Exemplo n.º 1
        static void Main(string[] args)
            // Get the input filenames
            //string simulationInputFilePath = args[1];
            //string targetDeckFilePath = args[2];
            //string modelInputFileName = args[3];
            //string outputPath = args[4];
            var simulationInputFilePath = @"..\..\..\SimulationInput.XML"; // @"C:\Users\admin\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\Horizon-Simulation-Framework\Horizon_v2_3\io\SimulationInput.XML";
            var targetDeckFilePath      = @"..\..\..\v2.2-300targets.xml";
            var modelInputFilePath      = @"..\..\..\Model_Static.xml";

            var outputPath = String.Format("..\\..\\..\\output-{0:yyyy-MM-dd}-0", DateTime.Now);

            //Need to figure out output data versioning
            //if (File.Exists(outputPath + ".txt"))
            //    var version = outputPath[outputPath.Length - 1];
            //    int number = (int)Convert.ChangeType(version, typeof(int))+1;
            //    outputPath.Remove(outputPath.Length - 1);
            //    outputPath += number;
            outputPath += ".txt";
            // Find the main input node from the XML input files
            var XmlDoc = new XmlDocument();

            XmlNodeList simulationInputXMLNodeList = XmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("SCENARIO");
            var         XmlEnum = simulationInputXMLNodeList.GetEnumerator();

            var simulationInputXMLNode = (XmlNode)XmlEnum.Current;
            var scenarioName           = simulationInputXMLNode.Attributes["scenarioName"].InnerXml;

            Console.Write("EXECUITING SCENARIO: ");

            // Load the simulation parameters from the XML simulation input file
            XmlNode simParametersXMLNode = simulationInputXMLNode["SIMULATION_PARAMETERS"];
            bool    simParamsLoaded      = SimParameters.LoadSimParameters(simParametersXMLNode, scenarioName);

            // Load the scheduler parameters defined in the XML simulation input file
            XmlNode schedParametersXMLNode = simulationInputXMLNode["SCHEDULER_PARAMETERS"];

            bool      paramsLoaded    = SchedParameters.LoadSchedParameters(schedParametersXMLNode);
            Scheduler systemScheduler = new Scheduler();

            //MultiThreadedScheduler systemScheduler = new MultiThreadedScheduler();

            // Load the target deck into the targets list from the XML target deck input file
            XmlNodeList targetDeckXMLNodeList = XmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("TARGETDECK");
            int         numTargets            = XmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("TARGET").Count;

            XmlEnum = targetDeckXMLNodeList.GetEnumerator();
            var          targetDeckXMLNode = (XmlNode)XmlEnum.Current;
            Stack <Task> systemTasks       = new Stack <Task>();
            bool         targetsLoaded     = Task.loadTargetsIntoTaskList(targetDeckXMLNode, systemTasks);

            Console.WriteLine("Initial states set");

            // Find the main model node from the XML model input file
            XmlNodeList modelXMLNodeList = XmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("MODEL");

            XmlEnum = modelXMLNodeList.GetEnumerator();
            var modelInputXMLNode = (XmlNode)XmlEnum.Current;

            // Load the environment. First check if there is an ENVIRONMENT XMLNode in the input file
            Universe SystemUniverse = null;

            foreach (XmlNode node in modelInputXMLNode.ChildNodes)
                if (node.Attributes["ENVIRONMENT"] != null)
                    // Create the Environment based on the XMLNode
                    SystemUniverse = new Universe(node);
            if (SystemUniverse == null)
                SystemUniverse = new Universe();

            //Create singleton dependency dictionary
            Dependencies dependencies = Dependencies.Instance;

            // Initialize List to hold assets and subsystem nodes
            List <Asset>     assetList = new List <Asset>();
            List <Subsystem> subList   = new List <Subsystem>();

            // Maps used to set up preceeding nodes
            Dictionary <ISubsystem, XmlNode>      subsystemXMLNodeMap = new Dictionary <ISubsystem, XmlNode>();
            Dictionary <string, Subsystem>        subsystemMap        = new Dictionary <string, Subsystem>();
            List <KeyValuePair <string, string> > dependencyMap       = new List <KeyValuePair <string, string> >();
            List <KeyValuePair <string, string> > dependencyFcnMap    = new List <KeyValuePair <string, string> >();
            // Dictionary<string, ScriptedSubsystem> scriptedSubNames = new Dictionary<string, ScriptedSubsystem>();

            // Create Constraint list
            List <Constraint> constraintsList = new List <Constraint>();

            //Create Lists to hold all the initial condition and dependency nodes to be parsed later
            List <XmlNode> ICNodes         = new List <XmlNode>();
            List <XmlNode> DepNodes        = new List <XmlNode>();
            SystemState    initialSysState = new SystemState();

