Exemplo n.º 1
 public string Compile(ScriptMetaData scriptMetaData, ref string script)
     // Convert script to CS
     string scriptCS = m_LSL2CS.Convert(ref script);
     // Use CS compiler to compile it
     return m_Compiler_CS.Compile(scriptMetaData, ref scriptCS);
Exemplo n.º 2
        public Result <List <ScriptMetaData> > ReadCld(string fileName)
            var data = Result.Ok()
                       .Ensure(() => File.Exists(fileName), "Checklist file " + fileName + " does not exist")
                       .OnSuccess(() =>
                using (var fs = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open))
                    using (var binRead = new BinaryReader(fs))
                        var returnValue = new List <ScriptMetaData>();
                        while (fs.Position < fs.Length)
                            var cldData = new ScriptMetaData
                                Key       = String.Empty,
                                Name      = binRead.ReadString(),
                                IsEnabled = binRead.ReadBoolean(),
                                Info      = String.Empty

Exemplo n.º 3
        private Script CreateTauntScript(bool isStroking)
            var lines = new List <string>

            if (!isStroking)

            lines.AddRange(new List <string>

            var metaData = new ScriptMetaData
                Info = "Endless loop where Domme taunts the sub until the sub edges",
                Name = "Taunt(Edge)",
                Key  = "Generated",

            return(new Script(metaData, lines));
Exemplo n.º 4
        public string Compile(ScriptMetaData scriptMetaData, ref string script)
            // Convert script to CS
            string scriptCS = m_LSL2CS.Convert(ref script);

            // Use CS compiler to compile it
            return(m_Compiler_CS.Compile(scriptMetaData, ref scriptCS));
Exemplo n.º 5
 public Result <Script> GetScript(ScriptMetaData metaData)
         return(Result.Ok(new Script(metaData, File.ReadAllLines(metaData.Key).ToList())));
     catch (Exception ex)
         return(Result.Fail <Script>(ex.Message));
Exemplo n.º 6
        public IScriptCompiler FindCompiler(ScriptMetaData scriptMetaData)
            string compiler = "Compiler_LSL";
            if (scriptMetaData.ContainsKey("Compiler"))
                compiler = scriptMetaData["Compiler"];

            lock (Compilers)
                if (!Compilers.ContainsKey(compiler))
                    throw new Exception("Requested script compiler \"" + compiler + "\" does not exist.");

                return Compilers[compiler];
Exemplo n.º 7
        private Result <ScriptMetaData> CreateScriptMetaData(string id)
            if (!File.Exists(id))
                return(Result.Fail <ScriptMetaData>(id + " does not exist please try again."));

            var script = new ScriptMetaData
                Name = Path.GetFileName(id).Replace(".txt", ""),
                Key  = id,
                Info = GetScriptInfo(id)

        public override Result <Session> PerformCommand(Session session, string line)
                   .Ensure(s => !s.Domme.WasGreeted, "Risky Pick cannot be started from the Games window when there is a session in progress!")
                   .Ensure(s => s.GameBoard == null, "A new Risky Pick game cannot be started until the current game is finished!")
                   // .Ensure(s => s.GameBoard.EdgesOwed == 0, "You still owe edges from your previous game!")
                   .Ensure(s => s.Sub.Purse[TokenDenomination.Bronze] >= RiskyPickCost, "It costs 100 Bronze Tokens to play Risky Pick!")
                   .Ensure(s => File.Exists(_pathsAccessor.RiskyPickScript), _pathsAccessor.RiskyPickScript + " was not found.")
                   .OnSuccess(s =>
                var smd = new ScriptMetaData
                    Key = _pathsAccessor.RiskyPickScript,
                    Info = "Risky Pick Game. Similar to Deal or No Deal",
                    IsEnabled = true,
                    Name = "Risky Pick Game"

                var script = new Script(smd, File.ReadAllLines(_pathsAccessor.RiskyPickScript));
                s.Sub.Purse[TokenDenomination.Bronze] = -RiskyPickCost;

                s.GameBoard = RiskyPickGameBoard.Create(GetRiskyPickCaseValues());

                OnCommandProcessed(s, script);

                //RiskyState = True
                //            mainWindow.ssh.RiskyDeal = True
                //            SetupRiskyPick()

                //            PlayRiskyPickButton.Text = ""
                //            PlayRiskyPickButton.Enabled = False

                //            mainWindow.ssh.StrokeTauntVal = -1

                //            If Directory.Exists(My.Settings.DomImageDir) AndAlso mainWindow.ssh.SlideshowLoaded Then
                //                mainWindow.LoadDommeImageFolder()
                //            End If
                //        s.BeginSession(script)
                return s;
Exemplo n.º 9
        public Result <List <ScriptMetaData> > ReadCld(string scriptHomeDir, string fileName)
            var data = Result.Ok()
                       .Ensure(() => File.Exists(fileName), "Checklist file " + fileName + " does not exist")
                       .OnSuccess(() =>
                using (var fs = new FileStream(fileName, FileMode.Open))
                    using (var binRead = new BinaryReader(fs))
                        var returnValue = ReadDirectory(scriptHomeDir);
                        while (fs.Position + 1 < fs.Length)
                            var name    = binRead.ReadString();
                            var key     = scriptHomeDir + name + ".txt";
                            var cldData = returnValue.FirstOrDefault(smd => smd.Key == key);
                            if (cldData == null)
                                cldData = new ScriptMetaData {
                                    Key = key
                            cldData.Key          = key;
                            cldData.Name         = name;
                            cldData.IsEnabled    = cldData.IsEnabled && binRead.ReadBoolean() && File.Exists(key);
                            cldData.Info         = string.Empty;
                            cldData.IsChastity   = name.ToLower().Contains("_chastity");
                            cldData.IsBeg        = name.ToLower().Contains("_beg");
                            cldData.IsEdge       = name.ToLower().Contains("_edge");
                            cldData.IsRestricted = name.ToLower().Contains("_restricted");

