Exemplo n.º 1
        public void Test_Arrow_PixelOffset()
            var plt = new ScottPlot.Plot(400, 300);

            plt.AddPoint(1, 2, size: 20);
            plt.AddPoint(3, 4, size: 20);

            // initial plot
            var arrow = plt.AddArrow(1, 2, 3, 4);

            plt.Margins(.5, .5);
            var bmp1 = TestTools.GetLowQualityBitmap(plt);

            // adjust something
            arrow.PixelOffsetX = 20;
            arrow.PixelOffsetY = -20;
            var bmp2 = TestTools.GetLowQualityBitmap(plt);

            // measure what changed
            //TestTools.SaveFig(bmp1, "1");
            //TestTools.SaveFig(bmp2, "2");
            var before = new MeanPixel(bmp1);
            var after  = new MeanPixel(bmp2);

Exemplo n.º 2
        public void Test_AxisSpan_AutoAxisRespected(bool ignore)
            // plot with small data in the center
            var plt = new ScottPlot.Plot();

            plt.AddPoint(-10, -10);
            plt.AddPoint(10, 10);
            var limits1 = plt.GetAxisLimits();

            // large data
            var span1 = plt.AddVerticalSpan(-999, 999);
            var span2 = plt.AddHorizontalSpan(-999, 999);

            span1.IgnoreAxisAuto = ignore;
            span2.IgnoreAxisAuto = ignore;
            var limits2 = plt.GetAxisLimits();

            if (ignore)
                Assert.AreEqual(limits1, limits2);
                Assert.AreNotEqual(limits1, limits2);
Exemplo n.º 3
        public void Test_Text_Alignment()
            ScottPlot.Alignment[] alignments = (ScottPlot.Alignment[])Enum.GetValues(typeof(ScottPlot.Alignment));

            var plt = new ScottPlot.Plot(400, 300);

            for (int i = 0; i < alignments.Length; i++)
                double frac = (double)i / alignments.Length;
                double x    = Math.Sin(frac * Math.PI * 2);
                double y    = Math.Cos(frac * Math.PI * 2);

                var txt = plt.AddText(alignments[i].ToString(), x, y);
                txt.Alignment       = alignments[i];
                txt.Font.Color      = System.Drawing.Color.Black;;
                txt.BackgroundColor = System.Drawing.Color.LightSteelBlue;
                txt.BackgroundFill  = true;
                txt.Rotation        = 5;
                txt.BorderSize      = 2;
                txt.BorderColor     = System.Drawing.Color.Navy;

                plt.AddPoint(x, y, System.Drawing.Color.Black);

            plt.Margins(.5, .2);
Exemplo n.º 4
        public void Test_AxisAuto_Works()
            var plt = new ScottPlot.Plot(400, 300);

            plt.AddPoint(-5, -5);
            plt.AddPoint(5, 5);

            // set limits too small
            plt.SetAxisLimits(-1, 1, -1, 1);
            var limits1 = plt.GetAxisLimits();

            // autoAxis should make them bigger
            var limits2 = plt.GetAxisLimits();

            Assert.Less(limits2.XMin, limits1.XMin);
            Assert.Greater(limits2.XMax, limits1.XMax);
            Assert.Less(limits2.YMin, limits1.YMin);
            Assert.Greater(limits2.YMax, limits1.YMax);
Exemplo n.º 5
        public void Test_TextRotationAlignment_LowerRight()
            var plt = new ScottPlot.Plot(400, 300);

            int[] rotations = { 0, 90, -90, 180 };
            for (int i = 0; i < rotations.Length; i++)
                string label = $"Rot{rotations[i]}";
                double x     = i / 2;
                double y     = i % 2;
                var    txt   = plt.AddText(label, x, y);
                txt.Rotation  = rotations[i];
                txt.Alignment = ScottPlot.Alignment.LowerRight;
                txt.Font.Size = 24;
                plt.AddPoint(x, y, Color.Red, size: 5);
            plt.AxisAuto(.5, .5);
Exemplo n.º 6
        public void Test_TextRotationAlignment_LowerRight()
            var plt = new ScottPlot.Plot(400, 300);

            int[] rotations = { 0, 90, -90, 180 };
            for (int i = 0; i < rotations.Length; i++)
                string label = $"Rot{rotations[i]}";
                double x     = i / 2;
                double y     = i % 2;
                plt.PlotText(label, x, y, Color.Black,
                             rotation: rotations[i],
                             alignment: ScottPlot.Alignment.LowerRight,
                             fontSize: 24,
                             frame: true,
                             frameColor: Color.LightGray);
                plt.AddPoint(x, y, Color.Red, size: 5);
            plt.AxisAuto(.5, .5);
Exemplo n.º 7
        public void Test_ImageRotationAlignment_LowerRight()
            var plt = new ScottPlot.Plot(400, 300);

