Exemplo n.º 1
	public void InitFrom(ScriptedActionInfo info){
		// 	initialize members from deserialized info
		gameObject.name = info.unityObjectName;
		comment = info.comment;
		objectName = info.objectName;
		type = info.type;
		role = info.role; // in a multi-role script, which role performs this action
		stringParam = info.stringParam;  // used for a lot of different things
//info.audioClipName = sa.audioClipName;
		fadeLength = info.fadeLength; // also used for wait, move
		desiredAlpha = info.desiredAlpha;
		desiredColor = info.desiredColor;
//	public Texture2Dname texture2D = null; // used for enableInteraction;
//	public Transform moveTo;
		moveToName = info.moveToName;
		offset = info.offset; // offset from transform for move, in transform's reference frame
		orientation = info.orientation;
//		if (info.scriptToExecuteName != null && info.scriptToExecuteName){
			// this probably need a redesign, where the search occurs at Start() time, since the script
//			info.scriptToExecuteName = scriptToExecute.name;
//		}
		ease = info.ease;
		negate = info.negate; // use to turn enable to disable, stop audio, etc.
		loop = info.loop;
		waitForCompletion = info.waitForCompletion; // signal complete after audio, fade, etc.
		sequenceEnd = info.sequenceEnd;
		executeOnlyOnce = info.executeOnlyOnce;
		block = info.block;
		dialogIfThen = info.dialogIfThen;
		breakpoint = info.breakpoint;
		preAttributes = info.preAttributes; // processed when the line is begun
		postAttributes = info.postAttributes; // processed when the line completes
		stringParam2 = info.stringParam2;
		stringParam3 = info.stringParam3;
		stringParam4 = info.stringParam4;
		attachmentOverride = info.attachmentOverride;
		eventScript = info.eventScript;
		voiceTag = info.voiceTag;	
		heading = info.heading;
		speed = info.speed;
		if (info.gameMsgFormInfo != null){
			gameMsgForm = gameObject.AddComponent<GameMsgForm>();
//			info.gameMsg = sa.gameMsgForm.ToGameMsg(this); // how to handle message subclasses ?
			if (info.map != null){
				gameMsgForm.map = gameObject.AddComponent<InteractionMapForm>();
		syncToTasksIndex = info.syncToTasksIndex;
		if (syncToTasksIndex != null)
			syncToTasks = new ScriptedAction[syncToTasksIndex.Length]; // will init when script is fully loaded.
			syncToTasks = new ScriptedAction[0];
Exemplo n.º 2
	public ScriptedActionInfo ToInfo(ScriptedAction sa){ // saves values to an info for serialization (to XML)
		ScriptedActionInfo info = new ScriptedActionInfo();
		info.unityObjectName = sa.name;
		info.comment = sa.comment;
		info.objectName = sa.objectName;
		info.type = sa.type;
		info.role = sa.role; // in a multi-role script, which role performs this action
		info.stringParam = sa.stringParam;  // used for a lot of different things
//info.audioClipName = sa.audioClipName;
		info.fadeLength = sa.fadeLength; // also used for wait, move
		info.desiredAlpha = sa.desiredAlpha;
		info.desiredColor = sa.desiredColor;
//	public Texture2Dname texture2D = null; // used for enableInteraction;
//	public Transform moveTo;
		info.moveToName = sa.moveToName;
		info.offset = sa.offset; // offset from transform for move, in transform's reference frame
		info.orientation = sa.orientation;
		if (scriptToExecute != null)
			info.stringParam2 = scriptToExecute.name; //name is in
		info.ease = sa.ease;
		info.negate = sa.negate; // use to turn enable to disable, stop audio, etc.
		info.loop = sa.loop;
		info.waitForCompletion = sa.waitForCompletion; // signal complete after audio, fade, etc.
		info.sequenceEnd = sa.sequenceEnd;
		info.executeOnlyOnce = sa.executeOnlyOnce;
		info.block = sa.block;
		info.dialogIfThen = sa.dialogIfThen;
		info.breakpoint = false; // always clear when saving. sa.breakpoint;
		info.preAttributes = sa.preAttributes; // processed when the line is begun
		info.postAttributes = sa.postAttributes; // processed when the line completes
		info.stringParam2 = sa.stringParam2;
		info.stringParam3 = sa.stringParam3;
		info.stringParam4 = sa.stringParam4;
		info.attachmentOverride = sa.attachmentOverride;
		info.eventScript = sa.eventScript;
		info.voiceTag = sa.voiceTag;
		info.heading = sa.heading;
		info.speed = sa.speed;
		if (sa.gameMsgForm != null){
			info.gameMsgFormInfo = sa.gameMsgForm.ToInfo(sa.gameMsgForm);
//			info.gameMsg = sa.gameMsgForm.ToGameMsg(this); // how to handle message subclasses ?
			if (sa.gameMsgForm.map != null){
				info.map = sa.gameMsgForm.map.GetMap(); 
		if (sa.type==actionType.characterTask && sa.syncToTasks != null && sa.syncToTasks.Length > 0){
			info.syncToTasksIndex = new int[sa.syncToTasks.Length];
			for (int t = 0; t<sa.syncToTasks.Length; t++){
				if (sa.syncToTasks[t]==null){
					Debug.LogError("null sync task encountered in scripted action"+name);
					info.syncToTasksIndex[t] = sa.GetLineNumber();
					info.syncToTasksIndex[t] = sa.syncToTasks[t].GetLineNumber();
//	info.gameMsg = gameMsgForm.ToMessage();
		return info;