        //internal Dictionary<int, IScriptScheduler> ScriptMapping = new Dictionary<int, IScriptScheduler>();

        // We will handle script add, change and remove events outside of command pipeline
        #region Script Add/Change/Remove
        void Events_RezScript(uint localID, UUID itemID, string script, int startParam, bool postOnRez, string engine)
            // ###
            // # New script created
            // ###
                "[{0}] NEW SCRIPT: localID: {1}, itemID: {2}, startParam: {3}, postOnRez: {4}, engine: {5}",
                Name, localID, itemID, startParam, postOnRez, engine);

            // Make a script object
            ScriptStructure scriptObject = new ScriptStructure();

            scriptObject.RegionInfo = RegionInfo;
            scriptObject.LocalID    = localID;
            scriptObject.ItemID     = itemID;
            scriptObject.Source     = script;

            // Get MetaData from script header
            ScriptMetaData scriptMetaData = ScriptMetaData.Extract(ref script);

            scriptObject.ScriptMetaData = scriptMetaData;
            foreach (string key in scriptObject.ScriptMetaData.Keys)
                m_log.DebugFormat("[{0}] Script metadata: Key: \"{1}\", Value: \"{2}\".", Name, key, scriptObject.ScriptMetaData[key]);

            // Load this assembly
            // TODO: Use Executor to send a command instead?
            m_log.DebugFormat("[{0}] Adding script to scheduler", Name);
            // Add to our internal mapping
            //ScriptMapping.Add(itemID, Schedulers[scheduler]);
Exemplo n.º 11
        public IScriptScheduler FindScheduler(ScriptMetaData scriptMetaData)
            string scheduler = "Scheduler";
            if (scriptMetaData.ContainsKey("Scheduler"))
                scheduler = scriptMetaData["Scheduler"];

            lock (Schedulers)
                if (!Schedulers.ContainsKey(scheduler))
                    throw new Exception("Requested script scheduler \"" + scheduler + "\" does not exist.");

            return Schedulers[scheduler];
Exemplo n.º 12
        public string Compile(ScriptMetaData data, ref string _script)
            // Add "using", "inherit", default constructor, etc around script.
            string script = PreProcessScript(ref _script);

            // Get filename based on content
            string md5Sum = System.Convert.ToBase64String(

            // Unique name for this assembly
            ScriptAssemblyName = "SECS_Script_" + FileNameFixer.Replace(md5Sum, "_");

            string OutFile = Path.Combine(ScriptEnginesPath, ScriptAssemblyName + ".dll");

            // Make sure target dir exist
            if (!Directory.Exists(ScriptEnginesPath))
                try { Directory.CreateDirectory(ScriptEnginesPath); }
                catch { }

            // Already exist? No point in recompiling
            if (File.Exists(OutFile))

            // Dump source code
            string dumpFile = OutFile + ".txt";

                if (File.Exists(dumpFile))
                File.WriteAllText(dumpFile, script);
            catch (Exception e)
                m_log.DebugFormat("[{0}] Exception trying to dump script source code to file \"{1}\": {2}", Name, dumpFile, e.ToString());

            // COMPILE

            CompilerParameters parameters = new CompilerParameters();

            parameters.IncludeDebugInformation = true;
            //string rootPath = Path.GetDirectoryName(AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory);

            foreach (string file in AppDomainAssemblies)
                m_log.DebugFormat("[{0}] Adding reference for compile: \"{1}\".", Name, file);
            //lock (commandProvider)
            //    foreach (string key in commandProvider.Keys)
            //    {
            //        IScriptCommandProvider cp = commandProvider[key];
            //            string
            //        file = cp.GetType().Assembly.Location;
            //        parameters.ReferencedAssemblies.Add(file);
            //        m_log.DebugFormat("[{0}] Loading command provider assembly \"{1}\" into AppDomain: \"{2}\".", Name,
            //                          key, file);
            //    }

            parameters.GenerateExecutable      = false;
            parameters.OutputAssembly          = OutFile;
            parameters.IncludeDebugInformation = true;
            //parameters.WarningLevel = 1; // Should be 4?
            parameters.TreatWarningsAsErrors = false;

            // Do compile
            CompilerResults results = CompileProvider.CompileAssemblyFromSource(parameters, script);

            // WARNINGS AND ERRORS
            int display = 5;

            if (results.Errors.Count > 0)
                string errtext = String.Empty;
                foreach (CompilerError CompErr in results.Errors)
                    // Show 5 errors max
                    if (display <= 0)

                    string severity = "Error";
                    if (CompErr.IsWarning)
                        severity = "Warning";

                    //TODO: Implement
                    KeyValuePair <int, int> lslPos = new KeyValuePair <int, int>();

                    //lslPos = "NOT IMPLEMENTED";// FindErrorPosition(CompErr.Line, CompErr.Column);

                    string text = CompErr.ErrorText;

                    // The Second Life viewer's script editor begins
                    // countingn lines and columns at 0, so we subtract 1.
                    errtext += String.Format("Line ({0},{1}): {4} {2}: {3}\n",
                                             lslPos.Key - 1, lslPos.Value - 1,
                                             CompErr.ErrorNumber, text, severity);

                if (!File.Exists(OutFile))
                    throw new Exception(errtext);

            // TODO: Process errors