public void HighlightPointStep()
        //Presentation: currentPoint is highlighted

        //Setup list of paths to go through
        //currentPoint.Paths.Sort(p => p.DistanceFromStart);

        //Find better way to sort in accending order.
        var pathsToSort = new List <MMPath>(currentPoint.Paths);

        for (int i = 0; i < pathsToSort.Count; i++)
            for (int j = i + 1; j < pathsToSort.Count; j++)
                if (pathsToSort[i].OtherPoint(currentPoint).DistanceFromStart > pathsToSort[j].OtherPoint(currentPoint).DistanceFromStart)
                    var tempPath = pathsToSort[i];
                    pathsToSort[i] = pathsToSort[j];
                    pathsToSort[j] = tempPath;

        //Reassign currentPoint's paths with the ordered list version.
        currentPoint.Paths = new List <MMPath>(pathsToSort);

        //Reset pathInterator to start at first path in .Paths
        pathIterator = 0;

        //Move to CheckPath phase on next step.
        CurrentPhase = SearchPhase.CheckPath;
    /// <summary>
    /// Reset the search variable for the next search.
    /// </summary>
    public virtual void Begin()
        currentPoint       = startPoint;
        currentSearchPoint = null;
        pathIterator       = 0;
        CurrentPhase       = SearchPhase.HighlightPoint;
        unvisitedPoints    = new List <Point>();
        visitedPoints      = new List <Point>();
        Result             = new List <Point>();

        var Paths = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Path");

        foreach (var path in Paths)
            var currentPath = path.GetComponent <MMPath>();
            if (currentPath != null)
                var pointA = currentPath.PointA;
                if (pointA != null && !pointA.Paths.Contains(currentPath))

                var pointB = currentPath.PointB;
                if (pointB != null && !pointB.Paths.Contains(currentPath))

        var Points = GameObject.FindGameObjectsWithTag("Point");

        foreach (var point in Points)
            point.GetComponent <Point>().DistanceFromStart = -1;

        while (CurrentPhase != SearchPhase.Finish)

        //need to do final step stil?
    public void CheckPathStep()
        var pathToCheck = currentPoint.Paths[pathIterator];

        //If the path we are checking is a one way path, we need to make sure
        //we are traveling across it in the direction it allows.
        if (pathToCheck.Type == MMPath.PathType.OneWay)
            if (pathToCheck.OneWayDirection == MMPath.OneWayMode.AToB)
                if (pathToCheck.PointA == currentPoint)
                    //We are allow to continue processing this path
                    CurrentPhase = SearchPhase.CheckPointOnPath;
                    //We are not allow to process this path.
                    //Switch to the next path or if this is the last path, the next point.
                    CurrentPhase = SearchPhase.SwitchPathsOrPoint;
            if (pathToCheck.OneWayDirection == MMPath.OneWayMode.BToA)
                if (pathToCheck.PointB == currentPoint)
                    //We are allow to continue processing this path
                    CurrentPhase = SearchPhase.CheckPointOnPath;
                    //We are not allow to process this path.
                    //Switch to the next path or if this is the last path, the next point.
                    CurrentPhase = SearchPhase.SwitchPathsOrPoint;
            //We are allow to continue processing this path
            CurrentPhase = SearchPhase.CheckPointOnPath;
    public void CheckPointOnPathStep()
        //Use the path to aquire the Point on the other end of the path.
        currentSearchPoint = currentPoint.Paths[pathIterator].OtherPoint(currentPoint);

        //Presentation: Highlight the path we are currently looking at.

        //Check to see if this point has been proccessed as a currentPoint before continuing.
        if (!visitedPoints.Contains(currentSearchPoint))
            //Presentation: Highlight currentSearchPoint


        //Switch to the next path or if this is the last path, the next point.
        CurrentPhase = SearchPhase.SwitchPathsOrPoint;
 public virtual void CheckIfSearchFinished()
     //If there are no more unvisitedPoints, we dont need to search anymore.
     if (unvisitedPoints.Count > 0)
         //If endPoint.DistanceFromStart == -1, it means we havent hit it yet.
         //If the first item in unvisitedPoints has a smaller DistanceFromStart, then there's a chance that there a faster way to the endpoint.
         //If neither of these conditions are met, then we can assume that the shortest path has been found and we can stop searching.
         if (unvisitedPoints[0].DistanceFromStart < endPoint.DistanceFromStart || endPoint.DistanceFromStart == -1)
             currentPoint = unvisitedPoints[0];
             CurrentPhase = SearchPhase.HighlightPoint;
         else //if we hit the endpoint and no other points are shorter, we have reached the end.
             CurrentPhase = SearchPhase.Finish;
         CurrentPhase = SearchPhase.Finish;
    public void SwtichPathsOrPointStep()
        //Presentation: Unhighlight the current path and search point.
        //We may not have highlighted a search point, but we did highlight a path.
        if (currentSearchPoint != null)

        //Incremet the pathIterator to check the next path on currentPoint

        //If the pathIterator has a value that is >= the total number of paths connected to currentPoint,
        //then we have finished processing currentPoint and will need to pick the next currentPoint.
        if (pathIterator >= currentPoint.Paths.Count)
            //Presentation: Unhighlight currentPoint

            //currentPoint is removed from the list of unvisted Points and is added to the list of visited Points.
            //This will prevent the search from doing processing the point again as we have done all we can with it.

            //We'll add the Points that we looked at and assigned a DistanceFromStart value
            //to the list of unvisted points which will be used to select the next currentPoint.
            foreach (var path in currentPoint.Paths)
                var canProcess = true;

                if (path.Type == MMPath.PathType.OneWay)
                    if (path.OneWayDirection == MMPath.OneWayMode.AToB)
                        canProcess = path.PointA == currentPoint;
                    if (path.OneWayDirection == MMPath.OneWayMode.BToA)
                        canProcess = path.PointB == currentPoint;

                if (canProcess)
                    var point = path.OtherPoint(currentPoint);

                    //If point has not been added to either list and is not the end Point.
                    if (!visitedPoints.Contains(point) && !unvisitedPoints.Contains(point) && point != endPoint)

            //Sort the list of unvistedPoints from lowest DistanceFromStart.
            //Points that have not been assigned a value are sent to the back of the list.

            //Check the next path in currentPoint's list.
            CurrentPhase = SearchPhase.CheckPath;