            // Enable Python scripting support, add additional functions defined in input file
            bool enableScripting = false;

            // Set up Subsystem Nodes, first loop through the assets in the XML model input file
            foreach (XmlNode childNodeAsset in modelInputXMLNode.ChildNodes)
                if (childNodeAsset.Name.Equals("PYTHON"))
                    if (childNodeAsset.Attributes["enableScripting"] != null)
                        if (childNodeAsset.Attributes["enableScripting"].Value.ToString().ToLower().Equals("true"))
                            enableScripting = true;
                    // Loop through all the of the file nodes -- TODO (Morgan) What other types of things might be scripted
                    foreach (XmlNode fileXmlNode in childNodeAsset.ChildNodes)
                        // If scripting is enabled, parse the script file designated by the attribute
                        if (enableScripting)
                            // Parse script file if the attribute exists
                            if (fileXmlNode.ChildNodes[0].Name.Equals("EOMS_FILE"))
                                string       fileName = fileXmlNode.ChildNodes[0].Attributes["src"].Value.ToString();
                                ScriptedEOMS eoms     = new ScriptedEOMS(fileName);
                if (childNodeAsset.Name.Equals("ASSET"))
                    Asset asset = new Asset(childNodeAsset);
                    // Loop through all the of the ChildNodess for this Asset
                    foreach (XmlNode childNode in childNodeAsset.ChildNodes)
                        // Get the current Subsystem XML Node, and create it using the SubsystemFactory
                        if (childNode.Name.Equals("SUBSYSTEM"))
                        {  //is this how we want to do this?
                            // Check if the type of the Subsystem is scripted, networked, or other
                            string subName = SubsystemFactory.GetSubsystem(childNode, enableScripting, dependencies, asset, subsystemMap);
                            foreach (XmlNode ICorDepNode in childNode.ChildNodes)
                                if (ICorDepNode.Name.Equals("IC"))
                                if (ICorDepNode.Name.Equals("DEPENDENCY"))
                                    string depSubName = "", depFunc = "";
                                    depSubName = Subsystem.parseNameFromXmlNode(ICorDepNode, asset.Name);
                                    dependencyMap.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>(subName, depSubName));

                                    if (ICorDepNode.Attributes["fcnName"] != null)
                                        depFunc = ICorDepNode.Attributes["fcnName"].Value.ToString();
                                        dependencyFcnMap.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>(subName, depFunc));
                        //Create a new Constraint
                        if (childNode.Name.Equals("CONSTRAINT"))
                            constraintsList.Add(ConstraintFactory.getConstraint(childNode, subsystemMap, asset));
                    if (ICNodes.Count > 0)
                        initialSysState.Add(SystemState.setInitialSystemState(ICNodes, asset));
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Subsystem> sub in subsystemMap)
            Console.WriteLine("Subsystems and Constraints Loaded");

            //Add all the dependent subsystems to the dependent subsystem list of the subsystems
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> depSubPair in dependencyMap)
                Subsystem subToAddDep, depSub;
                subsystemMap.TryGetValue(depSubPair.Key, out subToAddDep);
                subsystemMap.TryGetValue(depSubPair.Value, out depSub);

            //give the dependency functions to all the subsytems that need them
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> depFunc in dependencyFcnMap)
                Subsystem subToAddDep;
                subsystemMap.TryGetValue(depFunc.Key, out subToAddDep);
                subToAddDep.SubsystemDependencyFunctions.Add(depFunc.Value, dependencies.getDependencyFunc(depFunc.Value));
            Console.WriteLine("Dependencies Loaded");

            //Need to make this parse Xml
            Evaluator schedEvaluator = new TargetValueEvaluator(dependencies);

            SystemClass simSystem = new SystemClass(assetList, subList, constraintsList, SystemUniverse);

            if (simSystem.checkForCircularDependencies())
                throw new NotFiniteNumberException("System has circular dependencies! Please correct then try again.");

            Scheduler             scheduler = new Scheduler();
            List <SystemSchedule> schedules = scheduler.GenerateSchedules(simSystem, systemTasks, initialSysState, schedEvaluator);

            double maxSched = 0;
            int    i        = 0;

            using (StreamWriter sw = File.CreateText(outputPath))
                foreach (SystemSchedule sched in schedules)
                    sw.WriteLine("Schedule Number: " + i);
                    foreach (var eit in sched.AllStates.Events)
                        if (eit.Tasks.Values.GetType().Equals(TaskType.COMM))
                            Console.WriteLine("Schedule {0} contains Comm task", i);
                        if (i < 5)
                        { //just compare the first 5 schedules for now
                    if (sched.ScheduleValue > maxSched)
                        maxSched = sched.ScheduleValue;


