentModel>();

            TotalCnt = res.Count;

            return(new ResultModel()
                Data = list