Exemplo n.º 1
        public static IEnumerable <MobileApiResult> SearchByName(SearchByNameRequest searchByNameRequest)
            var result = new List <MobileApiResult>();

            if (!searchByNameRequest.IsValid)
                throw searchByNameRequest.Exception;

            var client  = new RestClient(BaseUrl);
            var request = new RestRequest(SearchByNameUrl, Method.POST)
                          .AddParameter("memln", searchByNameRequest.LastName.Substring(0, Math.Min(searchByNameRequest.LastName.Length, 20)))
                          .AddParameter("mode", "Search");

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(searchByNameRequest.FirstName))
                request.AddParameter("memfn", searchByNameRequest.FirstName.Substring(0, Math.Min(searchByNameRequest.FirstName.Length, 20)));

            if (!string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(searchByNameRequest.State))
                request.AddParameter("memstate", searchByNameRequest.State);

            var response = client.Execute(request);

            if (response.ResponseStatus == ResponseStatus.Completed)
                var htmlContent  = response.Content;
                var htmlDocument = new HtmlAgilityPack.HtmlDocument();

                // second table always exists
                var rows = htmlDocument.DocumentNode.SelectNodes("//table")[1].SelectNodes("tr");

                result = (from row in rows
                          select row.SelectNodes("td")
                          into cells
                          where cells != null && (cells.Count == 3 || cells.Count == 4)
                          let infocell = cells[2].InnerText.Trim('\n').Split('\n').Select(val => val.Trim()).ToArray()
                                         let comments = cells.Count == 4 ? cells[3].InnerText : string.Empty
                                                        let rating = ParseRating(infocell[2])
                                                                     let membershipExpirationDate = ParseExpirationDate(infocell[1])
                                                                                                    select new MobileApiResult
                    UscfId = ParseMemberNumber(cells[0].InnerText.Trim('\n')),
                    FullName = cells[1].InnerText.Trim('\n'),
                    StateOrCountry = infocell[0],
                    MembershipExpirationDate = membershipExpirationDate,
                    MembershipStatus = ParseMembershipStatus(membershipExpirationDate, comments),
                    RegularRating = rating,
                    Comments = comments
                }).Where(item => item.UscfId > 0).ToList();

Exemplo n.º 2
        public void Should_Search_UsChess_Site()
            var searchByNameRequest = new SearchByNameRequest()
                LastName = "ivanov"

            var resultApi = new Api().SearchByName(searchByNameRequest);
            //var resultDesktop = DesktopApi.SearchByName(searchByNameRequest);
            var ss = resultApi;
Exemplo n.º 3
        // the logic here should be like this:
        // Go to the mobile api and run search eigther by the name/state, or by id.
        // if the name has more than 2 parts, then use desktop search using the id in question.
        // Desktop site returns the names in the form last name, first name, so it is easy to reconstruct the original first and last name
        public IEnumerable <UscfSearchRecord> SearchByName(SearchByNameRequest searchByNameRequest)
            var mobileApiResult = MobileApi.SearchByName(searchByNameRequest).ToList();