            // *********************************Output selected data*************************************
            //   bool schedOutput = dataOut.writeAll(schedules, simSystem);
            // ******************************************************************************************
Exemplo n.º 2
        public void GenerateSchedulesUnitTest()
            // Get the input filenames
            //string simulationInputFilePath = args[1];
            //string targetDeckFilePath = args[2];
            //string modelInputFileName = args[3];
            //string outputPath = args[4];
            var simulationInputFilePath = @"..\..\..\SimulationInput.XML"; // @"C:\Users\admin\Documents\Visual Studio 2015\Projects\Horizon-Simulation-Framework\Horizon_v2_3\io\SimulationInput.XML";
            var targetDeckFilePath      = @"..\..\..\v2.2-300targets.xml";
            var modelInputFilePath      = @"..\..\..\Model_Static.xml";
            // Initialize critical section for dependencies ??Morgan Doesn't know what this does
            // InitializeCriticalSection(&horizon::sub::dep::NodeDependencies::cs);

            // Find the main input node from the XML input files
            var XmlDoc = new XmlDocument();

            XmlNodeList simulationInputXMLNodeList = XmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("SCENARIO");
            var         XmlEnum = simulationInputXMLNodeList.GetEnumerator();

            var simulationInputXMLNode = (XmlNode)XmlEnum.Current;
            var scenarioName           = simulationInputXMLNode.Attributes["scenarioName"].InnerXml;

            Console.Write("EXECUITING SCENARIO: ");

            // Load the simulation parameters from the XML simulation input file
            XmlNode simParametersXMLNode = simulationInputXMLNode["SIMULATION_PARAMETERS"];
            bool    simParamsLoaded      = SimParameters.LoadSimParameters(simParametersXMLNode, scenarioName);

            // Load the scheduler parameters defined in the XML simulation input file
            XmlNode schedParametersXMLNode = simulationInputXMLNode["SCHEDULER_PARAMETERS"];
            //Scheduler systemScheduler = new Scheduler();
            //bool schedParamsLoaded = loadSchedulerParams(schedParametersXMLNode, systemScheduler);

            bool      paramsLoaded    = SchedParameters.LoadSchedParameters(schedParametersXMLNode);
            Scheduler systemScheduler = new Scheduler();

            //MultiThreadedScheduler* systemScheduler = new MultiThreadedScheduler;

            // Load the target deck into the targets list from the XML target deck input file
            //var XmlDoc = new XmlDocument();
            XmlNodeList targetDeckXMLNodeList = XmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("TARGETDECK");
            int         numTargets            = XmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("TARGET").Count;

            XmlEnum = targetDeckXMLNodeList.GetEnumerator();
            var          targetDeckXMLNode = (XmlNode)XmlEnum.Current;
            Stack <Task> systemTasks       = new Stack <Task>();
            bool         targetsLoaded     = Task.loadTargetsIntoTaskList(targetDeckXMLNode, systemTasks);

            Console.WriteLine("Initial states set");

            // Find the main model node from the XML model input file
            XmlNodeList modelXMLNodeList = XmlDoc.GetElementsByTagName("MODEL");

            XmlEnum = modelXMLNodeList.GetEnumerator();
            var modelInputXMLNode = (XmlNode)XmlEnum.Current;

            // Load the environment. First check if there is an ENVIRONMENT XMLNode in the input file
            Universe SystemUniverse = null;

            foreach (XmlNode node in modelInputXMLNode.ChildNodes)
                if (node.Attributes["ENVIRONMENT"] != null)
                    // Create the Environment based on the XMLNode
                    SystemUniverse = new Universe(node);
            if (SystemUniverse == null)
                SystemUniverse = new Universe();

            //Create singleton dependency dictionary
            Dependencies dependencies = Dependencies.Instance;

            // Initialize List to hold assets and subsystem nodes
            List <Asset>     assetList   = new List <Asset>();
            List <Subsystem> subNodeList = new List <Subsystem>();

            // Maps used to set up preceeding nodes
            Dictionary <ISubsystem, XmlNode>      subsystemXMLNodeMap = new Dictionary <ISubsystem, XmlNode>();
            Dictionary <string, Subsystem>        subsystemMap        = new Dictionary <string, Subsystem>();
            List <KeyValuePair <string, string> > dependencyMap       = new List <KeyValuePair <string, string> >();
            List <KeyValuePair <string, string> > dependencyFcnMap    = new List <KeyValuePair <string, string> >();
            // Dictionary<string, ScriptedSubsystem> scriptedSubNames = new Dictionary<string, ScriptedSubsystem>();

            // Create Constraint list
            List <Constraint> constraintsList = new List <Constraint>();

