static void Main(string[] args) { // Create instances from namespace Geometry2D Point2D point2D = new Point2D(); Circle circle = new Circle(); DistanceCalculator2D distance2D = new DistanceCalculator2D(); Ellipse ellipse = new Ellipse(); Figure2D figure2D = new Figure2D(); Polygon polygon = new Polygon(); Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle(); Square square = new Square(); // Create instances from namespace Geometry3D DistanceCalculator3D distance3D = new DistanceCalculator3D(); Path3D path3D = new Path3D(); Point3D point3D = new Point3D(); // Create instances from namespace Storage GeometryBinaryStorage binaryStorage = new GeometryBinaryStorage(); GeometrySVGStorage svgStorage = new GeometrySVGStorage(); GeometryXMLStorage xmlStorage = new GeometryXMLStorage(); // Create instances from namespace UI Screen2D screen2D = new Screen2D(); Screen3D screen3D = new Screen3D(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Point2D point2d = new Point2D(); Point3D point3d = new Point3D(); Screen2D screen2d = new Screen2D(); GeometrySVGStorage svgStorage = new GeometrySVGStorage(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Circle circle = new Circle(); DistanceCalculator2D dist = new DistanceCalculator2D(); Elipse elipse = new Elipse(); Figure2D figure = new Figure2D(); Point2D point = new Point2D(); Polygon plygon = new Polygon(); Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle(); Square square = new Square(); Console.WriteLine(); Point3D point3D = new Point3D(); Path3D path = new Path3D(); DistanceCalculator3D dist3D = new DistanceCalculator3D(); Console.WriteLine(); GeometryBinaryStorage gbStorage = new GeometryBinaryStorage(); GeometrySVGStorage gsStorage = new GeometrySVGStorage(); GeometryXMLStorage gxStorage = new GeometryXMLStorage(); Console.WriteLine(); Screen2D sc2D = new Screen2D(); Screen3D sc3D = new Screen3D(); }
private void OnTriggerExit(Collider other) { if (other.tag == "Player") { lastScreen = GetLastScreen(); Scene2DManager.instance.DisableCurrentScene(); } }
static void Main(string[] args) { Circle circle = new Circle(); Path3D path = new Path3D(); GeometryBinaryStorage gbs = new GeometryBinaryStorage(); Screen2D screen = new Screen2D(); Screen3D screen1 = new Screen3D(); }
private void ExchangeScenes(Transform child) { Debug.Log("exchange scenes"); Debug.Log("child.GetComponent<Screen2DJoin>().currentJoinScreen" + child.GetComponent <Screen2DJoin>().currentJoinScreen); if (child.GetComponent <Screen2DJoin>().currentJoinScreen != null) { DisableCurrentScene(); currentSceneActive = child.GetComponentInChildren <Screen2DJoin>().currentJoinScreen.GetComponentInParent <Screen2D>(); EnableCurrentScene(); } }
static void Main() { //Geo 2D Point2D a = new Point2D(); Rectangle b = new Rectangle(); //UI Screen2D c = new Screen2D(); //Geo 3D Point3D g = new Point3D(); //Geo Storage GeometryXMLStorage r = new GeometryXMLStorage(); }
/** Closes the open screen. */ public void CloseScreen() { if(_openScreen) { _openScreen.Close(); _openScreen = null; } else { Debug.Log("No Screen2D Open."); } }
/** Closes the Screen with the specified id. */ public void CloseScreen(int id) { if( == id) { _openScreen.Close(); _openScreen = null; } else { screens[id].Close(); } }
private Screen2D GetLastScreen() { Screen2D last = null; foreach (Screen2D screen in screensInRegion) { if (screen == Scene2DManager.instance.currentSceneActive) { last = screen; } } return(last); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Circle circle = new Circle(); Ellipse ellipse = new Ellipse(); Figure2D figure2D = new Figure2D(); Point2D point = new Point2D(); DistanceCalcualtor2D distanceCalcualtor = new DistanceCalcualtor2D(); Polygon polygon = new Polygon(); Rectangle rectangle = new Rectangle(); Square square = new Square(); DistanceCalculator3D distanceCalculator3D = new DistanceCalculator3D(); Point3D path3D = new Point3D(); Point3D point3D = new Point3D(); Screen2D screen2D = new Screen2D(); Screen3D screen3D = new Screen3D(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { //GEOMETRY //2D NAMESPACE Point2D point2D = new Point2D(); //3D NAMESPACE Point3D point3D = new Point3D(); //STORAGE NAMESPACE GeometryBinaryStorage binStorage = new GeometryBinaryStorage(); //UI NAMESPACE Screen2D screen2D = new Screen2D(); Screen3D screen3D = new Screen3D(); }