            System.Drawing.Bitmap image = ScottPlot.DataGen.SampleImage();

            int[] rotations = { 0, 90, -90, 180 };
            for (int i = 0; i < rotations.Length; i++)
                double x   = i / 2;
                double y   = i % 2;
                var    img = plt.AddImage(image, x, y);
                img.Rotation    = rotations[i];
                img.Alignment   = ScottPlot.Alignment.LowerRight;
                img.BorderColor = Color.LightGray;
                img.BorderSize  = 5;
                plt.AddPoint(x, y, Color.Red, size: 5);
            plt.AxisAuto(.5, .5);
Exemplo n.º 8
        public void Test_ImageRotationAlignment_LowerRight()
            var plt = new ScottPlot.Plot(400, 300);

            System.Drawing.Bitmap image = ScottPlot.DataGen.SampleImage();

            int[] rotations = { 0, 90, -90, 180 };
            for (int i = 0; i < rotations.Length; i++)
                double x = i / 2;
                double y = i % 2;
                plt.PlotBitmap(bitmap: image,
                               x, y,
                               rotation: rotations[i],
                               alignment: ScottPlot.Alignment.LowerRight,
                               frameColor: Color.LightGray,
                               frameSize: 5);
                plt.AddPoint(x, y, Color.Red, size: 5);
            plt.AxisAuto(.5, .5);
Exemplo n.º 9
        public void Test_ImageScale()
            var plt = new ScottPlot.Plot(800, 600);

            System.Drawing.Bitmap image = ScottPlot.DataGen.SampleImage();

            float[] scales = { 0.2f, 0.5f, 1f, 1.5f };
            for (int i = 0; i < scales.Length; i++)
                double x   = i / 2;
                double y   = i % 2;
                var    img = plt.AddImage(image, x, y);
                img.Scale       = scales[i];
                img.Rotation    = 30;
                img.Alignment   = ScottPlot.Alignment.LowerRight;
                img.BorderColor = Color.LightGray;
                img.BorderSize  = 5;
                plt.AddPoint(x, y, Color.Red, size: 5);
            plt.AxisAuto(.5, .5);
Exemplo n.º 10
        public void Test_Mel_Graph()
            int    specPoints = 4096;
            double maxFreq    = 50_000;
            double maxMel     = 2595 * Math.Log10(1 + maxFreq / 700);

            Random rand = new Random(1);

            double[] freq  = ScottPlot.DataGen.Consecutive(specPoints, maxFreq / specPoints);
            double[] power = ScottPlot.DataGen.RandomWalk(rand, specPoints, .02, .5);

            var plt1 = new ScottPlot.Plot(800, 300);

            plt1.AddScatter(freq, power, markerSize: 0);

            int filterSize = 25;

            // generate scales
            double[] pointsLinear = new double[filterSize + 1];
            double[] pointsMel    = new double[filterSize + 1];
            for (int i = 0; i < filterSize + 1; i++)
                double thisFreq = maxFreq * i / filterSize;
                double thisMel  = maxMel * i / filterSize;
                pointsLinear[i] = thisFreq;
                pointsMel[i]    = 700 * (Math.Pow(10, thisMel / 2595d) - 1);

            // draw rectangles
            double[] binStartFreqs = pointsMel;
            for (int binIndex = 0; binIndex < binStartFreqs.Length - 2; binIndex++)
                double freqLow    = binStartFreqs[binIndex];
                double freqCenter = binStartFreqs[binIndex + 1];
                double freqHigh   = binStartFreqs[binIndex + 2];

                var sctr = plt1.AddScatter(
                    xs: new double[] { freqLow, freqCenter, freqHigh },
                    ys: new double[] { 0, 1, 0 },
                    markerSize: 0, lineWidth: 2);

                int indexLow  = (int)(specPoints * freqLow / maxFreq);
                int indexHigh = (int)(specPoints * freqHigh / maxFreq);
                int indexSpan = indexHigh - indexLow;
                Console.WriteLine($"bin {binIndex}: [{freqLow} Hz - {freqHigh} Hz] = [{indexLow}:{indexHigh}]");

                double binValue    = 0;
                double binScaleSum = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < indexSpan; i++)
                    double frac = (double)i / indexSpan;
                    frac         = (frac < .5) ? frac * 2 : 1 - frac;
                    binScaleSum += frac;
                    binValue    += power[indexLow + i] * frac;
                binValue /= binScaleSum;
                plt1.AddPoint(freqCenter, binValue, sctr.Color, 10);