            //Create Lists to hold all the initial condition and dependency nodes to be parsed later
            List <XmlNode> ICNodes         = new List <XmlNode>();
            List <XmlNode> DepNodes        = new List <XmlNode>();
            SystemState    initialSysState = new SystemState();

            // Enable Python scripting support, add additional functions defined in input file
            bool enableScripting = false;

            // Set up Subsystem Nodes, first loop through the assets in the XML model input file
            foreach (XmlNode childNodeAsset in modelInputXMLNode.ChildNodes)
                if (childNodeAsset.Name.Equals("PYTHON"))
                    if (childNodeAsset.Attributes["enableScripting"] != null)
                        if (childNodeAsset.Attributes["enableScripting"].Value.ToString().ToLower().Equals("true"))
                            enableScripting = true;
                    // Loop through all the of the file nodes -- TODO (Morgan) What other types of things might be scripted
                    foreach (XmlNode fileXmlNode in childNodeAsset.ChildNodes)
                        // If scripting is enabled, parse the script file designated by the attribute
                        if (enableScripting)
                            // Parse script file if the attribute exists
                            if (fileXmlNode.ChildNodes[0].Name.Equals("EOMS_FILE"))
                                string       fileName = fileXmlNode.ChildNodes[0].Attributes["src"].Value.ToString();
                                ScriptedEOMS eoms     = new ScriptedEOMS(fileName);
                if (childNodeAsset.Name.Equals("ASSET"))
                    Asset asset = new Asset(childNodeAsset);
                    // Loop through all the of the ChildNodess for this Asset
                    foreach (XmlNode childNode in childNodeAsset.ChildNodes)
                        // Get the current Subsystem XML Node, and create it using the SubsystemFactory
                        if (childNode.Name.Equals("SUBSYSTEM"))
                        {  //is this how we want to do this?
                            // Check if the type of the Subsystem is scripted, networked, or other
                            string subName = SubsystemFactory.GetSubsystem(childNode, enableScripting, dependencies, asset, subsystemMap);
                            foreach (XmlNode ICorDepNode in childNode.ChildNodes)
                                if (ICorDepNode.Name.Equals("IC"))
                                if (ICorDepNode.Name.Equals("DEPENDENCY"))
                                    string depSubName = "", depFunc = "";
                                    if (ICorDepNode.Attributes["subsystemName"] != null)
                                        depSubName = ICorDepNode.Attributes["subsystemName"].Value.ToString();
                                        throw new MissingMemberException("Missing subsystem name in " + asset.Name);
                                    dependencyMap.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>(subName, depSubName));

                                    if (ICorDepNode.Attributes["fcnName"] != null)
                                        depFunc = ICorDepNode.Attributes["fcnName"].Value.ToString();
                                        throw new MissingMemberException("Missing dependency function for subsystem" + subName);
                                    dependencyFcnMap.Add(new KeyValuePair <string, string>(subName, depFunc));
                                //  if (ICorDepNode.Name.Equals("DEPENDENCY_FCN"))
                                //     dependencyFcnMap.Add(childNode.Attributes["subsystemName"].Value.ToString(), ICorDepNode.Attributes["fcnName"].Value.ToString());
                            //Parse the initial condition nodes
                        //Create a new Constraint
                        if (childNode.Name.Equals("CONSTRAINT"))
                            //Constraint factory isnt made yet
                            //Subsystem constrainedSub;
                            //subsystemMap.TryGetValue(childNode.Attributes["subsystemName"].Value.ToString(), out constrainedSub);
                    if (ICNodes.Count > 0)
                        initialSysState.Add(SystemState.setInitialSystemState(ICNodes, asset));
            //Add all the dependent subsystems to tge dependent subsystem list of the subsystems
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> depSubPair in dependencyMap)
                Subsystem subToAddDep, depSub;
                subsystemMap.TryGetValue(depSubPair.Key, out subToAddDep);
                subsystemMap.TryGetValue(depSubPair.Value, out depSub);

            //give the dependency functions to all the subsytems that need them
            foreach (KeyValuePair <string, string> depFunc in dependencyFcnMap)
                Subsystem subToAddDep;
                subsystemMap.TryGetValue(depFunc.Key, out subToAddDep);
                subToAddDep.SubsystemDependencyFunctions.Add(depFunc.Value, dependencies.getDependencyFunc(depFunc.Value));
            Console.WriteLine("Dependencies Loaded");

            List <Constraint>    constraintList    = new List <Constraint>();
            SystemClass          system            = new SystemClass(assetList, subNodeList, constraintList, SystemUniverse);
            TargetValueEvaluator scheduleEvaluator = new TargetValueEvaluator(dependencies);

            systemScheduler.GenerateSchedules(system, systemTasks, initialSysState, scheduleEvaluator);