static void Main() { Point2D a = new Point2D(); Figure2D b = new Figure2D(); Square c = new Square(); Rectangle d = new Rectangle(); Circle e = new Circle(); Elipse f = new Elipse(); DistanceCalculator2D g = new DistanceCalculator2D(); Point3D h = new Point3D(); Path3D i = new Path3D(); DistanceCalculator3D j = new DistanceCalculator3D(); GeometryBinaryStorage k = new GeometryBinaryStorage(); GeometrySVGStorage l = new GeometrySVGStorage(); GeometryXMLStorage m = new GeometryXMLStorage(); Screen2D n = new Screen2D(); Screen3D o = new Screen3D(); }
static void Main() { Circle circle = new Circle(); Ellipse ellipse = new Ellipse(); DistanceCalculator2D calc2D = new DistanceCalculator2D(); Figure2D figure2D = new Figure2D(); Point2D p2D = new Point2D(); Polygon polygon = new Polygon(); Rectangle rect = new Rectangle(); Square square = new Square(); Console.WriteLine(); DistanceCalculator3D calc3D = new DistanceCalculator3D(); Path3D path = new Path3D(); Point3D p3D = new Point3D(); GeometrySVGStorage geometrySVGStorage = new GeometrySVGStorage(); GeometryXMLStorage geometryXMLStorage = new GeometryXMLStorage(); GeometryBinaryStorage geometryBinaryStorage = new GeometryBinaryStorage(); Screen2D scr2D = new Screen2D(); Screen3D scr3D = new Screen3D(); }
/** Hook called when a Screen2D opens. */ public virtual void ScreenDidOpen(Screen2D screen) { }
/** Hook called when a Screen2D expands. */ public virtual void ScreenDidExpand(Screen2D screen) { }
/** Hook called when a Screen2D collapse. */ public virtual void ScreenDidCollapse(Screen2D screen) { }
/** Hook called when a Screen2D closes. */ public virtual void ScreenDidClose(Screen2D screen) { }
/** This stores the screen with the provided id so that you can open it later. Call this method when closing a screen so that */ public void QueueScreen(int id) { foreach(Screen2D screen in screens) { if( == id) { _queuedScreen = screen; return; } } Debug.Log("No Screen2D with id " + id + " exists. Did you add it to the Array in your Screen2DManager?"); }
/** This will bypass transitions if you aren't using them. This should be your alternative to Launch(). Sets the provided Screen2D screen as the open screen and calls OpenWithCustomTransition() on it. */ public void OpenScreenWithCustomTransition(Screen2D screen) { _openScreen = screen; _openScreen.OpenWithCustomTransition(); }
static void Main(string[] args) { Screen2D kappa = new Screen2D(); }
/** Launch is where your menu should begin. This effectively opens your menu. If there is no screen currently deamed open, it assigns the default screen to open and calls Screen2D.Open on it, */ public void Launch() { if(!openScreen && _default) _openScreen = _default; else throw new System.Exception("Screen2DManager cannot launch. No open screen, no default."); _openScreen.Open(); }
/** Opens the queued screen if there is one by calling Screen2D.Open() */ public void OpenQueuedScreen() { if(_queuedScreen) { _queuedScreen.Open(); _openScreen = _queuedScreen; _queuedScreen = null; return; } Debug.Log("No queued screen!"); }
/** Opens the queued screen if there is one, but unlike OpenQueuedScreen, this calls Screen2D.OpenWithCustomTransition() */ public void OpenQueuedScreenCustom() { if(_queuedScreen) { _queuedScreen.OpenWithCustomTransition(); _openScreen = _queuedScreen; _queuedScreen = null; return; } Debug.Log("No queued screen!"); }
/** Opens the screen with the specified id. */ public void OpenScreen(int id) { foreach(Screen2D screen in screens) { if( == id) { if(_openScreen == screen) return; screen.Open(); _openScreen = screen; return; } } Debug.Log("No Screen2D with id " + id + " exists. Did you add it to the Array in your Screen2DManager?"); }
private void Awake() { lastScreen = firstScreen; }